Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871
President J.H.Mills D. Mr , D,D. B Mr. Skinner G. Mr Thompson (Marke) R.Mr Farmer
J. Mr Daniel
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A record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees. May 3d. 1834.
The Board of Trustees convened at the Institute. The members present were, John Armstrong, John Culpeper Sen'r, Charles W. Skinner, Aaron Q. Spivy, W. Crenshaw W. Roles, John Purify, Tho. Crocker, Allen Bowden, Jas. B. Outlaw, Turner Carter, Daniel Boon, David Thomson, D. S. Williams Alfred Dockery. & A J Battle
The meeting was organized by calling D. Thomson to the Chair and appointing Geo. W. Thompson Secretary.
The first business which came before the meeting was the consideration of the Charter, which, after much deliberation, was accepted.
The meeting then proceeded to the election of Officers, which results as follows:— Wm. Hooper, President: Geo. N. Thompson, Secretary; Wm. Crenshaw, Treasurer.
Resolved that Wm. Crenshaw, Geo. W. Thompson, John Purify, Foster Fort, David Justice, and Wm. Roles be appointed an Executive Committee, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum.
A committee was creased consisting of Messrs. Carter, Dockery, Outlaw, Skinner, and Spivy, whose duty it was to present a plan of the buildings necessary for the successful prosecution of the objects of the Institute, and to report on monday next.
Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered to Gen. Alfred Dockery for his donation of a set of Blacksmith tools.
Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered to Charles W. Skinner for his donation of a bell.
Received by the hands of A. J. Spivy $103- from different [gap] of Bertie; also by the hands of David Thomson $1[gap] J Sec. Haywood. Adjourned untill Monday morning [gap] May 5th. The Board convened according[gap] appointment.
2 The committee on buildings reports, and the Board passed the following resolutions, viz:
Resolved, That soon as the state of the funds will justify it, a house be constructed three stories high containing not less than ten rooms on a floor.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed to have prepared a draft of the Building, and to estimate the probable cost of constructing it, if brick and also if stone, and report at the next meeting of the Board.
Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed to adopt measures for the immediate erection of the following x buildings, viz: one two-storey house 50 feet by 30.— Also eight houses, 26 by 12, having stack chimneys with ten feet sheds.
Resolved, that there shall be an agent appointed, whose duty it shall be, to present to the people of the State, the objects of the Board, and to solicit aid for the erection of the above named buildings.
A committee consisting of Messrs Armstrong, Roles and Meredith, was appointed, whose duty it was made to arrange the Literary departments of the Institute.
A committee consisting of Messrs, Dockery, Outlaw and Williams, was appointed, whose duty it was to select an agent.
The committee on the Literary departments reported - upon which it was - Resolved
That the interest of the Institute require three seperate and distinct departments: Viz — 1st. of moral Philosophy and General Literature. 2d. Of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 3d Of the Ancient Languages.
The following appointments were made: Rev. Samuel [illegible] A. M. Professor of Moral Philosophy and General [illegible]. Rev. Thomas Meredith, A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philisophy. Rev. John Armstrong [illegible] Professor of Ancient Languages. — Charles R. Meriam, [illegible]
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Resolved that the resignation of Tho. Meredith Professor of Mathematicks & Natural Philosophy in the Institute be accepted.
X Resolved that a Com. of two, Profs. Armstrong & Wait be requested to report on the subject of Tutors. Reported by resolution. (J. E.)
Resolved that the Faculty be authorized ^to procure^ two Tutors & that the amount of remuneration be submitted to their discretion.
On motion resolved that a ^com.^ three, M C Allister Tho. Crocker & D. Williams wait on Capt. Berry to know the difference in laying the colledge Walls with brick & stone. Reported & report refered to Building Committee.
On motion Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Faculty to furnish all students who may honourably leave the Institute, with testimonials of their attainments & moral character.
On motion resolved that the former resolution treating the Col. building in front of the present mansion be rescinded.
On motion resolved that the Col. Buildings be located in the place of the present Mansion.
Resolved that J. B. Outlaw, W Crenshaw & G. W. Thompson be a committee to consider the extra charge made out by F. Fort for the building he erected, & report at next november meeting. see letter N.
Resolved that the report of the committee on the house built by Isham Young & the resolution growing out therefrom be rescinded.
Resolved that a committee consisting of I. B. Oulton Geo. W. Thompson & W. Crenshaw be appointed to whose discretion the whole matter with regard to the disputed buildings be submitted.
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On motion resolved that J. Armstrong, Wm. Roles, & David Thompson be appointed a com. to procure a farmer for the ensuing [acid??] report next meeting.
Resolved that the Faculty be instructed to have a lot or small field sowed in clover seed, for experiment.
Resolved that Mr. Watthall be received into the Institute as a mechanic at the rate of 25 cents for three hours.
Resolved that Brethren Wait, Armstrong, Crenshaw & Outlaw be a com. to designate a plan for a grave yard on the premises.
Resolved that Profs. Wait & Armstrong prepare an address to the Baptist of N. C. setting fourth our success and to urge them to [illegible] of sentiment, to which address shall be appended the laws of the Institute list of names of ^the^ Professors, Students, Trustees, terms of admission, Laws & finally the report of the Examining Committee.
Resolved that so much of the report of the Com. on laws, as respects publishing the the laws of the Institute and appending thereunto the names of the students be rescinded.
Resolved that 2000 coppies of the address to be written by the Profs. be printed, & to them, shall be submitted the mode of distributing the same.
Resolved that the Steward be required to furnish the students with wood & that the students pay for the same according to the Stewards report.
Resolved that Daniel Boon's resignation by the hands of David Thompson be accepted.
On motion Resolved that the Building Committee be authorized a soon as the state of the funds will justify it, to proceed to have erected two houses 34 feet long & 32 feet wide two storey high for the Professors to occupy. On motion the committee appointed last Meeting to prepare bye Laws for the Government of the Institute reported and report adopted See letter. A.
On motion appointed Alfred Dockery, Charles. W. Skinner & Allen Bowden a committee on the farm.
Monday night. The committee on the farm reported and report adopted see letter. B. On motion appointed W. P. Biddle, Allen Bowden, Aaron J. Spivey & John Purify ^& A J Battle^ a committee to examine the fencing on the farm at the Institute and recommend any alteration they may deem expedient. On motion appointed Alfred Dockery, W. Crenshaw & George Hufham to obtain a Tutor of Husbandry for the Institute.
The following letter was received and read. To the President and members of the Boards of Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute
Gentlemen. Owing to the knowledge that my appointment to fill the chair of Languages does not meet with the approbation of all the Trustees, I now tender my resignation as Professor of Languages at the W. F. Institute
Windsor November 4th 1834. John Armstrong
On motion. Resolved that the Rev. John Armstrong be reappointed as Professor of Languages in the W. F. Institute which appointment was accepted.
On motion Resolved that John Culpeper & A. Dockery be appointed a committee to write to the Post Master General to obtain the appointment of a post Office at the Wake Forest Institute.
Recd. the following contributions to the Institute which was put into the hands of A J Battle to give to William Crenshaw Sec. Treasurer From Shilow Church by John Pritchard — $ 5 . [page torn] From Joseph Halsey by John Blount 20 . 0[page torn] " several Individuals by the same 3 . 0 [page torn] " George Fennel by George Hapham 20.[page torn]
" Edward Birch by James Thomas | $ 1 . 00 |
" James Siruh " Do Do | 1 . 00 |
" John Woods " Do Do | 15 . 00 |
" Joseph Halsey Do Do | 5 . 00 |
" Joseph Pinder " Do " Delaware Bill | 3 . 00 |
" James Balden " Do . Do | 2 . 00 |
" C. Bryan " Do . | . 25 |
" Mrs Ethridge " Do | 1 . 00 |
" Sawyers Creek Church " Do. | 1 . 00 |
" Mark Britton " Do. | 1 . 00 |
" Several Persons names forgot " Do | 5 . 00 |
$ 83 . 50 |
A. J Battle Rec. Sec. Pro. Tem. — David Thompson Pres. Pro. Tem.
A. Rules for the government of Wake Forest Institute.
Art. 1st. The government of the Institute, subject to the following Laws, shall be rested exclusively in the Faculty.
2nd. The rewards to be confered, shall be such marks of distinction as the good behaviour, the diligence, or the attainments of the Students shall be believed to merit. —
3d. The penalties to be inflicted shall be private admonition, publick admonition, suspension & expulsion according according to the nature of the affront offence.
4th. Each Student on entering the Institute shall be not less than 12 years of age, and should bring with him in behalf of his moral character such Testimonials as the Faculty shall require and approve.
5th No one shall be admitted as a student who shall not reside at the Institute, and conform to all the requirements of the manual Labour department.
6th. No Student shall be allowed to leave the premises on any occasion or for any purpose without permission from the Principal.
7th. The deportment of the Students will be expected and required to be on all occasions strictly such as becomes Gentlemen, and any department ^departure^ from this Standard shall be subject to such penalty as the Principal or Faculty may consider appropriate.
8th. The Students shall be required to rise in the morning & return to their rooms at night, at such hours as the Faculty from time to time may designate.
9th. The Students shall also attend prayers at such time in the morning and also in the evening as shall by the Faculty be deemed expedient.
10th. There shall be four classes in the Institute which shall recite each day - sunday excepted at such hours as may be found convenient.
11th. Three hours each day Sundays excepted shall be [page torn] to manual labour on the part of the students, subject to the discretion [page torn] Faculty.
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12th. On the Lords day religious worship shall be held twice at the Institute, in the morning, and in the afternoon on which occasions all the students, unless excused by the Principal shall be required to attend.
All which is respectfully submitted.
T. Meredith Chair
The following articles were by the unanimous vote of the Trustees recommended to be appended to the laws of the Institute.
1st. No student shall purchase from any shop or store any articles whatever. All necessary articles shall be purchased by the Principal or some one of the faculty.
2nd. All money brought by the students shall be handed over to the Principal & no student shall be allowed more than $5 during the year for pocket money. —
B. The committee on the farm respectfully report, That they deem it unnecessary to advance any arguments to prove the decided & great advantage the manual labour department gives to our institution over any other in the State, there can be no doubt in the mind of the man of common observation, that it is in a considerable degree owing to this distinguishing & valuable feature in the plan, that so many of the principal men of our State are anxious to have their sons educated at the Wake Forest Institute.
If this view of the committee be correct, it must be admitted by all, that a failure on the farm would produce a reaction in publick sentiment quite prejudicial to the Institute, and an abandonment of the farm would prove the abandonment of the school. The committee however do not intend by these remarks to insinunate that our brethren Wait & Merriam have not done their duty, when we take into consideration the many unconveniences & difficulties which attend the commencing of a farm, that there were but 25 or 30 Students at the time of preparation & planting and above all the very unfavourable season, particularly the want of rain at the proper time, which greatly injured not only the crop at the Institute, but all in that section of Country. The crop is fully as good as the friends had any right to expect. The committee however greatly regret that arrangements had not been made to employ the whole of the students full three hours every day. It is understood that particularly for the last ten weeks, the Students have not worked more than an average of one hour per day which the Committee consider an inovation upon one of the best features of the concern, a deviation from what they considered an important and an established regulation which has disappointed the parents & Guardians of the Students, not so much on account of the paltry sum which has been lost, as on account of their wish to have them taught to work on the farm as well as to read.
With a view to guard against future disappointments of the above character, the Committee submit the following ideas. The committee suppose there will be at the commencement of next session one hundred Students & that the labour of five Students 3 hours in fully equal to one hand, consequently the hundred Students will be equal to an effective force of twenty constant hands. Twenty hands should cultivate at least 250 acres exclusive the crop of wheat & oats. 150 of the quantity should be [planted??] [page torn] in corn, 75 in cotton & 25 in potatoes peas and vegetables. The cultivation of cotton should be pursued from two considerations. In the first place picking the cotton will furnish work for the Students during the fall season [page torn] the second place the product of one Acre of cotton is worth the product [page torn] Acres in corn. The cultivation of the above proposed crop will require [page torn] horses & the constant employment of an industrious practicable farm [page torn]
The committee therefore recommend the employment fourthwith of some person of correct deportment, acquainted with the various branches of farming as practised in North Carolina to take charge of the farm as it is understood, the present tutor of husbandry intends to resign at the close of the year. The committee are further of opinion that from the exhausted condition & the general [illegible] of the land which subjects it to still greater exhaustion every year. That it may be safely said that the farm is insufficent for more than one hundred Students & that arrangements for the prosecution of the Mechanic Arts should be made for the employment of whatever number may be received over one hundred. The committee particularly recommend the building of two work shops by the Students as soon as practicable. One of them to be used by a Tanner, the other by a Joiner. In shops of this description a number of Students may be employed in the manufactory of bed framings, tables, writing desks, chairs &c. &c. for the accomodation & furnishing of all the school rooms, the Professors houses &c. This plan possesses the additional advantage of enabling the Students to a greater exstent of pursuing their favourite occupation which is by no means a small consideration. The committee is aware that to carry the forgoing recommendations into effect there must be an additional expenditure, not however without a fair prospect of a corresponding income. The cotton crop for instance in all probability will amount to 35 or 40.000 lbs of seed cotton, which at the present price is worth $1000, but the main consideration with the Committee is, that ours is intended to be a manual labour & literary school and nothing short of the above arrangement will in the opinion of the Committee furnish business for the Students 3 hours per day, which they consider indispensable.
The committee further recommend the appointment of a Committee consisting of five of farmers whose duty it shall be to examine the farm, the fences, and every thing thereunto pertaining & suggest such improvements as may be deemed necessary either in shortening the fences by turning out land that is from its exhausted State unfit for cultivation or otherwise. All of which is respectfully submitted.
Alfred Dockery Chairman.
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Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute, convened at the Institute on the 22nd, 23, 24, & 25 days of December 1834.
The committee appointed to address Profs. Hooper, to know, if he will accept the appointment of President of the Board of Trustees for W. F. I. reported, that they had received information, that he declined the appointment, because of his indisposition, which made it impossible for him to attend the meetings of the Board.
On motion Dr. Joseph B. Outlaw was appointed President of the Board of Trustees.
On motion resolved that the Executive Committee be instructed to discontinue the erection of Wooden buildings except those already contracted for, untill further orders from the Board.
On motion resolved that the payments of the brick buildings be in three annual installments, the first to be paid in January 1836. The second in January 1837, and the third in January 1838.
On motion resolved that the Colledge Buildings be completed at the time the second installment becomes due.
The following committees been appointed. Armstrong, Bowden & Jeffreys a committee to locate the colledge Building.
Roles, Wynne & Purify a committee on the report of the Treasurer.
Armstrong, Thompson and Culpeper a committee on the report of the Principal.
Skinner, Crenshaw and Roles a committee on the report of the Steward.
Outlaw, Skinner & Battle on the agency, Purify, Battle & Thompson to adopt measures to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees.
Armstrong, Jeffreys & Outlaw on additional Instructors.
Skinner, Roles & Wynne on the terms of admission [page torn] ensuing year.
Culpeper, Outlaw & Skinner on a prepatory department.
Battle, Skinner & Bowden on the propriety of building a Hotel.
Outlaw, Crenshaw & Roles a committee on the case of John Pritchard.
Resolved that the report of the Committee on a preparatory department be laid on the table untill next meeting of the Board. see letter A.
Resolved that a committee of three be appointed to bring the contractors of the present buildings before the Board of Trustees and that Committee consist of Skinner, Bowden & Armstrong. And that the same committee be instructed to examine the large wooden building and say what alterations are necessary to be made to secure the strength of the Building.
The committee on the Hotel reported, the report received & adopted. see letter B.
Resolved that the Interest of the Institute require an additional chair, the Chair of moral Philosophy.
Resolved further tht the Rev. William Hooper SSD be appointed to the chair of moral Philosophy.
Resolved that a committee of 5 be appointed to open an immediate correspondence with Prof. Hooper on the subject of accepting the chair of Moral Philosophy in W. F. I. & to ascertain whether he will accept of the same: and that committee be Wait, Armstrong, C. W. Skinner, Joseph B. Outlaw & Amos J Battle.
Resolved that the male children of the Principal & Professors of the Institute be educated in the Institute free of cost.
On motion resolved that the committee to correspond with Profs. Hooper, communicate the above resolution and to offer him $1000. for his salary & a house as soon as can be erected.
Resolved that a committee of three be appointed on the establishment of Scholarships in the Institute and that Armstrong, Skinner, & Battle be that Committee.
The committee on scholarships reported the report received & adopted. see letter C.
Resolved that the order relative to the colledge buildings at the last meeting at Cashie be rescinded.
Resolved that the plan of the colledge buildings presented by Mr. Ligon be adopted. - see plan & specifications.
Resolved that Mr. Skinner be appointed to purchase the plan as presented by Mr. Ligon.
The committee on the report of the Treasurer reported the report received & adopted. see letter D. —
Resolved that in as much as our Secretary declines compensation for his services, that we tender him our sincere thanks for the same.
On motion resolved that a committee be appointed consisting of Roles, Wynne & Bowden to enquire into the expediency of digging out a cellar under the large wooden building for a dining room & to raise the building for that purpose to a proper height and to enquire into the probable expense thereof & that the second story be divided into lodging rooms.
The committee to adopt measures to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees reported & report received & adopted see letter. E. —
The Committee to locate the colledge Building reported and report received & adopted. see letter F.
The Committee on the expediency of constructing a dining room under the large wooden building reported the report received & committee discharged. see letter G.
On motion the above report was refered to the discretion of a committee consisting of three & that committee be Crenshaw, Wait, & Thompson.
The committee on the Agency reported and report and report received. See letter. H.
On motion Resolved that if Bro. Jordan declines the appointment of agent, that the same Committee be authorized to procure an agent who will act.
On motion resolved that the resignation of John Purify as one of the Executive Committee be accepted.
On motion resolved that the following articles be appended to the bye laws of the Institute.
No student shall purchase from any shop or store any article whatever. All necessary articles shall be procured by an order from the Principal or some one of the Faculty. All money brought by the Student shall be handed over to the Principal & no student shall be allowed more than $5 during the year for pocket money.
Resolved that no Student be allowed to keep any dirk sword-cain fire arms or any other weapons of defence
On motion resolved that the Committee on the agency be instructed to examine the Accounts & books of the present agent and make a settle ment with him for his services.
On motion resolved that Armstrong, Battle & Outlaw be a committee to draft a course of studies to be pursued at the Institute.
The committee on the case of John Prichard reported the report received & committee discharged. see letter J.
Resolved that each Student according to age, shall receive hourly wages the ensuing year, as the present.
On motion Bro. Wait was instructed to proceed in keeping his accounts of the labour of the Students according to the manner of the present year.
On motion resolved that $6 per. month be the price of bed & board for the ensuring year. that is $5.50 for board & 50 cents for bed per. month.
On motion resolved that the price of washing for the ensuing year, be $1 per. month.
The committee to examine the large wooden building to recommend the necessary alterations reported & report received. see letter J.
On motion resolved that the scholastic year be equally divided into ^two sessions^ 5 Months each commencing Feb. 1st. 1835.
On motion resolved that each Student shall pay $30. in a advance at the commencement of each session.
The Committee on the Agency reported, report received & adopted. See letter. J.
Resolved that every student who may be expelled or who shall withdraw himself from the Institute without the consent of the Faculty shall forfeit his advance payment.
Committee on the Farmer reported. see Principals report. Letter M
The committee on the Principal reported. see Principals report. Letter M.
Committee on the Steward reported. see Principal's report— Committee on terms of admission reported. through resolutions.
X On motion resolved that the labour of black men be at no time employed in the cultivation of the farm.—
Resolved that William Ursery & John Prichard be received & permitted to labour as Michanecks at the rate of 25 cents for every three hours, under the direction of the Faculty, & to pay the expence of board tuition &c. as other students.
On motion resolved that 4 labouring Students be admitted into the Institute also a fifth one if deemed expedient by the Faculty.
The committee on additional instructors reported & report received. See letter K—
Resolved that the Faculty be instructed to procure one or two Tutors when circumstances shall require & justify it, & that they be authorized to give the sum of $200.
On motion resolved that the 10th day of Feb, be the period within which any applicant may claim his seat.
Resolved that the Board order an appropriation to pay the Sallaries of the Principal & Farmer.
On motion resolved that the Rev. Samuel Wait. A. M. be allowed the sum of $1000 togeather with the board of his family & house — rent, as a sallary at W. F. I.
Resolved that a sallary of $800. be allowed the Rev. John Armstrong. A. M. for his services at the Institute.
Resolved that Charles. R. Miriam be appointed as steward at the Institute for the ensuing year.
Resolved that a committee of three consisting of Roles. Battle & Culpeper be appointed to wait on Bro. Miriam & ascertain whether he will accept the appointment of steward at a sallary of $200, & report fourthwith.
On Motion resolved that Profs. Wait be instructed to have the necessary repairs done to the school room immediately.
On motion resolved that Profs. Wait in conjunction with the executive Committee be authorized to procure a farmer at a sallary not exceeding $200—
On motion resolved that the Rev. Thomas Meredith. A. M. whenever circumstances will justify him to locate at the Institute be allowed the Sallary of $800.—
The Committee appointed to wait on Mr. Miriam reported that he had accepted the appointment at a sallary of $200.
The Committee to arrange the course of studies in the Institute reported, report received & adopted. see letter. L.—
On Motion resolved that the Committee to arrange the course of studey be continued, with instructions to report on the same subject at the next meeting of the Board.
In as much as Sister Wait has with unremitted pursevearance afforded such valuable services in the management of the stewardship the past year. Therefore resolved that we tender to her our grateful acknowledgements.
In as much as we deem it highly important that we have a journal of our Proceedings. Therefore resolved that a committee be appointed to purchase such a book to be called the journal of [page torn]
The Institute to arrange the order & select the proper items of our past proceedings from the commencement of the Institution to record in this journal & that Armstrong Crenshaw & Thompson be that committee.
Resolved that every person who may subscribe the sum of $25 or upwards for the erection of the building shall be considered a patron of the Institute.
Resolved that Profs. Wait be appointed to prepare an Epitome of the Institution with all the important transactions of the Board of Trustees & transmit the same to Bro. Meredith for publication. One thousand coppies to be printed & sent to the Faculty of the Institute, & that the names of each student togeather with the Board of Trustees and all its Officers be included therein.
Resolved that the property of constructing such partitions in the dining room requested to procure 4 lodging rooms be submitted to the discretion of the Faculty & Executive Committee and all such necessary arrangements.
Resolved that Crenshaw, Wait & Thompson be appointed a committee to adjust the accounts of the Treasurer & Principal for insertion in the minutes.
Resolved that the board highly estimate the services of the Principal of the Institute & that they now tender him their thanks for the faithful & successful discharge of his arduous duties.
Resolved that the Board duly appreciate the services of Bro. Miriam as tutor of husbandry & tender him our sincere thanks.
Resolved that the ^this^ Board unite in giving thanks to the Great Head of the Church for the [un???] that has pervaded this body & for the manly effort that has characterized its movements during the present session
On motion that this board adjourn to July 1st. 1835. to meet at the Institute.
1835 Members present of the Board of Trustees at our July Meeting hereafter dated were Charles Mc.Allister, John Armstrong, Allen Bowden, A. J. Battle, Wm. Hooper, Alfred Dockery, Tho. Crocker, Wm. Crenshaw, J. B. Outlaw, J. Purify, David Thompson, G. W. Thompson, A. L. Wynne, D. S. Williams, James Watkins & William Roles, Visiting Brethren, J. Dennis, Q. A. Pouney, J. Spurgen J. Powell, W. M. Crenshaw & Samuel Wait.
