English Recipe Book, early 18th century MS.7746



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The Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine

Western Manuscript 7746 Accession Number 351233


12 To Cure a Cough of the Lungs

Too ounces of fox lungs in pouder, 2 ounces of alicompan roots in powder, 4 ounces of white shuger candy in powder, 6 pennyworth of Lyckrish powder, 2 greated nutmegs, mix [all] together & take a spomefull of this in 4 spomefuls of ale or beire, every morning fasting, & fast an our after it,

13 to Cure a Canker in the mouth or throat. to anoynt the crowne of the head 2 or 3 tims with [goose] grees

14 an aproved medcen that hath cured great [d...]

Take Lavender cotten, wormwood, & red dock roots, steepe theese 24 hours in strong stale beare & Let the party drink noe other drink it will cure in 6 weeks time,

15 For Conuoltione fits in Children: Lady [Lo...]

mix penny royall watter, & cammamall watter, in equill proportions & give upon all ocasions, especaly at the full & changes of the moone,

16 Dr Lowrs gargell for the small pox

boyle only perll barly in Watter withwth Lickrish & 3 or 4 figs

17 To Cure a perll in the eys Lady [Lawrs..]

Take perllwort roots & Leus, & dasy roots & Leus, [brused] together with som bole [almaneck], Lay it to the contrary rist, & soe a cloth or a brad reling ouer it to keep it [f..] one pating one fresh as it drys in 3 or 4 days it will [..] ease,

18 For Children that have fits, ant B

put a plaster of consarve of rue, & matradat to thear [s...]

a Watter aganst vapers ant B

Take a pound of rue a pound of figs & a pound of wallnuts when the are green theye must be brused & so of equill quantetys [f..] up theye still & still & still it ofe


20 To make a tansey Ant [B.w.]

to a pint of creame take 12 eggs keepe out [ha..] [...] whits, a pint of the ince of Spenedg with a Littell [tan....] [...] & 2 Spoomefulls of White bread crums or bisket [crum.] [...] [season] it with nutmeg shuger & a Littell salt as you [please]

21 To Make a marrow Pooding sistersistr P: way

Lay [sipets] of white bread in the bottam of the dish, with [dots] [&] marrow, & put som custord [st..t] in it, & bake it as you doe [custords] when you save itt up stick oring peal in it, & scrape shuger [on.] it if you would have frute in it; wash them & pick them [.ry] clean & Let them be plumped & put in he custord as [you] put it in the dish,

22 To Make a carrat Pooding [.ist.] P: way

Take 2 great carrats or 3 Littell ons; greatt them then take a 2 penny white Lofe great it & have a pound of fine shuger [pounded], take halfe a pound of butter melted 10 eggs but 4 whits & one nutmeg greated 2 egge shels of flower & a pint [of] Littell more of milk, mix all theese together; then put past [round] the dish & bake it; when it is com out of the oven [.owr] shuger & butter over it

23 to make an oring pooding

Take the rins of 4 oringes & pareboyle them as you would for [...ips] then sred them as, small as posable & ad 10 ounces of duble fine shuger; then put them in a stone morter & beat them very [w.ll] together then put to it 3 quartrs of a pound of butter, [then] [beat] them very well agane, then take the yolks of 12 eggs & beat [th.m] by them selvs, then put them into the morter, & bet them [.ll] together & when you have don make the best past you can [.e] [.ept] pufe past & roule it very thin & Lay a sheet in the bottam [of] the dish & another over it bake it with small things an [hour] will bake it


Make a [sist..] Pooding [..an.] [Be..] Way 24

[Take] a pint of flower, & 10 eggs putt in halfe the whits, & [?] good spoomefull of yest, & halfe a pint of g milk as warm as it coms from the cow & melt halfe a pound of butter butter & put them all together; & beat them [...ll] & Let them stand an hour before the fier to rise, then [put] it into a tin pooding pan, in the oven & Let it stand 3 quarters of an hower; & when you take itt outt of the oven, have a pound of butter redy melted, then cut the pooding round the midell with a browne thread & pour the butter upon it & clap it close agane so sarve it up,

25 To make marrow Pooding in skins: P

Take a quarter of a pound of almonds, beat them as small as posable with a Littell oringflower watter to keepe it from oyling, take hole [seniment] mace & a quarter of a nutmeg boyle these one a [s.o.] fier a good while in a quart of new milk keepeing it sturing, then power it through a [colend.r] boyleing hot crushing the almonds & spice with the [back] of a spoone, in to a pan wheare 2 manchets is greated & 3 [quar..] of a pound of marow sred small, mix them well & sweeten them to youryr tast; & when it is coull, take 3 eggs but 4 [whit.] beat them very well by them selvs, & put them in, & a good deall of [.anded] sitorn & oring peall cut small, so sture [them] all well together & fill them into youryr skins being washed very well Cleane boyle them & keep them for youryr use

26 To Make poodings in skins withwth Cream in sted of blud

Take 3 pints of thick Cream & 3 quartrs of a pound of good Grets poyle youryr Cream withwth


To Bring away an After [B.rth] in a [M] [.erected] by Mrs [Stoan] the midwife 27

Take 2 drams of powder of Myrh, at 4 tims in a Sponefull mugwort & drink, after every doce a quarter of a pint of the [de..] made withwth [origs], mugwort, reruin, Sweet mergram, of each a [handf...] the roots of bisterd 3 penny worth, it never [falis] but in 2 or 3 [day.] doe the work, but the decockcion of [verven] is proper to [contin..] 10 days after

28 To preserve Aprcoks

Furst stone themym & pare them & take theye wate in duble refine shuger beaten & serced & strew the shuger one them & Let themym stand all night thenyn take the surop & Let it boyle up thenyn put in youryr aprecuks & boyle themym softly tell the [are] enough

29 A perfume of rose leves

Take damask rose leves, & bay salt beeten put themym into a [galee] pot a Layer of theye leves & a Layer of salt press them downe as cloce as you can into theye pot & tye paper cloce one the pot set themym into a seller to keep cloce themym damp thenyn whenwn you use them set themym in a chimny or under a table withwth theye pot uncoverd

30 For a Giddiness in the head

Take browne sage as much as will yeld a pint of iuce, & a still [tu..] of the Same sage, sprinkell it withwth halfe a pint of sack, & so Let it stand all night then take halfe a handfull of rue & when you gether it [....] it downenards take a good handfull of pennyroyall; & then take all these & still it next morning & keep youryr still cloce stopt

31 To Make Litell Bisskets

Take halfe a poundpd of fine flower dry it well, put to it 3 quarters of a poundpd of fine shuger beaten & sifted of Lemmon peale cut small mix all these together then take 7 eggs leveing out 3 whits put to the eggs the Lemmon peall & a Litell rosewatter so beat the eggs withwth a whisk whitce it coms all to frath & put it to the flower & shuger & beath them together tell the are very Light then drop them one papers


[Take] Couslip Wine Lady Osborn's Way 32

[...e] ninw gallon's of spring water and twenty pound of the best powder [sugere] boyle them togather very well with the white of six eggs well beaten to a frath but let your suger and water have one good boyle before you put in your eggs and be shure it boyle when you put your eggs in and it will clarifie your water and shuger you must power this boyling hot when you have scum'd it well upon a bushell of clip't cowslips ccover it close and let it stand 24 hours then strain out the cowslips and put in half a dosen tosts hard tosted of browne bread syred of both sides with the best Ale east you can get and put in the juce of six good lemond's and the peal of one cut thin from the white then cover it again and when it has worked well put it into a vessell fit for it with two pottles of Rennish wine two of good canary and [let] it work well then stop it up and make a vent with a peg a top of the vessell by the bung hole lest the vessell burst and when you see it has done working cut the peg and knock it downe that it get noe aire beshure your vessell be full before you stop it up let it stand six week's before you bottle it and then bottle it beshure you have good corks and knock the corks downward's in two Mounths it will be fit to be drank after it is bottled if you boyle your water by it selfe before you put the suger in it mak's the wine much better and you [must] [be....] you have that quantity of water after you have boyld that you may have [.ine] gallons to our 24 pound of shuger you had best have some of your licker in a bottle to power it in before you stop it up what the working has wasted

33 To Make Scotch Collops

Take a fillet of Vele & cut it in thin slices beating themym well withwth the back of a knife thenyn trye themym in clarified butter after power youryr buter cut thenyn take 4 yolks of eggs & a bit of butter as big as an egg 2 [anchov..] & a Litell strong brath seasen it to youryr tast withwth peper salt & Litell mace & mushroms & oystrs if you have it & tos them up together in youryr pan & so dish them

34 To stue a sholder of Vele

Cut ofe the knuckell & break the bone withwth a clever to peeces thenyn fry it browne withwth butter thenyn put it in a stue pan & put to it a pint of strong broth & half a pint of claret & halfe a pint of oysters 2 anchoves a [burdle] of sweet erbs Let them stue all together whenwn its stued enough put 2 yolks of eggs & a Littell peece of butter stur themym together & power youryr soce over youryr meat & sarve it up hot


a very Good Risept to Make Hare [Growe] thick in a short time

Take the roots of that sort of fern that hath the [ha..] boyle it in strong wort, & wash youryr head once all over [w] will quickly bring hare

36 A very Good Glister for the Winde [bo]

Take Cammamell & mellolet & elder flowers of each a [handfu..] dill seeds 2 spone fulls boyle these in milk & make it very [swe..] withwth corse shuger & put in 4 ounces of casell sope or the [wee...]of [..] pence in silver;

37 To stue Carps Jane Petys waye

Take them & salt them & scale them & wash them withwth watter & wash thenyn withwth vinegar thenyn gut themym & save the roes, thenyn set themym a stueing withwth 3 parts claret & one water & halfe arace of Ginger & halfe an nutmeg 2 or 3 cloves & som hole peper salt pickeld mushroms put them all together & Let themym stue halfe an hower or more thenyn put in theye blud of theye carpe & som crums of sale white bread & a bough halfe a poundpd of butter & [thenyn] Let the stue tell theye are enough

38 To Make Wiggs

Take 3 quarts of fine flower devide it into it 2 parts in one part put a pint of Cream & a pint of yest & set it to the fier to rise, in the other part put 3 quarters of a poundpd of butter, when youryr other part is well risen worke it all together & make them in theye shape of wiggs or caks & bake them in an oven not to hot ——————— you must remember to put in som shugerd carryes, or carry seds & som shuger Just befor theye goe into theye oven

39 To Make the Best Paste for Tarts in Batypans

Take 2 handfills of Flower; a Litell more thenyn theye bigness of a hen egge of butter, rub youryr butter & flower tell its all in crumbells Like grated bread, thenyn break in the yolks of 2 eggs, & a Littell colde watter; worke all [thi.] up Lightly & [tole] it as thin as posable for theye Lids but not quite so thin for theye bottams you must remember to strow frower under youryr past when you role it out & rub [youryr] Roling pin withwth flower as for other past

40 To Dry Hartichoks for use all theye yeare

After theye are boyled take theye bottams & put them in an oven after bread, & dry themym, then put them in an earthen pot & keep them for youryr use, soften themym in boyling watter when you use them


To Make Waffers 41

Shuger the ye yolks of 3 eggs & one white & flower & rose water beat them with wth a Litell Salt & so make youryr waffers

To Make Waffers 42

[..] very fine flower; cream & Rose watter & Shuger Temper all [th.] withwth a litell salt then let it stand an hower & so make it into waffers

To Cure an ague by Mr. Whaly 43

a Dram of [Meih] given in aglace of wine 2 howers before the fit [com.] has don great curs for the ague, when the bark hath [foled] you must [go] to bed & Lye twelve hours & Sweat if you can

For The Vapers in Lieing in or any other time [unless] withwth Child 44

Take as much as an Nutmeg of [co.sarve] of stinking orach, in [ag....] of apint of penneryall watter withwth 2 or 3 sponefulls of hysterik [w.te.] at any time when you are ill.

To Cure an Ague by Mrs Grantom 45

Take of the Best Jesewit barke, finely powdered one dram, & a halfe, [Vinice] Treakel one dram, iuce of Sevell oring one spoonefull, mix this in a littel wine glace of the best Sack, & take it 3 or 4 hours before you [c.......] afit, & once 15 days after you have quite [mis.d] it;

46 For the coming downe of the mother by Dr. [Bro.]

Take Oake barke & [Buds] of each Two ounces of plantum leaves & Comphery of Each one handfull boil them in five pints of spring water untill one pinte is roasted then strain it & add to theye Liquor half a pinte of Red wine foment theye part morning & Night with flenill stripes pritty warm for a week or more & if she finds benefit repeat it again


A resepit for theye Worms Either in old or young 47

Take of wormseed, [f....greeg], [Allo..], Cittorn, corolira, or Sea [m..] Johns wort, burnt harts horn, of each of thees three drams, [?] them all into fine pouder; put thear to three drams & a [ha...] flower of sulfer; withwth 3 tims the weight of all the other [ingredy....] affor said of the best lose shuger finely beaten & mix them all [to......] very well, & those of ripe years give adram & halfe, to the younger one [dram], it must be taken in muscader or cannary

To Make Chese Puffs 48

Take aquart of Sweat Cheese curd clean from the whay, very dry then put halfe as much flowergrated Bread as curd, put in 2 eggs whits & all, make them into balls with flower & Lay them one apaper & take them, pare ofe the bottoms & cut around hole one the top & [po.er] one sack butter & shuger when you sarve them up, you may frye them in butter if you pleas & have no oven, let the curd be runthring [.fi..] withwth a spoone.

