Above the window of the second story and
just below the cornice is a tablet, carved
upon the surface of the wall, dovetailed
at either end and like those seen in hundreds
of the great stone sarcophagi of the region.
Upon this is inscribed in Greek characters
the name of the owner of the house and
the date of its erection, 536 A.D. (W.K.P. insc. no. 11 ½)
This is particularly interesting as fixing
the building as a dwelling and giving at
least one date to the peculiar style of
decorations employed on the portal and
in the window mouldings.
In the northern part of the town is a small
square structure of massive squared blocks,
it is entered by a small doorway. Within
is a deep square basin cut in the natural
rock and connected with it, by a small
aperture, an oval cistern. It is in all respects
like the presses so common here. The little
building is roofed with huge blocks of stone
which are held up by 2 well-made round arches
(see Barrish p. 74)
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