Proceedings of the Board of Trustees for the W. F. Institute convened at the Institute on the 1st, 2, 3, & 4 days July 1835. Prayer by Rev. Tho. Crocker.
A letter was received from Bro. Biddle tendering his resignation as a Trustee, which resignation was secured,
Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to reply to Bro. Biddle's letter, informing him, that the Postscript of his letter will be duly attended too.—
The following committees were appointed. Wm. Roles, David Thompson & A. Bowden a Committee on the farm. Reported & report received see letter P.
David Thompson, D. S. William, & Charles Mc.Allister a committee on steward. Reported & received. See letter O.
J. Armstrong, A. Bowden & A. Dickery a committee on farmer. Reported & received see letter B.
Wm. Hooper, J. Armstrong, & I. A. Pouncey a committee on Philosophical Apparatus. No report.
A. I. Battle, Charles Mc.Allister & Wm. Crenshaw a committee on the wooden Building erected by Isham Young reported & received see letter C.
Resolved that the Cashier be authorized to offer the sum of $528.75 and the sum of $749. to Isham Young as full pay for the two houses he built for the Trustees of the Ins, & and take in receipt accordingly.
Samuel Wait, Geo W Thompson & W. M. Crenshaw a committee on laws. Reported & received see letter M.
A. I. Battle I. Purify & James Dennis a com. on duties of Farmer & Steward, reported & received see letter A.
D. S. Williams, Charles McAllister & A. S. Wynne a committee on obtaining a deed for the land of the Institute. Reported & received. see letter E.
Resolved that the same committee consisting of D. S. Williams, C. McAllister & A. S. Wynne be continued to procure a deed for the land of the Institute.
A. Bowden, Tho. Crocker & J. Spurgen a committee on Pledges & on examining the accounts submitted to them by J. Battle, reported & received see letter. D.
David Thompson, John Armstrong & A. Dockery, a committee on ceremonies in laying the corner stone of the colledge Building, reported & report received. see letter F.
Geo. W. Thompson, Wm. Crenshaw & James Watkins a committee on Publick House reported & received see letter G.
David Thompson, A. J. Battle & A Dockery be a committee to prepare a reply to an article in the recorder signed a Trustee, reported & received see letter J.—
Resolved that a committee be appointed to procure a philosophical & Chemical apparatus for the Institute
David Thompson, Wm Roles & J. B. Outlaw be appointed a committee to reconsider the subject of a publick House.
Resolved that Dr. J. B. Outlaw M. D. be appointed to the chair of Anatomy & Physiology.
Resolved that David Williams, G. W. Thompson & Wm. Roles be appointed a committee to wait on Dr. Outlaw & know of him, whether he accepts the appointment. reported see letter H. —
The committee on the Agency reported, that they had selected Rev. John Armstrong as Agent to collect funds in order to meet the present demands of the Institute, upon which Mr. Armstrong was unanimously chosen as Agent of the Board of Trustees.
A committee was appointed consisting of T. Meredith, J. C. Stevenson and William Sanders, whose duty it was made to draft Rules for the regulation of the Institute, and report at the next meeting of the Board.
Resolved, That there shall be an examination^ing^ Committee consisting of ten, three of whom shall be a quorum, whose duty it shall be to examine the Students in their various studies, and report to the Board. The committee consists of Messrs. A. Spirey, S. S. Biddle, D. Williams, W. H. Jordan, A. Dockery, D. Thompson, S. Graham, and A. J. Battle. Jos. B. Outlaw & Wm Hooper.
[pencil note: Land transfer] A committee consisting of D. Thomson, D. Boon and R. Sanders, was appointed to superintend the transfer of the land belonging to the Institute to the Board of Trustees, and report at the next meeting.
Resolved, That a request be made, thro' the Interpreter to all the friends of the Institute for such books as they may be willing to spare, in order to form a Library at the Institute.
Resolved that the following for the present, be the terms of instruction. For board, per month $5 10 Month $50 For tuition Latin, Greek &c. per Do. 2 " " 20 For English in all its branches per Do. 1 . 50 15 For washing per month . 75 7 . 50 Room & fire wood Gratis. $92 . 50
Resolved that each student over 16 years of age be allowed for his la[page torn] 3 cents per hour; and each over 12 be allowed 2 cents per hour.
Resolved, That no student shall be admitted in the Institute, who will not board at the Institute. Resolved, That the Executive Committee in connection with the Principal be authorized to procure a comp[page torn] Tutor when they shall deem it necessary
Resolved, that the next meeting of the Board be [page torn] Cashie Meeting House, in Bertec County, on friday before the 1st, [page torn] in November next. Adjourned —.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees for Wake Forest Institute at its meeting at Cashie Bertie County. Nov. 3 & 5. 1834.
David Thompson was called to the chair Pro. Tem. Members present, John Armstrong, Joseph B. Outlaw, Allen Bowden, Alfred Dockery, Turner Carter, William P. Biddle George Hufham, John Culpeper, Charles. W. Skinner, Aaron J. Spivey, George M. Thompson & Amos. J. Battle.
On motion John Armstrong was requested to report his success in his agency to take subscriptions to build the houses necessary for the reception of Students & the Faculty at the Institute.
Reported that he had $13,500 subscribed to be paid in five annual installments.
Resolved that John Armstrong continue to take subscriptions in the same way untill the 1st February 1835.
A Letter from the Rev. Samuel Wait Principal at the Institute was rcd in reference to the affairs of the Institute & laid on the Table.
A letter from Capt. Berry was read proposing to build the Houses at the Institute and was laid on the Table.
Resolved that the draft for the Buildings as presented by Capt. Berry be adopted as to the General outlines.
Resolved that the walls of the house be 42 inches thick at the base & 14 inches on the last Story & that the form of the roof be attend from a hiped to a Gable end. On motion —
Resolved that a committee of five be appointed to contract for & superintend the building of said houses. William Crenshaw Senr. Charles W. Skinner, ^Amos J Battey^ A J Spivy & Joseph B. Outlaw were appointed the above committee. On motion the committee appointed last Meeting to obtain a transfer of the title from the Committee who [page torn]urchased the farm at the Institute to the President of the Trustees [page torn] his successors, was continued and requested to obtain the transfer [page torn] as soon as possible.
On motion appointed A I Spivy & Joseph. B Outlaw a committee to [page torn] from the Rev. William Hooper whether he accepts the appointment [page torn] of the Board of Trustees.
Resolved that the President of Trustees unite with the Presidents of the Philomathisean & [Eugelian??] Societies, in requesting Mr. Dockery to furnish a coppy of the oration delivered by him on the 4th of Ins. & for publication.
Nine vacancies having occured in the board of Trustees for W. F. I. by Death, resignation & removal, (J. E.) 2 died Stephen Graham & Turner Carter, 6 resigned W. P. Biddle James King, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Stradby, Alfred Bunt, Daniel Boon, removed 1. Hugh Quin: which vacancies were filled up by the election of 7 others (J E)
Peter P. Laurence Archibald H. Davis David Justin John Forsher William Jordan Thomas Graves Ruben T. Landers leaving one vacancy not filled up.
Resolved that the next Meeting of the Board be at the Institute commencing on Monday 23d. November next. Prayer by Elder John Purify—
Members present at the meeting of the Board of Trustees
John Armstrong, William Crenshaw, George W. Thompson, John Purify, Alfred Dockery, Joseph B Outlaw, A. J. Spivey, R. L. Sanders, Thomas Crocker, Allen Bowden, A. J. Battle, William Roles
Proceedings of the Board of Trustees for Wake Forest Institute Convened at the Institute on the 26 day Nov. 1835.
On motion Resolved that a Committee of Three be appointed on the Report of the farmer consisting of Sanders. Spivey & Purify
Resolved that a committee be appointed on the report of principal consisting of Battle. Dockery and Thompson
Resolved that a committee be appointed on the report of the Steward consisting of Roles. Crenshaw and Purify.
On motion Resolved that the building Committee be called on for a Report.
on motion Resolved that a committee be appointed to report on the Treasure consisting of Battle. Roles and Dockery.
Committee on Farmer Reported Report Received See letter A.
The Resignation of Charles McAlister as Trustee was Received and accepted.
On motion Resolved. that for the Insueing Year the farming Interest of the Institute be submitted to the professors to be conducted according to thier best Judgements.
on motion Resolved, that a committee of three be appointed. consisting of Armstrong. Crenshaw & Outlaw. to lay before Some distinguished lawyer the different Conveyances of the lands of Wake Forest Institute and also the practicability of confering the title of the Same to the Baptist denomination, and report at the next meeting of board of Trustees —
On motion Resolved that the building committee be authorised to borrow the sum necessary to make out the first payment due Capt Berry by the 1st. Jany next.
Resolved that there shall be nothing purchased for any Studant of the Wake Forest Institute unless an order be recieved from the parent or Guardian to the principal or some other member of the Faculty definetly limiting the amount to be paid out and also defining the articles for which it is to be laid out.
Resolved that in the opinion of the Board the principal should use great caution in permitting Students to leave the Institute.
Resolved that the Secretary be Instructed to draw off three coppies of all the resolutions in relation to the Goverment of the Institute and that one be given the principal & two others be set up at some promenent place in the Institute
Resolved that the Secretary have the above resolution to gather with the law relating to Students not being permitted to purchase articles, without the presence of some member of the Faculty published in the Recorder.
Resolved that A. P. Spirey, R. T. Sanders, Calvin Graves, William P Bond Samuel P. Wheeler, and David S Williams. be appointed an examining Committee to attend the next public Examination of the Students of Wake Forest Institute the Ensuing year.
Resolved that Bro. A. J. Battle be appointed agent for the Board of Trustees the Ensuing Year.
Resolved that Armstrong. Spivy. and Sanders. be a committee to wait on Bro. Battle on the subject of his appointment as agent.
Resolved that 4 Acres of land South of the main building be laid off for the erection of a house of Entertainment.
Resolved that a committee of three composed of Dockery, Bowden and Sanders be appointed to devise and recommend Some feaseble plan for the erection of a house of Entertainment & report the Same.
Resolved that Bro. Armstrong be authorised to purchase Books for the benifit of Students at Wake Forest Institute not to exceed Raleigh prices.
The committee to recommend a place to erect a Tavern Reported and report recieved See letter B.
Resolved that a committee Consisting of Roles, Armstrong & Crenshaw be appointed to contract with some individual in legal form to erect a Hotel & occupy the same at the Institute
Resolved that the proprietor of the Hotel be permitted to Board his children at home & send them to the Institute.
Committee on the Treasure reported and Report recieved See letter C.
On motion Resolved that a sufficient Sum be appropriated to pay the different officers of the Institute. Professors, Farmer, Steward and Tutors. by the proper authorities
Report on the funds of the Institute See letter E.
Resolved that no Student be permitted to re Enter the Institute without paying all arranges.
Resolved that all Students shall pay for Board Tuition washing and bed. & Shall pay the begining of the month they enter the Institute-
Resolved that the report on the funds of the Institute be Substituted in the place of the report of the committee on the principal
Resolved that we accept the proposition of the convention to nominate Trustees to be elected by the acting Trustees. the Convention nominating [page torn]oice the number to be elected.
Resolved that the resignation of Bro. George Thompson as Trustee of Wake Forest Institute be recieved and that the thanks of the board be returned to Bro. Thompson for his past Services as Secretary—
Resolved that William Roles be appointed Secretary in place of Bro. George Thompson resigned.
Building Committee reported & report recieved See letter G.
Committee on Foster Forts extra charge of $20.00 reported & Report Recd.
Resolved that $20.00 be appropriated to pay off Forts extra charge
Resolved that the employment of a Suitable number of Servants both black and white be submitted to the discretion of the principal
Resolved that the Faculty be authorised to employ Bro. Graves as Tutor of the Institute or Source other suitable person at a Salary discretionary with themselves—
Committee on Steward Reported & Report Recieved See letter. K.
Where as one of the most important valuable distinguishing & indispensable feature in the charactor of the Wake Forest Institute is its manual labour department. therefore Resolved that the Students in future be unconditionally required to labor three hours each day unless prevented by indisposition or inclement weather—
Resolved that in the event Bro. Battle does not accept the appointment of Agent. that the building Committee with the Faculty be authorised to imploy one at a Salary of $500.00
Resolved that the Trustees of the Institute hold there next [page torn] at the examination of the Students—
Resolved that the Secretary have published in the bibical recorder Such proceedings of this meeting as may be thought necessary
Resolved that this body return there thanks to the great head of the church for his Smiles on this Institute and pray a Continuance of the Same —
on motion that this board adjourn till the next examination of the Students at the Wake Forest Institute prayer by Bro Purifoy
Proceedings of the Trustees of Wake Forest Institute convened the 10 day March 1836. Joseph B Outlaw presedent. Rev. William Hooper. Rev. William H. Jordan. Rev. John Armstrong Rev. Amos J Battle Alfred Dockery Charles Skinner T. Sanders. William Crenshaw. and William Roles Secretary.
Joseph B Outlaw presedent took the Chair & prayer by the Rev. William Hooper.
1 On motion Resolved that the terms for bed board tuition washing and fire wood. be $100. per. year with the usual deduction for the manual labour. and that these Terms commence the first of July next.
2 Resolved that the building committee be authorised to erect immediately a Carpenters' and Joiners' shop. to be built by the Students.
3 Resolved that the building committee be authorised to erect a house for a profesor. and that the same built by the Students of wood. with such other help as the building committee deem necessary.
4 Resolved that a committee of three consisting of Skinner Sanders and Dockery. be appointed to Settle with Bro. Jordan former Agent.
5 Resolved that a sufficient number of double moss mattresses with the necessary furniture be furnished for the Institute and that they be procured as soon as possible.
6 Resolved that Brother Amos J. Battle be appointed to procure the mattresses mentioned in the above resolution.
7 Resolved that the expediency of a uniform for the Students be refered to a committee. consisting of Hooper. Skinner. & Jordan.
8 Resolved that a Semstress be employed whoes duty it shall be to attend to the washing mending and distributing the Student Clothes
9 Resolved that Bro. Joseph B Outlaw be appointed to procure a Seemstress to attend to the washing mending and distributing the Students Clothes.
10 Resolved that the Steward of this Institute be authorised here after to charge all visitors except ministers of the Gospel. & that he be regulated by the following prices. man & horse per day $1.50. Horse the night 50 cents Horse feed 25 cents. Horse per day 75 cents. man dinner 50 cents. man. Breakfast 37 1/2 cents. man Supper 37 1/2 cents. man lodgeing 25 cents & per day $[page torn]
11. Resolved that the resolution authoriseing the Steward to charge visitors to the Institute. be published in the Bibical recorder and one of the Raleigh papers.
12. Resolved that the Steward be authorised to purchase a Regester. In which the visitors to the Institute shall be charged with thier respective amounts when paid annexed.
13. Resolved that the Secretary give notice in the Bibical recorder. that the Wake Forest Institute is now full of Students and therefore can take no more at present.
14 Resolved that a committee consisting of Dockery Battle and Armstrong be appointed to reinvestigate the accounts of the the Steward and funds of the Institute. & Report to morrow
15 Resolved that the Salary of the Steward be raised fifty dollars makeing it two hundred & fifty dollars Instead of two hundred dolls pr annum
16 Resolved that here after the Steward & Treasure be required to make Semi-annual returs of there Respective accounts to this body.
17 Resolved that all parrents and guardeans be resquested to furnish the Students with clothing at home as near as possible for the Year. and that this Resolution be published in the Bibical Recorder
18 A petetion presented by the Studants for the formation of a volenteer company. which was rejected by the board and that Bro. Hooper write them a note Stateing the objection & Inconsistancy
19 Resolved that the committee appointed for the reinvestigation of the accounts of the Steward and funds of the Institute have further time to report and that the same be refered to the examination of Amos J Battle the Present Agent. And that he reports to meeting of the Trustees.
20. The committee appointed to settle the accounts with the Rev. William H Jordan former Agent Reported & Report Recd. See letter A.
21. Resolved that the Books and papers in possesion of Bro. Jordan former Agent be transfered to Bro. Amos J Battle present Agent
22. Resolved that the Books and papers in possesion of Bro. John Armstrong former Agent be transfered to Bro Amos P Battle present Agent
23. Resolved that the location of the professors building be left to the discretion of the building committee.
24 Resolved that each Student belonging to the Institute in future keep thier own accounts.
25 Resolved that three hours a day shall be the regular period of daily labour through out the week. except Saturdays. but that when the Faculty shall deem it expedient the term of two hours shall be sufficient. Resolved further that when the exegencies of the farm shall require it. the Students may be continued at labour so long as the Faculty shall think necessary.
26. Resolved that a committee of three persons be appointed whoes object it shall be to a [illegible] the best means for raising the Sum $16666.67 for the purpose of endowing a professorship in the Wake Forest Institute. which professorship shall be subsequently Fild. as shall be deemed best for the interest of the Institute.
27. Resolved that a committee of three be appointed consisting of Skinner Dockery and Hooper for the purpose of prepairing subscriptions to raise the $16666.67 mentioned in the above Resolution.
28 Resolved that the committee appointed on uniform have leave to Report at the next meeting of Trustees.
Meeting of the Trustees at the Wake Forest. Institute on the twenty forth day of Nov. 1836 (being Thursday) present. Joseph B Outlaw. presedent. William Crenshaw Amoss P. Battle. John Culpepper Sr. David Thompson Charles W. Skinner. Reuben T. Sanders. John Armstrong. & William Roles Secretary. Prayer by Bro. Amoss J Battle.
On Motion Resolved that the proceeding of the last meeting of Trustees be Read.
Resolved that Brethren A. J. Battle & D Thompson be a Committee To Investigate the accounts of the Treasurer & Report during the present Meeting.
Resolved that a committee consisting of Thompson Battle & Roles be appointed to Investigate the accounts of the Steward and the Institute and report during the Present Meeting.
Resolved that a committee cosisting of Brethren. Sanders Culpepper & Skinner be appointed to Investigate the accounts of the farmer and farm and report during the present meeting.
Resolved that the Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute give William Crenshaw there Treasurer a Pledge for $2010.55 the ballance due hence to present date.
The Committee to Investigate the account of the Treasure. reported & Report recieved & Committee discharged.
ordered that the Steward of this Institute be Instructed to purchase 15000 pounds of pork for the benefit of the Institute the next Year.
Resolved that George Ryan the Steward for the next Year be allowed to bring with him 2 negroe woman for the use of the Institute and his own wife—
Adjourn till tomorrow 9 o clock A. M. prayer by Bro. Culpepper—
Fryday Nov. 25 1836 The meeting opend at 9 o clock prayer by Bro. Meredeth.
Resolved that the Rev. John Armstrong be aded to the Committee to Investigate the accounts of the Steward and Institute.
Resolved that the Committee on the farm be allowed further time to report.
Resolved that A. J. Battle & David Thompson be a Committee to Audite the accounts of the Institute.
Resolved that A. J. Battle & C. W. Skinner be a Committee to wait on Bro. Graves to assertain wheather he will accept of Saluary of Six hundred dollars for his Services the next Year as a Tutor, and a house to be found him at $100. Rent.
Resolved that a Committee consisting of A. J. Battle & David Thompson be appointed to offer a Salary of four hundred dollars to procure the Services of Bro. Wilcox as Tutor the next Year for the Wake Forest Institute. and also offer Board for Bro Wilcox & family. together with $100. to move them from thier resedence at the north.
Resolved that $300 be appendd. to the report of the Committee on the farm for the expence of three work horses the past Year. and also $300. as an expence for the labouring hours the past Year.
Resolved that they Hay made on the farm at the Institute be Estimated at $20. and that the same be altered to the amount on the report of the Committee on the farm. Also that the Cotton made on the farm be Estimated at 3000 Pounds
The Committee on the farm reported & Report recieved and Committee discharged. See A.
Resolved. that the farmer be authorised to hire three black boys the Insuing Year to follow the plough.
Resolved that Bro. Wait be Imployd. as profesor for the Institute the next Year at a Salary of $1000. one thousand dollars and that a house be found him and his family clear of Rent.
Resolved. that Brethren Outlaw Crenshaw and Roles be a executive Committee for the Wake Forest Institute.
Resolved that the Facculty be Authorised Should it be necessary. to procure the Services of an English Teacher to devote a part of his time as a Teacher. and a part of his time to be Instructed by the profesors of the facculty as may be a greed on.
The committee appointed to wait on Bro Graves reported. that he accepted the Sum proposed as a Satisfactory Compensation for his Services the next Year, as Tutor.
Resolved that a Committee Consisting of Brethren Skinner Outlaw & Thompson be appointed to co. opperate with a Committee appointed by the Convention on the Expedency of procuring a profesorship at the Wake Forest Institute.
Resolved that Bro. Skinner be appointed to Consult with Mrs Blunt of Edenton. widow of the late John Blunt and his executors. on the Expedency of disposing of the property left to the Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute and the Investing the funds.
Resolved that a Committee Consisting of Brethren Armstrong & Crenshaw be appointed to consult with Captain Berry relative to the Cullors{?] necessary for the finishing the Collage building.
Resolved that the Students in future be required to pay $50. the first day Feby. and $50. the first day of July in each and every Year.
Resolved that the resolution requiring the Payment of $50. the first of Feby and first of July in every Year be published in the biblical recorder be the first day Feby 1837.
Resolved that the law providing five dollars a Year for Students pocket money be repealed.
Resolved that here after each Student recieve the amount of thier labour at the end of each month for pocket money.
Resolved that the law prohibiting Students from Purchasing any article from Stores without Consent of the Faculty be repealed.
Resolved that any of our Brethren be priviledged to contract for the building of a profesors house not to exceed $2500 nor the Improvement of the premises exceed $3000- the means for which to be furnished by any Bro. or friend who can wait for the Same at lawfull Interest. bill payment can be made by the proceeds of the Institute.
Resolved that the executive Committee be authorised to Contract with some person to cut ditches in the low grounds of the lands at the Institute.
Resolved that an order Issue for the payment of the Saleries of our profesors Stewart L Farmer -
On motion Resolved that we adjourn till the 3rd day of July next - prayer by Bro. Wait.
William Roles Secretary
Meeting of the trusted at Wake Forest Institute The 3rd day of July 1837.
Present John Purify. William Crenshaw. Thomas Crocker & David S. Williams. William F. Jordan. Amos J. Battle. Alfred Dockery. John Armstrong. T Sanders. Allen S. Wynn. Joseph B. Outlaw & William Roles
Prayer by Bro. Purify On motion resolved that the Committee appointed at the last meeting of Trustees to Audit the acts at the Institute read the report.
The Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Trustees to Wait on Bro. Wilcox to know if he accepts the offer made him by the Trustees as tutor at the Institute the next year. Reported. Report received & Committed discharge.
Resolved that brethren Jordan. Battle. Williams & Purifoy be a Committee to investigate the accounts of the Treasure and report during the present meeting that Battle be Chairman of Said Committee.
Resolved Brethren Battle Dockery & Armstrong be a Committee to investigate the accounts of the Steward & report during the present meeting.
Resolved that a committee of three be appointed consisting of Dockery. Jordan and Williams that Dockery be chairman of the Committee to inquire the cause or causes of the depreciation of the students from the Institute and report during the present meeting.
37 The Committee to investigate the Stewards account reported ordered that the report by all the table and the Committee be discharged.
