



Status: Needs Review


at either side of the springing are stumps of
statues which were apparently flying figures
naught remains now but folds of drapery.

What the use of such a building might have
been is difficult to say. A monumental
fountain ? but there are no signs of water works.
A tomb structure ? but the chambers contain
no sarcophagi or arcosolia. A temple perhaps
but why this strange orientation and why this
division into five large compartments?

That sculpture abounded is certain for
large and small fragments, heads and
complete bodies may be seen on all sides.
There are inscriptions too, some dated as early
as Agrippa some as late as the Antonines,
all are dedicatory, some record the gifts
of statues, but none mention the name
of a diety.

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Antonines: were four Roman Emperors who ruled between 138 and 192 A.D.- Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus and Commodu