material could have been used except
wood for the beams of the roofs
Beside this megalithic mode of building
two others existed in Barîsh on a much
smaller scale, one a sort of rough
polygonal style, employed
for walls of less important structures, often
in construction with the large cut blocks,
and the other a more highly developed
style in which the arch is the principal
feature. A single example of this style
is preserved in a small house near the
centre of the village. This structure is only
35 x 18 ft outside measurement, the walls are
built of heavy blocks of dressed stone.
The plan of the ground story, which is partly
excavated into the sloping hillside, consists
of two chambers - the first is entered
from the North by a narrow doorway in the
end of the building. Within, this room
divided longitudinally by two sets of arches
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