49 How to keepe Kidney Beans, all theye Yeare for Boyling

Make astrong Brine of salt & watter, so much as will cover them & run them over withwth sewett & when you use them put them into boyling watter; & let them boyle an houer at least pasting them downe close

How to Pickele Purslaine 50

Make astrong brine of salt & whay, boyle it & let it stand till it is cold, then take your Purslain & [...] it thearin & run it over with sewett & let it Lye amunth in the pickell befor you use it

To make asavery Brown Bread Pooding 51

Take as much Brown Bread as you can hold at twice in both youryr hands, one spoonfull of flower, halfe a pound of beef suet freed small one nutmeg 5 eggs 3 of the whits withwth as much milk as will temper it; if you will have it sweet put in halfe and of Curance & a spoonfull of shuger tye it up in a cloath & boyle it an hour & halfe

f. 5r

the Woman of marters Recept to [prezoznt] or Care Conuoltions in Children 52 Take the [iuce] of [perininckel] & give a child 3 time 3 little spoone fulls wth sugar, if a child takes it the furs thing it taks when its born, it prevents its ever haveing any [fets] but it must then have but one little spone full --

f. 5v

To Rost, or Bake a Calvs Head Coufen Whitmors way -- 53 Take a hansom white Calvs head cut a littell hole in it & take out his brans, after it is pare boyled, then lard it with backen & lemmond peall, & time all over, put in savery forsed meat in stid of the brans stoping the hole with [alese] of backen larded, put it on your [sprit] & rost it; otherways for more security you may bake it in a dish in the oven, when it is halfe baked take it out, put one artifishall ears being made of backen, then wash the hole head all over with the yolk of an egge, then put it in to the oven agane & when it is anough dish it up, your sauce & ingredgance being redy -- The Sauce, claret wine & gravey, a pint or more of oystrs 2 anchoves minced & boyled in it with, a faget of [suet] erbs & a greated nutmeg, som flices of backen, & sasedges, & thicken it up with the yolk or two of an egg & a ladel full of drawne butter, put your oysters over the head, & yr baken, sosedges round abought y=e head so garnesh with lemond, you must take notes the brans & tong must be taken out before the head is boyled, the brans must thicken the sase & the tong likeway being pare boyled before must be cut in peeces & put amongst the other ingredgance., --

54 To salt Baken Mrs Winstanlys way Take an ounce of salt peeter, & a pint of bay salt to every flick, cut it up as fast as you can after it is killed, & salt it as soone as it is cut up with these salts, at twelve hours end salt it with ordnery salt well dryed, let it lye for a month often turning it & salting it with ordnery salt, then hang it up in a chimny & smoke it with saw dust, or wet chips, or wet straw or hay for twelve honers, then hang it in the chimny like other baken -----------

To Salt Hams the Best way 55 Take your hams & hang them up 4 or 5 days to shorten then take 3 ounces of salt peeter beten very fine; rub it well in & let it Lye 3 hours then take common salt dry it well, & and salt it; let it lye 10 days if open wether, then wash the salt off with warm watter, & dry the [Raken well] with cloath, & dry it with wood [smck] or saw dust in a chimney


To Make Cousen Bennets Pease Soope 56 Take greene Peese & put them into the watter Cold, & when the[y] are allmost boyled enough, put in sum hole peper an ounin stuck with a few clovs, & a blade of mace. then have som spinidg, & a littell parsly, & som sorill, all shred prety small, boyle all theese together in a littell butter till the are browne, & then put them into your pease, then put som butter in a sauspan over the fier & shake in with adrudging bee as much & flower as you thinke will make the poridg of a good thickness, stir -ing= it till it is browne, & then by degrees let an other put the poridg into the sauspan to the burnt butter & flower, sturing it together all the while. have soom marigold flower to put in, then, & give it a boyle or 2, all together keeping them sturing & so serve them up

57 to make Scoch Colops Sistr P: way Take a fillet of veall, cut the colope very thin beat them very well, & lard them, then fry them browne in buttr & put them in a pipkin with greane a bunch of sweet erbs som clovs mase peper salt & anchove, & let them stew gentely then dish them up with oysters sweetbreads forsed meats hartichoke bottams & palets all cut in peses & garnish the dish with lemond & colope of laken

58 Saus for pike Carp tench or other fish Take halfe a pint of greave made of befe or mutton bons or flesh, put to it 3 unchoves minced small som cloves mase nutmeg & a littell horsredgesh & halfe a pint of Claret or whitewine, the juse of lemond & som pealle boyled with the grave a littell, some mother of time & an ounon stew all these together awhile it is anough strane it & when your fish is boyled, draw your saus up with good store of butter & som horsredgesh a littell vineger oysters mushroms& srimp after your fish is scaled rub them with salt & vineg & let them lye an over before you boyle them


To Stew or bake aleg of Beefe ant B: way 59 Take the leg of beefe & cut it in good hansom peeces, & breake the bons, then Season it with peper & salt, then flower it over wth the drudging box, then fry it in som butter till it is browne, then take it & put it in the stew pan with as much water as will cover it, & put in an ounon stuck with clous & a bunch of Sweet erbs, cover it close & let it stew leasarly, till the grisell & all of it be very tender then put [Sisets] in the dish & so forme it up, if you put it in the oven past it; or paper it; close & put it in wth bread or great things to be well baked

60 To Stewe Carps Jane Pattys way Take them & Salt them & Scale them, & wash them with watter & cut of thear heads & wash them with veneger, then save the roos then set them astewing, with 3 parts claret & on part watter, & halfe arase of ginger & halfe a nutmeg, 2 or 3 clovse & some whole peper, of pickled mushrooms an ounce, & some Salt, put them all together & Let them stue halfe an our or more then put in the blod & som all together crums of white bread & a bought halfe apound of butter then let them stue till the are anough, garneshing the dish with the rows horsredgesh & slices of lemond

61 To Salt Hams Sister P way Take 2 ounces of browne Shuger to a ham, alittell more Salt peater then Shugar, the Salt Peater must be made very hot in a trying pan, & then rubed very well into the hams with the Shugar then take as much bay salt & white salt as will laye them in a bed of salt, whear the must lye for 10 days acording to the bignefs of the hams, the must be prefsed as the are Salting & let som waight lye on them all the while, the are in Salt then rub them over with Sheaps blod then take them out & dry them in a chimney with great care whears nothing but wood is burnt, the may hang in a chimney 3 or a month & when the hams are to be boyled lay them in water one nights the next day boyle them 1 hours, & put a handfull of bay Salt into the watter.


To Salt Longs Sistr P: way 62 rub them very well in with your warme hand with Salt. peeter & then salt them very well with ordinary salt, & put them close downe. in a pot for a fortnight or 3 weeks, then salt them, & turn them agane; & let them Lye as Long, & then hang them in a chimney to dry whear no = thing but wood is burnt; ---

63 To pickell Pork Sistr P: way Take your pork & sprinkell it with a littell bay salt, & let it Lye 2 or 3 days for the. blood to drane out; then take 4 ounces of salt peeter & halfe apeck of bay salt; & one quart of white salt; & mix it together the. salt peeter must be beaten very fine. then rub it well in with your hand, Lay it in a tub wedged very close that no are can com to it. ---

64 To Coler beefe Ant Bennets way Take apeece of flank beefe, take out the bons & grissels & the inner skin, then put it in pump watter 3 hours, then take it out & put it in a brad erthen pan, & beat 2 ounces of salt peetr & mix it with as much other salt as you think will seasen it; so Let it Lye aweeke in it; turning it often, before you rowle it up, put it into pump watter agane. 2 hours then spread it on a bord, then take som beaten clovs & mace a nutmeg & peper strew it all over the beefe, then mince the peele of alemond small & strew it all over then take sage pennyroyall. spinidg & a littell time hack it all small & strew it all over your beefe & rowle it up, & put it in your pot; & put a pint of claret to it & a littell watter & 2 whole ounons so cover it close with past or paper & set it in the oven with household bread allnight; then when it is allmost cold draw the strings closer, then rowle. it close in a cloth & tye both the end & so set it by for your use


To Pot Beefe Ant B: way 65 Take the buttock peece of young Beefe, take the inside That is tender & cut it in thin slices & put it in pump watter as much as will cover it; & som salt peeter. Let it soke in it 24 hours, then take it out & drane it till all the watter be run from it, then season it with peper & salt; then put it in a pot & cover it. close with past & put it in the oven with a batch of bread when it is baked take it out of the pot & drane it whilst it is hot & let it stand in athing shelving till all the Licker be draned from it, then take som powdered siniment clovs & mace & strew over it; then beat it very fine in a marbell or stone morter whilst it is warme, if you have it not at aconvenant time out of the oven to doe it whilst it is hot you may Let it stand & heat in the oven when you goe to doe it, it must be beaten very fine & put in a vensen pot close downe & covered with som clarified butter if you find it is not seasoned anough with peper & salt when you pound it you may add more

66 To Salt Hams Lady Powel's way Take the leg of afat hog cut out Like a westfaly ham, let it hang up 3 weeks til it begins to be mouldy, then wash it very well in verges tabing it with your hand tell all mouldy be ofe, power that away & wash it in fresh verges tell it be very clean then rub it all over with Salt peeter make a hole in the brany part wwith asmall knife & put in as much salt peeter as will Lye upon a shiling, rubing it all over with ordnery salt, & Lay it in a tray, turn it every day & wash it in the brine as runs from it let it Lye 3 weeks then hang it up to smoke in a chimny whear you burn wood or turfe it may hang 3 weeks if the place be not to hot

67 To Stue ahare beat your heare well in his blod, & put it in your Stue. pan with a bottel of Claret; a pint of watter; 2 or 3 shalots Let it stue, tell its tendr then put in halfe apound of butter 2 unchoves & toss it together & serve it up


68 a Raggoo of Mutten Half boyle a brest of Mutten with Sweet erbs & all. sorts of. Spice. then Lay it on a grid iron tell its brown & serve it up with anchove Sace & oystrs & mushroms

To pickell Kidny Beens 69 make your Watter & Salt to bare an egg then put in your beans & let them Lye afortnight; then boyle them in athing as will cover so cloce as no steme may com out whilie they are boyling be Shure you put a handfull of salt in the watter you boyle them in & boyle them over a Sloe fier tell the be tender then [Strain] then into a Sive & let them stand till the are cold, make your pickell of white wine vineger Salt clovss mace whole peper ginger & put them in an erthen Pot & power your pickell one them boyling hot & tye them downe close for your ufe

To make Chesecaks 70 Take a quart of new milk & let it soft boyl Take 3 Sponefulls of flower & mix with your milk & let is just boyle agen the[n] have redy 9 eggs with the whits well beaten but them to the milk & let it boyle Tell its as thick as hasty pudding keeping it Sturing all the while power it out very quick that it may not whaye put in a quarter of a pound of butter & a qr of a pd of crance well washed & picked when cold cold seasen it with Shuger nutmeg mace & oring flower water.

To make Metheglin 71 To every galon of hony take 3 gallons of watter & when its well mingled set it one the fier & stir it well & let it boyl all most an hower then let it coole 24 howers then put a Small quantity of ale yest & stir of the yest morning & evening for 4 days then put it in a vesell, & let it Stand 6 weeks & then bottell it


To Make Mince pyes 72 Your meat must be muten or veall or both together which is better, it must be free from Sinews of Skins cut into lumps & pareboyled alitl so that it will cut; then Lays it to coole & Sred it by its selfe as allso the Sheuet by it Selfe, to 4 pd of meat you must have 4 pd of beef Sheuet or [further] more, 2 pd pf reasens, 2 of Curance, a qr of an of a sinement, half an ounce of clovs & mace, & half an ounce of nutmegs, halfe a pd of Shugar, a Sponefull of rose water & Som lemmond peall & a litell salt to this you may ad 6 sharp apells Sred Small. when its all well mingled keep it all close coverd in an erthen pan tell you fill your pyes

To pickle pigeons 73 Take 24 Pigeons of the largest bone 12 of them & take the meat of the Other dosen as free from the skins & strings as you can cutting off with a knife & chop it small then shred a handfill of Lemmon tyme a handfull of Marjoram a little parcely a little Common time & a little winter Savory & put your herbs to your meat of your pigeon then take pepper & salt & mace & nutmeg & season it to your tast then your boned pigeons & stuf them with your seasoned meat & for your piele take water and salt & whole peper season your water well & put the bones of all the pigeons into & let them boiol on the fire half an hour then put your stufed pigeons in & let them boil an hour an half them take them out & drain the & when your pigeons & pickle is Cold, put them together boil your pigeons in a linnen bag sewn up round that no scum may get to your pigeons add Common apill to your Stufing if you please you may keep them all winter till new pigeons. Come --

To brown Butter 74 Take half a pound of Butter brown it in a frying pan very brown you must melt the butter & boil it till it be very bown then put in half a handfull of flower and put it over the fire again & keep it stiring till it be brown take Care that it burns not too this browned butter does finely mingle your Ingredients & gives your stufd fish a high relish----

To joyn an earthen vessel 75 Take wase Rosin Brimston of each one ounce boil them together & stir them well then heat the peeces of earthen ware against your fire & joyn the stuff wth a feather ----

f. 9r

To make sugar cakes 76 Take a pound of flower well dried a pound of sugar serced & a pound of butter, melted, mingle the butter and sugar together, first & beat them, till they looke whight, then take six egs & leave out three of the whights, beat them well and strain them into the sugar and butter, & when they are well mixt, put in your flower, a few carryway seeds & with dryed sweets meats if you please & let them be well beaton ising them over with rose water & sugar bake them in tin pans _ _ _

Syllabub 77 Take a pint of sack & disolve halfe a pound of fine sugar in it a quart of Cream pour it into the sack holding it very high above the sacke & let 2 stir or beat your sack & cream together with whisks & as fast as it riseth into a froth skim the froth into a syllabub pot & so beate it till it be all turned into afroth then let it stand 4 & 5 hours before you eat it & it will be so stife that you may cut it with a knife _ _ _

Cheescakes 78 Take 4 quarts of new milk set it with 3 spoonfuls of runnet when it is come whey it between two in a cheese cloth very dry not touching it with hands take a quarter of a pound of Almonds blanched beat them very fine in a stone morter with some rofe water then put your curd to them in the morter & beat them together a quarter of an hour then put in 2 pound loaves whit Bread grated a pound of butter one grated nutmegg, and 5 yolks & 4 whights of eggs, rofe water to your tast so beat Them till they are well mingled if you woud have any plane rake out some of the Curd & put curence to the rest _ _ _ _

To make your Crust 79 Take a quarter of a peck of fine flower & put in a pound of butter & 2 whole egs wet it with cold water as stife as for a cake then mould it in small cakes roul them out & cut them to the size of a trenchor plat spread the curd, a pinch them in 4 cornors, then Bake them in a quiete oven half an houer put fire in the oven when you set your milk with your rennet then goe in hand with the Crust _ _ _

80 To make a coller of Eele Take a large ele flaw it slit it down the belly take out the belly take out the bone spread it open, cut of the head & tale strew it with a little sweet marjoram shred fine take beaten peper mixt with salt & beaten cloves & nutmegs grated strew these as you did the marjoram & then role it up as you do coller of brawn then bind it about with bread tape hard & lofe & boil it in water [&] salt & a little wine vinegar with a blade of mace boil it till it is very tender then take it out of liquor & put in some anchovee.


