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The doorways opening upon the upper
and lower colonnades are usually two,
provided with some sort of ornamental
lintel or symbolic discs.

Panels. Between the columns of the upper story
are rectangular panels, of single blocks,
moulded all round and often decorated
with symbols in the center of the panels.

This double colonnaded style with decorated
panels was rare in the Djebel el A'la, one
house in Kfêr ^ (p. 23) ^ being the only well preserved
example and two houses in Ḳirḳ Bêzā ^ (p. 18) ^
showing the only other traces of it.

The second style is represented by several
houses of different plans and dimentions.
A large house on the S.W. of two tall
stories, has an enclosed portico or atrium
extending the full width of the house
with two doorways in its front wall and
a row of good sized windows in the second
story ^ (ain.|am.) ^ with curved lintels. Behind this

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