


Status: Indexed



of similar design is found still further south
not far from the above. Nearer the center
of the town in the heart of the modern village
is a low gateway of simplest design
flanked by two plain corbels illustration of corbel
The lintel of this gateway* bears an insc
in Greek giving the date of the building as
552 A.D. (W.K.P. insc no. 11) when corrected from
the era of Antioch according to which all
inscriptions in the region are dated.

At the northeastern extremity of the town
in a portion of the modern village is a
small square house of two stories, with
richly ornamented portal, (*2) mouldings
at the level of the window sills curved over
the small round headed windows and
a cornice of excellent design. The house is
still inhabited and has been considerably
altered within and provided with a roof
of clay and outside stair in rough stone.

* see photo W.K.P no. E. 2. (*2) see photo

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