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p. LI

included both places for the doors which led to the [...]
are called [...], and not [...]. Above the gates of
the κογχή stood the [...] i.e. [...] or screen. The κογχή-
βήμά portion of the church was approached by three steps called
[...] and on each side of them was the bench-shaped wall
called [...] = [...].

Below the κογχή - βήμά was the [...] i.e. γάος [...] which was
set apart for the performance of choral services by the monks
and into which the laity were not allowed to enter. In the γάος
stood two lecterns; from that on the south-side the [...] or extract
from the Old Testament or from the Acts of the Apostles was read by the deacon,
and from that on the north the [...] or extracts from the Epistles of St.
Paul by the sub-deacon. The γάος , or place of the choir of the monastery
or chancel, was raised the height of one step above the remaining
portion of the floor at the west end of the church (like the ancient Σωλέα), and was
divided from it by gates ([...]), over which curtains were hung
([...]) [ a part of the [...] γάος, or all of it, probably formed the [...] place of
the service of Thomas of Margâ. That it must have been near the [...] or martyrium
we know from [WR VI], chap 7.]

Below the [...] in that portion of the church called by the Greeks[...]
sat the male portion of the laity, and on the south or north side, or on both,
but separated from the [...] by a lattice or grating, was the [...] or place
set apart for women [In the larger churches the women also sat in galleries].

p.LII In the south-east corner, in the κογχή - βήμά stood a smaller altar, dedicated
to some saint, and close by stood the font; in or near this corner
was the [...] or place of bapism. In the north-east corner
was a chamber called [...] "house of the saints" or [...]
"house of the martyrs", where the monks were buried; a door

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