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Beshindelinti October 31, 1899

On the way to Ma'sarti we ^ G & B ^ visited this small
ruined town now occupied by a few Druses
There are here remains of two important
buildings and a confused mass of less
extensive structures. That at the S.E. portion
of the ruins preserved a colonnaded portico +
or atrium within the front (east) wall.
At the south end of the portico is a square
chamber, at the other end a long vaulted
chamber at [...] to the colonnade. Adjoining
this to the north another room with a gable
toward the east. Small traces of walls
running west can be found but not
sufficient to give a further plan.

The colonnade consists of three columns, 2
pilasters and a cornice above an architrave.
The columns have plain monolithic shafts
^ with ^ one debased Ionic and two debased Corin. (sic-corinthian).
capitals. + The caps of the pilasters are
of the simplest moulded style.

(+) see photo

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