The committee on buildings reports, and the Board passed
the following resolutions, viz:
Resolved, That soon as the state of the
funds will justify it, a house be constructed three stories high
containing not less than ten rooms on a floor.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed
to have prepared a draft of the Building, and to estimate the
probable cost of constructing it, if brick and also if stone, and
report at the next meeting of the Board.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed
to adopt measures for the immediate erection of the following
x buildings, viz: one two-storey house 50 feet by 30.—
Also eight houses, 26 by 12, having stack chimneys with
ten feet sheds.
Resolved, that there shall be an agent appointed,
whose duty it shall be, to present to the people of the State,
the objects of the Board, and to solicit aid for the erection
of the above named buildings.
A committee consisting of Messrs
Armstrong, Roles and Meredith, was appointed, whose duty
it was made to arrange the Literary departments of the Institute.
A committee consisting of Messrs,
Dockery, Outlaw and Williams, was appointed, whose duty it
was to select an agent.
The committee on the Literary
departments reported - upon which it was - Resolved
That the interest of the Institute
require three seperate and distinct departments: Viz —
1st. of moral Philosophy and General Literature. 2d. Of
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 3d Of the Ancient
The following appointments were made: Rev. Samuel
[illegible] A. M. Professor of Moral Philosophy and General
[illegible]. Rev. Thomas Meredith, A. M. Professor of
Mathematics and Natural Philisophy. Rev. John Armstrong
[illegible] Professor of Ancient Languages. — Charles R. Meriam,
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