Page 005 No.6 Chapters 19-22




Status: Complete

[left column]

Fanny Dorrit?
The Theatre? Yes
Her uncle? Yes

[The above three lines are bracketed together, followed by the 2 affirmatives]

Start from the Marshalsea, carrying on from last No.? Yes

Miss Wade? No

Lagnier? No.

Flora Casby?


[bracket shows the following line refers to preceding two lines]

No. Hold over.

[Left column ends, Right column begins]

(Little Dorrit ——————————————- No. VI.)

Chapter XIX.

The Father of the Marshalsea in two or three relations.

The two brothers. ==

Condense, if possible, the whole fatherly character
Scene with the father and daughter
You have never seen me

“ No no, I have never seen him in my life!”

Chapter XX.

Moving in Society.

Family Pride

The Theatre / Indistinctly seen, as Little Dorrit saw it
Now Ladies — Now Darlings

Uncle in the Orchestra. Sunk from the upper sky.
Mrs Merdle — Bosom — Society, Society, Society.

The Shadow of the Marshalsea
on whom?


Chapter XXI.

Mr Merdle’s Complaint.

People like the houses they Inhabit - Suppose a dinner party of houses

Still Society - always Society - Everything for Society
Dinner and reception - Society there - Treasury, Admiralty, Church, Bar,

Physic / The Physician and Mr Merdle's mysterious complaint (, to wit:

Forgery Fraud & Forgery

bye & bye

Young Sparkler

Shadow continued

Chapter XXII.

Conference[s?] A puzzle

Mrs. Chivery - "Since in this house I have been," construction
Our John sits among the linen disconsolate — Says its like Groves.
Dawn of Little Dorrit’s love love for Arthur — Maggy -

The shadow of the Marshalsea Wall

[end of right column]

Notes and Questions

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Douglas Dodds

Written in brown ink (faded from black) throughout