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District No. I.

Jebel el-A'la October 25, 1899


Town near northern end of the
Jebel el'-Ala near the summit of one
of the lower hills. ^ 100 ^ Still inhabited.
Slopes toward S.W. Remains not
extensive but of high artistic value.
Three buildings preserve a good portion
of their superstructure - qaṣr esh-shargῑ,
(qaṣr el-garbi, qaṣr esh-shimāli) a fourth, which is traceable only
in plan and in a low doorway, seems
to have been a church - curved apse,
oriented -

The first building as you approach
from the N.W. is a simple square
tower in two stories of excellent
workmanship, with flat pilasters at the angles and
small windows provided with simple pilaster
jambs. The arch which now spans the 2nd
story is Saracenic but the building itself
is of Roman origin.

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