Khirbet Tezîn November 4, 1899
This town is one of the northernmost of
the Djebel Berîsha. It is situated on the
southern slope of one of the highest foothills
at the extremity of the range.
Little is left of the town but the church,
which is well preserved. The houses, most
of which were in plain quadrated style, have
fallen completely to ruin.
Church 584 A.D. The church was of simple plan but of
fair dimentions. Most of the outer walls
are standing and the arch of the apse
is still in place, a door to the north and
one to the south * still exist with richly
decorated lintels and the west front, * with
its fine portal and four round topped
windows, is almost intact. The cornice
of the west portal is decorated with a fine
design of conventional foliage ornament.
1st date. The uppermost member bears an
inscription giving the date ^ 584 A.D. (W.K.P. no.10)^ of the building of the church*
Over the windows is the ordinary looped moulding.
*see photos
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