Little Dorrit Vol.1 f.019 recto
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Any initial text supplied is derived from the Gutenberg version of the published novel. Please amend or add to it as necessary, using the transcription conventions listed below:
- Spelling: Always use original spelling.
- Capitalization: Always use original capitalization.
- Punctuation: Include any punctuation that may be present in the original document.
- Underlining: Dickens's use of underlining is very idiosyncratic. Use <mark>text</mark> to indicate heavy underlining, for example at the beginning of chapters.
- Line Breaks: Hit
once to mark the end of a line. - Paragraphs: Hit
twice to mark the beginning of a new paragraph. - Indentations: Ignore any indentation at the beginning of a new paragraph.
- Deletions: Where a letter, word or phrase has been deleted or struck through, use <s>text</s>.
- Insertions: Include the text of any manuscript additions at the place where Dickens intended it to be inserted, using <ins>text</ins>. For legibility, leave a space between this and any other preceding or following text. Do not attempt to include any symbols or lines he may also have employed.
- Illegible text: Indicate illegible readings in single square brackets, with question marks and spaces to indicate the approximate number of characters or words:
or [?? the ????] - References to other texts: Some pages include references to other related versions of the text, in square brackets. e.g. [LD Proofs Vol.1 f.017] . Please leave these as is.
- Discrepancies: Tag any other discrepancies between the manuscript and the published text, using <strong>variant text</strong>. Examples include words that appear in the text supplied, but do not appear in the original manuscript. (The text appears in a larger font in preview mode)
- Specific notes: Where necessary, you can include a note to give more information at a specific point, using <!--text note--> e.g. <strong>burning</strong> <!--published text = boiling--> (The note does not display in preview mode)
- General notes: You can also provide general notes and comments about the page in the Notes box at the bottom of the screen e.g. This page includes text in another hand