On the second we came to Bashmishli
by way of Dêḥes, which will be visited later,
and camped near the mohammeden
village built among the ancient ruins.
The following day we visited three towns.
Tomb. First, Bamuḳḳa, only ten minutes
walk to the N. W. of Bashmishli. On the
way we passed a large rock-cut tomb
very like the great tomb of Claudius Sosander
at Beshindelâya - here however the
super structure is preserved in large part.
There is first an open excavated
chamber with steps leading down to the facade
of the tomb which consists of two Doric
columns, 2 pilasters and a moulded
architrave all cut from the rock.
There is no insc, but in the centre of the
architrave is a well executed wreath.
Behind the facade is a large
chamber surrounded with arcosolia with
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