originally consealed by the wall of the
apse which was carried up to the level
of the crown of the semi dome.
The roofing slabs of the aisles were
pointed along their edges in a manner
to withstand weather and secure solidity.
This is seen in the moulded, projecting
ends as seen in the sketch.
These portions illustrate the indigenous
style of building - The Roman influence
is manifest in the broad arches
with richly ornamented archivolts, in
the carved caps of the piers and the
pilasters which flank the apse.
The windows are rectangular within
but on the exterior a moulding in
arch form is executed upon the lintel.
The exterior engaged col's of the apse
are excellent types of debased Corinthian
order. All the ornaments of the
highest interest - a squeeze was
taken of a window frame in E. end of S.
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