To make Scotch collops 81 Cut a leg of mutton into thin peeces with a little or no fat nor any of the sinewey part of it & then with a sharp penknife hack it on both sides then put it in a stew pan with Claret wine, a few sweet herbs bound up a whol [any] on a peece of lemon pill & a peece of nutmeg whole 2 anchoves in all these first pan boyl your meat that you may have the grave then take it out & boil the rest stew in the mean time have ready a pint of [greaty] _ _ _ _

To Dress a Cods head 82 Take your Cods head & wash it clean, put him in a boiling kettle of water on a fish plate put to it a pint of vinegear a bunch of sweet herbs a handfull of salt when it it boiled enough take it up & lay it in the dish to drayn make your sause of a pint of white wine a little whole pepper 2 anchove a lemmon sliced a blade of mace 20 great oysters a pint of shrimps let all those stue in a chafing Dish of coles till your anchove be disolved _ _ _ put to your sauce a pound and half of butter & beat it up thick & pour over the Cods head & stick the bones on the the head on every bone stick a srimp & an oyster garnish it w ith Barberios & lemmons_ _

To make pancakes 83 Take a quart of cream put to it a grated nutmeg & some sugar beat 12 eggs leaving out [8 of ] the whights put to it a pint of flower [stir] them all very well together & melt half a pound of butters & put into it then set them by fire some 2 howers to rife. you must make them as thin as for wafers & fry them without liquor _ _ _

A cure for the Reumatism 84 Cows piss to be taken a pint at a time nine mornings together either in the month of may June or July, & leaving mornings between each taken this is a Certain cure for the rumatism & the palsey & most Distempers_ _ _ _ _

Custards 85 Take a quart of cream a pint of milk put a little nutmeg sliced a little sinnamond let it almost boil them take it ofe & let it stand till it's cold then beat 12 eggs leaving out half the whitghts mixt together with a glase of sack [eaten] it with sugar then, strain it harden your Crust before you fill _ _ _ _

For ordinary Pye Crust 86 To one peck of flower take 2 lb of butter then make a hole in [of] middle of the flower & break the butter into it & mingle it with boiling water makeing it so stiffe as it will stand for pyes _ _ _ _

Clouted Cream 87 Take a quart of cream & a quart of milk & boil it & put it out in a bread Dish and let it stand till it be cold. _ _ _ _ _


10 To make Puffe Payst 88 Take a quart of flower the yolks & whights of 2 eggs wet them with fair water, make it as stiff payst a lb of butter beat it with a rouling pin, roul your payst & spread your butter upon the paste shake a little flower up upon it & att 4 or 5 times Rouling you will have spent your butter

For the Sting of a waspe being swallowed [down] your Throat 89 A quarter of a pint of rosewater 3 spoonfull of white wine vinegar 3 spoonfull of live honoy half an ounce of [Medridcite ] take it together & gargle your throat . .

To make the best Ink 90 Galls six ounces bruise them small & steep thom two days in a quart of dead wine either whight wine or Claret then put to 4 ounces of Green Copper as one ounce of alom, two = ounces of Gum Arabic, all several powdred stake it off for a week and keep it for your use, keep your Cotten from dust . . . . For Icing the Cake 91 beat the whights of 2 eggs with rosewater & double refined suger scifted beat all those in a morter make it so stiff as to spread with a knife lay it on when your Cake is Cold. put your Cake in a cool oven to harden your icing let it not be so hot as to turn the Coulor if you make roles of sugar to make works on the top then add a little gum dragon steeped in rosewater to keep them shape and stick them on with the whight of an egg when the icing is dryed.

To Pickle hung beefe 92 Take 4 gallons of brine made of Bay salt as strong as it will bare an egg & put as much Wight salt as your bigness of a walnut let your beef lye in it 3 weeks or a month you may take it out and let it lye draying one day; then put it up in your Chimney as then dry beacon. A let it stay a week & when you boile lay some hay at the top and botom never boyle your brins again but every week put half a pint of salt when you put in a fresh peece of beef . . . .


To make Syrup of Violetts 93 Take half a lb of Violet flowers bruised a little put to them a pint of spring water scalding hot steep them all night in an earthen pipping close covered the next day strain them into a galley pot & put there unto 2 lb of refind sugar finely powdered then disolve them in a Galley pot set in a seellatt over your fire, but let it not boil, Remember that all Syrrups but syrup of violet may be done in a silver bason over your fire., -- -- -- -- -

To make Diet bread cakes 94 Take 8 eggs leave out 4 of the whights a lb of sugar a lb of flower a spoonfull or 2 of rosewater a few corriander seeds beat them one hour att least then butter your plates very thin, whereon then bake them Scrape then a little fine sugar on them when they go into your oven if you will have them seed

A Green Puding 95 Take strawberry and violet leaves, time and sweet marjerum shred and strain them with cream then take grated bread flower eggs [suet] nutmegs sugar a little rosewater & rapt it in a mut- ton roll & boyle it in a bag -- -- -- -- -- --

To Make Dammask Powder 96 s d Two pounds of orrifs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 01--06 One pound of Rhodium -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 00--06 One ounce of lemmon pill -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 00--01 Three ounces of Cyperous -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 00--03 Three ounces of marjoram -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 00--02 One ounce of Calamus Aromasteus -- -- -- -- -- 00--01 Half an ounce of Cinnamon -- -- -- -- -- -- 00--04 Six ounces of Storax -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03--00 Two ounces of beniamin -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 02--06 Six ounces Rose leaves -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 02 -- 06 Half a quarter of an ounce of a muske codd -- -- --01--06 Two ounces of cloves -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 01--08 14 01


To make Rasberry Wine 97 Take 3 pints of the iuyce of rasberryes & one pound of sugar put it into an earthen pan cover it close & set it coole & let it stand till michaelmas then take off the scum & run the iuyee = through a jelly bag then bottle it up and stop it close & keep it for your use .......

To preserve Walnuts Green 90 Take a quantity of walnuts put them into a linnen bag boile them in water shifting the water 14 or 15 times boil them till they be tender then take them out and pill them put them into cold water then to [a lb] of walnuts take [a lb] and half of sugar & a pint and half of water boil them a while in the surrup then take them out & afterwards if it need boil up the syrrup higher ....

To make Coller Beef 99 Take a piece of flanck beef, take out the bones, & grissels & the inner skin, then put in Pump water 3 hours then take it out & put in a broad earthen pann, & beat 2 ounces of salt peeter & mix it with as much other salt as you think will season it so let it ly a week in it, turn it oft before you rouls it up put it into pump water again 2 hours then spread it on a board then take some beaten cloves & mace> & nutmeg & pepper strew it all over the beef then mince the pill of a lemmon small & strew it all over them take sage & penirial & spinnage and a little time & hack it smal & strew it all over your beef roul it up & put it in your pot & put in pint of Clarret to it & little water & 2 whole onnions so cover it close with paste or paper & set it in the oven with houshold bread all night-- then when it is almost cold, drane the strings closer & rouls itclose in a cloth & ty both the end & so it by.....

To make Ruskes 100 Take 3 quartes of flower & 6 ounces of sugar & 6 ounce of butter & 6 eggs & a quarter of a pint of good new ale yeast & few carry way seeds then rull the butter in the flower then beat the egggs & the yeast very well to gether & put to them as much warm milk as will mix it in to a [lite] past then make it in to 4 or 5 cakes & set it in to a very quick oven about half an hour take it out and cut it into slices & lay it upon paper in the oven to dry put in the suger & the seeds in to the flower before you rull in the butter


A Receit to Pot Beef Take the Buttock peece of young beefe take the inside that is tender & cut it in thin slices & put it in pump water as much as will cover it & some salt peeper let it soke in it twenty four houers, then take it out & drain it till all the water be run from it then season it with pepper & salt then put in a pot & cover it Close with past & put it in the oven with a batch of houshold bread when it is baked take it out of the pot & drain it whilst it is hot let is stand in a thinge shell vinge till all the liquor be drained from it then take some pounded sunnamond & cloves & mace & strew it over it, then beat it very fine in a marble morter whilst it is warm if you have it not at a conveniant time out of the oven to do it whilst it is hot you may let it stand & heat in the oven while you go to do it it must be beaten very fine & put in a venson pot close down & covered with some clarified Butter if find it be not seasoned enough with pepper and salt when you pound it you may add some more ----

Hartshorn Jelley x

Six ounces of hartshorn to 2 quarts of water & let it boil 4 or 5 houers till it will be a stif jelley straine it through a jelley bag & put to it the whights of 10 eggs well beaten as much salte as will lye on a 2d & duble refined sugar beaten to sweeten it to the taste & 10 or 12 spoonfuls of whight wine set it on the fire put in the juce of four-large lemmons when the jelley is scalding hott & let it boyle till it looks thick and & Curds like a possit so as to diserne when you take it off a clear under the thick Curd then put into the jelley bag the rines of 2 lemmons & pour the hot Jelley on it the first glass or 2 which runes put into the bag agane if the hartstone is not good or you desire more wine add an ounce more hartstone as asnd as much renish wine & whights of 2 eggs & whight wine the hartstone may be put in a pitcher & so boiled in a pot of water


A Cheese

To 8 quarts of new milk put 3 pints of cream boil theye cream & put it so hot to theye new milk as it is when it comes from theye cow when it is come without breaking theye curd put it into theye cheese fat in which there must be laid on wet cloth set on it a pound weight when all theye curd is in lay on another pound so let it stand an houer longer then put on another pound so let it stand an hour then turn it into a dry cloth & lay on a poundpd and half more then keep it turned in 2 dry cloths ten & times before night then salt it still turning it into cloths theye next day turn it 6 or 8 times again, then lay it on a cheese board turn it night & morning till its [very] dry so dry it up in cloathes

To Make Sugar Cakes

Take half a pound of double refined sugar scearced one poundpd of the finest flower dried mix them together then take a poundpd of new butter break it in as for past, then put in theye yolks of 4 eggs & work it together & roul it thin if you find it stick totheye rouling pin shake on more flower through a drdging box cut them out with a glass & lay them on pye plates thatyt are sifted over with flower prick them with a pin to keep them from blubing let not your oven be 2 hot a little fine a little time will bake them

Strong Mead

Take to a quart of thye best virginis honey 4 quarts of spring water put the water in the kettle by itself then set a stick & mark how high the water comes mark the stick & put in the honey & set it in the fire & let it boil skiming it veary well take to every quart of honey a pounpdd of reasons of the sun wash & pick them put them in the kettles & let them boil till they are plump then take them out & let them drain in a Culender then put them in a bag press out all the juis in a press then put the juce into the Kettle boiling it till there be no more lickure then there was water at the first whitch you may so by your stick then put it into an open stand and cover it till it be cold then put it into your vessel set it in to your seler 6 weeks with the bung held open only lay a cloth so as it may have ayr, at 6 weeks end stop it up close it must stand 6 months for in less time it will not be clear then drain it off a sack barrel is the best to do it in


Whight Marmelet of Quins

Take foure ripe quinses when new pulled of the tree & take some of them & cut them in quarters & take out the seeds & core then stamp them small in a stone morter & then strane them & let them stand in a pot to settle then take the fairest quinses & pears and core them & trough them in water & to every pounpdd of quinses take a pint of Clear Juice & a pounpdd of double refined sugar & boil them up as fast as you can & when you think it enough glas it