The resignation of Aaron G Spivey one of the Trustees for the Wake Forest Institute was offered to this board and received.
Resolved that the collectors charge interest on all accounts now due the Institute from students.
Resolved that the President officially borrow one thousand dollars if neccessary to pay to our present Treasurer.
Resolved that Professor John Armstrong be permitted by this board to take a passage to England on his own expenses for the purpose of improving himself and that he has leave to remain two years except his services should be sooner required.
Resolved that Battle, Sanders, Armstrong, Dockery and Williams be a committee on the preparatory departments.
On Motion Resolved that all titles be dispensed of by this board in recording their resolutions & otherwise.
The Committee on the preparatory department reported report received and Committee discharged.
Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorised to employ a teacher as an assistant to take charge of the younger students of the school.
Where as Bro. John L Prichard now a student of the Wake Forest Institute being desirous of continuing as such, and not having the funds.
Resolved that he be permitted to continue though he may not pay the necessary amount for admission on his entrance. The Treasure taking his note for the amount.
Whereas the expences of the beneficeries of the convention, in consequence of no funds being in the education department of said convention, wherefore resolved that they be allowed to continue as students in this Institute.
Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorised to consider the expedency of purchasing six cows for the benefit of the Institutue and report to the next meeting of this board.
Resolved that Bro. Battle & Bro Jordan be authorised to prepair some writing in favour of the Conventional Institute and Baptist denomination and present to Bro. Merideth for publication.
Resolved that a priveledge be given the Rail Road Managers to run through the land of the Institute and also for a depot to be under the control of the Trustees of the Institutue.
Resolved that Bro. Wilcox be approved librarian for the library at the Institute in room of Bro. John Armstrong resigned.
That each member of the facility be required to enforce mildly but firmly all the laws of the Institute.
39 That each member of the faculty be required to have a room in the college building and regularly visit the rooms of the students.
That one or more of the faculty be required to preside over the students at their meals.
The duties of the steward shall embrace the following matters viz. to visit all unoccupied students rooms and out Houses and shall keep them locked & preserve the key.
He shall pay all neccessary attention to the students but shall in no case allow food to be carried into the college building except to a sick student. nor to leave before one of the Faculty shall have visited him.
He shall keep an account against each & and every student in which he shall be charged with all the injury he may do to the property of the Trustees and when the individual who does the injury shall be unknown the steward shall have a general account in which all such injuries shall be estimated and an average charge made upon all the students.
adjourned till the next meeting in course prayer by M. D. [Freeman?]
William Roles [Secr?]
Meeting of the Executive Committee at the Wake Forest Institute Nov. 27. 1837
Resolved that John B. White A.M. be & he is here by appointed to the Professorship of Mathematics & Natural Philosophy in the Institute at a salary of seven hundred dollars and his board per annum and furthermore Resolved that Daniel F Richardson A.M. be and he is hereby appointed to the Professorship of Ancient Languages in this Institution at a salary of seven hundred dollars and his board per annum.
Jos. B. Outlaw Chairman
Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute, held at the Institute June 28 1838. present. A. Dockery, W. Roles, W. Crenshaw, A. S. Wynn, D. S. Williams, D. Thompson, R. J. Saunders, D. Justice making eight.
Prayer by bro' Thompson.
On motion, resolved that bro's Wait, Justice & Meredith be appointed a committee to enquire into the expediency of laying off a [ Town ? ] at the Institute.
On motion, resolved that bro' Roles examine the steward's accounts and report at the next meeting.
On motion, resolved that bro's Wait & Roles be a committee to prepare letters and address the agents employed by the convention on the propriety of making public collections from those churches and congregations as are not in the habit of sending delegates to the convention. and on other matters relating to the welfare of the convention.
On motion resolved that the next meeting be held at Brown's M. House Sampson County during the convention.
Prayer by bro Wait.
William Roles Secretary
Amend Charter 41 Brown's meeting house Sampson's Co. Nov 6th 1838
At a called meeting of the board of trustees of the Wake Forest institute, Alfred Dockery was chosen President Pro. Tem of A. J. Battle Dec Sec' pro Tem.
Prayer by David Justice.
Members present, R.J. Landers, David Justice, Wm H. Jordan Chas W. Skinner, John Foushee David J Williams, John Purify, Leo Hufham, David Thompson and John Culpeper [Son's ?].
On motion resolved [underlined] that we legalise the proceeding of this board at their meeting June 28th last.
Report, [underlined] Bro Wait reported for the commitee appointed to enquire into the expediency of selling town lots at the Institute and recommended the sale of lots.
On motion resolved [underlined] that a portion of the land at the Wake Forest Institute be sold in suitable lots for family residences and other necessary purposes on condition that no gambling house, that no house or shop where spirit shall be kept for sale or that no other nuisance shall be put on them, and that a good Building be erected thereon and inhabited in the course of two years from the date of sale.
On motion resolved [underlined] that a committee of three be appointed and authorized to obtain the services of a surveyor and to have laid off the lots as above directed and report a flat of the [illegible] to the next meeting of the Board T. Meredith, R.T. Sanders and Wm Crenshaw were appointed that committee.
On motion resolved [underlined] that a committee of the two be appointed to examine the accounts of the Building committee and report to next meeting. and that A. Dockery and T. Meredith be that committee
On motion appointed [underlined] A. Dockery, G. Meredith and W. H. Jordan, a committee to recommend such ammendments to the charter of the Institute as they deem proper and to report on Monday
On motion resolved [underlined] that the law restricting reception [illegible] at the Institute to the age of twelve years be repealed.
+ Students not required to labor on farm
On Motion resolved that the law requiring the students to perform manual labor on the farm be suspended after this session.
On motion resolved that the President of this Board be authorised to give the bond of this Board to Charles W. Skinner and Amos J. Battle for the amount of money they may have to pay to Capt. John Berry for erecting the two Professor's houses, which bonds are to be made payable in five years from the date with interest on them annually.
Adjourned to Monday afternoon prayer by bro. Hufham
Not pursuant to Adjournment prayer by bro. T. Meredith
On motion, appointed a committee of three to select ten out of the nominations of the convention to be elected to fill vancancies in this Board. C. W. Skinner W. H. Jordan and A. J. Battle be that committee.
On motion appointed D. Thompson, C. W. Skinner and J. [ Evaston ? ] a committee to consult with a committee of the convention on the propriety of jointly meeting in the appointment of an agent to serve both bodies the ensuing year.
The Committee on nomination reported and the following persons were elected members of this board to wit. Thomas Meredith of Raleigh James McDaniel of Fayetteville James C. Stevenson of Newbern Thomas B. Barnett of Granville Godwin C. Moore of Hertford Samuel S. Wheeler of Murfreesboro' George W. Thompson of Wake Forest Foster Fort " " Samuel Wait " " Wm M. Crenshaw " "
+ new Charter 43
On motion a committee was appointed to report on the expediency of separating the stewards department from the literary. The committee reported in favor of separation, report received, and
On motion resolved that the Stewards department be separated as soon as circumstances shall justify.
On motion resolved that a committee of three be appointed to advertise and receive proposals in order to secure a suitable person to take charge of the Boarding house at the Wake Forest Institute. D. Justice G. W. Thompson and Wm Crenshaw be that committee
Adjourned till seven o'clock at night.
Prayer bro Purify.
Met pursuant to adjournment
Prayer by [crossed out]
The committee on the charter report that the following amendments be asked of the Legislature, namely, an extension of the time and capital, the power to confer degrees a change of name to Wake Forest College, and also that such restrictions be imposed as to prevent all kinds of nuisances on the premises - which report was received and A. Dochery, J. Meredith and A. J. Battle be a committee to secure the above object.
On motion resolved that the Secretary inform the newly elected Trustees of their appointment and to enquire if they will accept or not, and to request their attendence at the next meeting of the board.
Adjourned to meet at the Institute Nov 29. 1838
Prayer by bro. Wait A. J. Battle Sec. pro tem [illegible]
Wake Forest Institute Nov 29th. 1838
The meeting was called to order by appointing bro' S. Wait Pres. pro tem and A. J. Battle Sec' pro tem.
Prayer by Wm H. Jordan.
Members present S. Wait, Wm Crenshaw, W. H. Jordan, F. Fort, D. Justice, W. M. Crenshaw, G. W. Thompson, A. J. Battle, R. B. Sanders.
On motion resolved that the collegiate and academical years commence on the first Monday in August and close on the third Thursday in June and that the 3d Thursday of June be the day on which the annual commencement shall be held.
On motion resolved that the first session begin the first Monday in August and end the third Thursday in December.
On motion resolved that the second session begin on the second Monday in January following the close of the first session and end the third Thursday of June in each year.
The committee to receive proposals for stewardship report, that bro. G. Ryan was the only one who had applied. His terms were to board students, finding washing, bedding and fire wood for the Institute from its lands at $8 per month and that he have at reasonable valuation the furniture be of the Institute.
On motion resolved that Bre'n Fort, Thompson & Crenshaw be a committee to appraise the Institute property that Bro' Ryan may and require of him a bond of three thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties.
On motion resolved that bro Wait be allowed the use of the [illegible] bag[?] in his agency.
On motion appointed Wm Crenshaw, Foster Fort, David Justice, George W. Thompson and Wm M. Crenshaw an executive committee to transact the business of the board in its absence.
On motion resolved that Stephen Morse Esqr be appointed adjunct Professor of Languages and Principal of the Preparatory department of the Wake Forest Institute at a salary of $800. per year.
On motion resolved that the appointment of Professors White and Richardson by the executive committee in Nov 27. 1837 be confirmed and that they be continued at a salary of $800. each a year.
On motion adjourned to Tuesday the 18th December 1838.
Meetings of the Trustees Wake Forest Institute Dec 18th 1838
Prayer bro Jordan
Present. J.B. Outlaw, T. Meredith, W. H. Jordan, W. Crenshaw, A.I. Wynn, F. Barnett, W.M. Crenshaw, F. Fort, G.W. Thompson, S. Wait, A.J. Battle. Appointed J.B. White sec. pro. tem.
On motion resolved that bro Wait have the black [illegible] at valuation.
The committee to take G. Ryan's bond and report that he has not given bond, and that he gives up his contract.
On motion resolved that bre'n Barnett, Thompson and Meredith be a committee to examine the steward's account and report.
Adjourned to ten oclock tomorrow. Prayer
Met pursuant to adjournment Dec 19. 1838
Prayer by bro Wait.
The committee on the Treasury reported report received and com. discharged.
On motion resolved that the committee on the steward's account be instructed to enquire what property belonging to the Institute the steward has disposed of, and that they direct the steward to charge Marcus Ryan for board of himself & family $12 per month children and servents half price and ,50 cts per day for horses
On motion resolved that when we adjourn we do so to meet on Tuesday after the first Monday of Feb.
On motion resolved that br'n Wait and Battle a com. to settle with the [illegible] of the building committee. The com. reported, and was accepted.
On motion resolved that George W. Thompson of Wake Forest be appointed a Tutor in the Preparatory department with a salary of $600. a year and the house that Mr Wait now occupies to live.
On motion resolved that the committee to lay off the lots at the Institute be continued, that bro Wait & White be substituted in the place of bre'n Crenshaw and Justice, that the lots be one acre each that the space between the Prof's houses on the North and South and between the rail road and creek on the East & West and that the notice of the sale be given in the Raleigh papers - the sale to take place on Wednesday after 1st Monday of Feb. the value of each lot to be fixed by the committee and make less than $100. the com. to report their doings at next meeting.
On motion resolved that Prof. John B. White be requested to act as President pro tem in the absence of Pres' Wait.
On motion resolved that the repairs of the Institute buildings be entrusted to the Faculty.
On motion resolved that John B. White be appointed Treasurer and receiving agent.
" " that bro' Jordan and Crenshaw wait on Prof White relative to his appointment. The com. report, acceptance of appointments.
Dr Jos. B. Outlaw presented his resignation as President of the Board of Trustees.
On motion resolved that his resignation be accepted.
On motion resolved that bro T. Meredith be appointed President of the Board of Trustees.
On motion resolved that the articles on the paper No 152 be adopted as law of the Institute and that one [ ? ] copies be published.
On motion resolved the bre' Jordan, White, W.M. Crenshaw Meredith and Wait be a committee to publish the same.
On motion resolved that an examining committee of nine be appointed and that T. Meredith Wm F. Jordan, Wm M. Crenshaw, W.R. Sales W. H. Battle, Wm A. Graham, F.H. Busbee, Priestly Mangum and A.J. Battle be that committee.
The committee on the stewards account reported the same recommitted with instructions to enquire what Dr Outlaws account was.
On motion resolved that no student shall room alone without paying the extra expense of four dollars per session room rent beside funding his bed & wood for fire nor is any one to have this privelege when the rooms are all wanted.
On motion resolved that the farm be left at the disposal of the executive committee for the ensuing year.
On motion resolved that, when the rooms are not occupied all the time, those who attend from the neighbourhood shall have rooms during the day at half price for room rent and fire wood.
- The Government in peculiar circumstance have a discretionary power in regard to advance payment. The com. on the Steward's accounts report - same recommitted.
On motion resolved that a committee of two be appointed to obtain lightning rods for the protection of the Brick building and that bre'n Battle and J.B. White be that committee. - Committee on Steward's account report the same accepted.
On motion resolved that the account of Dr Outlaw be put in the hands of our agent for collection.
On motion resolved that a committee be appointed to prepare and publishing a circular setting forth the reasons for the changes of the expenses & that this committee adjust the rates of tuition & that T. Meredith, S. Wait & A. dockery be this committee.
Adjourned to 7 o'clock tomorrow. Prayer by br Wynn.
Met pursuant to adjournment Dec. 20th 1838
Prayer by br Jordan
Bro Wynn report the terms in which he would accept of the stewardship, and it was resolved he be employed on giving his bond to board the officers and students at eight dollars per month finding their food, wood, bedding, washing, the wood for the Brick building for recitation room and for officers and that he have the use of four chaise cows, the bedding belonging to the Institute, the kitchen furniture, the garden, the clover field and the ten acre lot back of the Brick building, all of which are to be returned in good condition and that he also provide from the reception of the trustees when they may visit the Institute.
On motion resolved that a note of four thousand dollars be now executed and that bro' Barnett be employed to secure a loan of the money.
On motion resolved that Prof White be allowed a garden spot on the north side of the garden belonging to the Institute free of rent.
On motion resolved that a committee be appointed to dispose of the available property of the Institute and that bre' Thompson, Fort and W. Crenshaw be the com.
On motion resolved that the proceeds of the sale be paid to the Treasurer and that he be authorised to settle the debts reported in the steward's accounts and all other debts duly authenticated including those to the officers, the bonds to Chas W. Skinner & Amos J. Battle as directed by the resolution passed at the meeting in Sampson Co. were executed at this time.
A.I. Wynn came & filed his bond as steward.
On motion resolved that G. Ryan remain in one of the long buildings until he can close up his business.
On motion resolved that the committee on sale receive the property of the Institute of G. Ryan, take an inventory of the same & deliver the property to the present steward and report at the next meeting.
On motion resolved that bro Barnett pay over the money raised on the note with which he is entrusted to bro Wm. Crenshaw to pay the debt at the Bank.
Adjourned to Tuesday after first Monday of Feb 1839.
Prayer John B. White Sec. pro tem.
Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College held Feb 4th 1839. Present T. Meredith D. Justice, A.I. Wynne, S. Wait, C.W. Skinner, F. Fort W. Crenshaw, W.M. Crenshaw, G.W. Thompson, & T. Crocker
The resignations of James McDaniel of Fayetteville and James C. Stevenson of Newbern were received & accepted.
On motion resolved that the note to bro Roles for negro hire be allowed.
On motion resolved that the balance of $18.32 due Mary Ann Cotton be allowed and paid.
On motion resolved that the consideration of the letter from Dr Outlaw be differed till other members of the Board arrive.
Committee on sale reported, the same accepted and committee discharged.
On motion resolved that br'n Crenshaw, Fort and Wynne be a committee to take an inventory of the property belonging to the College.
On motion resolved that the account of Alston of £106.92 and that of Alston and Crenshaw of $59.54 be allowed.
On motion resolved that br'n Crenshaw, Fort, Thompson, White, Wynne and Roles be a committee to settle with G. Ryan, that they make an equitable settlement for horse keeping and also that they be authorised to demand all notes, papers and property.
belong to the College.
The committee appointed at the last meeting from laying off a town reported report accepted and the platt ordered to be entered on record. as see next page The report was in substance as follows [ ? ] : that the survey was commenced at the North west corner of Lot No 76 marked 'A' on a line with the south end of the College building & that the lots were eight rods by twenty. Main and Back streets were each one hundred feet wide. East to West Avenue were eight rods. The other streets are sixty feet wide. Main Street runs parallel with the College Building. The south Lots, to wit, No 61, 62, 69, 70 & 78 are parts of lots. The four lots on the East side of the town are ten rods by sixteen. so also are Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 64, 65, 66 & 67. The centre of Middle St. passes through the centre of the College building north & south.
Resolved, that the President of the Board be authorised to convey to bro' C. Skinner by a good and sufficient deed Lots No 4 and 5 with the improvements thereon in consideration that said Skinner will surrender to the Board the bond of $3000 executed in his favor at our last meeting. The bond was given up and the deed executed.
Resolved, that Lots No 1, 2, 3, 76, 75, 74, 26, 27 28, 29, 64, 65, 66 and 67 be reserved for the future use of the College.
Resolved, that Lots No 72 & 73 be from the present reserved, and that the remainder of the Lots be disposed of.
Resolved, that bretheren Wait, Thompson, Wynn, Fort Crocker and Skinner be a committee to assess the value of the Lots.
Resolved, that no restrictions shall be imposed on students after the present year to prevent them from boarding with the purchases of Lots.
[ plat map of lots ]
This page is blank
Resolved, that the resolution of a former meeting requiring the purchasers of lots to improve them in two years be reconsidered and also resolved that the same be reminded.
Adjourned till 6 1/2 in the evening.
Met pursuant to adjournment.
Moved that the Petition from the students be refered to the Faculty.
Moved that the former motion be reconsidered.
Moved that the servant be required to sweep the College passages every other day during the year - during cold weather the servant shall cut & carry the students wood, and also carry water - during warm weather shall sweep the rooms and make beds.
Moved that bro' Wynn shall have $5. per month for boarding clothing and for paying the taxes of the servant. Mr Wynn agrees to this.
Moved that Dr Crenshaw procure a College servant.
Moved that the woods adjoining Mr [ Gavin ? ] Holden shall not be entered for wood the ensuing year.
Moved that the purchase of lots have a credit of one year from the first of January last with interest from the day of purchase.
Moved that bre'n Wynn and White be a committee to sell lots during the absence of the Board.
Moved that a committee be appointed to report on a plan for establishing a Theological department in the college & that bre'n Crocker, Richardson & White be appointed.
The committee for appraising the Lots reported
that they appraise Lots No 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 at one hundred and fifty dollars each and all the other lots at one hundred dollars, which report was accepted and the committee were discharged.
Moved that when the Board adjourn, they shall adjourn to Monday before the third Thursday of June.
Moved that we adjourn to attend the sale of Lots.
John B. White Sec pro. tem.
Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College held June 17. 1839. present T. Meredith, A. J. Battle, A.I. Wynn, D. S. Williams, A. Dockery, R. F. Sanders, G. Thompson, J. Purify, S. Wait, W. M. Crenshaw, F. Fort, Wm Crenshaw, G. M. Thompson, W. A. Jordon.
Opened by prayer
Proceedings of last meeting read.
Moved that we approve and legalise the proceedings of the last Board.
Moved that Bro White be appointed our Secretary Bro' Roles having left the state.
Moved that the committees be called on to report.
Committee on Inventory failed to report.
Moved that brethren Dockery, Thompson & Wynn be a committee to take the inventory of the property belonging to the College.
The committee to settle with bro' Ryan reported which was defered for the present.
Moved that bre' Battle and Sanders be a committee to audit the Treasurer's account.
Moved we adjourn at the call of the President.
Board met at 8 o'clock Tuesday 18. at call of President.
Prayer by bro' Jordon
On motion appointed a committee of two to ascertain as near as practicable the amount owed by the Board, also its resources and report as early as possible. bre. Battle & Barnett were the committee.
Moved that the above committee with the addition of T. Meredith, S. Wait and D.S. Williams shall take into consideration and report upon the most efficient measures to meet the debts of the College.
The committee on the Inventory reported verbally requested to be discharged and were accordingly discharged.
Moved that bre' Wynn and Fort be a committee to take an Inventory and report to the Board at their next meeting.
A letter was received from G.W. Thompson read and on motion laid on the table.
Adjourned to next call of the President.
Met pursuant to adjournment 3 o'clock P.M.
Moved that the account due Henry [?] Joines of $19.43 be paid.
Moved that an Executive Committee of from three to five be appointed to transact all business of the Board during its absence.
Moved that the above committee report semi-annually to the Board and if the Board do not meet semiannually or fail to do so, then said Committee shall report to the President of the Board.
Moved that it be the special duty of the Ex. Committee to settle all accounts between this Board and Dr Outlaw allowing none but what the College
has actually contracted for and that they by some means effect a settlement.
Moved that the Ex. Committee be instructed to obtain funds to meet the present obligations of the Board.
A letter from the Senior Class was received and read.
Moved we adjourn to 7 1/2 o'clock P.M.
Prayer by Purify.
Met pursuant to adjournment.
Resolved that though the board do not approve of the course of the Senior Class in absenting themselves from the examination yet that the Board are willing to receive the explinations and consessions in their communication of this evening as satisfactory and that they will attend their examination when it may suit the convenience of the Faculty.
Moved bro' Wait hand a copy of the above to the class.
The committee to audit the Treasurer's account reported, report received and committee discharged.
Moved that Profs. White & Morse be agents to solicit funds for a Professorship in the College.
Adjourned to 6 o'clock in the morning.
Prayer by bro' Wait.
Met pursuant to adjourment.
Moved that bro' [J. Murray?] be not required to pay his tuition &c. in advance next session.
Moved that bro' J. Baker be charged for tuition &c. of his son while here.
Adjourned at the call of the President.
Board met at 2 o'clock P.M.
Moved that the Board approve of the proceedings of the brethren at the Bank and sustain them in assessing the debts there.
Moved that bro Wait be instructed after paying the Faculty what they may need, to pay the balance in his hands to the Executive Committee to meet the first instalment at the Bank.
Moved that Bro Wait pay his collections hereafter to the Ex. Com.
The Ex. Committee are T. Meredith, A.J. Battle, G. Thompson, R.F. Sanders & J.B. Outlaw.
Moved that the Board approve of confering the first degree upon Josiah H. Brooks, Wm J. Brooks, Willis W. Childers and William Jones.
Moved that bro White procure a seal for the corporation and a plate for diploma.
Moved that the President of the Board and Faculty prepare a device for the seal and diploma for the plate.
Moved that the Graduates pay five dollars for degrees.
Moved that the Faculty be instructed to examine the Senior Class four weeks before commencement and that the Ex. Committee be required to attend.
Moved that the Ex. Com. rent the house bro' Wait is now in, next year.
Moved that the Ex. Com. be instructed to fit up the Brick house with out-houses from any buildings on the premises not otherwise disposed of and rent it out or sell it as may be practicable and also to sell all lots not reserved upon the terms presented at a former meeting.
Moved said Committee make such disposal of the long houses and outhouses as they may deem properly and that bro Fort be added to the Committee [touching?] the remaining of the large houses.
