District II. (continued) Djebel, Berîsha. (continued)
Burdj Baḳirḥa. 20 mins. from Bashmishli
On the northern slope of the mountain, called
Ḳublet-Bābuṭṭa, upon a spur of rock, stands the fine
ruin of a pagan temple of Roman date, the first
certainly classic building that we have found.
The temple faces the East, a considerable por-
tion of the cella, with the entire west wall and
gable as is still standing. Of the pronaos only
a single column and portions of three others
are in place. The plan of the temple
was a simple prostyle tetrastyle. It seems to have
been surrounded by a walled temenos, of which,
only a massive pylon, of simple design remains.
This gateway gives the history of the ^origin of the^ edifice in
a Greek insc.* of good form. It, the pylon, was
erected by three men in honor of Zeus in char-
acter of the god of the region, in the year 161 A.D.
*see W.K.P. insc. 12.
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