District II. Djebel Berîsha
On leaving Kalb Lauzi we quitted
the Djebel el A'la, crossed the narrow valley
and began our work upon the towns of
the Djebel Berîsha, making our first
camp at Bashmishli the northernmost
inhabited village of the mountain range.
En route we stopped at Bānaḳfûr
a ruined town about half the way up
the mountain, well placed on the western
slope with a fine prospect to the N.W.
From this point we saw many of the
towns on the opposite Djebel which we
had visited and saw one which we had
not heard of - This we shall visit before
moving southward in the Djebel Barisha
At Bānaḳfûr we found much of interest
the church? which de Vogüé noted and
ruins of several large buildings and some
interesting tombs.
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