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Dêhes. November 2, 10-11, 1899

We passed through this largest of the ruined
towns in the northern half of the
Djebel Barîsha, on the 2nd, en route for Bashmishli
and made some photographs, we
returned here to camp over night on the 10th.

The ruins are extensive and interesting
comprising a large and a small church,
some private houses of special interest
and a magnificant rock cut tomb.

E. Church. The larger church is completely ruined
nly the south wall, with its two handsome
doorways, is standing. The plan seems to
have been of type no. 4 with square east end
and curved interior apse. There are
remains of good carving among the ruins.

South of the apse stands large and
well preserved baptistry, of two stories
on the exterior, this building is about
20ft square with heavy base mould,
and walls unbroken by windows on

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