To make Oring Cakes

Take a poundpd of well coulered oringes cut them in halfs & take the meat clein out then boil the the Rines till the are tender & the bitterness out then dry them well in a cloth & beat theymm in a morter very fine then mingle it with thyee juices & meat of thyee Oring as you took out & add the Juces of one or too Lemm-[...] ons to it & before you take out all thyee seeds & skins of thyee oringis then take a pounpdd of double refined sugar & boil it to sugar again and mix your pulp into it as you do for other Clear Cakes & let it scald on thyee fire till it lucks clear besure to keep it stiring all thyee while & not boil them put it into glasses or when it is almost cold it will drop into cakes & put them into your stove to drye

To Preserve Rasberys

Take thyee fairest rasberrys before they are too ripe & to a poundpd of Rasberys you must have a poundpd and quarter of sugar weat your sugar with a pint of water & boil it to a suyrup and scim it clear then set it to be cold before your Rasberry is put in then put them unto thyee surruyp & shake them all in them set them on a quick fire or let them boil as fast as they can till they are enough blowing thyee fire all thyee while not taking them off till they are [enough] as you may see by thyee falling of them you must scim they clear as they boil

How to make Pease Pottags

To a quart of pease have as much water as will boil them very soft with onion stuck with cloves sum whole pepper a bunch of sweet herbs, then strain it through a cullender & to 3 quarts of thyee liquor takes near a poundpd of butter & some milk & let them boil altogether some times till you ---


think it thick et thick enough put in salt then have ready some spinaege & mints fried alittle in butter & some square pieces of whight bread fried till they are crisp put those in just before you dish them

To make Mead

Take 6 Gallons of spring water & a quarter of a poundpd of Cloves mace nutmegs altogether 3 sprigs of Rosemary thyee whights of 6 eggs verys well beaten mix all these together & let boil one part in 3 away skiming it very well then put in 6 poundpd of honey & let it boil so long as any skim enviseth then take it off and strain it into a stone can through a sive & cut one lemmon in slices into it & so thyee juce of another & half a poundpd of stoned reasons stir it often till it be cold & when it is cold put a pint of ale barm into it & stir it together & let it stand 4 or 5 days then bottle & to every bottle put 3 or 4 lumps of lose sugar so corke it

To make Lemmon Crame

Take thyee juce of 4 good Lemmons & a pint of spring water & half a poundpd of Duble refined sugar & have thyee whights of 5 new laid eggs beat your eggs very well with a spoon then mix your juces water & eggs in sugar well together & run it through a jelly bag into your juce servicing pan & set it over a gentel fire keeping it then scimd as it rises with your spoon when begins to jelly it is enough then glass it up you should steep sum of your lemmon pill in thyee water as will make it luck better & boil sum pill tender as you put into thyee glasses

To make a Tansey

To a pint of crame take 12 eggs keep out half thyee whights a pint of juce of spinnage with a little Tansey 2 spoonfulls of grated bread season it with nutmegs & sugar & a little salt to your tast & fry it with sweet butter or bake it in thyee oven

To make Almon Chis Cakes

Take half a pound of good Almons beat them very fine with a little rose water put to it thyee yolks of 6 eggs half a peny loaf grated 3 quarters of a pound of melted butter &


And sugar to your taste mix them well together the Crust half a pound of butter a quarter of a pound of sugar the yolks of 3 eggs and as much flower as will make it up to roll them as you may know by cutting it with your knife that it will not stick

To make Oring Crame

Take the juce of nine oringes the yolks of 12 eggs boil your juce of oringes with as much sugar as will sweeten itt & strane it through a fine sive then beat your eggs very well with as much whight wine or varish as will look of an oring Couller then strain it into your juce all the while stiring & put it into yout glass you may if you like it better use Creme instead of wine

A seed Cake

Take 5 pound of butter wash it well in rose water work it well with your hands till it is as soft as Creme then put it into hald a peck of flower well dryed in an oven & 4 pound of sugar 5 ounces of Carraway seeds then beat 24 eggs taking out 10 of the whights work these altogether with your hands then set it by the fire to rise half an houer butter the houp & bake it 2 hours & a halfe

Plaster for an Ague

One peny worth of Olibanum; One peny worth of bolamonark One peny worth of venire turpretine; Compound those together into a plaster spread it upon leather & lay it to the wrists first rubing the inside of the wrists very well with salt let them ly on 14 days after they are well Coson Anthony Palmer Receit Lay it on 12 hours before the Ague comes

To make a Sack posset

Take a quart of Cream and boil it then take a pint of sack the yolks of 16 eggs well beaten mix your sack & eggs well together & sweeten them to your taste then set them over the fire till they begin to be thick then pouer your Crame into them & set it on the fire again & stir it about 9 times then take it of & cover it very close by the fire & when it hasted a little strew siniment & sugar over it & so serve up


To make a Carryway Cake Take 4 pounds of flower a pint of new ale yeast a quart of cream boil it & let it stand till it be almost cold mix the Crame & yeast well together then make you cake & lay it in a colth, keeping it by the fire while the oven is heating when it is hot spread your paste - thin on a board & strew 3 pound of shugered carryways upon the paste then make your past cake as fast as you can & put it in a hoop & so bake it . . . .

Pipen Water Take 3 quarts of buttermilk a pound of reasons of the sun stone & beaten & a pound of beaten Almonds blanched & beaten 3 lemmon pound & sliced 10 peppers cord & pard & bit of Champher as big as the top of my thump still all these in a cold still & set your bottles in the same & this will eld 2 quarts . . . .

To make french Bread Take half a peck of flouer & a quart of ale yeast the whights of 4 eggs beat the eggs very well & put them to your flower & take 3 pints of milk & a pint of water & one ounce of salt then warm your milk & water as milk from the Cow & put your salt & yeast into it & make your doe put it in dishes & let it stand half the time the oven is a heating keeping it warm let your oven be very hot the brown is made this way only a quoart of raspings of the whight bread pounded & sifted put into it a quart of flower [leafe] out it must be rasped when it is hot . . . . .

To make Cracknales Take half a pound of loaf suger & as much flower both searced an ounce of butter rub it in your flower & sugar take the yolke of an egg & a little rose water & a fine [sesde] make all this in a stif past role them very thin there must be flower sarced in the roleing for they are apt to stick out them round with a gaging iorn the paper must be flowerd you bake them on put them in the oven wash them over with the yolk of an egg tins is much better to bak them on then paper


To make Mrs Bennits Cake Take 3 pound & a half of flower 4 ounces of sugar & one peny worth of cloves & mace a little salt & if you please a little musk mix these together take one pound of sweet butter and one pint of the thickest crame & set them over the fire untill the butter be luke warme keeping them stiring the yolks of 8 eggs beaten with rose water & strane them into 3 quarter of a pint of ale yeast which being done put the crame & butter thereto but be carefull it be but only luke warm for fear of scalding the yeast & so mixed pour them into the flower then set it by the fire that it may rise then put thereto 3 pounds & a half of Corrance being washed and dried & set upon Coles to be warm the mingle altogether pouer it upon 3 sheets of paper laid one upon another your oven being as hot as for man[she]t & let it stand a full hour in the oven & if you please [rie] it over with rose water & find suger & put it in the oven to dry . . . . .

To make the Lady Harves Lite Cake Take 2 pound of flower & dry it very well put to it a pound & half of currans a pound of lase sugar serced very fine 2 pound butter 6 eggs with 2 of the whights put in 2 spoonfuls of vinegar into your eggs whisk it up to a froth & put in a nutmeg a little sinnamont & mace you must plaits or pans redy butter a spoonfull & enough for one your butter & flower must be rubbed together . . . .

To make Clear Cakes of Gooseberrys Take your Gooseberrys & cut off the tops & stalks & put into as much water as you would have liquor & set it on a quick fire to boil as you do your jelley for pipens make it very strong of the Gooseberrys then strain it off through a flannell then have some Double refined sugar & wett it in waler set it boil to a Candey to every pound of sugar you must put to a pint of your Gooseberry liquor when your suger is boild to a Candy stiring it well on the fire till your


Sugar is quite disolved but it must not boil then take it off the fire & put it into your clere cake glasses & get it into a stove for 3 days then turn them out of the glasses upon flalt glasses & set them into the stove till they are canedyd a top then warm the backside of your Glasses & slip them off on clean paper the canded side next the paper & put the paper, on a side till they are canded on the other side then put them up in papers so you may do Apricoks or any other sort of plums

Plum Cake

Take 7 pints of flower 6 pounds of curans half a pound of fine sugar one ounce of mace 2 nutmegs put your spices & sugar through a hare sive takes 22 eggs half the whights 2 pound & half of butter one pint of crame put the cream & butter into a close pot & set the pot in a scelet of water over the fire till it be a little more than warm then beat your eggs well & put them into a pint of barm through a hare sive & then your cream & butter mix it well & set it to the fire to rise half an hour having your Curans washed pecked & dryed by the fire then have your [hupe butterd] & the oven hot mix in your curans & put it in the oven bake it near 2 hours . . . . .

To Pickle Cowcumbers

Take your large Cowcumbers before they are two ripe pare them & slise them as you doe for present eating only a little thicker to a dozen of cucumbers slise 20 more put them in a large: dish & strew & Gooddeal of salt upon them let them stand 24 hours then drane them as free from the liquor as you can then take 2 quarts of the best vinegar & boil it with pepper or what other spices you like till it comes to 3 pints let it stand till it is quite cold & then pour it upon the Cucumber & stop it close before the glasse or pot be very dry befor you put them in

Elder Wine . . . X Take 20 pound of Malage rasons pick rub & chop them then put them into a tub with 20 quarts of water let them stand 10 days stiring them twice a day then strane the liquor from them & put to it 9 pints of the juce of Elder and one of Damsons & 3 pound of load sugar, turn them into a barrel & let it stand


3 or 4 months before you bottle it the vent hole of your barrel must not be stoped till it hath left making a noise the juice must be drawn by setting the frute in a jug in a kettle of water to boil & the liquor run through a hare sive & boiled & stand to be Cold before your put it on your reasons

To Make Lemmon Wine Take the parings of 10 or 12 lemmons & put them into 3 quarts of good brandy stop it so let them stand 8 days take out the pairings & put them into 3 quarts of boiling spring water then put the water clear to the brandy & put Juce of lemon to your taste one pound half of good suger Clarifed in sum of the water stain it altogether threw a piece of thick flannel & bottle it up . . . .

To Make Dutch Wafors A pound of flower 3 quarters of a pound of fine grated whight bread 8 eggs mix the bread to the eggs being well beaten then the flower warm 3 pints of new milk And put to it with a spoonfull of ale yest a pound of melted butter and what spice your please have a peece of butter in a clean ragg so rub the wafor Irone before you begin & after as a cushon when they are baked pour on melted butter if you please they must stand by the fire one hour or more before you bake them . . . . . .

Savory Bals

Take 2 pound of a leg of muton or pork 2 pound of beef [shuet] a handfull of sag a sprig of winter savory shred all very small season your meat with cloves mace pepper & salt then take a pint of oyster& marke hot in there one like let them be Cold then put all into a morter with the yolks of 4 eggs till the oysters are not seen then press them close into a pot & they will keep to fry at any time a week it is good to fry or bake in caty's


Slice beef into your slueing pen to as much water is Covers it flower your best & stue it a good while

To make Chess Cakes . . . Take 3 pints of tender cheesecurds made of new milk pressed dry from whey put to it 12 yolks of eggs & 3 whights one pint of Crame a nutmeg & a little cinnamon half a pound of butter melted a little rose water or sack as much grated bread as will make it of a good thickness sweeten it as you think fit beat all these together & put it into your Crust a little while will bake them in a gentle oven some Currens if you please . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

To make a Thick Cheese Take the milk of 12 Cows & the nights cream of as many put it very hot together & more runnot then for ordinary cheess take out half the whay and put in as Much boiling water stur it about & then let it stand a while then take the whay from it & put it in the Cheese fat by a little at a time haveing two people ready to break it till it falls all to Crumbles crush it very well in the cheese fat till the whay is clean from it then break it up again & salt it a several times till the cheesefat is full let it two days and a night in the press Keep it two years before you eat it you may put in many golds stampt & straned when you put your Cheese together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Swallow Waler Take 40 or 50 swallows when they are just ready to fly out of the nest bruise them to pap in a morter feathers and all then add to them 2 ounces of Castorium beaten to powder & a pint of strong whight wine vinegar mix all very well together & put it into a still & distill it, you may draw from it a pint of very good water. Give the paitient one two or three spoonfulls sweetened with sugar this is good for the passion of the heart passion of the mother for a sudden sounding fits for the dead palsie for the Convulsions or any thing that proseeds from the head . . .


To make mead Mrs Goodmans Way Take 10 gallons of spring water and put therein 10 pints of honey take 12 whights of Eggs beaten to froth & put to the water & honey stur it altogether then set it on the fire & let it boil half an hour stur least it burn too scum it very well then put in the pill of 2 leamons & one ounce of ginger sliced then boil it an hour longer stiring it constantly than take it off the fire & put it into a Clean tub & when it is Cold work it with a pint of good Ale barm as you do beer beat it in twice a day when it has stood 2 days in the tub put it in a Clean vessel & stop it Close let it stand a week before you bottle it & in 10 days after it will be fit to drink when it is bottled do not do the Corks hard down till 2 or 3 days after for it will erupt to fly if you do . . .