Moved that the Faculty be instructed to get a case made for the Philosophical apparatus.
Moved that the item of servants hire be erased from the expenses and that the deposit be two dollars.
Moved we adjourn till 7 o'clock this evening.
Met pursuant to adjournment.
Moved that the payment of bro' D.S. William's instalment be refered to the Ex. Committee.
Moved that bro Meredith be requested to insert an article urging subscribers to forward their instalments.
Moved that the request of the students in regard to board be deemed inadvisable.
Adjourned at the call of the President
Prayer by bro Purify.
Met at the call of the President Thursday 8 o'clock A.M.
Moved that the thanks of this Board be tendered to Capt. Berry for his kindness to the Board.
Moved that the Ex. Com. pay Capt. Berry two hundred dollars and more if convenient.
Moved that the Ex. Com. settle with the Professors from the past year's services and execute bonds from the balance due and that they make annual settlements with the same.
Moved that the Ex. Committee supply any additional assistance that may be needed in teaching.
Moved that Bro. Richardson be appointed Professor of Hebrew & Rhetoric and that Mr Manne be appointed Professor of Greek and Latin.
Moved we adjourn to meet at the meeting of the Convention.
John B. White Sec.
Grassy Creek Saturday Nov 2. 1839
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College - pursuant to adjournment.
Present, T. Meredith, A.J. Battle, R.J. Sanders, J. Armstrong, C.W. Skinner, D.S. Williams, T.B. Burnett, S. Wait, F. Fort G.M. Thompson.
Prayer by bro' Armstrong.
Proceedings of the last meeting read. Executive Committee reported, report accepted and No'd 1 [?] on file.
Resolved that the proceedings of the Executive Committee as reported be sanctioned and confirmed.
Resolved that bro' D.S. Williams be appointed a member of the Ex. Com. as successor of bro' Outlaw.
Resolved that the account of the Book concern and all other accounts between bro' Armstrong and the Board be refered to the Ex. Com for adjustment.
Prof John Armstrong came forward and offered his resignation as Professor of Ancient Languages whereupon it was -
Resolved that the reception of the resignation be indefinately postponed.
Resolved that a committee of two be appointed to copy and correct all the proceedings of the Board, contained in this book. Bre' Battle & Sanders were appointed the com.
Resolved that bro' Wait be requested to continue his agency till the close of the year.
Resolved that the Ex. Committee employ an agent for the ensuing year.
Resolved that each member of the Board be requested to collect moneys due the college in his vicinity and to forward the same to the Executive Committee.
Resolved that bro' Wait have one thousand dollars per year and that the Board pay the rent of the room [?] [illegible] by bro Skinner for him for his [illegible]
Resolved that the President of the Board be authorised to convey by good and sufficient deeds all Lots that have or may
be sold agreeable to the directions of the Board adopted at their meeting Feb. 4. 1839 and that he be authorised to execute the same under his own private seal till a common seal be provided.
Adjourned to meet at the call of the President.
Prayer John B. White Sec.
The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College was held at the College June 16th. Trustees in attendance, T. Meredith, S. Wait, G.W. Thompson F. Fort, D. Thomson, Wm H. Jordon, A. I. Wynne, R. T. Sanders D. Justice, A.J. Battle, Wm M. Crenshaw, T.B. Burnett.
Prayer by bro' Jordon.
- The committee on copying & revising the book continuing the proceedings of the Board reported and the same discharged
- The Executive Committee reported, the report accepted and laid on the table till to-morrow.
- The letter of resignation of bro Wm Crenshaw was laid on the table.
Resolved, that the Board concur with the Faculty and confer the Degree of Bachelor of Arts on the following members of the Senior Class. Oscar F. Baxter; Alex. A. Consella [?} John C. Rogers; John L. Prichard and Matthew F. Waddill.
Voted, That a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency of employing an agent. Breth. Sanders Fort and Wait. were appointed.
Voted, That the Ex. Com. together with bre' Wait and Jordan arrange the business for to-morrow.
Voted, That a com. of two be appointed to audit the financial business of the Ex. com. - G.W. Thompson & D. Justice were appointed
Voted, that a com. of two be appointed to audit the Treasurers account. S D. Thomson & A. I. Wynne were appointed.
Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock in the morning
Prayer by bro' Wynne
Met pursuant to adjournment
Prayer by bro' Wait.
The com. reported the order of business which was adopted.
Resolved, that the resignation of the Rev John Armstrong, Professor of Ancient Languages be accepted.
Voted, that the letter of resignation from Wm Crenshaw be called up & also that it be indefinite postponed.
Voted, That bro G. W. Thompson explain to bro Crenshaw the reason of the preceeding note.
The committee to audit the account of the Ex. Com. reported, report received and confirmed and the com. discharged.
Resolved that the board approve of the Ex. Com. assessing the debt of $1750 in the Bank of the State of N. Carolina and of borrowing the sum of $2000. of the Literary Fund of N. Carolina, and that the board assume the responsibility of said debts.
The committee on the agency reported & was discharged.
Voted. That the Board deem it inexpedient to appoint an agent.
The comittee to audit the Treasurers account reported, the report was received, confirmed & the com. discharged.
Adjourned to meet at two o'clock. P.M.
Met accordingly.
Voted that bro' Ryan's case be recommitted to the Ex. Committee.
Voted that the Ex. Com. be authorised to settle with the Faculty.
Resolved that, that part of the report of the Executive Committee touching the removal of Prof. D.E. Richardson be received and confirmed.
Adjourned to Second Wednesday in August.
Prayer by bro Wynne.
On the Second Wednesday in August, a quorum not being present, the Board adjourned to meet at the place of the N. Carolina State Baptist Convention on Friday before the first Lord's day in October.
Johnson Liberty October 3rd 1840.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment and the following members were present. T. Meredith, J.A. Battle, T.B. Barnet, D.S. Williams, G.W. Thompson, R.T. Sanders, W.H. Jordan, A. Dockery, S. Wait, G. Thomson & A.I. Wynne.
The meeting was opened by prayer.
- G.W. Thompson reported that bro W. Crenshaw respectfully wished the Board to accept of his resignation and it was voted by the Board that the same be accepted.
- Bro' A.I. Wynne offerred his resignation which was accepted.
- The Ex. Committee made a full report of all their proceedings and 500 copies of which were ordered to be printed. Bro' G.W. Thompson voted against printing said report and requested his vote to be recorded, to which no objection was made.
Voted, That an Attorney be consulted in regard to the expediency of of commencing a suit against bro' Ryan.
Voted, that we petition the Legislature for a loan of from $5000 to $10.000 from the Literary fund.
Voted, That bro Wait publish an Article in the Recorder requesting the subscribers to pay their subscriptions to such persons as he should name in the respective counties.
Voted, That Jesse Jones account be settled by a vote.
Voted, That the repairing of the pump and the chimney at Mr Walker's be referred to the Ex. Com.
Voted, That the Ex. Com. be authorised to sell such portions of the College land as they may deem expedient.
Adjourned to meet at the College at the close of the Session in December.
Prayer by bro Finch.
John B. White Sec.
Wake Forest College December 17. 1840
The Board of Trustees met Dec 17th pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Bro Wait.
Members present T. Meredith Pres., A. Dockery, S. Wait R.J. Sanders, G.W. Thompson, F. Fort, Wm M. Crenshaw T. Crocker and W.J. Battle.
The proceedings of last meeting were read.
The Ex. Committee made a verbal report, which was accepted.
The petition prepared for the Legislature was read and approved.
A letter from Prof. Richardson proposing to refer his claim to arbitrators for settlement was received and read, and on motion, laid on the table.
Dr Crenshaw being under the necessity of leaving on professional business, the Board adjourned to meet at the College on Tuesday before the 3rd Thursday of June next.
A.J. Battle Sec pro. tem.
At a called meeting of the Board in Raleigh January 2nd 1841, present T. Meredith Pres. S. Wait R.J. Sanders, F. Fort, W. M. Crenshaw, D. Justice, A.J. Battle I.A. Dockery, G.W. Thompson. Prayer by S. Wait.
The letter of Prof. Richardson laid on the table at the last meeting was called up and read
Resolved that the Board accept of the preparations made by Prof Richardson to refer his claim to arbitrators for adjustment.
Resolved that bretheren John F. Ellington of Johnson county & E. Herter of Granville County be the arbitors on behalf of the Board, and also that the expence of the same be paid by the Board.
The letter from bro Freeman was laid on the table.
Resolved that all the Trustees be requested to sign the bond to be made for the loan from the State.
Resolved that the debt to the Bank, the amount due bro Dennis [?] and the balance to Dunn Brownly & Co, be paid and
The balance be paid to Capt Berry.
Moved that R. G. Sanders be authorised to receive and pay out this money as directed.
Prayer by bro Justice
A.J. Battle sec. pro. tem.
The Trustees of W. F. College met on Tuesday before the 3rd Thursday of June pursuant to adjournment.
Present A. Dockery, T.B. Burnett, G.M. Thompson, W.H. Jordon G. Thomson, D. Justice, R.I. Sanders, J. Purify, A.J. Battle S. Wait, F. Fort.
A. Dockery was appointed President pro. tempore in absence of the Pres.
Prayer by bro G.M. Thompson.
Proceedings of the last meeting were read.
The report of the Ex. Com was called for, read, received and committee discharged.
The items of the report were then taken up seperately and each in [course?] was confirmed by the Board.
On motion it was resolved that a committee be appointed to examine the account presented by M.G. Freeman, to inquire into the contract made between him and the Executive Committee to estimate the value of the work done by him as authorised by the Committee aforesaid on the premises connected with the South Brick house and all other matters thereunto pertaining and that Messrs T.B Burnett, John Purify and F. Fort be the committee.
Voted, that brethren Sanders and Crenshaw be a committee to audit the Treasurer's account.
Voted, that bro' Burnett and G. Thomson be a committee to audit the account of the Treasurer of the Ex. Committee.
The resignation of Prof. Morse received and accepted.
Voted that Bre Jordan Crenshaw and Battle be a committee to inquire into the expediency of filling the Professorship of Languages.
Adjourned till 8 o'clock to morrow.
Prayer by bro Purify
Met pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by bro Jordan.
T. Crocker present in addition to those yesterday.
The committee to audit the account of the Treasurer of the Ex. Com. reported the report received & com. discharged.
The committee on the appointment of a Professor reported, the report was concurred in and Committee discharged.
The Resignation of Rev T. Meredith as President of the Board and as Trustee was read and accepted.
Resolved that the Faculty with the Ex. Committee be authorised to hire a Tutor whose salary is not to exceed $400. per annum.
Voted, That Bro Jordan be excused.
A member of the Board stated that a report was in circulation that a Mr Pattison of Orange county had left the College a donation. bre Purify and Battle were appointed to enquire into the subject.
Voted, That the Board concur with the Faculty in conferring the first degree on Burwell M. Baxter and Joseph Mc'Cleer.
Voted, That Bre Sanders, G.M. Thompson and Crocker be a committee to enquire into the expediency of employing an agent.
Voted, That the law prohibiting the students from leaving the premises be resinded.
Voted, That the College Building be close during the vacation.
Voted, That the Faculty need not insist on the advance payment of James H. Lane.
Adjourned to 2 o'clock P.M.
Met pursuant to adjournment.
The committee to settle with M.G. Freeman reported, the report accepted and committee discharged.
On motion, It was ordered that an settlement with bro M.G. Freeman he be allowed five hundred dollars for the improvements made by him on the premises connected with the south Brick building and the deduction of one month's rent.
Ordered also that the Treasurer pay bro M.G. Freeman one hundred dollars the balance due him.
The com. on the agency reported, which was received and committee discharged.
Moved that bro' Wait see if bro Purify will accept of the agency in the terms prepared by the Committee.
Moved if bro Purify decline the agency that the faculty with the Ex. Committee be authorised to employ an agent.
Moved that we proceed to the election of a President by ballot - and on ballot it was declared That Rev. W. Hill Jordon was duly elected.
On motion it was resolved that that an Executive Committee be appointed and that Brethren S. Wait T. Crocker, F. Fort, W.M. Crenshaw and D. Justice be that Commitee.
The committee to audit the Treasurer's account reported which report was concurred in and com. discharged.
Resolved that the Treasurer be authorised from the funds in hand to raise sufficient to settle with Prof. Morse.
On motion, it was ordered that William M. Crenshaw be authorised to convey in our corporate name and under our common seal by a good and sufficient deed. Lot number seventy seven purchased by John B. White and at the request of said White that the deed be made to John A. Moore and Hannah Cameron.
On motion, It was ordered that William M. Crenshaw be authorised to convey in our corporate name and under our seal by a good and sufficient deed that portion of land which has been bargained and sold by the Ex Committee to [illegible]
Ordered that all the lots belonging to our town and west of back street except those immediately back of the College square be reliquished and sold as part of the plantation.
Moved that we adjourn to meet at Johnson Liberty in October next during the Meeting of Baptist State Convention.
John B. White Secretary.
Johnson Liberty
A Meeting of the Board was held at Johnson Liberty pursuant to adjournent Oct. 15. 1841
Present W. H. Jordon, S. Wait, A. Dockery, T.B. Barnett, A.J. Battle, R.T. Sanders, D.S. Williams G.M. Thompson, F. Fort.
Bro Jordon accepted his appointment as President of the Board with appropriate remarks.
Prayer by bro Battle.
Moved that good and sufficient deed be executed and delivered to the respective parties who have purchased land of the College.
Moved that a letter be adressed to A.F. Moses informing him that the Board are not disposed to comply with the proposition contained in his letter.
Moved that Capt Berry be authorised to satisfy the note he holds against A.J. Battle for building the South Brick house from the funds he has in hand whenever the said Battle shall deliver to the Board his note for the same.
The report of the Ex. Com. read and approved
Moved that the repair of the roof be refered to the Ex. Committee.
Moved that bro Battle confer with Capt. Berry about repairing the roof of the College Building.
Moved that the Treasurer keep seperate book exhibiting in one all moneys received from Tuition or College Expenses of students and in the other all funds from other sources.
Moved that the Treasurer be instructed to report at the next meeting of the Board upon the financial condition of the College.
Moved that the Treasurer settle with Prof Richardson from any funds in hand.
Moved that a Committee be appointed on the agency and that the brethren Battle Thompson and Dockery be that Committee.
Adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Prayer by bro Williams
Met pursuant to adjournment
Prayer by bro' Wheeler
Present in addition to the above brethren S.J. Wheeler, G. Moore & D. Justice.
The Committee on the agency reported, the report accepted and committee discharged.
Moved that bro' Wait go out as agent for three months.
The Board proceeded to the election of additional Trustees, when the following were declared duly elected.
Rev James Dennis of Wake, Ransom Sanders Esq, of Johnson Rev J.S. Finch of Newban N.J. Plamer Esq Mitton G.W. thompson Esq of Chatham E. Hester Esq Granville Rev. G.W. Purify Orange G.W. Jones Esq Orange John C. Gorham Esq Pitt A. Chambers Esq
Moved that the Ex. Com. in renting any of the houses at the College insert a Covenant that no tenant shall release without their consent.
Moved that the Ex. Committee be authorised to repair the house occupied by Mrs Pansley and that they agree on the amount of the rent.
Moved that bro Wait be requested to attend the of C.B. Convention.
Moved that bro Finch obtain a copy of the will of bro Blunt late deceased.
Moved that bro' West be allowed fifty dollars per Session in addition to his present salary.
Moved that a correspondence be opened with Prof. Hooper to see if he will consent to become connected with the College as Professor.
Moved we adjourn to meet at the College on Monday before the third Thursday of June 1842.
Prayer by bro Finch.
J. B. White Sect.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Present br' Wm H Jordon, A. Dockery, T. Barnett, Wm M. Crenshaw, J. Purify and S. Wait. Adjourned till Thursday 16. There was then present in addition to the above brethren T. Crocker G.W. Thompson and D. Justice.
G.W. Thompson of Chattham was also present who stated that he could not accept of his appointment.
Resolved that bro Wait go out on the agency.
Resolved that a subscription of $16.000 be drawn up and circulated.
Resolved that brother Chas W. Skinner be notified that we shall be unable to rent his house after the present year.
Resolved that brethren Barnett and Dockery audit the Treasurer's account.
Resolved that brethren J.B. White & Wm M. Crenshaw settle with Mrs Pansley for rent & -
Resolved that bro White be authorised to employ, assistant in teaching not to exceed $25. and tuition.
Ordered that Capt Berry be paid $601.84 cts.
Moved that bro Forts resignation be accepted.
Moved that the Treasurer settle with bro' G.M. Freeman.
Resolved that the Treasurer shall prepare an annual report - to be ready for our meeting in June of the financial condition of the College in which report is to exhibit a full and complete statement of all the liabilities of the College if the means of
of liquidating the same. He shall also distinguish as near as possible between good and bad debts and make such additional remarks as he may judge the interest of the College may demand.
Resolved that all committees and agents having funds in hand shall report to him.
Resolved that we proceed to execute Deeds for lands purchased by Samuel Wait, John B. White and William L. Brooks.
Adjourned to meet at Murfreesboro during the meeting of the N.C.B. State Convention to be held on Friday before the 3rd Sabbath of October next. (ie) 1842
John B. White Sec.
The Board of Trustees meet at Murfreesboro pursuant to adjournment. Present W. Hill Jordon, G.M. Thompson, S. Wait, Chas W. Skinner T.B. Barnett, G.C. Moore, S.J. Wheeler, J.S. Finch
Prayer by bro Finch.
Moved that bre'n Finch, Jordan & Wait be a Com mittee to bring the claims of the College before the Convention.
Moved that we prepare a $9000. subscription to pay the Berry bond. The subscription to be void unless made out in two years and if so made out to bear interest from the time it is completed.
Moved that a letter be addressed to Mr Hoskins stating that as a Board we can assume no responsibility on the subject proposed in his communication.
Moved that bre' Finch, Skinner, Wheeler & Moore be a committee to enquire into the condition of the Blount Estate.
Moved that a committee on the agency be appointed
Adjourned till to morrow evening Saturday 15th.
Present as yesterday.
Prayers by bro' Wheeler
Committee on the agency reported & Report received & com. discharged.
Moved that bro Jordan be appointed an agent for the College for the ensuing year at a salary of $500.
Adjounred to meet at the College on Tuesday the 13th of June 1843.
Trustees meet Tuesday 13th June 1843 present W.H. Jordan, S. Wait, A. Dockery. J. Purify, D. Justice J.S. Finch.
Adjourned till tomorrow at 8 o'clock A.M.
Present the above also in addition G.M. Thompson, J.S. Wheeler, T. Crocker and W.M. Crenshaw.
Prayer by bro' Finch.
Moved that Bro D. Thomson's resignation be accepted.
Moved that the Board concur in conferring the first degree on Thomas H. Williams & Robert E. [Ebonn ? ].
Moved that we concur in conferring the 2nd Degree on Alexander A. Consellar.
Moved that ten dollars be charged for conferring the Second Degree in course.
Moved that Bro Wait be appointed to the agency with a salary of five ($500) hundred dollars with the other privileges which he now enjoys.
Prof. White stated that if the Board would fill the Department of Ancient Languages he would deduct three hundred dollars from the amount due him for the ensuing year.
Moved that the Department of Ancient
Languages be filled.
Moved that bro White's proposition be accepted.
Moved that William Hages Owen be appointed Professor of Ancient Languages with a salary of eight hundred dollars a year.
Moved that Bre' Wait, White and Cresnshaw be a Committee to obtain an Officer, should the appointment made not be accepted.
Moved that the South Brick House and the land on the East side of the Rail Road be sold, provided the House be first sold at $2000. The land however to bring at least $10 per acre.
Moved that the Long Houses & old chapel be sold also.
Moved that bre' White, Crocker and Justice be a committee to attend to the sale.
Moved that we allow any Baptist Minister to send a son to the College without charge of tuition and also that any Licentiate be allowed to attend under such regulations as the Faculty may adopt.
Moved that bro Thompson be allowed to send his son without advance payment.
Moved that the agent be allowed to settle all claims by Note or otherwise.
Moved that Bro Dockery correspond with Mr Moore Esq in regard to the Blount Estate.
Moved that we adjourn to meet on 2nd Wednesday of January 1844.
Prayer by bro Purify.
Wm Hill Jordan Pres.
John B. White Sec.
Met on 2nd Wednesday of January 1844 present S. Wait, Charles W. skinner and br Crenshaw.
Adjourned to meet on the Tuesday before our Annual Commencement. J.B. White Sec.
The Trustees of the College met Tuesday the 18th of June 1844.
Adjourned till morning.
On Wednesday A. Dockery, J. Purify, T.B. Barnett G.M. Thompson, D.S. Williams, S. J. Wheeler, G.C. Moore, A. J. Battle, S. Wait, D. Justice, T. Crocker and G.W. Purify.
Bro Dockery was called to the chair and bro Thompson openned by prayer.
The proceedings of the last meeting were read.
After a conversation about the Blount Estate it was moved & carried that brethren Moore Wheeler S. Taylor and F. Bond be a committee to attend to the interests of the Blount Estate.
Moved that if the estate be placed in the hands of the Board, that the Trustees become responsible for the support of the widdow to the amount if necessary to the income.
Moved that the Old Chapel & South Long houses be sold and that bre'n Crocker White & Justice be a committee to do the same.
Moved that the disposal of the North Long House be left to the same committee.
Moved that bre'n Barnett, J.S. Purify & Crocker be a standing Committee to audit the Treasurer account.
Moved that the Resolution of the last meeting providing for the education of the sons of Ministers & Licentiate be repealed.
Moved that a Committee be appointed to select and report the names of persons from those nominated by the Convention to be elected Trustees.
The Committee immediately reported and was discharged.
The following persons were then duly elected
Hon. Thomas Settle John Kerr Esq Jamesville Rev J. S. James " Rev William Jones Chapel Hill N. E. Caningly Tranquility Calvin Graves Esq Brown's Stone J. J. Biggs Raleigh Thomas C. Garrison Goldsboro Albert G. Hinton Hackney X Roads Chatham ( George R. French Wilmington ( J. S. Purify Wm P. Biddle ) Samuel S. Biddle ) Newbern Lewis Bond Windsor Jonathan S. Tayloe " T. Meredith Raleigh Robert F. Bampass Mill Creek Dr John C. Rogers Quinton H. Trotman Mintonville
Moved that we concur with the Faculty in Conferring the Second Degree in course on the following graduates. William L. Brooks, John L. Prichard, Grear F. Baxter John C. Rogers and Matthew F. Waddill.
Moved that bro' White open a correspondence with br Outlaw in regard to the account which he assumed to pay.
Moved that bro Purify, Crocker, White and Justice be a Committee to have the Roof repaired.
Moved that no student after entering on his studies shall be allowed to change them without a written direction from his parents and the consent of the Faculty.
Adjourned till 1 1/2 o'clock P.M.
Met according to adjournment.
Present also in addition to the above Trustees N.J. Palmer, Wm M. Crenshaw and G. W. Jones.
Letter from Capt Berry was read and referred to bro Wait to answer.
Adjourned to Met at Raleigh October 19. 1845
John B. White Sec.
Met pursuant to adjournment
Present. A. Dockery, S. Wait, N. Palmer D. Justice, J.B. Barnett, J.J. Finch, G.M. Thompson, S.J. Wheeler, D.S. Williams J.J. James, J.J. Biggs, G. Purify.
The Committee on the Blount Estate report the same received and committee discharged.
The Treasurer was authorised to pay Lawyer Moore $25.00.
