


Status: Indexed



to the south of the palace is of interest, it
is a broad level square cut in the living
rock into the rising ground south of the
main structure. At the southern side a sort
of fractured roadway or ramp is also
cut out of the rock, leading from the level
of the courtyard to that of the rising ground.

Within this square excavation a deep
gutter runs all the way around the
court at a distance of several feet
from the walls. In the centre a raised
platform covers a large cistern.+

Tomb. The rock cut tomb from the palace
is of special interest from the inscription
and date which it bears. The tomb was that
of Claudius Sosander a governor of the
province and the date fixes the building
of the tomb in the year (blank).

A squeeze, copy and photographs were
made plus insc by W.K.P It was just
published by de Vogüé

+see photo

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