How To make Pomatum for the face Take half a pound of the whitest & best hogs suet you can get take off the skin from it then cut it very small than take a Clean napkin wet the napkin in water put your suet in it then take a rolling pin & beat it near half an hour then put it into the galley pot with water so do it twice in water then the third time take some whight wine & after the last boiling let it stand & settle then take it off with a spoon from the wine before it is cold & put it into a deep whight basen put in some spermacete a quarter of an ounce & some origne flower water & if you please a little oyl of Rhodium & so keep it continually beating till it is Cold

To make Goosberry Wine Take 5 pecks of Goosberrys full ripe bruise them well & put to them 4 gallons of water let them stand together 24 hours stirring them now & then after this strane them through a rycing sive next through a brown bread sive then put the liquor into any vessel open at top which hath a top and bottem put 3 spoonfulls of Ale barm into it stir it in & sprinkle sume wheat flower upon the top of it draw it off before the top breaks & to every gallon of liquor alow 3 pound of sugar but it into a barrel and let it stand till febuary & then bottle it . . . . . . . . .


Lady Burtons Puding Take a pound of the best suet shred it as fine as posible take half a pound of reasons stone them and slit them in two take 6 eggs 4 spoon fulls of flower 4 spoonfull of sugar & sum nutmeg mix these together then flower the cloth mighty well & boil it in meat broth 8 or 9 hours if you divide it it two 4 hours will boil it

To make Ratifea Take 2 quarts of the best brandy & 300 of Apricot stones & dran of cinament & half a pound of white sugar candy beaten to fine powder [slice] in 2 or 3 Apricots brake the Apricot stones stones without bruising the curnels then put all these ingredients & brandy into a large glass bottle & let the bottle stand 5 or 6 weeks in the sun or any warm place then pour it all into a large bottle & let it stand to settle 5 or 6 days then pour it all into your clean bottle if it be not very fine strane it through a flannel

The Hartshorn Drink Take an ounce of burntt hartshorn put it into 3 pints of spring water & boil it leisurely till one pint be consumed then pour it on two ounces of hard sugar a stick or 2 of cinnamon & a sprig of rosemary balm mint or sage or any other herbs proper for your distemper season it with five or 6 spoonfulls of sack or Eepedemical water or cinnamon water or what other cordial water you like best . . . . . you may if you please add pi[u]rle or scutehonell or any cordial powder to it . . . .

To make pancakes Take a pint of very thick cream & 6 eggs very well beaten with the [freds] taken out half a porringer full of Melted butter a little salt sugar & nutmeg so much flower as will make it off the thickness of butter stir them well together & pour them into the pan thin & they will fry themselves without any thing else . . .


To Preserve Whight Currens Take your curans & cut off the black tops & stone them to one pound of curans have a pound of Double refined sugar boil up your sugar with almost a pint of water to a surrup then put in your curans in a hare sive with some fair water it make them whighter just as you put them in your surrup then make them boil as fast as ever you can till they looke very clear have a quarter of pound of sugar beaten & sifted and strew in as you boil them & about a quarter of a pint of curran liquor to put in as will keep up the jelley let them boil quick till you see they will jelley then glase them up & keep a little of the jelley to put over them when they are cold.

To Preserve Red Currens Take to a pound of stoned curans 3 quarters of a pound of sugar wett your sugar with a pint of water & boil it & scum it then put put in your curans and boil them as fast as you can till they look clear then put in a pint of curan liquor & 3 quarters of a pound of sugar and boil them till it is a jelley if at first you boil a pound & half of sugar it is better when enough glase them up & scum some of the jelley to put over them when they are cold

To Preserve Cherryes Take the far[est] cherrys way them and stone them to every pound of cherrys take a pound of sugar & boil up your sugar with as much water as wet it to a sirrup scum it clean put your cherreys in and give them a good boil till they are tender then set them by for some time then boil them again till they are enough the second boiling put in a quarter of a pint of goosbarry licker to ever pound of cherrys which will jelley them and make them look of a fine color if they are morallo cherrys you must put as sugar or goosberrey liquor if ordinary cherreys the whight of the cherry is enough for its liquor and all . . .


To Preserve Goosberrys White Lady Whightmons Take Goosberrys when they are out the full bigness of & look clear pick the tops off then way to every pound of Goosberrys 14 ounces of Double Refined Sugar then wet an ounce of the Sugar in half a pint of water & boil it to a syrrup & set it by the other 3 ounces beat & serce for to strew on the Goosberry as you boil them up then stone your Gooseberrys & fling them into a pan of water & when they are stoned set them on the fire till the skins will pill off them pill them and put them into your surrup as you pill them when all is in the surrup have on very quick fire & boil them as fast as you can taking them off & shaking them & strew in by [] the sifted sugar as cleres them when they look very clear they are enough then glas them out & warm the surrup Just to strane it through a sive & put in

To make Corant Wine Take for every 3 pound of fruit a pound of sugar & quart of water bruise the Corrants & steep them 24 hours in the water then let the Clear liquor run off through a hare sive to which add the Sugar then put it in a barrel. Close stoped & there remain fortnight or 3 weeks then bottle it & corke it well & 3 months you may drink it but it will keep a year; thus i make Goos- berry wine and Raspe wine...

To make Apricok Wine Take a pound & quater of Sugar 3 pints of fair water put these together over the fire & let them boil together take off the scum that rises put into the liquor 3 pound of Apricoks pared & stoned & let them Continue boiling till the Apricocks are tender then take them & remove the fire from the liquor you may boil a sprig of flowared clary in it if you please & when the liquor is thorow cold barrel it for a little time & then bottle it ......

To make Ginger Bread To 2 pound of Treacle take the yolks of 6 eggs & keep beating it together one hour then add to it half an ounce of powder of ginger powder of liquorish & anniseeds of each as much as will by on a shilling & hald an ounce of whole Carryway seeds beat this with the bread & eggs a quarter of an hour than make it stif enough with flower to make into Cakes bake it upon buttered papers as you do biskits.


To Preserve Apricoks Take your apricoks before they go full ripe slite them in halfs then pare them make a syrrup with sugar to every pound of sugar put no more water than will just melt the sugar set it over the fire till it be melted keep it stiring & scrumed then take it & put in your Aprocoks with the flatt sides downward when your syrrup is almost Cold sit them over a very quick fire that they may boil very fast not [...] then take them off & let them stand till they are almost cold then turn the round sides down & put them over a quick fire again let them boil as fast as possible but a little while then take them off & let them stand as before then turn them and let them boil a little then take them off & put them as you can put half loves together take them clean from the syrrup & give your syrrup a little more boiling & so pour it upon your Apricoks let that stand in a room where fire is but not too near these must be done in a broad puter dish that will hold so many as you please to do at a time they must be done with the best sugar

A receit To Cure a Cough of the Lungs Too ounces of fox lungs in powder too ounces of alicompain roots in powder 4 ounces of whight Sugar Candy in powder six peny worth of lyquorish powder & grated nutmegs mix them together & take a spoonfull in [...] of bear & take every morning and fast an hour

To Make Almond Butter Take a quart of cream fore score Almonds blanched & beaten very small with a spoonfull of oringe flower water mix your Cream & Almonds together & set it over the fire & let them boil till it be as thick as Pap keeping it stiring all the while then take the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten mix your eggs & cream well together then take it off & set it by till you use it if it stand 10 days it if the beeter then take off the top & sweeten it to your taste so beat it up


To Make Ginger Bread Take 2 pound of treacle the yolks of 6 eggs beaten then put the eggs & trecle together an hour & half then put into it too spoonfulls of ginger beaten & sifted & as manny carry way seeds as will ly on a crown peece beaten all together a little longer then put into as much flower as will make into a stif paste make it into cakes and bake it they will be baked in half or quarter of an hour you must butter the pan and prick the cakes

To Make Ice Cream Take 5 pound of ice 4 handfulls of baysalt 2 handsfull of salt peter take a quart of cream and sweeten it according to your taste with sugar beat your ice in little lumps then mix your ice & salt let it stands in a cold cellar 2 hours before you use it

A Receit For a Tansey To a pint of cream take 12 eggs keep out half the whights a pint of juce of spinage with a little tansey & 2 spoonfulls of bread crumbs or buisket crumbs if you have them season it with nutmeg & sugar & a little salt according as you please

To Make a Pays Soop Take green pays & put them into the water colde & when they are Almost boyled put in some spinnage & a little parcely & mint & sorrel & a few yong onions & marigold flowers your flowers must not be put in till they are almost enough one boil or 2 is enuf for them there must be whole pepper boiled in them & if you please a blade of mace & a clove or 2 when they are boiled enough put in some burnt butter & serve them up....

To Stew a Legg of Beef Take your legg of beef & cut it in good handsom pieces & break the bones then season it with pepper & salt then flower it over with the dreging box then fry it in some butter brown then take it & put it in the stue pan with as much water as will cover it put in an onion stuck with cloves a bunch of sweet herbs


cover it close & let it stew leisurely till the grisels and all of it be very tender then put sippits in your dish and so serve it up .....

To Make Oringe Marmelet Take your oringes & cut them & squise out the juce then lay your pills in water shifting it 2 or 3 times then boil them tender & beat them in a Mortar to every pound of pulpe have a pound of sugar wet your sugar & boil it almost as high as a candy then put your pulpe in it & the juce of your oringes & squise in 2 or 3 lemmons to make it the quicker then boil it up a pase & when it looks clear it is enough

To Make the Portingal Short Cakes Take a pound of fine sugar sifted & pound of flower & a pound of butter beat your butter well with rose water & have the yolks of eight eggs & two whights beat these well together for an hour as you do biskots then have a pound of currans washed & dryed & put into them butter your pans & put it into bake if you will have them seed mix some fine sugar with rose water & do them over with a feather before they are put into the oven

To Make a Gransey Soupe boil a leg of beef to make your strong broth then let it stand till next day as you use it take as much of it as will fill your dish set it over the fire and put in some french bread & a good deal of gransey & season it to your taste & lett your bread and gransey be well boiled if you would have it rich put in pallets & sweet breads & fryed turnups & herbs & spinnage sallory & what else you like ...........

How to make the Crame Crust Take a quarte of flower & a pint of cream set the crame on the fire & when it is ready to boil put in some sugar to sweeten it take it off stiring it well together when it is almost cold beat 3 yolks of eggs into the crame & strain it into your flower & make it into a paste beat it well with the rolling pin & roll it out very thin it must be thick cream ....


To pickle Walnuts

Take walnuts before they begin to be hard lay them in steep 9 days in fair water shifting the water every day then scald them 5 times on this manner lay them in a broad saspan one by one Cover them with water & set them on the fire till they are ready to boil but be sure they do not boil then put the water away & put fresh to them having done this 5 times pickle them up thus lay a layer of walnuts & strew salt on them & then a layer of dill then a layer of walnuts & do so till your pot is full then cover them with your pickle which must be made [thereas] boil water & salt till it will bear an egg then put 2 quarts of vinegar to a pint & half of water. . . . . always put a bodkin through the walnuts as are not paired to let the bitterness out . . . . .

How to make the wright french biskets

Take a pound of sugar a pound of flower & 9 eggs then whisk the whights all up to froth then put in eight of the yolks & beat the eggs & sugar very well first then beat in the flower & when they are beat enough put them in paper Coffins they must be put on a wier or something that the bottom may not stick to the oven to burn them the paper must be flowerd [&] the biskets sugar done over them when they go in the oven & eggs must have Ambergraise or what you like in them to perfume them

Black Cherry Water

Take 3 pound of black Cherrys pick off the stalks & bruise them that you crack the stones cardius baume sweet marjorim & spearemint of each 2 large handfulls 3 pints of claret wine 4 nutmeggs & the like weight of Cinnamond beat the spice & bruise the herbs & put altogether let it stand 24 hours & then distill it in a cold still or limbeck

To fry Toste Take a loaf of wheight bread & cut it in slices like tosts then have some thick cream & the yolk of an egg & a spoonfull or 2 of sack & a little sugar beaten altogether & dip your toste well in it & fry them with some sweet butter then serve them up scrape sugar on them


Cowcumbers like Mangos

Take the largest you can get scope out all the inside make as little a hole at one end as you can let your pickle be made with 2 quarts of vinegar one Pint of Lime Juices half a pint of musterd a quarter of a pint of musterd seed bruised stepe your Cucumbers with 6 or 8 cloves of garleek 6 or 8 little slices of ginger & the bruised musterd seed put them into your pickle & in 16 days they will be ready the largest is best if Green

To make Cowslip Wine Lady Whitmors way

Take 9 gallons of water & 24 pound of sugar boil your water & Sugar very well for an hour haveing put into it the whights of 6 new lade eggs well beaten skim it s'constantly all the while it boils then have a bushel of cowslaps picked & bruised & put in a clean tub and pouer this licker to them & let it stand till near morning then strain the liquor from them & squise them dry then take the thickest ale yeast spread it upon tosts of brown bred tosted hard on both sides & set it to work when you put in 3 bottles of sack & one of rennish with the juce of 6 lemmonds & some of the pill then cover it & let it work 24 hours then strain it & put into a runlet fit for the quantity you make & when it hath stood 3 weeks or more in the runlet draw it into bottles you may put a little cup of fine loaf sugar into every bottle if you please cork it up close & after it hath stood a month you may drink it & will keep a year . . . . [men of]

A receit for the worms in Children

half an ounce of worm food bruised & steeped all night in white wine vinegar the next morning put to it A quarter of an ounce of runing treacle A quarter of an ounce of conserve of roses mix these well together & take the Quantity of a large nutmegg every morning for 9 mornings fasting an hour after eate no salt meat nor milk meates during the time of fasting


To drie Beef

To a large fat rumpe take half a pound of petter salt rube the salt well in then take of whight salt & salt all very well & keep the brine up to it & let it lie in salt 3 weeks & then sow it up in a cloth & hang it up in the Chimney as high as you think convenient & then Boil it for your use it must boil 4 hours & put it into the watter could before the watter is heated - - - - -