The committee on Roof report and the same were continued.
President Wait handed in his resignation as President of the College which was for the present and on the table.
Bro' Wait was continued agent.
Bro Jones & Mc'Nabb were also appointed till Nov 26. 1845
Moved we adjourned till Nov 26. 1845 at this place. Prayer.
Raleig [?] Nov 26. 1844
The Board met at the Baptist Meeting House. Present. W.H. Jordon, A. Dockery, J.B. Barnett G.W. Purify D. Justice W. Jones G.W. Thompson
D.S. Williams, J.J. Biggs & C. Graves.
Prayer. Proceedings read.
Moved that an agent be appointed
Moved that bro Poindexter of Va [?] be that agent.
Moved that brethren Dockery, Graves and Barnett be a committee to correspond with bro Poindexter and that they be authorised to pay $1000 a year.
Moved that he have the entire field.
Moved that brethren Jones and Mc'Nabb be settled with.
Moved that bro Purify & Justice be a committee to settle with bro Wait.
Moved that the Treasurer be instructed to pay to Capt Berry any funds from subscriptions.
Moved that all use the utmost diligence to obtain funds.
Moved that the Commenced be altered to the 2d Thursday of June. That the Fall Session begin the last Monday of July and close the 2d Thursday of December and the Spring session open the third Monday of January.
President Wait's resignation was taken up and accepted, to take effect next June.
Resolved that his letter be recorded and the following resolutions be adopted.
To the Trustees of Wake Forest College
The welfare of our College has
78 long engaged my most careful attention and my anxious desire is to promote its best interest. Circumstances make it absolutely necessary to study the most rigid economy and as the business of instruction can be performed by the Professors with such assistance as they can obtain from time to time and the Institution be well sustained for the present
I hereby resign the Office of President which I have had the [word deleted: held] honor now to hold for about X(eleven years). I do this after the maturest deliberation and with the sincerest motives for [word deleted: the] promoting the interest of our beloved institution. I shall ever feel a lively interest in and do all I can to promote its future prosperity. yours truly Saml Wait Oct 21. 1849
Board of Trustees met at the College Tuesday June 10, 1845 agreeably to adjournment
President S. Wait, T. Crocker, D. Justice, D.S. Williams, J.J. Finch, G.W. Jones, G.W. Thompson, Wm Jones, J.S. Purify.
Bro. Crocker was temporily appointed appointed to fill the Chair and bro. Finch engaged in prayer.
Wm Hill Jordan having left the state tendered his resignation as president of the Board and the same accepted.
Brs Finch Justice & Williams were appointed a committee to nominate his successor.
A communication relative to the Blount Estate was received & read.
A committee consisting of brs Wait and Purify were appointed to correspond with Mr Moore if thought necessary.
Brethren McNabb and Jones reported as Agents.
The com. on the Roof made a verbal report and were continued.
The com. was also continued to sell the land.
Moved the appointment of a Committee on the Presidency of the Faculty. brethren Finch Williams, W. Jones, Crocker and G.W. Jones.
Adjourned till to morrow 8 oclock A.M.
Prayer by W. Jones.
Met pursuant to adjournment
Prayer by bro Wait. Present in addition to those yesterday. N.J. Palmer, W.M. Crenshaw, G.M. Thompson.
The Com. on the Presidency of the Board recommend the appointment of bro Wait, who was unanimously elected.
Adjounred for dinner
Met at 2 oclock
Resolved to renew the State debt if thirty names could be procured to the vote.
Moved that should the above vote be filled out the board releive any security to the Berry Debt by the payment of six hundred dollars also the from the state debt by payment of the same.
Moved that a committee be appointed to take charge of the note now partially executed for the State, to have the same filled out by themselves or agent
bro J.S. Purify Palmer and Crenshaw were that committee
Moved that bre Wait, G.M. Thompson, Purify and Justice be the committee to decide on the execution of the above vote.
Moved that all funds after paying the interest of the State Debt be paid on the Berry Debt.
Bre Finch and Williams were a committee to secure a suitable agent or as Moved that 12 per cent be paid for collecting funds.
Moved that brethren Finch, Meredith and Biggs be a committee to secure an agent or agents.
Moved that the committee on the Presidency of the Faculty be continued.
Moved that a Vote be given for the amount due the Merriams estate.
Moved that the balance of $364,92 due Mr Wait be paid.
Moved that Mr Wait have his wood as usual.
Moved we adjourn to meet at Raleigh on the 17th of October 1845.
John B. White Sec.
The Trustees of Wake Forest College met pursuant to adjourent, at Raleigh Oct 17th 1845. Present S. Wait President, G.W. Purify, J.J. James J.S. Purify, G.M. Thompson, J.B. Barnett, G.W. Jones N.J. Palmer, John Purify, W.M. Crenshaw, David Justice, David S. Williams, J.J. Biggs, J.J. Finch W.H. Jordan & G.W. Thompson
Prayer by bro G.W. Purify
Proceedings of last meetings read
Committee on the State Vote made a verbal report and were continued.
Bro James made a verbal report as Agent and was allow $10. for his services.
On motion, brethren J.S. Purify, White and Crocker were appointed a standing committee to sell Land.
Moved that brethren G.W. Purify, James & Barnett be a committee to secure or recommend an Agent or agents.
Adj. to meet at call of the President
Prayer by J.J. James.
Met at the call of the President at the Presbyterian Session Room. Prayer by bro John Purify.
Committee on Agency reported and recommends the appointment of George W. Thompson Esq for the State and Rev J.J. James for South Carolina.
And on motion both were unanimously appointed.
Moved that a Committee on the Agency be appointed with power to fill any vacancy that may occur, fix the salaries and to whom the Agents may report. Brethren James S. Purify George W. Thompson, Thomas Crocker and David Justice
On motion, the President of the Board was added.
The committee on the state Vote made a verbal report and were discharged.
Hooper President
Moved that we proceed at this time to the election of a President of the College.
The Rev William Hooper L.L.D. of South Carolina was nominated and on vote, was unanimously elected President.
Moved that when we adjourn we do so to meet at Yanceyville on Friday before the 4th of November.
Moved that the claim against bro John L. Prichard be relinquished.
Adj- to meet at Yanceyville as above stated.
Prayer by bro G.M. Thompson.
John B White Secretary
At Yanceyville there was not a quorum and adjourned to meet at the Call of the President.
John B. White Sec.
[ M. J. Yate's Graduation 1846 ] - note at top of page
At the call of the President duly published the Trustees of Wake Forest College met at the College June 8th 1846. Present S. Wait J.B. Barnett, D.S. Williams, D. Justice, Wm Jones J.S. Purify, Wm M. Crenshaw, J.J. James, T. Crocker G.W. Jones, & N.J. Palmer.
Prayer by Rev J.J. James
The Proceedings of the last meeting were read
Moved that the College Chapel be used only for literary and devotional purposes.
Moved that students be not allowed to change their boarding house without good and sufficient reasons to be judged by the Faculty.
Moved that we concur in conferring the first degree on George Washington Collins and Matthew Tyson Yates, and the second degree in course on Rev. W. W. Childers of S.C.
A communication from Dr Hooper was read and referred to a Committee consisting of brethren Finch, James, Williams, Crenshaw and Barnett.
Moved that the subject of a house for the President be referred to a Committee consisting of brethren Palmer, G.W. James and W. Jones.
Moved we adjourned to meet at 7 1/2 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Prayer by bro Crocker
Met pursuant to adjournment
Present as yesterday
The Com. on the communication from Dr Hooper reported - the same was adopted - and a copy directed to be sent to the Dr.
The Com. on the house reported that the Dr be [ assured ? ] that the North Brick House shall be [ procured? ] for him as soon as possible and in the mean time that the house in the green be prepared for him.
Moved that the number of the vacancies in the Board be reported at the next meeting.
Moved that the Building Committee get fenders for the rooms in the College.
Moved that a Committee be appointed with authority to dispose of two or three lots to any person who will build a Hotel at the College.
Bro' J.J. James was appointed to represent the College at the Western Convention, and bro N.J. Palmer his alternate.
Moved that Murray's claim be left discretionary with the Treasurer.
Adjourned to meet at the time of Convention to be held in Raleigh on the 15th of October 1846.
Samuel Wait Pres
John B. White Sec.
The Trustees of Wake Forest College met at Raleigh pursuant to adjournment Oct 15. 1856.
Present S. Wait President, Wm Hill Jordon, J.J. Biddle, Chas W. Skinner, Jas S. Purify, J.B. Barnett, G.W. Thompson, N.J. Palmer, S.S. Wheeler, Wm Jomes, J.S. Finch, J.J. James, D.S. Williams & J.J. Biggs.
The number of vacancies in the Board were reported and the same was directed to be communicated to the Convention.
The Agent made a verbal report which was approved and on motion the Agent was continued another year.
Moved that a claim of $100 with interest from Feb 15. 1834 due the Rev. Wm P. Biddle be allowed.
Moved that Bre. Wait, Purify, Crocker, G.M. Thompson and D. Justice be an Executive Committee.
Resolved that Rev Wm J. Brooks be appointed Associate Professor of Ancient Languages with a salary of $500 a year.
Resolved that Rev J.J. James be appointed to a Professorship of Rhetoric on the condition that he first operate as Agent during the pleasure of the Board. Prayer by bro Wheeler.
Adjourned to meet at Raleigh on the 18th of November next.
John B. White Sec.
Met on Nov. 18. pursuant to adjournment
Present Calvin Groves, John 'Kerr, S. Wait G.W. Thompson, J.S. Purify, Wm Jones J. Finch & J.J. Biggs - there being no quorum adjourned to meet at the College on Tuesday 8th of June 1847. John B. White
The Trustees of the College met pursuant to adjournment Tuesday 8th June 1847.
A Quorum not being present adjourned till Wednesday the 9th at 9 o'clock.
Present at 9 oclock on Wednesday S. Wait President, G.W. Purify, J.S. Wheeler, D. Justice Wm Jones, Wm H. Jordan, J.S. Purify, T.B. Barnett G.W. Thompson, N.J. Palmer, G.M. Thompson, J.S. Finch J.J. Biggs & G.C. Moore.
Prayer by bro Jordan.
Bre. Wait, Jordan & Moore were appointed a Committee to arrange business.
The Com. on the Roof reported, the same received and the Com. continued.
Moved that book "B." be charged with the expenses of Repairing the Roof.
Moved that Bre White & Purify be a committee to effect an insurance on the Building to the amount of $7000. in N.C. Mutual Insurance Company.
The Com. on Arrangements reported & the same adopted.
Moved that the seats of all Trustees who have not attend for the last three years be vacated.
Moved that we proceed to the election of seven Trustees from the nominations of the Convention.
On Ballot the following were declared duly elected. Wm Hooper L.L.D. Wm Russell Locust Hill, Caswell, R.W. Lawson Lawson's store, Rockingham, Sidney S. Lee, Yanceyville, H.E. Royal Clinton, H. Hester Oxford and S.B. Carraway Lenoir.
Moved that the newly elected seven above give notice of their acceptance or their seats
will be regarded as vacant at our next meeting in June 1848.
Moved that the Secretary notify the next Convention of the number of vacancies in the Board.
Moved that we concur with the Faculty in conferring the first Degree on E.B. Rogers A. McDonnell and I. Merrion members of the Senior Class.
Moved that the tuition of the Classical Department be the uniform tuition of the Preparatory Department.
Moved that the Faculty be authorised to employ a tutor in the Preparatory Dep. if the funds will justify it.
Moved that an additional coat or covering of tar and sand be placed on the shingles on the College Building.
Moved that the Faculty reverse the Bye Laws
The will of Mrs Celia Wilder late of Hertford was read and on motion Mr Moore was appointed to attend to our interest in that will.
Moved that Mr Brooks have the two lots by his dwelling back the college for $100.
Moved that Dr Hooper be requested to obtain a P. Office at the College.
Moved that bro Jordan be appointed to the agency, with a salary of $600. and that we approve of the action of the Ex. Com. on the subject.
Moved that the Executive Committee for the ensuing year be Dr Hooper, Wait Purify, G.W. Thompson, Crocker, Finch and Jordan. Adjourned to meet at the Convention in October. Prayer.
John B White
X First agency of J.S. Purify (note at top of page)
The Trustees of Wake Forest College met at Friendship M.H. Cumberland Co. Oct 15. 1847 pursuant to adjournment.
Present James S. Purify, Wm Jones, E. Hester N.J. Palmer, J.J. James, J.J. Biggs, D.S. Williams Wm Hill Jordan, A. Dockery and T. Meredith.
The meeting was organised by appointing Rev Wm H. Jordan president pro tem. and prayer.
The agent bro Jordan made a verbal report and his views were concurred in.
Moved that bro James S. Purify, bro James and bro Wm Jones, be appointed agents for three months during the winter, and that their compensation be $50 a month.
Moved that all further arrangement be referred to the Ex. Committee.
A letter from Prest Hooper was read and referred to a Committee to convey to him the view of the Board.
The Chair appointed bre' Finch Meredith and White.
Moved that bro Purify have the Lot south of the College for building a Hotel at the price offerred.
Adj. to meet at the College June 6. 1848.
John B White Sec.
X Lot for hotel to J.S. Purify (note at bottom of page)
The Trustees met at the College pursuant to adjournment June 6. 1848.
Present. S. Wait, Wm Hooper, Wm H. Jordan G.M. Thompson, J.S. Wheeler, G.C. Moore, J.S. Finch G.W. Purify, J.J. Biggs, J.S. Purify, Dr Crenshaw, D.S. Williams, W. Jones, N.J. Palmer
After Prayer, the proceedings of the last meeting were read.
The Agents then reported.
Brethren James & Jones did not serve as agents. Bro' Purify served about a month and a half.
The regular Agents made verbal reports, and were continued.
A Communication from the President of the Faculty was received.
It was resolved that we concur with the Faculty and confer the first degree on Wm J. Walters, Federick B. Ryan and Wm E Poole.
A Communication was received from Dr Hooper resigning the Presidency of the College, which was withdrawn.
Hooper resigned (note at the side of above paragraph)
Bro Wm Hill Jordan tendered his resignation as Trustee which was received.
Moved that brethren J.S. Purify, Wait and White be a committee to confer with the subscribers on securities to the State Debt to see what may be done towards liquidating the same.
Moved that bre Purify & White be a committee to sell to bro Jones the lots between his house and the College Campus.
Moved that an application be made to the legislature for releif on the State Debt.
Moved that when we adjourn we do so to meet at Raleigh on the 17th of January next.
Moved that bretheren Wait, J.S. Purify David Justice, Wm Jones, Geo. W. Thompson and J.B. White be the Executive Committee for the ensuing year.
John B. White Sec.
The Trustees met at Raleigh pursuant to adjournment and a Quorum not being present adjourned to the next annual Meeting at the College in June next.
John B. White Sec
The annual meeting of the Board was held at the College on the 13th of June 1849
Members present Samuel Wait Pres. Wm M. Crenshaw, D.S. Williams, J.J. James, J.S. Purify, Geo W. Thompson, J.J. Finch, Geo M. Thompson, N.J. Palmer, Wm Jones, D. Justice J.J. Biggs and Hamilton Hester.
Prayer by bro Finch.
The Committee in charge of the Application to the Legislature, reported by bro G.W. Thompson and were discharged.
The Com. to see the securities to the State Debt reported and were discharged.
On motion, appointed bre'n G.W. Thompson James and J.S. Purify a com. to ascertain the account of the Subscriptions (note added: $10000 pledged on condition that whole is secured ($20000))
On motion, the Board concurred with the Faculty in conferring the first Degree on R.C. Menchun Wm M. Wingate, H.B. Falk and J.G. O'Bryan.
On motion agreed to pay the balance of A. McDowells claim for service as Tutor.
The Petition on changing time for meeting of the Societies was presented. It was agree that the present arrangement be continued for the present till further information be obtained.
On motion agreed that the tuition of Jones' sons be allowed from session to session if the means or income of the Institution will justify and that he have indulgence for the past.
The proceedings of the Executive Committee were read and the following order to be entered on record.
The Executive Committee held a
conference on the 30th August 1848 in connection with or at the Raleigh Associates at Wake Union with several Trustees agreed to the following business.
1. It was ascertained that Dr Hooper would leave at the close of the present session, his resignation was therefore accepted.
2. It was resolved that Prof. White be appointed to act as President till the next meeting of the Board.
(note at side of above paragraph: White Pres. pro tem)
3. It was resolved that Oscar F. Baxter A.M.M.D. be appointed Prof. of Chemistry and Geology.
4. It was agreed that a copy of the Resolutions should be deposited with the Secretary of the Board, with the request that he correspond with the parties concerned.
Signed by Saml Wait ) James S. Purify ) Ex David Justice ) Com. Wm Jones ) Geo W. Thompson )
And approved of by W. Hooper ) Members John Kerr ) of H. Hester ) the Board
On motion a Committee on the Presidency be appointed - which were bre'n Palmer G.W. Thompson, G.M. Thompson, Williams and James.
On motion, bre'n Purify, Biggs and Crenshaw were a Com. on nomination of Trustees.
On motion adjourned till 2 o'clock P.M.
John B. White Sec.
Met pursuant to adjournment the Secretary being absent N.J. Plamer was appointed Secretary pro. tem.
The Com. on Nominations of Trustees reported the following list which were duly elected.
Hon Wm A. Graham Hillsboro Hon. Thomas Settle S.F. Jordan Raleigh Elias Dodson Yanceyville Council Wooten Mosely Hill R.N. Herudon Esq Oxford Col J. Armstrong Rockford Henry F. Bond Kinston
The Com. on liabilities reports that the subscriptions come short of debts $1713. the same received and Com. discharged.
On motion brethren Purify, James and Williams were appointed a Com. to raise or present a plan for raising the balance of the debt.
The Committee on the Presidency reported recommending Prof. John B. White, which report was concurred in, whereupon Prof. White was appointed President with a salary of ($1000) one thousand dollars a year.
On motion appointed brethren Purify and Biggs a com. to notify his election.
Adj. till 8 o'clock in the morning.
Prayer by bro James.
Met pursuant to adjournment
A letter from Prof. Owen was read and referred to the Faculty to be granted if consistent with the interests of the Institution.
(note at top of page: J.S.P. agent - S Wait D.D. 1849)
On motion the Board agreed to confer the Degree of D.D. on Rev Samuel Wait of Wake Forest.
A Communication was received from Prof. White on the Presidency which was read and ordered to be entered on record.
To the Trustees of W.F. College
Dear brethren
I have the honor to receive through your Committee a verbal notice of my appointment to the Presidency of your Institution.
For this additional mark of your favor you will please accept my sincerest thanks, and allow me at the same time to say, that so sensibly do I feel my inability to meet your expectations and that of the Public, that I feel it would be great injustice in me to accept more than temporarily the honor tendered.
Permit me therefore to express the hope that you will speedily find a person worthy to be entrusted with the interest of your Institution and allow me, while I may be comparatively useful to occupy a more humble place and one involving less anxiety and responsibility.
(note added: June 14, 1849)
Very respectfully yours John B. White
Resolved that in considering of $2000 to us paid by D.S. Williams, J.J. James, N.J. Palmer and J.B. White we authorise a good and sufficient Deed in fee simple to be executed to them for the house & lots occupied by Prof Owen and also for that occupied by Mr Young.
On motion, appointed G.W. Thompson J.S. Purify and N.J. Palmer agents to [illegible]
and to collect the debts due [crossed out] or subscriptions due the College, and to pay off the debts of the same.
Prof. J.B. White tendered his resignation as Secretary of the Board which was accepted and on motion appointed James S. Purify.
On motion, the executive Committee for last year were reappointed for the ensuing year.
On motion, agreed to pay the present Tutors $400 for the ensuing year.
The board adjourned to their next annual meeting. Prayer by Elder James S. Purify.
N.J. Palmer Sec. Pro. tem.
Nov 10 1849
The Executive Committee of the Trustees of W.F. College met at the College. Present G.W. Thompson, David Justice, Wm Jones, J.B. White & Jas S. Purify
On motion D. Justice took the Chair.
On motion Wm J. Walters was appointed Tutor of Mathematics for 1850 with a salary of Three Hundred Dollars $300.
James S. Purify Secretary
The Collecting Committee G.W. Thompson & J.S. Purify of the Trustees of W.F. College appointed Rev. J. Mirium to go on a Special Agency into the eastern part of the state to collect subscriptions, be adopted [?] and he collect as follows
Wake Forest College June 12 1850
The Trustees Mett according to adjournment.
Present. S Wait President. J S Purify Secretary. G.W. Purify G W Thompson Dr Will Crenshaw, Dr. S.J. Wheeler Wm Jones D Justice N.J. Palmer G.W. Jones, H. Hester A. Dockery, Rhodes N. Herndon also appeared accepted the appointment of a trustee and took his seat. Prays by Rev S.W. Purify
On Motion
Resolved that A Committee of Five be appointed to report on the expediency of raising funds to establish a profesorship and if thought advisable a plan to carry it into effect. Committee G.W. Thompson N.J. Palmer W.M. Crenshaw D. Justice J.S. Purify.
The Committee reported in favour of the project and submits the following as the Plan. 1 - That a good & suitable agent be employed at a salary not to exceed Eight Hundred Dollars to get subscriptions for said object. 2. that any person contributing Ten Thousand Dollars for the endowment of a professorship shal have the liberty of giving the professorship his or her own [ Name? ] or any other [the donor?] may think proper.
On Motion
Brethren Thompson, Palmer & Dockery were appointed a committee to secure the services of an agent and report tomorrow morning 8 o'clock
Rev J. Merian reports on his agency as follows
Received on W.H. Jordans subscription book | 2020.00 | |
" " J.J. James " book | 1540.00 | |
" " T. Crocker " " | 72.61 | 2246.61 |
Paid on the Bond held by John Berry | 2242.00 [underlined] | |
[no text] | 461 | |
" " in cash new subscription | 1500 [underlined] | |
" balance cash Collected & Recd | 19.61 |
amount Bt Forward cash in hand 19.61 Less expenses - 6.91 Settled in full paid to Isaac Merian 12.70 in part of his Services
On Motion
The executive committee were instructed to settle with J. Merian and compensate him for his labour
The Presiden reported. recommended that the degree of A.B. be confered on Benjamin W. Justice David R Walter & John C. Carlile Members of the Senior Class.
On Motion the degree was accordingly confered on the Three by the trustees.
At the Recommendation of Pres. J.B. White Benjamin W. Justice was appointed Tutor for the ensuing year at a salary of Three Hundred Dollars Which appointment was accepted.
On Motion S. Wait J.S. Purify G.W. Thompson David Justice, Wm. Jones & Dr Wm. M. Crenshaw were appointed the executive Committee for the ensuing year
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 8. o clock.
Prayer by J.S. Purify
June 13 - Met according to adjournment.
Prays by J.S. Purify
The committee on the agency reported recommending Rev. S. Wait, which appointmt was declined
On Motion The appointment of an agent was referd to the executive Committee
J S Purify offered the trustees One Hundred Dollars for four acres of Land [or // 25 per acre for the] [crossed out] Living east of the College Campus and bounded as follows
North by east Avenue South by South street. East by the Rail Road and west by Main street - Which offer was accep ted and the executive committee were instructed to close the bargin [?] and
give a deed for said Land
On Motion This Executive Committee with N.J. Palmer were instructed to sell the lands of the College (except the College buildings, & campus.) at any time and at such price as they in their judgement may think proper and apply the funds to the payment of the debts of the College.
