{page 9 Insert 3]
on its west side led into the [...] or place where the
after - supper service was said. The martyrium of Bêth 'Abhê
contained a casket in which were preserved the relics of
some of the Apostles which Isho'yalbh II had stolen
from Antioch, and in it were buried five metropolitans and
eighteen bishops. Where Isho'yalbh II built the second church
at Bêth 'Abhê their bodies were not disturbed but where his
namesake built the third church a century later they were
removed to the library temporarily.
In front of the church was a portico [...] i.e. στοα
which usually extended along the entire length of the front
of the church; the space between the pillars or supports of its
roof was called [...] "the place of pillars," and the portion
of the church immediately inside the west wall was called
[...] or the place where the office for the night was sung.
[3. The positions of these places are indicated by Thomas, who tells
us that as Rabban Cyracus was going into the portico from the temple,
and as Sergius was going into the temple from the colonnade,
they met each other in the "place of the watchers" i.e. [...]
vol. II p. 431]
( To be noted that vol. II p. 341, annot. 2, Budge says:
κατα στρώμα ["tiled pavement"] is the whole area of the church before the [...]
not the place where the seats of the clergy stand, and was the raised or built up
floor of the choir upon which the altar of sacrifice [...] stood. The [...] also
included the "steps of the apse," and its pediment was three steps above the pavement of the rest of the church".)
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