Ḳaṣr el-Gharbî October 30, 1899
To the west from Ma'sarti, a town which we
visited on the 31st and which will be described
on the following pages, lie three detached
ruins which we visited returning from
Beshindelâya via Ma'sarti. Of these,
Ḳaṣr il-Gharbī is the most important -
This was a huge mortuary chamber built
entirely above ground, in two stories, and
surrounded by colonnades of megalithic piers.
The chamber measures 15ft. 9in. x 24ft
inside - Its walls are 3ft. 5in. thick, it
is entered on one side and one end by
arched doorways. The walls on the
interior are occupied by arcosolia and
their sarcophagi, on either side of
each doorway, three in the east wall
and two on the south - nine in all. ^ Over each tomb a † formation ^
Between the tombs are niches for water
or ornaments. The second story had
small windows and a door opening out
upon the roof of the colonnades.
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