On Motion Bro Walters tutor will receive for the ensuing year at the rate of Four Hundred Dollars per anum. for his services as tutor provided the tuition fees will justify it and pay the other offices.
A Letter was read from bro C.W. Skinner asking the trustees to take his buildings at W.F. College and pay him for these the cost of their erection $4125. For the want of time &c. it was mooved that the letter lie on the table to be called up at a Meeting of the board to be held at the sitting of the Convention in Louisbury. and G.W. Thompson S. Wait & J.S. Purify be a committee to report relative to said Letter & Houses.
It was announced that Henry F. Bond of Kinston Lenoir Co - accepted the appointment of trustee
On Motion Capt John Berry was appointed a trustee of Wake Forest College
On Motion
Resolved that the board recommend the establishment in diferent parts of the state of Classical Schools preparatory to Wake Forest College and that they be reported to secretary of this board in order that they may be duly recognised as such.
James S. Purify Secretary
Meeting of the board of Trustees at Louisbury Oct 18 - 1850. Present S. Wait President, D.S. Williams, J.J. James A.J. Biddle - N.J. Palmer George W Purify R.N. Horndon Hamilton Hester Wm Jones & James S. Purify Secretary.
- The President called the board to order Prayer by Rev G.W. Purify
The Proceedings of the former Meeting was read by the Secretary.
On Motion The subject of revising & printing the bylaws of the College was refered to the executive Committee and the Faculty -
The Letter from C.W. Skinner presented at the last meeting relative to his Brick house at the College was read and the Committee appointed thereon reported as follows -
On Page 35 of the proceedings of the board of Wake Forest Institute we find a resolution authorising "any of our bretheren to Contract for the building of a Professors house not to exceed $3.000 and furnish the money to pay for the same on which they were to receive lawfull interest until the friends of the Institute could pay the debt. - Brethren Battle & Skinner built a house each.
On Page 42 we find the following
On Motion resolved that the president of this board be authorised to give the bond of this board to Charles W. Skinner & Amos J. Battle for the amount of money they may have to pay to Capt. John Berry for erecting the two professors houses, which bonds are to be made payable in five years from date with interest on them anually.
On Page 48 we find recorded as follows "The bonds to Charles W. Skinner & Amos J Battle as directed by the Resolution passed at the Meeting in Sampson Co were executed at this time"
From the above statements it appears that the house was built by C.W. Skinner and received by the trustees but we find from the minutes of a subsequent meeting that C.W. Skinner took back the house and took a deed for it with a nother lot the two lots being No 4 & 5 in the town plot and he gave up the bond of the trustees to them.
At a meeting of the board held at Wake F College Feb 4 - 1839 Ten trustees present among them C W Skinner on Page 50 we find
Resolved that the president of the board be auth-orized to Convey to Bro Skinner by a good and sufficient deed lots No 4 & 5 with the improvements there on in consideration that said Skinner will surrender to the board the bond of $3.000 excecuted in his favour at our last meeting. The bond was given up and the deed executed.
Since that time the trustees have considered the house and lots as the property of Bro Skinner exclusively, in support of which opinion we find the following on page 59 at a meeting of the board held at Grapy Creek C.W. Skinner present Nov 2 - 1839
Resolved that Bro Wait have one thousand dollars for year and that the board pay the rent of the house owned by Bro Skinner for him, for his salary -
On page 69. June 16 - 1842 we find Resolved that Bro C.W. Skinner be notified that we shal be unable to rent his house after the present year
James S Purify Chairman
On Motion of N J Palmer it was unanimously resolved that in view of the facts set forth in the report of the Committee the Secretary inform bro C.W. Skinner that they do not consider themselves bound to take the property refered to in the letter and have not the means with
which to purchase the property without creating a debt on the trustees which we feel unwilling to do and also that the secretary furnish Bro C.W. Skinner with a copy of the report of the Committee on the subject.
A letter was read from the faculty in regard to the sale of the grounds or lots between the professors houses the main road or street and the Rail Road.
The board with the Consent of Bro J S Purify agree to recind the Contract made at the last meeting of the board with him in relation to the sale of the lots or land fronting the south professors house and it was Resolved that in Consideration thereof the Board pledge themselves to James S Purify and his legal representatives that they will never dispose of or sell said lots or any of the grounds above described to any persons but use them for College purposes or campus - the grounds referred to are in the town plot lotts No 1-2-3-76-75-74-
On Motion of N.J. Palmer Resolved that Rev J.J. James be appointed agent of the College to Collect the Subscriptions due the College for the payment of its debts and to obtain Subscriptions and Contributions for the endowment of one or more professorships and that he be allowed for his services at the rate of Eight Hundred Dollars per anum with his necessary travelling expenses while in the Service of the board.
Resolved that fifteen Thousand Dollars be Considered necessary for the endowment of a professorship and that the money be invested according to the direction of the board of trustees
(note at top of page: J S P Agent)
Rev G.W. Purify the executor of Rev W. H. Miriot. Deceased presented and read to the board an extract from a coppy of the will of the deceased divising to the board in fee simple a tract of Land situate in the County of Orange near Chapel Hill Containing Six Hundred and Sixteen acres more or less on the terms and Conditions therein expressed -
On Motion it was resolved that the board accept of the said legacy on the terms and conditions therein expressed and that Messrs R N Herndon, John Barry & N.J. Palmer Members of this board be appointed a committee to sell the said land to the best advantage according to the directions of the will and report to the next Meeting of this board
On Motion the board adjourned to the Call of the president -
James S Purify Secretary
Saturday evening Oct 19 - 1850 the board were Called to gather by the President - President S Wait - N J Palmer J J James Wm Jones R.N. Herndon D S Williams H. Hester S.J. Biddle. Jas. McDaniel & Jas S Purify
[On Motion?] Rev J J James informed the board that he could not accept the agency -
On Motion Resolved that James S Purify be appointed agent of the College for the same purposes and on the same terms that J.J. James was appointed on yesterday -
On Motion adjourned to the Call of the President.
J S Purify Secretary
Wake Forest College Nov 4 - 1850
Meeting of the executive board Present Wm M Crenshaw, David Justice, Wm Jones Geo. W. Thompson J.B. White & J.S. Purify
On Motion directed the agent J S Purify to get up a good lithographic print of the College buildings & premises and also to employ subagents to collect funds for a professorship and to those that collect will to secure a print as taken of regard for services
On Motion the agent was authorised to sell schollarships during the length of the present Charter of the College to those who will pay to the endowment fund five Hundred Dollars -
On Motion the College land east of the Rail Road was sold to David Justice at seven & half Dollars per acre and G.W. Thompson & J.B. White were appointed to asertain by survey the quantity of land and and close the bargin by deed and settlements.
On Motion the Meeting adjourned
James S Purify Secretary
June 11 - 1851 9-oclock A.M
The Board of trustees of W.F. College met at the College Present
D.S. Williams, Wm M Crenshaw, J J James, John Kerr, G.W. Thompson, N J Palmer, Wm Jones, James McDaniel J S Purify - 9 - Present
As the president Rev S Wait was absent Rev D.S. Williams was called to the Chair Prays by N.J. Palmer
On Motion the following persons were apointed trustees
Allen C. Perry of Franklin Co Dr Thomas J Pitchford of Warren Co accepted James M Patterson of Orange Co. accepte Dr James Fullartin of Davey Co accepted Aaron Emerson
On Motion the degree of A.B. was confered on the four Graduates viz Thomas C. Collins, Wm H. Owen Jun John C Averett, Priestly Hillangum,
Also the honorary degree of A.M. was confered on Rev Messrs. J. L Shuck, James McDaniel, C R Hendrickson & William J Walters.
Resolved that the President of the College be authorised to furnish certificates to teachers or principals of Accademy's who will furnish the best prepared students for the freshman Class.
A bid of one Hundred Dollars was offered by Rev S. Wait for Lot No - 21 - and also Fifty Dollars for lot No 32 - mooved that he have them at the above prices which was agreed to -
After noon session
In addition to the Trustees above named there appeared and took their seats in the board S.J. Wheeler Lewis Bond Elias Dodson H. Hester J.J. Biggs & D. Justice
James M Patterson Esq and Dr James F Martin also appeared and accepted their appointments as Members of the board and took their seats
On Motion, Wm J. Walters. Tutor, will secure for the next year Five Hundred Dollars for his services -
The Report of the executive committee relative to the sale of the land east of the Rail Road to David Justice at $7.50 per acre was not concured in and the following preamble and resolution offered and passed.
Upon the report of the executive Committee in regard to the sale of land east of the Rail Road to David Justice on motion and with the Consent of the purchaser and without any intention of reflecting on the conduct or the motives of the Committee in Making the sale - Resolved that the Contract be recinded by the board -
In respect to the report on schollarships the following resolution was offered and passed -
Resolved, that the resolution of the executive Committee in regard to the sale of schollarships be and the same is hereby approved of by the Board -
Mooved that the treasurer, J B White be instructed to pay Wm J Walters $400 for his services as tutor for the past year -
Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed by the Chairman to Make sale of the land east of the Rail Road, the sum not to be sold for less than $10- per acre -
Committee to consist of N.J. Palmer J.J. Biggs & Dr Wm Crenshaw
Jun 12 1851 Morning Session
Present F Bond S J Wheeler E Dodson G W Purify J.J. James James McDaniel John Kerr N J Palmer G W Thompson Dr Wm M Crenshaw Wm Jones H Hester James M Patterson James F Martin D.S. Williams & Jas S Purify - D.S. Williams in the Chair -
The Committee on the Sale of the land east of the rail Road reported a sale to Wm J Brooks & N.J. Palmer which was confirmed at $10- per acre
Mooved that Professors W.H. Owen & Wm J Brooks be an auditing Committee of the treasures accounts from his last settlement and report at the next anual meeting - and also at each succeeding anual meeting to make an anual report to the board of all moneys received.
Mooved that the Communication from a portion of the faculty supporting the advance of Tutor Wm J. Walters to Adjunct Professor of Mathematics be defered untill the next annual session of the board.
Mooved that the Secretary address a note to C.W. Skinner Esq and inform him that it is the pleasure of this board that he have the privalege of Two schollarships during his natural life in consideration of the rent of his house at the College - a Schollarship is to be a right to send one schollar at a time free of tuition fees (not including room rent or deposit for repairs) - and said student to be under the same rules and regulations as other students - Carried
Mooved & Carried that Brantly J. Hackney have the privalege of improoving a vacant lot off from the road, with houses, fencing & for his use while a student in College and when he gets through his education to dispose of the improvements there on to any person he may think proper only he shall give the trustees the preferance at a fair price should they wish to purchase - the right of Land to remain entirely in, and with the trustees - should the trustees not wish to buy the improvements they may be remoo-ved by the said Hackney on his assigns -
Mooved and Carried that the Treasurer of the College pay N.J. Palmer $2 50/100 for the advertising of a sale of land divised to the College by Wm H Mariott -
Mooved The Committee appointed to sell the land devised to the College by the late Rev Wm H. Mariatt for purposes set fourth in his will. Said Committing Consisting of N.J. Palmer, John Berry R.N. Herndon reported that they had sold said land to Rev G.W. Purify for the sum of Two Thous-and dollars and have taken his notes for the sum payable in four anual installments of $500- each The first payable on March the 1st 1852 - the 2nd on March the 1 - 1853 - the 3rd payable on March the 1st 1854 the 4th payable on May 1855 - Which sale was Confirmed by the board - and the board agree to Make him a deed when paid for
Afternoon Session
The Secretary being absent the following was reported to him by N.J. Palmer Secretary protem.
On motion the Board of trustees in behalf of the College agree to take back the brick house and lot now ocupied by Professor Owen from D.S. Williams, J J James J.B. White & Nathanial J Palmer at the price of the balance now due on their bonds including every expense of Insurance [ ? ] and that their bond be surrendered up to them by the Treasurer or holder there of.
On motion agreed that the brick house and lot is tendered to professor W H Owen at the rent of One Hundred Dollars per annum, he keeping the same in good repair except accidents by fire or wind -
On Motion agreed that Messrs J B White, W. H Owen W I Brooks be a committee to take Care of the College property and rent the same out to the best advantage and also to have necessary repairs done to the College or College property -
On Motion - then adjourned to meet with the Convention at Willmington in October next
Prayer by Rev J.J. James
James S Purify Secretary
Willmington Oct 17 - 1851
The Board met - present Wm Hooper D S Williams J.J. James Wm Jones N J Palmer James N Paterson E Dodson C D Ellis & J S Purify S J Wheeler.
On Motion Wm Hooper was appointed President Pro tem
Prayer by Rev J J James
On Motion Pres. J B white was invited to a seat with the Board and to aid in its deliberations.
On Motion the proceedings of the last meeting was read by the Secretary.
Pres White submitted some remarks in to the condition & general discipline of the College
On Motion the treasurer was directed to pay B W Justice at the rate of $400 for his services as tutor for the present session or since June last.
On Motion C W Skinner was allowed Two Schollarships for the usual time and usual terms or in other words the Two Schollarships allowed him at the last meeting for Life be changed to fifty years. and that he use his own discretion about paying the one Hundred dollars which added to his Claim for the rent of his house at the College of Nine Hundred Dollars would make $1000 -
A Communication was received from Rev J B White President of the College in tendering his resignation to take effect in June 1852.
On Motion
Resolved that a committee consisting of Wm Hooper D S Williams J S Purify & N.J. Palmer be appointed to wait on President White and express to him the Continued Confidence of the Board in the faithfullness and ability with which he has discharged the duties of his appointment and their unanimous and earnest wish that he withdraw his resignation
On Motion James S Purify general agent of the College made a report in relation to his agency. Also on Motion he was unanimously the appointed Agent of the College for the ensuing year on the same terms as the past year.
On Motion President White Messrs Owen, Brooks & Walters were appointed a committee to attend to the erection of a Belfrey at the College a suitable room for the person appointed to attend to the ringing of the Bell
On Motion of J S Purify
Resolved that where funds are raised sufficient to endow one or more profesorships at the college all baptist Ministers within licence or ordained and coming well recommended from their respective churches shal receive their tuition free from Charge
On Motion of N J Palmer
Resolved that Rev Archibald McDowell of Milton be appointed a trustee of the College, in place of Lewis Bond Esq Decd.
On Motion the board adjourned to the Call of the President
James S Purify Secretary
Wake Forest College March 26 - 1852
A Call Meeting of the board at W F College Present S Wait, President, Wm Hoopper, H Hester, Will Crenshaw Dr Pitchford J N Patterson Wm Jones, G. R French & Jas S. Purify - Prayer by W Hoopper -
The Committee appointed at the last meeting to request Pres J. B White to withdraw his signation of the Presidency of the College - reported that he did not consent to with draw it -
After Much Consultation it was On Motion Resolved that the trustees offer Pres. White $1200-00/100 and a house rent free if he would remain - In answer to which he requested the privalege to correspond -ing with persons, with a view of filling his place, or in other words to find a suitable person to propose to the trustees for their appointment - intimating that if his place could not be filled he might probably remain, and that he would certainly remain through the fall Session - adjourned to the anual Meeting in June.
James S Purify Secretary
Content copied on next page by [?]
The Board met June 8th 1852
Present President Wait Dr W. M Crenshaw J S Wheeler D S Williams Wm Jones S J Biddle Jr J Palmer J J James Jas S Purify & D S Bro Williams. Bro Purify Resigned as Secretary
On Motion a committee was raised on the Agency to report during this meeting the rest appointed as the ,comt, J.J. James J.S. Purify S.J. Wheeler N.J. Palmer S J Biddle & Prof J.B. White
On Motion the degree of Batchelor of Arts was con, ferd on the graduating Class to wit
Resolved that we appoint a committee of three to report on the Presidency The Committee consisting of Wm Jones S Williams M Crenshaw & D.S. Williams
After Noon Session
President Wait in the chair Present D.S. Williams J J Jones S J Wheeler R N Herndon James N. Patterson. Dr W M Crenshaw N.J. Palmer Wm. Jones S. J Biddle M P Biddle S [illegible] Bro Biddle. N J Palmer was appointed, Sec, Pro Tem.
On Motion President White was Elected truste also A.G. Jones P.A. Dunn W.W. Vafs G.G. Reed Dr S.S. Satchal A M Louis was Elected member of the Board also in place of George W Jones S. Leigh
On Motion the directing of president of the R & G R Road are requested to build a reception at this place and that the Secretary of this meeting bring this matter to their notice -
On Motion the Post office Department at Washinton was Requested to establish a post office at this place
On Motion J.J. James Wm. Jones S.S. Biddle was appointed a Committee to Confer with W. T. Watting in Relation to his appointment and salery as Prof. of Mathematics
On Motion Dr W M. Crenshaw S.J. Wheeler J.J. James was appointed a Committee to Confer with the faculty Relative to the Commencement [illegible] so as to have them published in the public papers.
On Motion of Dr W. M. Crenshaw it was resolved that if any of the Students absent them selves from the College be for the Examinations they shal stand an Examination be fore they enter the next session
President White appeared and took a seat as one of the Board
Resolved that it shal be the duty of the faculty to in vite a Committee of Examinaters to attend [ ?? ] to the Commencement of each and every year and publish the same in some public paper
P.A. Dunn & A.G. Jones made their appearance and took seats with the Board. The Board adjourned
June 9th. The board met Present President Wite Elias dodson H Hester P.A.Dunn J J Jones Dr W M Crenshaw J.J. James Jas S Purify Wm Jones N J Palmer N J Patterson W W Vafs. D S. Williams S.S. Biddle S.J. Wheeller Wm Biddle Presiden White.
Resolved that President J.B. White J.J. James & N.J Palmer be and they are here by apointed a Committee to Confer with the Board of Trustees & Fac, alty Davidson to Normal College in relation to a joint application to the nineth Legislature of N.C. for an appropration to Each Institution from the Litera ry Board & that the same, coms, be requested to visit said Institutions for that purpose and that their Expenses be paid by the Board
Resolved the said committee be instructed to attend the insuing session of the Legislature of N.C. for the purpose of & arranging with the above resolutions
The Committee on the Agency Reported the following Resolutions Resolved that it is expediant and proper as well as necessary for the success of this Institution that the sum of fifty thousand Dollars be raised as spe dily as possible for the Endowments of Wake Forest College and when the above sum of fifty thousand Dollars have bn secured How Young men of promise shall be admited free of charg Jas. S. Purify Resigned as Secretary of the Board & P A Dunn appointed in his place
At the request of the facalty the Honerary Degree of A M was Conferd on Dr A Bennet M.D. of Caswell County [?] The Board Also Conferd the Degree of A.M. on the Revt John. H. Lacy of Mitten N.C and Also on Revt Albert H. Dowel of Green Cty N.C,
On Motion of S.S. Biddle It was resolved that a tutor be appointed for the next session & that he be requested to room in the College & when ever the Tutor fails to comply with the above request his Seat will be considere vacated
The Committee appointed to Confer with W J Wattins report that He be appointed Prof of Mathamatics with a Salery of Six hudred Dollors to be raised to Eight Hundred Dollars pr anum when Ever the means of the College will justify it after some remarks the report was laid over until to morrow morning On motion the Board adjourned
Thursday Morning Jun 10 The Board met Present President Wait J.J. James N.J. Palmer D.S Williams S S. Biddle D. Wm. M. Crenshaw Elias Dodson Wm Jones H Hester S E Conelly A.G. Jones A.G Henry A M. Louis M D Revt. Wm Jones
On Motion Dr Wm. M. Crenshaw P.A. Dunn N J Palmer was appointed a Committee on in Closing the College campus The Board took up the report of the Committee appointed to Confer with W.J. Watting When on Motion of S S Biddle he was appointed Prof of Mathematicks with a Salery of Six hundred Dollars pr anum to be raised to Eight hundred pr anum when Ever the means of the institution Justify it
On Motion of N.J. Palmer Resolved that the thanks of this Board be and they are hereby Returned to the Honorable B.M. Sanders for his able interesting and hence address delivered on last Evening in be half of this institution and Collg of Education
Resolved that a coppey of this Resolution be forward to him by the Secretary.
Resolved that the Faculty be Instructed to appoint a Tutor for the next Session with a salary of
Three hundred Dollors per anum the Resignation of President White as Treasurer was read and John M. Brewer was appointed in his place By the recommendation of the Faculty the degree of A.M. was Conferd on D S Richerdson of Franklin Co. Also on T.W. Bey of Raleigh NC
On Motion of S.S. Biddle N.J. Palmer & Dr Wm M Crenshaw was appointed a Committee to have the College building Insured to the Amt of ten thousand Dollars in two differant companies and that the treasurer pay the amt of insurances
On Motion the Revt Jas. S. Purify Wm Jones Wm M Crenshaw & S.S. Biddle be appointed a Comt on the Presidency and if President whether dose Resign he be also aded to the Committee to recom mend a suitable succesor [?] and report to a meeting of the Board to be holden in Smithfield Johnston Co. NC. the Board Adjourned to meet at the Call of the President of the Board M R [?] J.J. James
P A Dunn Sec
Smithfield Johnston Co. NC Oct 16th 1852
The Board Met Present D.S. Williams H. Hester Elias Dodson J.B. White S S Biddle A.J. Palmer J. Patterson P.A. Dunn President of the Board being absent Revt D.S. Williams whos Call to Chair D. P. B Dodson The proceeding of last meeting was read The Committee to have the College Insured was Continued. The committee In house was refered The subject of the Presidency made their report and the same was Recd. The Committee appointed to visit Normal & Davidson Colleges to Carry out a resolution [illegible] at our last meeting made a report and and after som remarks the Committee was Continued
On Motion of N.J. Palmer the Resignation of President White was Recd. and a Committee of five be appointed to Settle with him in relation to rent of House just on His Subscription to the College to the Merian Claims [?] The Committee appointed J S Purify D Williams M Crenshaw P.A. Dunn W.W. Vafs & J.J. Biggs
On Motion of President White W J Walters was appointed Treasurer in place of John M Brewer Resigned
On Motion of S.S. Biddle the Board adjourned till Monday Morng 9 o.clock
Monday Morning Octbr 18
The Board met according to adjournment Present D.S. Williams in the Chair H. Hester E Dodson J.B. White S.S. Biddle N.J. Palmer and P.A. Dunn
On Motion of S.S. Biddle J.B. White was Released from House rent for the Resent Year
On Motion of N.J. Palmer Prof W.H. Owen was appointed President pro tem
On Motion N.J. Palmer was appointed to have the College Charter Extended
On Motion of S.S. Biddle Revt W.M. Wingate was unanimously appointed Agent for the Colleg for the Ensuing year J.J. James appeared and took a seat with us
On Motion of S.S. Biddle It was Resolved that Bro Wingate be allowed Eight Hundred Dollars per anum for his Services as agent or at the rates of that sum for the time he [ Labours ? ] it was Also resolved that if Bro Wingate dose not except the agency that we instruct the Executive Committee to make another appoint ment to fill the vacancy.