To make yorke Gingerbread

Take a quarte of sack a pound and half of sugar boyl & skim it then put in 2 ounces of cinnamon 2 nutmegs & a dram of clovs & a dram of ginger all beat & serced, take a grain of Ambergrase & rub it with a little of your sugar & mix it with the rest a quarter of a pound of sweet Almonds blanched & beat very fine with a spoo-nfull or 2 of rose water take of the hard purest of old Bread grated & dryed in an oven sift it trough a hare sive: & throw it in by little & little as your sack boils stiring it all the while then put in your Almonds & a little red seeds to coller when it is boild enough take it off the fire & stir it still it be cold enough to work like paste with your hands & print it you must dust your with cinnamon & sugar make not your prints too thick & it will dry sooner & eat better

To Pickle Walnuts Cousen Johnsons way

Take your walnuts and pick them full of Holes throw them into salt & water let them ly a week shifting them once or twice then make a pickle of vinegar with all sorts of spice if your vinegar is very sharp you must put water to it when your pickle doth boil throw them in & let them [simber] a little then take the walnuts out put them into a pot & pour in your pickle scalding hot upon them

Straw Cheese Take 3 quarts of new milk from the cow put a little runnet to it when it is come lay it into your straw strawner without breaking lay 2 or 3 pound waits on it let it stand 3 or 4 hours then turn it into a fresh drainer & so keep it often turning until the next morning then take off the waite & then salt it keep it in the Strainer a - - - week changing it twice a day for another week & then it will be fit to eate it must be dryed in a very warm place - - - -


To Salt ham Lady Powels way

Take the leg of a fat hog cut out like a westfaly ham let it hang up 3 weeks till it begins to be mouldy then wash it very well in verges rubing it with your hand till all mouldy be off pour it away & wash it in fresh verges till it be very Clean rub it all over with salt peter make a hole in the brany part with a small knife & put in as much salt salt peter as will ly on a shilling rub it all over with salt & lay it in a tray turn it every day & wash it in the brine that run from it let it thus ly 3 weeks then hang it up to smoke in a Chimney where you burn wood or turf it may hang 3 months if the places be not two hot

To pickle Mushrooms

Take the Mushrooms Early in the Morning if buttons only wash them In water & salt if open take the outward skin off & then take the red inside out put them into 2 or 3 several waters then put them into a Kettle a posnet & put salt enough & season them with a little pepper beaten & let them boil themselvs till enough when boiled take them out & dry them & lay them on a Cloth or Table til Cold - - - - Take vinegar Salt peper cloves & mace beaten & boil it altogether


Take a fore line of pork cut off the skins take as much fat & lene as you want & chop them mighty fine together a handfull of sage & a little rosemary cut very smal season the meats with a little pepper salt & 2 nutmegs grated smal then put in the yolks of 3 eggs mix all well together & put them into your skins they ar good boiled or fryed let the water boil before you put them in - - - - - - - - - -

An Excelent Sear Cloth for Ague or Sore Take a pint of the best sallet oyl half a pound of red led finely beaten & serced 2 ounces of the best venus turpratine mingle all those together in a skillet set them over a soft fire Stiring it with a stick boil it till it turn black when a drop will slip off from a pewter dish it is enough then set it of


from the fire & dip your clothes smoothing them out with 2 sticks as fast as you can that which you leave you may weting your hands with cold water roul up for a salve

To Make Oring Cream

Take the juce of 7 oringes & put to it better then a quorter of a pound of powder Sugar when it is boiled up run it through a sive when it is almost Cold have the yolks of 10 eggs beaten & put as much whight wine to them as make it a Coulor to your liking then mingle it with the oringe juce & set it over the fire till it is thick & stir it one way & not let it boil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

A receit for Damson Brandy

Take 10 gallons of brandy put into it a bushel of damsons A little bruised and ten pound of sugar an ounce of cinnamon one ounce of nutmegs and one ounce of cloves all bruised and let them stand six weeks in a vessel stiring it every day & then when it is fine bottle it off -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think there is two much sugar by Almost half for this makes it very much too sweet

To dress Carps: when your Carps is handsomely boyled make this sau[c]e:

have the blood of your Carps sarced & put to it a quort of Clarret wine in a deep dish or pan and put in an- chovey clean picked from the bones some oysters liker if you have it a little bit of horse redish & a very little shall lot & a little hole pepper let all these stew together almost an hour as long as your carps are a boiling when it is anough beat your yolk of an egg & a little thick butter together & stir it well in to thicken it up & if you please a little strong gravey then lay your dish handsomely with Sipits & dish up your Carps you should sqause a leamon or an oring into your sause & put in some salt & garnish your dish with the rasping of bread sifted finely over the Sides & fry some sipit crisp with sweet butter if you have the body of a lobster to put into your sause


A Pomatum to cool any heat

Take fresh boars graise & put it into a silver dish & set that over a skellet of boiling water til it melt then pour that which runs out into a skillet bason of scalding water & beat it so long therein with a spoon untill the water be cold then pour away that water & put on more hot water & do as before & this do five or six times & last of all beat the same with 3 or 4 sponefull of red rose water & then put it up into a glased pot & with this anont the place affected tho oftener the better & never suffer the place to be dry the oyntment need not to be warmed & your best applying of it is with a feather--------------

To preserve plums Green

Take the plums when full grone before the change coulor prick them all over with a bodkin puting them into fair water & so on the fire in a coper pan let them scald their very gently when they are tender take them off & let them stand half an hour heat them 2 or 3 times till they begin to green then take them out & put them in cold water so let them stand till next day then clarify the surrup & put your plums in boyl them gently scuming so turing them often when they are half preserved set them by till nex day then boil them again till they are clear---------

To Preserve Pipings

Take your golden pipings & cut them in halfs core and pair them putting them into fair water to keep couler then take their weight in sugar to 3 pd put a pint of piping water set it on the fire & let it boil with sugar then put in the pipings let them boil prity well & fast so that they do not break take them off & skim them clean & set it on again & let it boil till clear strain the surrup boyling it till it jelleys & squise in the juse of a lemon or two & some pealls so pour it on the pipens

To make rochdel cakes

To a pound of flower take a pound of butter rub it in your flower put a few carryway seeds one egg well beaten with 4 spoonfull of barm work them up to a paste roul it but as you make your cake [lun] it up 3 coperd [mixt] corns & sugar together & so make this up they must be in a quick oven will be baked in a short time -- -- -- --


A receit for the stich drink

A quorter of a handful of hearts ease a little garmender sweet marjorum a quorter of a hand full a leaf or 2 of feather fine strip it downwards a good handfull of reason of the son stoned A quarter of a pound of sigges 3 pints of milk 3 half pints of small ale half a pint of white wine make possit drink of them when take the cord off: then put all the ingredience into the possit & let it boil half an hour before you take it off put half a peny worth of red sanders into it then take it off & strain it fit for drinking slice half a nutmeg into a spoon with a little sugar take that before you drink your draught

To make knots with Almonds

Take a pound of Almonds lay them in water 2 or 3 days then blanch them & beat them in a mortor then take a pound of Double refined sugar beaten very fine & grind it with the almonds when they be ground very fine together put to them fennel seed Annis seeds coriander seeds of each half a spoonfull of gumndragon that hath been laid in water a day muske & ambergrase of each as much as half a peace & the white of an egg well beaten min- gle all these well together & put into a dish & set it on a soft fire & their let it stand til it will worke like very limber paste then take it off the fire & then let it stand till it be cold then beate it with a rouling pin then take a little sugar & sarch it through fine lawn to make up your paste with then roul it into small long rouls and cast it into knots and lay them upon paper oyled with oyl of Almonds then set them into the oven upon pie plates the oven must be no hotter then for bisket bread & as soon as == they are well risen take them out and set them in a plate that will keep them dry ----

To Candy Angilecoe

Take the stalks and slit them up the side & put them in water & let them boil till tender then pill them then take there waite in sugar to a pound of sugar 3 quarters of a pint of water put in your sugar let it boil a prity while & scum it clean then put in some ... Angellice & let it boil till candy height stir it till it almost cold then take the stalks & either twist them or lay them flat

f. 23v

How to Fatt a calf or lamb

put your calf in a little sty or place wher it may not have much room & the bottom of the place must be boarded a foot from the ground that the wet may soke from them that they may ly dry & put to them fresh straw 3 times a week & let them have great lumps of cholke always ly by them & suckel them twice a day their full suck & let them have before they suck sconstantly a good spoonfull of scrape Chalke put down ther throught but they must be above a week old before they have the scrape Chalke if you keep them to the very large & old they must have some grown -=- malk stand always by them & if you find they do not suck well their chap must be rubed with salt; thy lambs are keep up so & suckled four times a day and have always by growned malk mingle with chalk & white pease & they have oates put in rack and [thirch] like hay for horses as you kill off your lambs you may suckel your forward lambs with their yoes for the more milk they have the better some lambs will suck 4 or 5 yoes you have them if your yoes want suckle their nursery you must rub the other lamb the skin of it own own lamb ----

Elder Wine

Put 20 pound of the best Maligoe reasons picked & choped & rubed but not washed into 5 gallons of water let them stand 10 days then strane the liquor through a hair sive have in redyness 6 pints of juce of Elder berrys boyled in a [sug] put into a little kettle of water like Currens of Jelley & when it is cold put it into the --- liquor stir it well together & put it into a vessell & let it stand in a warm place 6 weeks or 2 month then bottle it 3 weeks at least before you drink itt it will keep in bottles all the year in a cool seller when you put it into the vessel you must put yor 6 pound of sugar into it ------

To Wash Gloves

Take your gloves and lay them on a board & wash them with the yolk & hot water with a hard brush & when all the dirt is off hang them out to dry & when dry put them out & rub them with whight led & water & put them to dry again & then pull them out Again & wash them with the whight of an egg a goume dragon & oring flower water to give them a glose with a feather ---

f. 24r

A drink for your Sciatica or any pain in your limbs & good against the scurvy

Take the Green tops of pine & firr trees, of each six handfulls of dryed bay leaves 3 handfulls one whole lemmon sliced an ounce of liquorish scraped & sliced half a pound of reasons stoned half a pint of sows by some cald cheese logs shred the pine a firr & put them all in a bag of boylter & hang it in 6 gallons of ale as soon as it hath done working stop it up - - - in five or 6 days it is fit to drink take a good draught 3 times a day or if you like it drink no other drink - - - -

To make the fine Ishew salfe Take a pound of venus turpretins & beat with [d a] mash rose water till it is white then take half a pound of virgens wax & melt them together & when they are well mingled together in the heating take fine holland or paper & dip in & when they are cold rub them with a slick stone & keep them for your use - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To make whight Almond Ginger bread

Take a pound of Jordon Almonds blanch them in boiling water imediately after you have put into that water as you blanch them out of it put them into cold water there let them ly a quarter of an hour then take them out of the water & pick them clean from any rotten ones drying them very well in a course clean cloth put them into a marble morter & pound them with 2 or 3 spoonfulls of rose water which must be put in as soon as soon as you have crushed them they must be often stired with a spoon while they are in pouning & they must be pounded till they are as fine that you cannot disern any coursness of the Almonds in them be carefull to keep them from oyling when they are very finely pounded take them out of the morter having ready a pound or more of Double refined sugar very fine serced where in you must put in 3 or 4 granes of Ambergreese small pounded mix with a knife your Almonds and sugar together

f. 24v

makeing it prity stif with your sugar then roul it out thin with a little rouling pin upon whight papper So print it putting a little sugar upon the tops and botoms to keep it from sticking to your prints pair it strait round & put it on pritty distance from the fire till it be something dry in a day & a nights time or else it will be ready to eat or it will keep moyst 3 weeks or a month

To make the Green oyntment

Take of mallows ground fill Lavinder cotton brich leaves chickenweed comfry parcely sage bay bay leaves Rice balm Plantum sorell wild brioney brittany wound wort Cardus succory marioram lung wort camimitt Adders tong ox eye ana [...] i manip : Chop the herbs small & beate them in a morter : Then take rosen lib: i : Frankincence lib i 1/2 melt them & put them in hogs graise lib 4 may butter clarified in the sun lib 9 oyle olive 1 quart Turpretine lib: i : verdigreese 1/8 lib when all those are melted put in the herbs to boiul 9/8 hour well stirred. take it off & stir it [1/4] after when cold put it into pots close covered & set them in a horse dunghill 21 days a yard deep then take all out & set it on the fire to boil a wamble or 2 strain it & put to it half a lib of oyl of spike Apply it well warmed & chafed in with or gentle hand It healeth all aches proceeding from cold causes : Shrunk Sinews : stranes in man & beast : It will keep good 40 years it is to be made in May onely -- -- -- -- -- --

To make pupy Dog water

Take 4 pupeys when 7 days old flea them & slit them in two then put then guts & all into a quart of new milk let them stepe one night then put to them a quarte of Garden snalss without shels 3 lemons slit without the pill 2 handfulls of bene flowers 4 book of leaf gold strewed amongst it put all those together in a cold still & distill it very sofley then set your bottles in the sun & strane it through a fine cloth every day for the space of a quarter of a year then dip a cloth and wash every other day if your fase be able to bare it the pupyes is best steeped in whigh wine -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

f. 25r

To make pupye Dog water

Take a black pupy dog & kill him & [flea] him take out all the filth out of him with a dry cloth thenyn beat him all to peeces with a rouling pin upon a clean table thenyn put it to stepe in a quarte of whight wine all night thenyn in theye moring still it in a cold still & keep it for your use

