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Bāshakûḥ November 3, 1899

This ruin is situated on the crest of a hill
about fifteen minutes walk W. of Bashmishli
It is absolutely deserted and overgrown but
a number of its houses are well preserved.

As we approached the town from the east we
came upon a group of ruined buildings,
two or three connected and three detached.
It is impossible to determine the plan from
the pile of dilapidated stonework but this
group seems to have been a monastery.
Adjoining the largest structure, which may
have been the church is a square
chamber, with ornamented portal sculpture
in the walls of which are tombs, arcosolia
with broken sarcophagi. One of the small sq.
detached buildings has a large single-stone
shed projecting over the portal and remains
within of tombs and niches. These ruins,
so far as we were able to discover, were
the only ecclesiastical buildings of Bāshakûḥ

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