A record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees.
May 3d. 1834.
The Board of Trustees convened at the
Institute. The members present were, John Armstrong, John
Culpeper Sen'r, Charles W. Skinner, Aaron Q. Spivy, W. Crenshaw
W. Roles, John Purify, Tho. Crocker, Allen Bowden, Jas. B.
Outlaw, Turner Carter, Daniel Boon, David Thomson, D. S. Williams
Alfred Dockery. & A J Battle
The meeting was organized by calling D.
Thomson to the Chair and appointing Geo. W. Thompson
The first business which came before the meeting
was the consideration of the Charter, which, after much
deliberation, was accepted.
The meeting then proceeded to the
election of Officers, which results as follows:— Wm. Hooper,
President: Geo. N. Thompson, Secretary; Wm. Crenshaw, Treasurer.
Resolved that Wm. Crenshaw, Geo. W. Thompson,
John Purify, Foster Fort, David Justice, and Wm. Roles
be appointed an Executive Committee, any three of whom shall
constitute a quorum.
A committee was creased consisting of Messrs.
Carter, Dockery, Outlaw, Skinner, and Spivy, whose duty it was
to present a plan of the buildings necessary for the successful
prosecution of the objects of the Institute, and to report on
monday next.
Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered
to Gen. Alfred Dockery for his donation of a set of Blacksmith
Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered to
Charles W. Skinner for his donation of a bell.
Received by the hands of A. J. Spivy $103- from different [gap]
of Bertie; also by the hands of David Thomson $1[gap]
J Sec. Haywood. Adjourned untill Monday morning [gap]
May 5th. The Board convened according[gap]
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