How to make mackerooms

Take 1 poundpd of Almonds & blanch themym thenyn beat themym very fine putting rose water to themym to keep themym from oyling thenyn put 1 poundpd of sugar [..] it [sifted] very fine to your Almonds & mix themym very well together thenyn take theye whites of 5 or 6 eggs & whisk it to a froth if you would have them perfumed you may put your perfume in theye eggs & so mix it with theye suger & almonds thenyn lay themym upon wafer bredds & bake themym upon wires in a quick oven with theye stock down but befor you put themym into theye oven sift some fine sugar over themym for Icing

How to make marchpins

Take 1 poundpd of blanched Almonds & beat themym with ten 10 ounces of lose sugar & put in a little rose water or else it will beoyl it must be beat very stif thenyn take a little flower & work in your past [doul] it out thin & cut it out in what form you please raise themym up on one side & pinch themym then lay themym upon wafer breds & Ice themym with fine lose sugar & rose water mixt together & strow some little white biskets upon thethe Iceing thenyn bake themym with a moderate heate

An apprazed good drink for opening of the liver for a ked face and for any Obstructions

f. 25v

Take 6 gallons of good hearty Ale have in readyness to put into a peack of yellow [.ockroots] 2 good handfulls of succory roots & a good handfull of common sorrel roots Wash & wipe theye roots but scrape themym not for theye vertrie lies in theye rinde then slit themym & take out theye pith: Hang themym in theye Ale when it is new [trinned] in a not & let them work together at theye end of 4 days drink a good draught of a bout a pint in theye morning Fasting after till Noon; & drink another about four a clock in theye after noon: ... This is also Aproved for both theye stone is [Jaucide]

Surrup of [Rue]

Take a poundpd of Rue Ready picked a quart of white wine vinegar & when it boils put theye rue in [...] stive it up close & let it stand all night on theye warm embers thenyn strane it & [....] pint of juce put a poundpd of powder sugar & boil it to a surrup thenyn give to a child one spoonfull to a grone body 2 in a glass of white wine fasting in a morning for [1] days together fasting an hour after

To preseve Quinses

Take some pipens pair & slise themym into [.aer] [.a..r] & let themym boil till they be tender thatyt theye water will jelley let your Quinces be boiled who be not pared nor cored till they be tender boiled thenyn pare & slise themym & put a poundpd of Quinces to half a pint of pipen Jelley & let themym ly in theye pipen water till theye sugar is boiled to a Candy height to a poundpd of & quarter of Double refined sugar you may put a poundpd of Quinces wben your sugar is ready you may put in your Quinces and Jelley & let it boil as fast as you Can uncovered & when you see it isenough put it in your [glasses] if you would have it not smooth marmelede put in less pipen Jelley & slice not theye quinces

Take a A thrush in theye Mouth

Take a now laid egg & take theye top of theye shell off & pour out all theye egg out of it thenyn take 2 handfull of red sage & bruise it in a marbel mortar & strain theye Joys into theye egg shell thenyn set it in hot embers & let it simber but not boil & take off theye scum as long as any rises

f. 26r

Then put in half a spoonful of live honey & as much roack alone as the bigness of a [pay] thenyn stir all this well together thenyn take little stick and ty a fine rag at one end & rub theye [chi..s] mouth often with this water & change theye rag often

For The Colick

Take 2 quarts of milk & turn it in to Posset drink then take a handfull of Cammemill, a Spoonfull of black peper pounded, a nutmeg grated, 2 Spoonfulls of Juneper berys brused, boyle them in the posset drink till the goodness be out, then strane it & drink halfe apint morning & night as Long as it Last

To Make [Reason] Wine

Take 2 poundspd of rasons of the Son [,] Stone them [,] into & put them into a great mouthed glasse & put to them the iuce of one Lemon, & one sliced, & one poundpd of white Shuger; then take 3 gallons of Spring watter boyle it halfe an hour, & put it to the reasons as hot as you can sturing it very well together & stop it close so let it stand 2 days sturing it 2 or 3 tims then [store] it through a Jelly bag into an erthen pot; Let it run as Long as it will withwth out squesing, then bottell it; it will be redy to drink in 3 weeks [,] in the boteling it you may put in amber greas or musk, after you have taken out this Liquor you may put to the reasons a gallon of boyled watter & halfe a poundpd of shuger; & a Lemmon & on sliced withwth will make a smaller Licker but will not keep so Long

To Make [Cou.lepe] Wine [sister] Palmers way

Take eight gallons of Spring watter, & sixteen pounds of dry white shuger; boyle them together at least one houre scum it clean, & let it stand till it is bloodwarme, put two [..shels] of pickt [crusleps] in to youryr barell; & [porer] the watter & shuger on themym ad to this proportion twelve or fourteen spoonfuls of ale [yest] & stur it well together & cover it withwth a cloath, the next day squese in the Case of sixteen lemonds pare ofe the [.i.es] of 8 of them & put them in [Like] ways, then let it stand ...... close stopt 3 weeks or a month, then draw it into bottels,

f. 26v

To take out the fier our of any Burn or [scald] by Goody Glapole

Take sum of the curd out of an old [Cauls] bag, & as much Sope; & as much [..a.e], & salet oyle; & a Littell salt beat it in a morter tell its Like a poltis, & aply it to the place where ever its scalded or burned, & dress it twice withwth this to take the fier out

To Make the yallow salve salve to aply to the sore afferwards ————— by goodly Glapole

Take an ounce of bee wax; an oune of rosin, melt [thees] together; then put in aquarter of apint of salet [ofe] [the] [groe] them [abo.r] together, & power them into a [ga..ipot] dress the sore withwth this twice aday & when it [.a.h] well [roted], beat white Lead & oyle together & withwth [af.ther] Lick the plasters over befor you put them one; this salve Likeways is good for any sore,

To Make the Green ointment for any sores ether in Christians or cattell by goody Glapol

Take apound of May butter halfe apound of rosen an oune of yallow bee wax ahandfull of [.abedg] [leves] a handfull of planter a handfull of house Leek [Ral.e] a pint of salet oyle stamp & strane the Leves & put the iuce to the rest of the thing [.......] all thees on the fier together then take it ofe & stur it till its allmost cold, then beat anounce of good [.ardy] greace & put it in & stur it well & give it agentell warme over the fier & put it in a pot for youryr use


To Make the white ontment to stop any runing Sore or [..mer] by Goody [Glapole]

Take an ounce of white lead finey beat, the third part of an ounce of crow stone finely beaten & [serced] & as much burnt allam & mix it withwth salet oyle.

To Cure the Pilles

Take hogs Lard ridy rendred, & powder of white dryed dogs [turd] & beat it very well together, & anoint the place greved, & withwth youryr finger put one up it the [ar.] inward

to Cure an Extream Luceness

Take an ounce of consarur of Red Roses & boyle it in halfe a pint of new Milk & drink it up

To Cure flading or to keep one from misscaring

Take as much powder of bolalmaneck as will Lye one a [.hiling] three tims aday in ether new milk or claret & water barrt withwth oke buds & sage, or oke bud watter this I have taken & given withwth good [Lucksess]

an other for flux of blood any way

power boyling watter one red Rose leves dryed, & Let it stand a Littell to infuse, then drop in to it halfe apint; 6 or 7 drops of spirit of vittrell & drink it or Juce of lemmon

for flluding by Mrs Brook

Take apint of Planting watter disteled in [aworm] set it over the fier withwth firement & clovs let it boyl till very strong & colored withwth the spice then put in [....] of claret & boye it agen then put on [...] refine shuger to [...] [tast] & boye it very well agen very well when cold bottel itt up & take a tea cup 3 or 4 time a day as you [..] [...] for other warm or cold as you [.....] it must be the round [plan.ing] this [....] [mod....y] [&] [......] [&] [...] [.] [....]


An other of the same in Lying in

Take [consarve] of Alhermis without perfume the bigness of an nutmeg in a draught of youryr [C.d.e] onse a day

to Cure vapers & for After pans & to [promrte] crases in Lying in take consarve of stinking [or...] in penny roylall watter or cadle the bigness of a nutmeg


To Make salve for a sore brest by Mrs Bartten whichwch is good for any cut or Sore or Swelling

Take Rosin frankinsence Burgundy Pick each halfe a pound stone Pitch three quarters of a pound Bees wax two pinnyworth mastick & [verus] Turpintine of each three pennyworth, furst shave the wax thin then set it one the fier break the Rosen small & put it in the pan withwth the beeswax sturing it som tims then put in the frankensence being beaten & the Burgundy Pitch then the stone pitch & mastick beaten to powder, when the are melted put in the venusturpintine & fore sponefulls of sallet oyle, then put youryr Pan one the fier agen let it have three boylings sturing it well together, then power it into cold watter; anointt youryr hands withwth Butter & make it up into Rols or Balls

The Virtue of the Plaster

it cures any sore Brest it cureable it will a swage the swelling & pane & break the sore it so tare gon that it will not be healed without Breaking, when it is broke it will heale it without tents, take a pice of sheeps Lether as much as will cover the breast all over tho it be sore but on one side, cut a hole for the nipple then spred it all over withwth salve, then anoint the brest all over with butter if it be not broken, then Lay the plaster all over the brest you may Let it Ly on a week without sturing it ofe, but if it be Broken take it ofe every day & wipe the plaster & breast clean from the matter; then warme it & Lay it one agen, if it runs much it is best to have anew plaster every day two or three days a woman as givs suck may use this plaster without danger of her child

for To stop an extream [L.ssness]

make a glister of nothing but starch, as you make it to starch cloths only somthing thiner, & give on or more as you see ocasion


A drink for The Rickets

Take 2 ounces of the Roots of male fern one oune of Juery & of Tameris, hartsstong Egremony & Liverwort of each a handfull wash the roots & slice them pick the erbs clean & boyle them withwth halfe a pound of currance in 2 quarts of runing watter tell halfe be consumed, then strance it & Let it stand to settle till cold, then power the clear from the setlings & ade to it the Like quantity of mild ale, put in into pint bottle cork then cloce & Let the child take no other drink, if the child have a stopedg at the stomack boyle it it some hore hound Lickrish & anny seeds

a very good Resipt to Make wigs & Caks whichwch [.had] att London

Take 3 poundspd of flower & one poundpd of butter rub the buter & flower very well together; a poundpd of shuger beaten & dryed, an ounce of ginger beaten & sifted, Anounce of carreway seeds, A pint of ale Est, a quarterqr of new milk warm, mix all thees Lightly to gither & make them into wigs & set them half an hower befor the fier to rise, the must be baked in a quick oven, a short a Little time will bake them, if you would make caks putt in curance in stid of seeds washed & well dryed,


To [Jugg] Pigeons Mr. Clatons way

seson them as for Baking withwth a bit of butter in each pigon, put a quarterqr of a pint of watter at the bottom of theye Jugg withwth the giblets of the pigins, when halfe the pigons are in put in an ounen or 2, a bunch of sweet erbs then put in the other halfe of youryr pigons & put som butter on the top of them, tye the Jug colse & set it in a kettle of boyling watter, but let not the watter boyle over over into the Jug theese will take 3 [more] hours [..ing], then put youryr pigons out of youryr Jugg, takefrom themym the Licker & seam what butter you can ofe it; & put [theye] Liquer into a sasepan & thicken it a Litle; then power it on youryr pigons in a dish, & Lay som sprouts boyld grane or spinedg, & som slices of bacon fryd browne [....] the dish, & upon them, you may put mushroms or sliced [Boucombers] or a little vineger into the [Licke.]