On Motion of N.J. Palmer the Executive Committee be impowered to hire Servents to wate on the College. On Motion the Facalty was aded to the Committee
Bro J.J. James presented several letters on the sub ject of the Presidency of Some remarks the lettes was read and layed on the table
On Motion of E. Dodson The Treasurer was instructed to invest all of the Endowment funds in State Bonds
On Motion of N.J. Palmer Resolved that the resignation of President White Hereto fore tended be excepted and that the Board Return there sinceor thanks to him for the year and faithful ability with which he has discharg ed. the duties of the office of Prof & President of the College during his long Stay with us And that we most Has tily recommend him to the Confidence of our Brethren generally or to any Institution of learning with Hoom he may become Connected
Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to prepare and publish in the Biblical Recorder Sutable testamonials Relations to President Whites Connection with us the Chair appointed on that Committee N.J. Palmer J J James & James S. Purify Adjourned to 2 O'clock [Dr R] [?] J.J. James
After Session Present D S Williams in the Chair S.J. Biddle James Mcdonnel J.B. White E Dodson N.J. Palmer J.N. Patterson J J James James S. Purify & [P.A.Dunn deleted]
On Motion Revt W. H. Jordan was appointed trustee in place of Wm Jones Decd' He was present and took a seat with the meeting
On Motion the seat of Thos Salter was declared vacant by his long absence
On Motion J.J. Brantley was was unanimously Elected President of Wake Forest College and a Committee of three was appointed to inform him of the Same the Chair appointed on that, com, James Mcdonnel D S Williams & J.B. White
On Motion the Revt James S Purify was orderd to bond the Claims due the College by Subscription
On Motion it was Resolved that the treasurer be requested to Exibit the Recpts of the disbursments of the College anually
On Motion the Board Adjourned to meet at the Call of the Presdt of the Board
Peyton A Dunn Sec
At a Call Meeting W Forest College Decr 7th 1852
Present President Wait T.W. Tobey Jas S Purify J.B White G W Thompson D Williams M Crenshaw J.J. Biggs N.J Palmer H Hester and P A Dunn The Committee appointed to inform the Revt J J Brantley of his appointment to the Presidency of W College Reported that He declined the appointment and the Committee was discharged
On Motion of T.W. Tobey it was Resolved that President White be released from paying Inst on his Subscription to the College after some remarks the resolution passed
On Motion of N.J. Palmer there was a Committee appointed to Sell the lots now ocupied by J.B. Hackney after remarks from Several the motion pass, and the Presidnet appointed Jas S Purify J.B. White & Dr W M Crenshaw P A Dunn was aded to the Comt,
On Motion of T.W. Tobey President was unanimously Elected President of W College
On Motion of Bro Hester it was Resolved that President White be allowed the Sum of twelve Hundred & Fifty Dollars anually Bro Thompson was requested to in vite President White in the meeting which He done and President White excepted the appointment
On Motion of N.J. Palmer the Committee appoi nted to Sell J B Hackneys lot was instructed to sell all of the vacant lots on the College Hill
On Motion of N.J. Palmer the comt, on lots was requested to purchase a suitable Chemical aparatus for the College with the funds arising from the sale of lots
On Motion of T.W. Tobey Brthrn N.J. Palmer Jas S Purify Dr W M Crenshaw was appointed a Committee relative to the Subscription of our late Br Wm Jones to the College and Report to our next meeting in June
On Motion of P.P. Biggs the comt on lots was instructed to sell the lot now ocupied by Prof Wm H. Owen with instructions not to take less than two thousand Dollars for the Same
Wake Forest College June 8th 1833
Present President Wate Jas Mcdanniel S J Wheeller Dr W William M Crenshaw W W Vafs P.P. Biggs J J James the proceeding of the Call Meeting was read and the Boad adjourned to meet three o clock
After Noon Session
Present President wait J.B. White Jas Mcdanniel Elias dodson Jas S Purify J.J. Biggs J J James D Will Crenshaw W W Vafs A.M. Jones H Hester P.P. Biggs T. W Tobey Dr S J Wheeler & P.A. Dunn
On Motion there was a Committee appointed to Report on the propiety of investing certen funds in hand for the Surport of young minsters the Chair appointed on that, Comt, Jas S Purify Prest White W.W. Vafs
The Comt appointed to memorialise the last Legislature on theSubject of a donation from the literary fund Reported that nothing could be done The Committee was discharge
Moved that a Snap [?] Meeting on the Subject of Education be held this Eveng & Brethren White Vafs, Biggs are requested to superintend the same
Moved that Mr Jas H Forts be oppointed Tutor for the next Session Referd to a Committee the, comt, Consisting of President White Mcdanniel and Dr S P Wheeler the Committee to report to morr ow morning On Motion the Board adjourned to meet at 8 O Clock to morrow morning
Thursday morning 8 O clock The proceding of Yesterday read Present President Wait Jas Mcda niel J.B. White P.P. James W W Vafs J.J. Biggs J.W Forbes Dr S.D. Wheeler Dr Py Bro Dodson President White in behalf of the Committee on the Marriots [?] fund reported in favour of investing the Same or So much as there is on hand in the R & G. R. Road bonds the Treasurer be instructed to invest the Same to the best advantage
Bro Wingate made a report on his Services during the year as Agent and recommended Some modi fications on Schollorships
Dr James moved the hole matter be referd to a Committee the motion prevailed and the followg Brethren was appointed a, Comt, Jas S Purify J J James W W. Vafs
Moved that Revts Jas. S. Purify be appointed Treasurer of the Board the motion was carried and when Ever funds for the Endowment Shall come in his Hands the Same to be invested in R. Road Bonds or in any other good & Safe Stock.
On Motion W.W. Vass H Hester & James Patterson was appointed a Committee on Repairing the College Building
Evening Session
On Motion of Bro J.J. James, Jas, was instructed to [illegible] with Collects the Subscriptions due the College from the Estate of our late Bro Williams Decd. and in Case the Admr [?] Refuses to pay the Same He the Treasurer is instructed to proceed According to Law to Collect the Amt Due the Colleg from Said Estate
On Motion Dr S.J. Wheeler was appointed to was appointed to ordit the Ofc. of the Burser
The, Comt, appointed to Confer with Fort reported that He would not Except as tutor.
On Motion of J.J. James the Facalty was instructed to employ a Tutor with a Salery not to Exeed four hundred Dollars
Br Wheeler made his Report on the Bursers Ofc and the Same was recd.
On Motion of Dr S.J. Wheeler the Present Burser was instructed to Collect all Dues from the former Burser.
On Motion of J J James the following Resolution was unanimously passed Where as Prof Wm H. Owen was publicly insulted by one of the Graduating Class underlining Consistancy [?] Calculated to modify his
feelings and to reflect upon the Faculty
Therefore Resolved that the Board of Trustees would express their undimished Confidence in the Integ Rity and faithful fidelity of Prof Owen as an orficer of this Institution
On Motion of Jas S. Purify it was Resolved that our Agent in addition to the present plan of Sc hollar Ships That he Sell Schollar Ships for twenty four Years for five Hundred Dollars allowing those whom take them to send all or as many of these [illegible] at one term to the Amt of twenty four Years or they may send two other Schollars at a time to that Amt The same to be transferable as either Stock or property
On Motion of J.J. James there was a Comt, appointed to draw up a form of Schollar Ship the Chair appointed Brethren Jas. S. Purify T W Tobey & President J.B. White
On Motion the Board adjourned To the Call of the President P.A. Dunn Sec
Proceedings of a meeting of the Board of Trustees held at New Burn Octr 14th 1833. Present Revt Wm Hooper James Mcdaniel J.J. James James S Purify Wm. H. Jordan Dr W M Crenshaw A Mcdonnell G.R French & S S Biddle Opened with prayer by Bro Purify S.S. Biddle appointed Clerk pro tem Br W M Wingate the agent of the College was called on and gave an interesting Statement of his Agency
On motion Bro Wingate was requested to remain during the meeting
On motion Bro Wingate was unanimously appointed Agent for the Ensuing year to Secure the endowment of the College
Br Biddle presented a letter from President J.B White of Wake Forest College tendering to the Board his resignation of the Presidency to take effect at the end of the present Session
On motion the Resignation was Recd. after which a general discussion took place reflecting the Presidency of the College Adjourned with prayer by Br. Purify
Saturday night same members present On Motion the Salery of the President of Wake Forest College was finalised [?] at $1300 for anum
On motion Revt Wm F. Brantly of Georgia was unanimously elected President of Wake Forest College On motion Bro J.J. James was appointed to Correspond with Bro Brantley and Request him to accept the appointment
On motion it was Resolved that in Case Bro Brantly dose not accept the appointment to the Presidency then Revt T.G. Jones of Norfolk Va to be appointed in his place at the Same Salary and that Bro James cor Respond with him on the subject and Request his acceptance.
On Motion Brethren P.A. Dunn & Jas. Purify was appointed a Committee to ordit Prest. Whites accounts as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees
Bro Purify from the Committee appointed to Examine the Claims due from the Trustees to the Estate of Charles Merriam decd. Reported that there was Due about $300 And on motion it was ordered to be paid
After some Remarks there was a motion to adjourn to the Call of the President Prayer By Bro Medowell
Monday Morng 11 Oclock
The board met Present the same members Revt Wm Hooper in the Chair
On Motion the Claim Due the Merriam Estate was now secure and it was Resolved that the Report of the Committee Recommited with Instruction to pay that part of the Claim which they have Reported as indisputable to take Legal advice as to the balance and due what they think best
On motion The Sallery of $1300 for the President was recon siderd and Continued at the Same
On Motion it was Resolved that the appointment of Revt William F Brantley to the Presidency of Wake Forest College be reconsiderd and that Revt J.G. Jones of Norfolk Va. be written to by the Clerk and request him to accept the appointment.
On Motion Brethren Purify Crenshaw P.A. Dunn & Walters be appointed a Committee to Superintend the Enclosure of So much of the College Campus as they may think best in there judgment
On motion the repairs of the College were refered to the Same Committee with the Facalty aded
On Motion the Burser of the College was orderd to Settle with President White at the rate of $1000 Dollars pr anum as the increase of the Salery was in Consequence of understanding that He would Remain permanently
On Motion Bro Purify was appointed a Committee to have Servents for the College and carry out fully the wishes of the Board as heretofore Expressed
On Motion adjourned Tuesday
William Hooper Prest S S Biddle Secy P Tem
June 6. 1854
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College held in the lecture room of the College on Tuesday Evening June 6th 1854. Present Rev. Saml. Wait President, Rev. T.W. Tobey, Rev. J.J. James, Rev. A. McDowell, Dr. S.J. Wheeler, R.N. Herndon Esq, Hamilton Hester Esq, Rev. Jas. S. Purify, S.S. Biddle, J. J. Biggs Esq, Robt. W. Lawson Esq, N.J. Palmer Esq, Jas. N. Patterson Esq, Geo. W. Thompson & Dr. Wm. M. Cren -shaw.
The Secretary being absent N.J. Palmer Esq, was appointed Secretary pro. tem.
The proceedings of the Board were opened with prayer by Rev. A. McDowell.
The seat of Rev. J.B. White having been declared vacant. On motion the Hon. Thomas Settle was appointed a Trustee to fill the said vacancy, and the Secretary was appointed to inform him of the same, and request his acceptance.
On motion, a Committee of three was appointed to Enquire into the Expediency of raising the Tutor's Salary - The Committee to consist of Rev. J. J. James, A. McDowell & S.S. Biddle
The resignation of Peyton A. Dunn Esq, as Secretary of the Board, and also as a member of the Board of Trustees, was received and accep ted.
On motion, A Committee of five was appointed by the President, to enquire what additional Officers or Professors are needed in the College and to recommend suitable persons - Committee S.S. Biddle, G.W. Thompson, Wm. M. Crenshaw, Dr.
S.J. Wheeler, and T.W. Tobey.
On the Board proceeded to elect a Secretary in place of P.A. Dunn Esq, Resigned, when S.S. Biddle was unanimously elected, and accepted, the Same.
The Secretary appointed to inform the Rev. T.G. Jones of his Election to the Presidency of the College. Reported that he had received a letter from him declining the Appointment.
On motion Rev. W.M. Wingate General Agent of the Board, made his report, which was referred to a Committee consisting of R.N. Hernden, R. N. Lawson and N.J. Palmer.
A Communication was received from the Students in relation to a continuous session of nine months, with a vacation of three months, which on motion was referred to the Committee of Five, raised on the Selection of additional Officers of the College.
On motion of Rev. Jas. S. Purify, an Auditor of the Treasurer's Accounts was appointed to be considered as one of the Officers of the Board. The Rev. A. McDowell was unanimously appointed to that Office.
On motion the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 8 o'Clock.
N.J. Palmer Sec. P.T.
Wednesday June 7th 1854 - 8 o'Clock A.M.
Rev. Saml. Wait in the Chair, same members present. On motion Rev. W. Bradford was requested to state to the Board what he may know respecting the Blount legacy near Edenton. -
On motion, Appointed N.J. Palmer Esq, the Agent of the Board, to go to Edenton and enquire fully into the condition of the Blount Legacy, and if necessary, that he Employ Associate Counsel, and take such action as may be necessary to secure the interests of the Board of Trustees, and make any arrangements with Mrs Blount that the interests of the Board require.
On motion, the action of an informal meeting of the Board in December last, respecting the purchase of, about $1.000 worth of Philosophical Apparatus, by Prof W.J. Walters, was confirmed, and on motion the Scholarships of Rev. Jas. S. Purify and Rev. Wm J. Walters were applied to the payment of said debt, of about $1.000.
The Committee on General Agency reported, and on motion The Report was adopted.
Report of the Committee on the Agency.
The Committee are gratified in being able to state that it appears from the report of the General Agent that the sum of Thirty Seven Thousand Dollars being the larger portion of the Fifty Thousand designed to be raised at the time of his appoint -ment has been realized in Subscriptions and by the sale of Scholarships, and that there is now every prospect that the amount contemplated will be made up during the present year.
The Committee regret that circumstances render it in his contemplation necessary, that the present able and efficient Agent should decline further service for the Board of Trustees after the end of the present year. And while they would, in common with the other members of the Board, much desire that his valuable services should be continued longer, they cannot in consideration of the reasons alleged by him, insist on the same. It is necessary therefore that the attention
of the Board should now be directed to the selection of a proper successor to go into their Service, immediately after the end of the present year, so that the interests of the College in the collection of the Subscriptions, and a still further increase of the endowment fund, as well as the awakening of interest throughout the State in behalf of the Institution shall suffer no detriment.
The Committee on enquiry are induced to believe that the services of Mr Jno. Mitchell a graduate of this Insti tution, and now a student of the Furman Theological Institution in South Carolina, can probably be obtained and that he will make a good Agent. They therefore recommend that Adoption of the following Resolutions
Resolved. That the Board are highly gratified at the results so far of the efforts of the present General Agent and greatly appreciate his faithful and efficient services.
Resolved - That the Agency of the College, to Commence upon the termination of the present Agency be ten -dered to Mr. Jno. Mitchell now of the Furman University, at the same salary of the present Agent and that the Secretary of the Board inform him of his Appointment, and request his Acceptance of the same.
Resolved further, That if he accept of the said Agency and desire to enter upon its duties before the end of the present year, that a portion of the State be assigned him by the executive Committee, with the concurrence of the present Agent.
Respy. Submitted N.J. Palmer. Ch.
The Committee on Professorships [ ? ] made a report as follows, which was adopted -
1st. That no appointment of a President be made at this meeting.
2nd. Resolved - That Rev. W.M. Wingate be appoin -ted Professor of Moral and Intellectual
Philosophy and Rhetoric at a salary of $800 per Annum, and on Motion it was further Resolved that he be the President of the College pro temporo.
3rd. Resolved that the Appointment of one or more tutors be left to the discretion of the Faculty.
4th. Resolved - That no Change be made in the vacations.
On motion - Members of the Faculty are invited to attend the deliberations of the Board.
Adjourned to ½ after 2 o'Clock.
Members of the Board met according to adjournment.
Resolved that Poindexter S. Henson now a Professor in The Chowan Female Institute, be appointed Professor of Chemistry, Minerology & Geology in this College, at a Salary of $800. per Annum.
On Motion, Appointed Bro. J.H. Pritchard, General Agent of the Board of Trustees for the balance of this year at the rate of $600 per Annum and his travelling expenses paid.
On Motion, Resolved, that the Secretary of the Board request one third of the Trustees to Attend the Annual examinations, commen -cing at the head of the list.
On motion, Resolved - That the Trustees meet every year on Tuesday preceding Commencement at 10 o'Clock A.M.
A question relative to the propriety of conferring the Degree of A.B. on Joseph J. Williams a member of the Senior Class, who has been necessarily absent all of the last session, was presented by the Faculty of
after considerable discussion, it was resolved to have the case, as already published in the Programme of Exercises for Commencement which confers said Degree.
On Motion, Resolved that the Agent of the Board collect all subscriptions made to pay the old debt.
On motion adjourned to Tuesday morning 8 o'Clock.
Thursday morning 8 o'Clock June 8th 1854
The Board met, & about same members present. On motion, Geo. W. Thompson Esq. of Milton was Appointed a Trustee. -
On motion, Rev. Q.H. Trotman was recognised as a Trustee - As he has vacated his seat by absence.
On motion, Geo. W. Jones Esq, of Wake Co. was also recognised as a Member of the Board - having been absent for some time.
On motion, Appointed Rev. Dr. Wait, Dr. Crenshaw & Rev. J.S. Purify a Committee to sell the Brick House to the best advantage and apply the proceeds to the pay-ment of the old debt.
Rev. J.S. Purify made a motion respecting the debt due Chas. W. Skinner Esq, which was adopted - see statement, at the End of these minutes.
Rev. T.W. Tobey offered the following preamble and Resolution which was adopted unanimously.
Whereas it has been proposed to remove the Office of The Biblical Recorder to The Wake Forest College. Resolved, That we cordially invite the Publisher and Editor of The Recorder to reside near the College promising to make zealous efforts to promote the interests of the paper.
On motion, Resolved to confer the Degree of A.B. on The graduating class Messrs. Jno. H. Mills, Thomas H. Pritchard, Jno. C. Patterson, Jos. J. Williams and
Rufus P. Jones.
On motion, Resolved that the Degree of A.M. be con -fered on Rev. Washington Manly Wingate, Rev. John C. Averitt and David R. Wallace Esq. all . grad -uates of Wake Forest College.
Resolved, That one hundred Dollars be added to Profs. W.J. Brooks' salary, making six hundred Dollars per annum.
Resolved, That Prof. Wm. J. Walters be allowed Eight hundred Dollars per annum, as his salary.
Board Called Off to 3 o'Clock P.M.
Board met at 3 o'Clock according to adjournment.
Resolved, That Brethren Purify, Dr Crenshaw & S.S. Biddle be appointed a Committee to inform Prof. Henson of his appointment as Professor of Chemis - try in this College, and if he does not accept, they are to correspond with Wm. Cummings, and if he is not obtained, The same Committee are to obtain a Prof. of Chemistry elsewhere if possible.
Resolved, That the application of Chemistry to Agri -culture be taught by the Professor of Chemistry, and that Civil Engineering be taught by Prof. Walters or the Prof. of Chemistry as they may agree.
Resolved, That the propriety of expediency of having a number of lectures delivered on the subjects of Anatomy & Physiology, be left to the discretion of the Faculty.
Bro. Dodson, who was appointed to audit Bro. Walters Accts as Treasurer of the College, made a report, which was received and adopted.
On motion, Prof. Walters was appointed to see Mr,
Rufus Jones, and make some arrangement with him respecting his tuition, and say to him that in the opinion of the Board he ought to pay it, and that they regard the resolution passed some years ago, as an Indulgence to his Father, and not an entire gift, and he is further directed to take his obligation for the payment of it.
The Treasurer was also requested to see Wm. Crocker's Son, and get his bonds for whatever may be due the Trustees.
On motion, Resolved to allow Mr Thos. H. Pritchard one hundred and fifty Dollars for services as tutor during the last Session.
Resolved, That Prof. Owen be allowed Eight hundred Dollars for the last years services as Professor, and that the Treasurer be directed to pay it.
Resolved, That S.S. Biddle, Dr Crenshaw and Rev. J.S. Purify be a Committee to see Prof. Owen respecting the rent of the Brick House, view the premises, and make such arrangements as they may deem right and proper.
Resolved, That Rev. J.J. James, Rev. W.M. Wingate and S.S. Biddle be appointed a Committee to Correspond with Prof. P.H. Mell of Penfield Georgia, and that Two Thousand Dollars per annum be offered him as his salary. Rev W.M. Wingate & S.S. Biddle were appointed to write to individuals, and endeavour to secure $1.000 of the President's salary.
Pledges were made by the following individuals for the payment of the President.
A.M. Lewis Esq $50.00 Rev. W.M. Wingate $100.00 Rev. J.J. James 50.00 Robt. N. Lawson Esq. 50.00 Rev. Q.H. Trotman $100.00
Pledges were made by Rev. J.S. Purify, Rev. J.J. James, N.J. Palmer Esq, R.N. Lawson Esq, W.W. Vafs Esq. and S.S. Biddle to raise Four hun -dred Dollars, an equal amount to be paid by each person named above, in aid of the salary to the Professor of Natural Sciences.
Resolved, that 50 Copies of Wheeler's History of N.C. be received in payment of a debt due from Hon. Jno. H. Wheeler to Wake Forest College, and that they be sent to Rev. Jno. B Webb of Edenton.
Resolved, That S.S. Biddle, J.S. Purify and W.M. Wingate, see Bro. Pritchard respecting the Agency and if he declines accepting the Appointment, that they secure some other person.
The Committee saw Bro. Pritchard and he agreed to serve as Agent, and enter on the performance of the duties, and Rev. W.M. Wingate accepts the appointment of Professor as named above, it will enter on the discharge of the duties at the commencement of the next Session.
Resolved, that Rev. Jas. S. Purify, Prof. Walters and Prof. Owen be appointed to examine the College Building, And ascertain what repairs are necessary
The Report of the General Agent shows
Total Cash receipts since June 1853 $2641.85 Total Sub. on Endowment since commencement of 1853 $23.830 New Sub. before 1852 by J.S. Purify 8.000 and by myself before June 1853 5.400 Whole amt on Endowment - $37.230
Bro. Purify reported as follows respecting a Debt due Chas. W. Skinner for rent of his Brick House.
The Trustees owed Bro. Skinner $900 and we offered him two Scholarships in payment & He agreed to take one Scholarship at $500 & The remaining $400 he wishes applied to The payment of the Board of his Beneficiary until it is exhausted -
Ordered therefore that the Board of J.W. Trotman his beneficiary, be paid out of the College Funds and his Certificate of a Scholarship be sent him. -
Adjourned Sine die - Saml. Wait Pres. June 8th. 1854.
Saml. S. Biddle Clk.
The Trustees of Wake Forest College held a meeting at Fayettville on Saturday Oct. 14th 1854 - Present Rev. J.J. James, Rev. Wm H. Jordan, Rev. T.W. Tobey, Rev A. McDowell, Dr S.J. Wheeler, Rev. E. Dodson, Rev. J.S. Purify, Rev. J. McDaniel and S.S. Biddle.
Rev. Elias Dodson was chosen President Pro. tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read after which the meeting adjourned to meet on Monday. -
The Board met on Monday, same members present.
On motion The name of Hon. Wm A. Graham was struck from The list of trustees, and Rev. Haynes Lennon was appointed in his stead.
On motion - The Rev. J.C. Averitt was app -ointed a trustee in place of Henry F. Bond Esq.
On motion, Resolved That it be the duty of The Bursar of Wake Forest College, on or before The 1st day of June, annually to make as full and complete account of all monies received by him, and from what sources & how and for what expended, and that The Secretary of the Board be appointed to audit said acc't and report it to the trus -tees at their regular meeting in June, and that The Secretary file said acc't for The use of The Board.
