English Recipe Book, early 18th century MS.7746


Collection of medical and cookery receipts in a variety of early 18th-century hands. Second quarter, 18th century.

Among the authorities named are 'Dr Lowr' [Richard Lower, 1631-1691] (f. 1r.), 'Mrs Stoan the midwife' [Sarah Holmes Stone, fl. 1702-37] (f.2v.), and 'Dr Colbach' [Sir John Colbatch, d. 1729] (f. 34r.). Colbatch's Legacy, or the Family Physician, was published posthumously in 1733; Mrs Stone's A Complete Practice of Midwifery in 1737.

Collection of medical and cookery receipts in a variety of early 18th-century hands. Second quarter, 18th century.

Among the authorities named are 'Dr Lowr' [Richard Lower, 1631-1691] (f. 1r.), 'Mrs Stoan the midwife' [Sarah Holmes Stone, fl. 1702-37] (f.2v.), and 'Dr Colbach' [Sir John Colbatch, d. 1729] (f. 34r.). Colbatch's Legacy, or the Family Physician, was published posthumously in 1733; Mrs Stone's A Complete Practice of Midwifery in 1737.


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Last edit over 1 year ago by ZSR Library, Wake Forest University


The Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine

Western Manuscript 7746 Accession Number 351233

Last edit over 1 year ago by ZSR Library, Wake Forest University
Needs Review


12 To Cure a Cough of the Lungs

Too ounces of fox lungs in pouder, 2 ounces of alicompan roots in powder, 4 ounces of white shuger candy in powder, 6 pennyworth of Lyckrish powder, 2 greated nutmegs, mix [all] together & take a spomefull of this in 4 spomefuls of ale or beire, every morning fasting, & fast an our after it,

13 to Cure a Canker in the mouth or throat. to anoynt the crowne of the head 2 or 3 tims with [goose] grees

14 an aproved medcen that hath cured great [d...]

Take Lavender cotten, wormwood, & red dock roots, steepe theese 24 hours in strong stale beare & Let the party drink noe other drink it will cure in 6 weeks time,

15 For Conuoltione fits in Children: Lady [Lo...]

mix penny royall watter, & cammamall watter, in equill proportions & give upon all ocasions, especaly at the full & changes of the moone,

16 Dr Lowrs gargell for the small pox

boyle only perll barly in Watter withwth Lickrish & 3 or 4 figs

17 To Cure a perll in the eys Lady [Lawrs..]

Take perllwort roots & Leus, & dasy roots & Leus, [brused] together with som bole [almaneck], Lay it to the contrary rist, & soe a cloth or a brad reling ouer it to keep it [f..] one pating one fresh as it drys in 3 or 4 days it will [..] ease,

18 For Children that have fits, ant B

put a plaster of consarve of rue, & matradat to thear [s...]

a Watter aganst vapers ant B

Take a pound of rue a pound of figs & a pound of wallnuts when the are green theye must be brused & so of equill quantetys [f..] up theye still & still & still it ofe

Last edit about 1 month ago by Veena
Needs Review


20 To make a tansey Ant [B.w.]

to a pint of creame take 12 eggs keepe out [ha..] [...] whits, a pint of the ince of Spenedg with a Littell [tan....] [...] & 2 Spoomefulls of White bread crums or bisket [crum.] [...] [season] it with nutmeg shuger & a Littell salt as you [please]

21 To Make a marrow Pooding sistersistr P: way

Lay [sipets] of white bread in the bottam of the dish, with [dots] [&] marrow, & put som custord [st..t] in it, & bake it as you doe [custords] when you save itt up stick oring peal in it, & scrape shuger [on.] it if you would have frute in it; wash them & pick them [.ry] clean & Let them be plumped & put in he custord as [you] put it in the dish,

22 To Make a carrat Pooding [.ist.] P: way

Take 2 great carrats or 3 Littell ons; greatt them then take a 2 penny white Lofe great it & have a pound of fine shuger [pounded], take halfe a pound of butter melted 10 eggs but 4 whits & one nutmeg greated 2 egge shels of flower & a pint [of] Littell more of milk, mix all theese together; then put past [round] the dish & bake it; when it is com out of the oven [.owr] shuger & butter over it

23 to make an oring pooding

Take the rins of 4 oringes & pareboyle them as you would for [...ips] then sred them as, small as posable & ad 10 ounces of duble fine shuger; then put them in a stone morter & beat them very [w.ll] together then put to it 3 quartrs of a pound of butter, [then] [beat] them very well agane, then take the yolks of 12 eggs & beat [th.m] by them selvs, then put them into the morter, & bet them [.ll] together & when you have don make the best past you can [.e] [.ept] pufe past & roule it very thin & Lay a sheet in the bottam [of] the dish & another over it bake it with small things an [hour] will bake it

Last edit 3 months ago by ZSR Library, Wake Forest University
Needs Review


Make a [sist..] Pooding [..an.] [Be..] Way 24

[Take] a pint of flower, & 10 eggs putt in halfe the whits, & [?] good spoomefull of yest, & halfe a pint of g milk as warm as it coms from the cow & melt halfe a pound of butter butter & put them all together; & beat them [...ll] & Let them stand an hour before the fier to rise, then [put] it into a tin pooding pan, in the oven & Let it stand 3 quarters of an hower; & when you take itt outt of the oven, have a pound of butter redy melted, then cut the pooding round the midell with a browne thread & pour the butter upon it & clap it close agane so sarve it up,

25 To make marrow Pooding in skins: P

Take a quarter of a pound of almonds, beat them as small as posable with a Littell oringflower watter to keepe it from oyling, take hole [seniment] mace & a quarter of a nutmeg boyle these one a [s.o.] fier a good while in a quart of new milk keepeing it sturing, then power it through a [colend.r] boyleing hot crushing the almonds & spice with the [back] of a spoone, in to a pan wheare 2 manchets is greated & 3 [quar..] of a pound of marow sred small, mix them well & sweeten them to youryr tast; & when it is coull, take 3 eggs but 4 [whit.] beat them very well by them selvs, & put them in, & a good deall of [.anded] sitorn & oring peall cut small, so sture [them] all well together & fill them into youryr skins being washed very well Cleane boyle them & keep them for youryr use

26 To Make poodings in skins withwth Cream in sted of blud

Take 3 pints of thick Cream & 3 quartrs of a pound of good Grets poyle youryr Cream withwth

Last edit 9 months ago by Roberta G
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