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Long upright monoliths are employed
as square pillars in the colonnades, these
are often provided with sq. moulded cap
and again are perfectly plain. The
architrave, where a cap is used is
also moulded, where the pier is plain
it is but a simple beam of stone.

Again a series of long narrow blocks
are laid side by side between walls or
rows of columns to form the floor of the
upper story. Besides these purely
architectural uses we find other
employment was made of these great blocks as
mangers, water basins, drinking troughs,
wellcurbs, press-weights and rollers, and
that the whole town now represents a
mass of dressed blocks of the same kind
of stone with an infinite variety of purposes.

Other material does not exist in the ruins
all blends into the rocky broken surface
of the desert mountain side, and nowhere

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