To Make balme wine Mrs [Clatons] way

Take 2 Gallons of spring watter 4 poundspd of shuger let them boyle together an hour or more & skim it Cleane then take 17 whits of eggs betten & put in & let it boyle halfe an houre after & skim it cleane; then put it into a tub to cool as you doe [w.rt] & when it is cool [wo.h] it withwth a Little barme as Long as you pleas then take 2 poundspd of the tops & Leves of Balme a Little [b...d] a Lemon pard & cut or poundpd of reasons of the son & put them into youryr[.e..ell] fast then put in youryr wort; stop it close for 12 days & when its fine bottle it in [.ix] weeks time it will be fitt to drink when [...] bottle it putt a Lump of Luse shuger in every bottle


For The Green Sickness

Take on penny worth of anny seeds, on penny worth of steele powder, a quarter of a poundpd of Curance, beat it together & make it into pills, & take 3 the furst morning fasting, & 5 the Last thing at night, & 7 next morning [so] increase 2 every time tell its all taken,

To Make Ginger Bred Mrs Clatons way

Take 2 quarts of flower; & halfe a poundpd of butter, rub the butter & flower well togethe, on poundpd of Treakle on poundpd of shuger on ounce of Ginger on ounce of carriway seeds, on Spoonefull of yest & 2 Eggs mixe them well together & Lay it out to bake, [.thi.k] a Littell of the ginger may be Left out

a Dyat Drink for [Barssinness]

Take sheppards purss, knot grass planton Clary, [Bucdir] Broome, Roots of Camock or rest harrow, & roots of Comfery & solomans seale of cach 2 or 3 handfuls cut all very small & boyle in 3 gallons of the best wort & make a dyat drink, & give the child 3 or 4 mims a day

Mrs Caves Lemon Puding

Take theye Rinds of 2 Lemons paired thick boyle them in 3 or 4 several waters tell they are very tender then beat them in a Morter to mash blanch half a pound of Jordon Almonds & beat them very fine with a Spoonfull or 2 of Oringflower water then take half a pound of Lefe suger beat & sifted take 8 eggs but half theye whites beat them very well then melt 3 quarters of a pound of Butter & mix all these well together put it in a dish with puf past about it and let it stand in theye oven half an houer

Avery good [Power] for [Bursress]

take the roots of solaman scale Y Comfery of each a handful the levs of Clary knotgrass polepody of the oke of each a handful dry all in an oven & reduce to fine powdr, then ade to it asmuch powdr of Liqurish & [..y] seeds


To prevent Miscareing by Mrs Coten aproved

Halfe apint of Damask rose watter halfe an ounce of Clover sweten to youryr tast, withwth [Lose] Shuger; Let it stand over agentell fier, tell it is boyled halfe away, then drink it warme, & oynt youryr belly & back at the same time & Likeways three mornings & nights after withwth oyle of mastick

to prevent fluding

Boyle gold in Clarret; & take a cup 2 or 3 time a day as ocasion is,

To cure an extream Luseness

boye Tomentell roots in claret or claret & watter & give a tea cup at atime as oft as there is ocasion,

For The Stone

take as much of the hard rose of red hering, as will by on a shiling dryed in an oven to power, morning & night drinking whitewine posit drink, or warme ale after it;

for to Cure atetter or ring worm

Beat oye vinegar & Chalk finely scraped to an ontment & Lay it on withwth a fether 3 or 4 times a day ———— or take new made mustord whichwch is made withwth only watter & Lay it on 2 or 3 times a day or Barme freeantly aplyed never fales

For a Perll in the Eye or pin or Web

Take Hemlock selindine & bay salt; stamped together, & bind on to the Contrary Rist renewing it when dry you must not put so much salindine as hemlock by halfe


To Make Rasbery N[illegible]

Take to five quarters of Rasbarys a galand of spreng watter as when the watter is boyled as Cold put it to the Rasbarys in an Erthen pan and let it stand twelf houres then cruch it down gentley and let it stand twelft houers more then let them draine thron a hair sive gently tell it be [illegible] thron then put it in a vessil and to a galand of wiader wine put 3 Pound of lofe suger and be sure the Vessell be full it well work like new ale when it has stoode a fortnight or 3 weakes to Refine bottle it with a lump of lofe. suger in Each bottle it well make it work the better.

An ointment good to heale any sore by Mrs. Claton Lake aqa.[illegible] of-and-of hogs lard to halfe an ounce of white lead, simber them together, then oynt the part; & Sprd it on whit righting paper thin, as aply it to the part.

A poltis of [illegible] by Mrs Claton good to away any feeling in lying inn or any othrs

Take a pint of thick Cream, a handful of red rose leves a Little handful of the inner bark of elder or the leves a Little Turh[illegible], boyl all together; then put in dears or matt on fact. the bignes of hen egg, & thicken it. ro[?] the flower of oatmeal, let it boyle till it turn round like atansy, lay it on a peece of a bloder, or lining cloth & a ply it warm.

A Poltis of [illegible] Curd good to a [?]ag pane. or feeling by Mrs. Claton

Take a pint of Skim Milk, & boyl bammamell[?] in it & then turn it nth. Small beer & apply the curd warm to the place.


[Tarts] lady Burtins way

A quart of the Best flower & halfe a poundpd of Butter, rubd into the flower, the white of one egg, make it up withwth cold watter quick role it out very thin, & handle it as Little as posible, Lay in one row of frut, & one good sponfull of duble refine shuger; when the are made wash them over withwth melted butter & serce some fine shuger over them back them in a very quick, oven & dont put up the stons; as soone as the begin to coler the are enough, the chefe art is to make them extreamly thin & to shine atop

To Make a savory Puding

take as much brown bread as you can hold at twice in both youryr hands, one spoonfull of flower half a poundpd of Beef suet sred small one Nutmeg 5 eggs 3 whits with as much milk as will temper it if you will have it sweet put in half a poundpd of Currans & a spoonfull of shuger tye it up in a Cloath & boyle it an houer & half

To stew a Beefs head

Take youryr head & put it into a pott withwth some whole pepar & salt one onion some sweet herbs a quarter of a pint of smooth Ale & as muchmch watter as will cov Cover it tye a paper over it & put it into the oven withwth Brown bread whenwn it is cold take out all the fat & theye bones & Cut theye head into Large peices & stew it in its one Liquor & some gravie & so thicken it up have reddy some fryed bredd & some turnep diced to put in theye dish

To stew a hare

take youryr hare & save all theye blood & take out theye intrails & wash & dry it withwth a cloath cut it into handsome peices Butter youryr stew pan & put it into theye pan withwth theye blood & let it stew a quarter of an houer thenyn have reddy as much boyling watter as will cover it & put in an oynion stuck withwth cloves some sweet herbs a peace of lane Backen Bacon a little smooth Ale cover it close & let it stew leaisurely for 3 hours till its very tender & theye Liquor allmost consumed thenyn thicken it up withwth three quarters of a poundpd of Butter & put in a Little claret anchovie & Vinager to youryr tast

For the Colick

take 2 quarts of milk & turn it into Posit drink thenyn take a handfull of Cammemill a spoonfull of black peper pounded & a nutmef grated 2 spoonfulls guneper berys brused boyle themym in theye Posit drink till theye good ness is out thenyn stran it & drink half a pint Moring & night as long as it lasts


an Exelent Lambetive for a Cough

Take half an ounce of Lose shuger beat it very fine, on ounce of oye of sweet Almons, half an ounce of surup of [Couslops], half an ounce of sarop of madenhare, grind all this well together in youryr marble morter & take a tea sponefull of it often

[....] good To Cleare the Blood by cousen Bennet

To three pints of watter, take 3 quarters of an ounce of Lignam Vitae & 30 or 40 stoned reasons, a stick of green Lickerish as big as youryr fingur scrapd & sliced put all thees into a Jugg tyd down closs set it into a kettle of watter over theye fier for 6 howrs then stran it through asive & take a larg cup of it night & morning you may put duble theye quantity of reasons if you Like it


a Receipt for a glister it is said to be in fallible in theye Collick

take one handfull of Cammomile flowers one ounce of linsed let it boyle a little gently in a pint of watter thenyn put in 4 balls of stone horse dung & half a pint of sack, stran ofe 3 quarters of a pint & disolve 2 yolke of Eggs & 2 spoonfulls of whit powdered shuger in it & give it as warm as youyou do other glisters

To Make chesecaks

take new milk from theye Cow & when its Come ring it in cloth but not to hard rub it in a marble morter withwth little salt & some Butter 8 yolks of Eggs & 2 whits a poundpd of Corrans one nut-meg some grated whit bred of hald a poundpd of beaten almonds huger to youryr tast for theye Crust take as flower shuger as flower & kned it withwth Cold watter butter some rose water & whits of Eggs & when the are well baked take themym out & power as much melted butter & rose watter or oring flower as it will contane & stren as much fine shuger over themym as will make a Canday set themym in theye oven thatyt theye butter & shuger may harden

The Best Past for tarts

take 2 handfulls of flower a little more thanyn theye bigness of a hen eggs rub youryr butter & flower together till its in Crumbls like grated bread thenyn put in theye yolks of 2 Eggs & a litt-le cold watter work all thisys up lightly as for caks roul it as thin as posabley for theye leads but not quit so thin for theye bottoms

The Best Puf Past

take a poundpd of flower half a poundpd of butter rub part of theye butter in theye flower & take an Egg & beat it withwth a spoon thenyn put in as much watter as will make it a stif past & whisk it together & put it in thenyn role youryr past & lay butter & shake [..] flower over it & lap it up & so do for or 5 tims & sole role it out [.] thin & beat it betwen Every time

to salt hams

take youryr hams & hang them up 4 or 5 days to shorten then take 3 ounces of salt peeter beate-n very fine rub it well in let it lye 3 hours thenyn take comon salt dry it very well & salt it let it lye [10] days if open wether thenyn wash the salt ofe withwth warm watter & dry theye back well withwth a cloath & dry it withwth wood smok & some dust

how to keep Kidney Beans all theye year for Boyling

Make a strong brine of salt and watter so much as will cover themym & run themym over withwth sewett & when you use [hem] put themym in boyling watter & let themym boyle an houer at least presing themym down Close

How to Pickle Purslaine

Make a brine of salt & whay boyle it & let it stand till it is cold thenyn take youryr Pursla-ine & put it thare in & run it over withwth sewett & let it lye a month in theye Pickle before you use it


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&to Pickle Coliflowers

pool it in little sprigs power boyling watter & salt over it 3 or 4 severall days Make youryr pickell of whit wine Vineger withwth mace nutmeg ginger hole peper & salt & power youryr pickell one scalding hott for severall times till thay are whit & crisp

an approved [.........] hes Cured grate dropsies Thick Chess

take theye new milk of 7 Cows & theye nights cream put into theye Chess tube then take a galon of scalding watter into theye milk put a handful of Maregold flowers pickt & brusd thenyn stran theye hot watter into theye milk & stir it well thenyn put in as much runnet as will Make it come hard thenyn cover it withwth blankets & whenwn it is come hard lay cloaths in 2 stands thenyn take theye Curd up as thin as youyu can withwth theye fleting dish do not brake theye curd

A rule for boyeing youryr Hams of Baken ether [West-tale] or Inglish

Way youryr Hame & to every pound weight alow a quarterqr of an howers Boyleing put youryr baken on in Cold watter, if you would have the skin Black [lap] it in hay & put a handfull of wallnut leves, or alittle small sea Cole in the watter, you must recken the time when it begins to boyle & kepe it boyeing slowly not fast for that is apt to break the skin

To make viniger Mrs Jenwicks way

When you are Brining soon after you have begun to [Lake] on, take as many Gallons of the Grout as you in tend to make vineger, keep it from Hops & Boyling but put a Little Rarm to it before it [is] cold & let it stand in a Cann & work 4 ways beating it up every day, & after the furst day skimming off the Barm as it rises then tye it down close & Lay a weight upon it; & let it stand in a sunny Window or in some hot place till it is fit for use [it.] best to make it in hot weather

To Make Goosbery Vineger

Take the hulls you stran from makeing youryr Goosbery wine & put to it warm watter or any old dead warm vineger or ale wort withwth out hop & 2 poundspd of shuger & a Little barm & work it as the other & set in the son or any warm place


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Dr Colbach Precriptions for bleeding at the Mouth & Nose

take Japonion Earth Roch Alame Mastick fine dragons blood of each 2 Drams Conserve of reed roses fo 2 ouncis with the syrup of the same make them up into an Electuary & take the quantatie of one nutmegg of it every moring tasting & at 4 in the after noone & the last at night & drink a drafte of the tincture after it this and the Electuary must be taken for 3 weeks after bleeding

To make the Tincture

take dryed reed roses 6 drams Pomegranate flowers 2 drams put them in at Earthen pott & power uppon them boyling watter one quarte oyle of Viti Vitriol fifty drops & let them stand an houre & then strane it off & add to the straned Liquor reed Lisbon wine halfe a pint white shuger Candey 2 ouncis & keep it for use

Another Recept good to stop bleeding

take Comfery roots boyle them in Milke & some of the persons blood dryed before a fire & put into the Milke & taken is reekend good

To put the feet & legs in cold Bryne stops Bleeding imediatly

Take horne & scrape it & put it up the nose & bind som of the scraped horne withwth a sixpence to the midle of the forehead the same horne as are used for Lanthorne is very good to stop bleeding

Let the pachent bled in a fier [shufell] & boyle it in the same shufell till its dry, then rub it to fine powder & [snit] it up the rose

[Cemmon] Clay mixed withwth vineger & boun on [h..d] to the templs is good to stop bleeding, Likeway Dragons blood Beaten fine & Lint [.iped] in vineger & Loled in the dragons blood & put up the nose is good

Elder Water

tow Bushells of berrys Picked from the stalks & put as much water as will cover them & a good Peice of sower Leven & 2 quarts of barm mix themym well together & let themym work 7 or 8 days sturing them once a day, then distill it in a Limbeck [toyo] make allmost a quart of water from a peck of berrys

to cure an Arsma or shortness of Breth

make tea of Lavender flowers & Put a little saforn into a fine rag & iust Culer it & sweeten it withwth treakle & drink of it moring & noon & Night a tea dish at a time


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For the stone in the Blader or Kidnys

Take a handfull of Parcly roots 3 Pints of spring water & boyle it till it comes to half thenyn stran out the roots take a gallon of Ale wort without hop & put a little barme to it & sam of thatyt water by degrees & work it up as beare thenyn take an ounce of bay leves dryed to powder & an ounce of Burdock seeds dryed & powdered & put into the Cann when it hes don working & whenwn ill take of it as youryr Common drink

Surop of Buckthorn

Take of Buckthorn berries, strain themym & set themym on the fire to Clarifie but let themym not boyle add one poundpd of shuger to a Pint of theye Syrrup in straining it [..] must observe to let it stand some time after & take off theye froth thenyn Power off theye Clear from theye settlings

For an Inflamend Blister that begins to mortify

Take dears sewit melt it in a spoon, & withwth a Fether Anoint theye place morning & night puting a fine [Ra..] one theye Blisster

To Gove Ease & to prevent theye Cramp

Wind a Skein of deep Blew wosted abought theye place affected


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To Make [Take greens.] Please put them into y [matter] when ye are almost boyled enough, put in


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