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[Ḳaṣr Iblîsū]] November 4, 1899

West of Khirbet Tezîn about ten minutes
walk is another ruined town whose
well preserved church stands out a
conspicuous object in the landscape.

The town is much dilapidated. The
walls of its houses being mostly of rough
polygonal stonework double faced and
filled with clay, only the door and window
frames having been of cut stone.

But the little church is a really interesting
monument. It has the simplest ground
plan - rectangular, without division into
aisles, an arch thrown across the apse
which has chambers on either side entered
from the church by small doorways, one
with curved, the other with flat top, and
^ divided from ^ the apse by a heavy
rectangular pier on either side. The arch of
the apse * is well moulded and rests on
pilasters of simple foliate design. These are
the sole decorations of the interior.

*see photo

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