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Immediately south of the church is a small
square house built of large squared
blocks of stone with walls and gable ends
well preserved. The windows here which
are high on the walls are small and square
with a continuous moulding at the level
of the sill carried over them in angles.

This is the third mode of employing
such a decoration - 1st in angles at the
sill level with curves over round headed
windows, 2nd in continuous curves both
over the windows and between them and 3d
in continuous angles over square openings.

Still further to the south, on the western
limits of the town, is a large two story
house with walls partially preserved
to the uppermost courses. In front of
it are remains of a row of columns
which doubtless belonged to a ^ two ^
story colonnade, for the end walls of the
house project to form the end walls
of such a structure. A second house

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