This deserted ruined town is not more
than half an hour N.W. of Bashmishli.
It is on the very edge of the hill side that
descends steeply toward the North ^ and East ^ above
Khirbel el-Khaṭîb. The major part of the
ruins are on the top of a rocky knoll. In a
little valley west of the town are a number
of residences and on the slope of the opposite
hill a number more.
The prevailing style of architecture is
megalithic, tho' a number of elegant portals
show the influence here of richer styles.
All the building stones are of uncommonly
large size. On the crest of the knoll rises
the large and well-reserved portal of a
small building built of gigantic blocks,
the walls being double faced, this portal
has a deep cornice quite classic in
character with brackets and heavy mouldings.
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