On motion, Resolved, That the Treasurer of The Board of Trustees be instructed to make an annual report in writing on or before The 1st. of June of The Finances of The College - its debts & means of payment - the amount Subscribed in Scholarships and other -wise on The Endowment - The Amount invested or loaned out and how & to whom and present such facts and suggestions respecting the said finances as he may judge proper, and that The Secretary be appointed to audit said acc't and after it is reported to the Board, that The Secretary Keep it on file for the use of the Board.
On motion, Resolved, That hereafter at The Commencement of each Session of Wake Forest College, each student be required to pay his tuition in advance, or make such arrangements with the Bursar as will be satisfactory, otherwise that he be positively refused permission to enter College.
On motion, Brethren J.S. Purify and S.S. Biddle were appointed to procure a Professor of Chemistry.
Bro. T.H. Pritchard General Agent of The College made a verbal report which was accepted and He was again appointed The General Agent of The College for The year 1855 at a Salary of $600.
On motion, Prof. Walters was instructed to collect the debt due the College for tuition, as if they were his own.
A message was received from Prof. W.M. Wingate enquiring whether the Trustees wished him to remain at The College and
On motion an affirmative answer was returned to him.
On Motion, Brethren Trotman & Wheeler were appointed to go to Edenton and make all necessary Enquiries respecting The Blount Estate.
On motion adjourned sine die.
E. Dodson Pres. pro.tem Oct 11. 1854 S.S. Biddle . clk
On Wednesday June 13. 1855, The Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College met at the College in Prof. Wingate's room. The following trustees present viz. Dr. Wait, Rev. G.W. Johnson, J.S. Purify, Geo. W. Thompson of Wake, A. Mc. Dowell, J.J. James, E. Dodson, R.N. Lawson, R.N. Herndon, J. McDaniel, N. Russell, T. J. Pitchford, & J.C. Averitt. & S.S. Biddle Prayer was made at the opening of the meeting by Rev. G.W. Johnson.
On motion, Mr Cooke Principal of the Deaf & Dum & Asylum in Raleigh was unanimously invited to make an ex -hibition of a number of mutes on tomorrow evening.
On motion, Rev. Geo. W. Johnson of Raleigh was elected a Trustee in place of J.J. Biggs removed from the State.
On motion S.H. Canady Esq was appointed a Trustee in place of Rev. John Purify decd.
On motion, Appointed Rev. Q.H. Trotman, Rev. W. Brad-ford and The Gen. Agent. T.H. Pritchard a Committee to attend to The Blount Estate at Edenton & employ -
On motion, Genl. Agent Reported & report adopted, viz. Served The Board during the past year 10½ months.
Visited 8 associations and secured about $9.000. to Endowments.
Collected on new notes & Subscription, about $200.00 " " old " " " $2.777.00
T.H. Pritchard, Agt.
On motion, Brethren Biddle, James and Johnson were appointed a Committee to sell the old Houses in The Campus.
Elder Yarborough made a Statement to the Board respecting The price of tuition for young ministers & his views were not concurred in by the Board.
The following resolution of the Faculty respecting R.H. Burn, a member of the Senior Class was handed in to the Board by Prof. Wingate.
Resolved Unanimously, that the recent violations of the laws of College by R.H. Burn deserve discussion, but in view of his repentance, and the peculiar circumstances attending the case, he is hereby recom -mended to the clemency of the Board of Trustees. Whereon, it was Resolved, That the Board of Trustees concur in The recommendation of the Faculty, in regard to the Case of R.H. Burn, and agree to his graduation, as if the offence had not occurred.
On motion the degree of A.M. was conferred on Dr. Wm E. Pool of Murfreesboro', and Wm. G. Simmons of Wake County, and the Degree of L.L.D. on Judge John B. O'neal of South Carolina.
A Letter was received from Dr. Saml. Wait tendering his resignation as President of the Board of Trustees.
On Motion, his Resignation was not accepted and he was requested to continue as President of The Board, & Dr. G.W. Thompson was appointed
to see him and solicit his Continuance. Bro. Thompson, reported that he would continue to serve as the President.
Brother G.W. Johnson offered the following Resolution
Resolved, That this Board does not regard itself competent or authorized to confer Eccle -siastical Titles such as that of Doctor of Divinity upon The Ministers of Jesus Christ.
After Considerable discussion, the Resolution was laid on the table.
On motion, Rev. J.S. Purify Treasurer of the Board reported and his report is on file.
On motion, The interest, on The Donation from Rev. Wm. H. Merritt, be applied to the education of young Ministers, and added to the Con -vention Fund for same purposes.
Resolved - That The Subscriptions & notes due the Board of Trustees to pay The Old Debt be immediately collected by the General Agent, legally if it cannot be done otherwise.
On motion, Brethren, Thompson, McDaniel, & Biddle were appointed a Committee on the Agency.
The Board adjourned to Thursday morning 8 oClock.
Thursday morning June 14. 1855. The Trustees met in College Building - Present in addition to the names recorded yesterday the following viz. Wm. M. Crenshaw, Geo. W. Purify, J.W. Patterson, S.H. Canady, H. Hester, A.M. Lewis, Council Wooten, Dr. S.J. Wheeler and Haynes Lennon.
The Secretary read proceedings of yesterday.
On motion, the Bursar Reported and his report was received and adopted, And is on file with this Book.
On motion. Prof. Wingate was requested to make any remarks, he may judge necessary for the Trustees to hear - Whereon Prof. W. responded.
On motion, Resolved, That The Interest on ScholarShips be paid in advance.
A motion was offered, that the price of a Diploma be $10. but it was laid on the table.
On motion The Degree of A.B. was conferred on The Young gentleman of the graduating class as follows -
Called off to 2. O'Clock
Thursday Afternoon Board again met.
On motion, The President was directed to make a good and sufficient Deed for The Brick House formerly occupied by Prof. Wm. H. Owen, to Saml. S. Biddle for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. -
On motion, The President was directed to make a Deed to Geo. W. Purify for land near Chapel Hill, The said Purify having paid The purchase money.
On motion, Resolved that a sum sufficient to make up The Salaries of the Professors be borrowed or transferred from the Endowment fund.
On motion, Resolved that Prof. Wingate be Allowed $1.000 per Annum as his salary.
On motion, Resolved unanimously that Wm. Gaston Simmons Esq. be appointed Professor of Chemistry, Minerology & Geology and that he be allowed $800 per Annum as his Salary.
On motion Resolved, That The Salaries of Professors Owen, Walters and Brooks, and the Tutors' be increased $100 each per Annum.
The Committee on Fencing College Campus Resolved, and The subject was referred to same Committee Brethren Walters & Crenshaw to report on hereafter.
The Committee on Agency reported, that they recommend That The Present Agent be Continued until The meeting of The Baptist State Convention in Nov. next at The rate of $600 per Annum, and after that time, The appointment of Br. Jno. Mitch -ell now in So. Carolina at a Salary of $800 per Annum and that Prof. Wingate & S.S. Biddle be appointed to Correspond with him - which was received and adopted.
On motion, Resolved, That it is inexpedient to Sell the lots Covered by The Oak Grove in front of Prof. Brook's house.
On motion, Resolved, That an Agent use his best efforts to Collect to Collect all the Notes in the Endow-ment as Soon as due, Especially all the Small notes.
On motion adjourned Sine die by prayers
Saml. Wait. Pres. June 14. 1855 Saml. S. Biddle Secry.
Warrinton, Nov. 18. 1855.
The Trustees of Wake Forest College held a Meeting at Warrenton, on Thursday Evening Nov 18. 1855. The following named Trustees were present - Rev. Wm. Hooper D.D. Rev. T.W. Tobey, Rev. Wm. H. Jordan, Rev. J.J. James, Rev. J. McDaniel, Rev. J.S. Purify, Rev. E. Dodson, Rev. J.C. Averitt, Dr. Wheeler, Dr. Crenshaw, H. Hester Esq, & S.S. Biddle -
On motion, Dr. Hooper was appointed Chairman of The meeting in The absence of The Pres. Dr Wait. On motion The Genl. Agent, Rev. T.H. Pritchard made a Report on the Finances of the College. On motion, The Treasurer was directed to in -vest the Funds that may be collected in Bonds of The State of North Carolina.
On motion a Committee, Consisting of Brethren
Wingate, Purify, Crenshaw & Biddle, was appoin -ted to secure The services of Rev. John Mitchell as General Agent of The Trustees at a salary of $800, and if he does not accept The appoint -ment, to employ some other person as Agent, and said Committee to arrange as to Amounts of Salary, and to direct the Agent in the prosecution of his duties as they may judge best.
On motion, Prof. Wingate was invited to make any Communication respecting the College, that he may deem necessary, & after explaining to The Trustees, The system of Keeping an Account of The Scholarship of The Students, by Marks Le - it was resolved to leave it to the discretion of the Faculty until The meeting of the Board in June.
On motion, The Secretary was directed to write to Prof. Owen, respecting the visits of his Brother Hugh Owen to The rooms of the Students, and request him to use his influence to keep him from the College.
On motion, Brethren Purify, Crenshaw, & Biddle were appointed a Committee on the sale of Lots at the College.
On Motion adjourned by prayer.
Nov 18. 1855. Wm. Hooper, Pres. protem Saml. S. Biddle, Secy.
Wake Forest College, Tuesday June 10th. 1856
There were seven members of the Board present who proceeded to attend to some business, and ad-journed to Tuesday morning June 11th. when the following members were present viz. Rev. Saml. Wait, J.J. James, T.W. Tobey, E. Dodson, Wm. M. Crenshaw, R.N. Herndon, Saml. Canaday, R.N. Lawson, Jas. S. Purify, Calvin Graves, A. Dockery, Council Wooten, Geo. W. Purify, Wm. Russell, Thomas Settle, & R.M. McRackan.
The meeting was opened by prayer.
On motion, The seats of A. Armstrong & John Kerr were declared vacant, And Hon Calvin Graves, and R.M. McRackan, were elected Trustees of Wake Forest College to fill said vacancies.
On motion, Brethren T. Settle, J.J. James, C. Wooten, J.S. Purify, & C. Graves were appointed a Committee to devise some plan to meet the deficiencies in The Current expenses of the College.
On Motion, Brethren Wait, Wingate & James were appointed to revise the Bye Laws and report at the meeting in Nov. -
The following Resolutions were introduced, and after repea -ted discussions were laid on the table.
Resolved, That Prof. Wm. H. Owen be requested to vacate his Chair as Professor of Wake Forest College, said Resignation to take effect six months from July 1st. 1856.
Resolved, That our Secretary be instructed to transmit to Prof Owen a copy of the above resolution.
Resolved, That a Committee of Three be appointed to nominate a Professor to fill the Chair now occupied by Prof. Owen.
On motion, Brethren Wingate, Purify & Biddle were appointed a Committee to examine All The Old Books and Accts, of The Treasurer and Agents of, Wake Forest College, and make a full report thereon, and said Committee are hereby empowered to Em-ploy a Clerk or Book Keeper, whose duty it shall be to Keep a full account of all the monied trans
- actions relating to Wake Forest College.
On motion, The Treasurer is directed to pay the expenses of printing Programme out of funds of the College.
On motion, The Summer Vacation is to Continue 6 weeks and the Winter vacation 4 weeks.
On motion, The tuition of the College department is to be Twenty five Dollars per Session, and that of the Preparatory Twenty Dollars.
On motion, The Bursar was directed to pay Rev. J.B. White One Thousand Dollars, as payment in full for his services as President of Wake Forest College during his last year.
On motion, Rev. Washington Manly Wingate, A.M. was unanimously elected President of Wake Forest College.
On motion, The Faculty are Authorised to appoint a Tutor for the Coming year - Salary $400.
On motion - The Bursar's Report was read, and rec.d and The Secretary is here after to Complete his Examination of it. -
On motion, Resolved That Wayland's Moral Sciences, be dispensed with, in the Instruction given at Wake Forest College.
On motion, General Agent reported, and report was received and adopted.
Resolved That the sale of Scholarships to Individ -uals be discontinued.
On motion, The Treasurer was instructed pay the interest on the State Bond, and as much of the principal as possible.
On motion - The Degree of A.B. was confered on the members of The graduating class viz., Messrs. Chas. W. Egerton, Jas. D. Hufham, Moses H. Baldwin, Elijah A. Beacham, Benson A Cole, Thos. I. Foote, Lewis H. Shuck, Henry H.
Harris, Fred'. M. Purify and Benj. F. Simmons.
On motion, The Degree of A.M. was conferred in course, on Rev. John Mitchell, and James H. Foote Esq, of Davie Co.
On motion, Brethren Purify, Crenshaw & Biddle were appointed to settle all accounts with Dr. Wait & report to The Board at their next meeting.
Resolved, That The Secretary inform the Members of The Faculty, That it is the desire of the Board of Trustees, That an arrangement be made, by which the Students in the Preparatory Department under 17 years of age, Can be during Study hours, under the immediate personal Supervision of Some suitable individual for not less than six hours daily.
Resolved, That The Board of Trustees deem it of vital importance to the general success and discipline of The College for each Officer to be punctually at his room during Study hours, And especially at Night, and the habitual failure of Any Officer to Comply with these regulations, shall be regarded as a dis-qualification for Office.
2. Resolved, That a Copy of the Above resolutions be handed to each member of the Faculty.
Resolved, That our General Agent be directed to Collect All debts due the College, whether old Subscriptions or Otherwise.
Resolved, that Bro. Lewis be discontinued as Agent and that he Settle with the Treasurer, and pay to him the funds collected, and deliver him the notes he has in hand.
On motion Adjourned Sine die.
Saml. Wait. Pres. Saml. S. Biddle. Secy.
Nov. 7th 1856.
The Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College convened in the Baptist church in Raleigh.
The following Trustees were present, viz. W.H. Jordan J.S. Purify G.W. Purify J.J. James T.W. Tobey A. McDowell J.C. Averitt C.W. Skinner T.J. Pitchford A.M. Lewis and C. Wooten.
The President and Secretary both being absent W.H. Jordan was called to the chair and J.C. Averitt appointed Secretary pro. tem
J.S. Purify presented some accounts from S.S. Biddle in reference to the house and lot which he rented and subsequently purchased.
On motion, J.S. Purify J.J. James and W.M. Wingate were appointed a committee to settle with Col. Biddle according to the original contract.
The President of the College presented a report from the Faculty in reference to a resolution paper at the last meeting of the Board to change the time of the vacations. After an interchange of views on the subject on motion the report of the Faculty was received and their recommendation was adopted and hence the vacations will occur in future as formerly.
Bro. John Mitchell Agent for the College presented his report which was received.
The subject of raising an unencumbered endowment for the College was discussed at considerable length, after which a committee consisting of J.S. Purify J.J. James, W.M. Wingate and J. Mitchell was appointed to mature a plan for raising said endowment and to report at a called meeting.
Prof. Simmons sent in his resignation to the Board on account of the condition of his eyes which prevented him from com.
plying with a requisition of the Board.
After consultation on the subject the Board preferred to take no action at present on the resignation but requested Prof. Simmons to continue to discharge his duties with such assistance as he could obtain from the other members of the Faculty.
At a called meeting held in the Common's Hall the Committee appointed to mature a plan for raising an unencumbered endowment reported a plan which was unaminously adopted.
In motion adjourned sine die.
W. H. Jordan Pres. J. C. Averitt Secr. pro tem.
Wake Forest College Wednesday June 10th 1857.
The Board of Trustees convened Bro. Wait in the chair. Prayer by bro. W. H. Jordan.
The Secretary being absent J. C. Averitt was ap. pointed secretary pro tem.
The following Trustees were presented viz. S. Wait C.W. Skinner W.H. Jordan James McDaniel, J.J. James G. W. Thompson H. Hester G.R. French T. J. Pitchford J.C. Averitt W.M. Crenshaw J.S. Purify & A.G. Jones.
On motion a committee consisting of J.J. James G.R. French W.J. Walters & G.W. Thompson to examine the College building in reference to the repairs necessary to be made and to report at the present meeting
On motion bro. Purify was authorized to rent a certain street to John Battle for a mere nominal sum from year to year until it shall be required by this Board.
On motion Robert B. Jones was appointed
agent for the endowment with a salary of $800 per annum.
Ralph Peace and Green Evans presented ac. counts against the Board for attending recitation rooms. The Board did now allow their claims because no contract had been made with them and it was thought that certain privileges which they enjoyed at the College were worth more than what they did in the recitation rooms.
The committee on repairing the College Building reported that they deemed the immediate repair of the roof and interior indispensable.
In motion a committee consisting of Wingate Walters Purify and Biddle was appointed to have the roof and interior of the College Building properly repaired and also to sell the [yine] [?] belonging to the college and to apply the proceeds to paying part of said repairs.
On motion the Agent was authorized to collect the small subscriptions and scholarships also provided those owning said scholarships give their consent, to pay for the repairs mentioned above and the salaries of the officers.
On motion the Committee on repairs was authorized to borrow money from the Treasurer to pay for the repairs until such collections shall be made.
On motion the degree of A. M. was conferred in course on John H. Mills of Oxford,
The degree of A. B. was conferred on the following young men viz. Joseph D. Boushall John C. Devin Charles S.
Ellis H. D. Fowler W. H. Jordan Jr. and Addison H. Purify.
On motion bro. James S. Purify was requested to renew the insurance policy on the College Building.
On motion bro. James McDaniel was appointed to examine the Bursar's report.
The report of the Bursar was received and J. McDaniel certified that it was properly vouched and otherwise correct.
The Agent for the Endowment reported and his report was received.
The Trustees having in view the thorough repair of the College Building and believing that the students can more effectually pre. vent future injuries than the Faculty request the two Literary Societies to take charge of the Building, after such repairs have been made and divide it between them in such manner as they may agree on, each society in future to repair such injuries as may be done by the students in its respective division.
James McDaniel Thos. E. Skinner Thos J. Pitchford and John L. Pritchard were appointed to lay the above request before the societies if they can hold mass meetings during the Commencement.
Resolved that no student shall hereafter represent any unpaid scholarship unless he presents to the Bursar a certificate from the Treasurer that the interest on such, scholarship has been paid in advance.
Adjourned sine die. Prayer by Bro. French. Sam'l Wait Pres. Jno. C. Averitt Secr.pro tem
Wake Forest College, June 8th. 1858.
The members of the Board present, were Rev Dr. Saml. Wait, President, J.S. Purefoy, G.R. French R.M. McRackan, Council Wooten, C.W. Skinner, W.H. Jordan, J.J. James and S.S. Biddle.
Prayer by Bro. James.
On Motion, Rev Thomas E. Skinner was appointed a Trustee in place of Rev. Jno. C. Averitt, removed from the State.
On Motion, Rev. John L. Pritchard was Appointed a Trustee of Wake Forest College in place of Hon. Thomas Settle decd.
On Motion Brethren James, T. E. Skinner & Biddle were Appointed, a Committee to revise the list of Trustees - The Treasurer, Bro. James S. Purefoy reported the condition of the finances of the College.
The Report was recd. and Brethren James & Biddle were Appointed to Audit the Acc't, and report.
After various remarks it was laid on the Table to be Called Up again.
On motion, The Report of the Bursar, Prof. W.J. Walters was read, and approved, and the auditor reported that he had Examined the account & found it correct.
A letter was recd. from L.B. Stone, asking for indul-gence, as to the payment of the 1st. Instalment of the $100. he Subscribed to the Endowment.
On motion, Resolved that 50 cents be added to Servant hire from Each Student to be collected after June 1859.
The Genl. Agent Rev. Jno. Mitchell, reported at great length, the Condition of the finances of the College & Especially of the Endowment Fund.
On motion the report was received.
On motion, the Treasurer was directed to pay the Interest due on The State Debt & to Collect the old claims now due and pay up said Debt.
On motion, the General Agent (if the Board has one) is di-rected to apply to those owing the old debts, for payment, and if they are not paid, to place them in the hands of A.M. Lewis for Collection.
Resolved - That The Board pay One hundred Dollars to the Conven -tion for the purposes of Education, provided Bro. C.W. Skinner resign his claims to a Scholarship.
On motion - Resolved to accept of any Cash Subscription from Bro. Tobey in preference to his policy for Life Insurance.
Bro. Powell proposes to pay $100, in case the Trustees give up his Scholarship of $500.
On motion, Resolved, That if is inexpedient to accede to Bro. Powell's proposition & that other propositions of the same Kind receive a similar answer.
The Resignation of Our General Agent Rev. Jno. Mitchell was received & Accepted. And
On Motion - Resolved, That the Thanks of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College, are due, and are hereby tendered to Rev. John Mitchell our General Agent for the faithful and diligent discharge of his du -ties, While he has been Engaged in our Service.
The Report of Rev. W.M. Wingate President of the College was read and received, and the different parts of it taken Up and Considered.
On Motion - The part of the President's report rel-ative to discipline was concurred in.
On motion - That part of the report on the "marks", as now used in Conferring Degrees, was referred to Brethren Skinner James & Biddle.
The Resignation of Prof. Brooks was read, & laid on the Table.
On motion, Adjourned to 8 o'Clock tomorrow -
Prayer by Bro. Skinner -
Wednesday June 9th. The Board met at 8 o'Clock
The following members present - Rev. S. Wait, J.S. Purefoy. R.M. McRackan, G.W. Purefoy. H. Hester T.W. Tobey, J.E. Skinner, T.J. Pitchford, J.J. James C.W. Skinner, C. Wooten, W. Russell, Jno. L. Pritchard W.H. Jordan [and scratched out] Geo. R. French & Wm. M. Crenshaw
Prayer by Bro. Tobey.
On Motion, Resolved - That the Treasurer be requested to investigate the subject of investing a portion of the funds of the College, in first class bonds & Mortgages.
On Motion - Brethren, James, Thos. E. Skinner, Pritchard J.S. Purefoy & French were Appointed a Com-mittee on The Faculty, and report, any changes That may be required.
On Motion - The Degree of A.M. in Course, was con-ferred on Messrs. Philip Johnson & Benj. W. Justice.
On Motion - The Degree of A.B. was confered on the members of the Graduating Class - viz. Messrs. Wm. J. Bishop, John Berry, Benj. F. Hester, James W. Mitchell, Thomas J. Pitchford and Wm. B. Watford and James K. Lassiter.
On Motion - Bro J.S. Purefoy, was appointed General Agent of the Board for one year, to be paid at the rate of $800 per Annum for the time he serves.
On Motion - The Absence of Rev. H. Lennon from this meeting of the Board, is excused on acc't of sickness.
On motion - Adjd. to 1/2 after 2 oClock.
Board of Trustees met 1/2 after 3 o'Clock, Bro. Saml. Canaday met with the Board at this time. Bro. J.S. Purefoy declined the General Agency tendered him by the Board.
On motion - Brethren J.S. Purefoy, G.W. Purefoy and Thos. E. Skinner were Appointed a Committee to nom-inate a General Agent.
Bro. James from Committee on the Faculty, reported, and the report was received for consideration.
On motion - Resolved - That Prof. Owen, be requested by The Board, to send in his Resignation, as Prof. of Ancient Lan -guages, at our present meeting.
On motion - Resolved. That the President's salary be raised to $1200. per Annum, and the salary of the Professors to $1000 Each.
On motion, The Secretary was directed, to have a correct list of the names of the Trustees, published in the Recorder. According to the request of the Board - Prof. Owen handed in his resignation to take Effect at the End of the next Session.
On Motion, His Resignation was accepted, to take effect at The End of next Session, & he is to receive $500. for the Session.
On Motion, Brethren, Skinner, James and Biddle were Appointed a Committee, to Enquire for & recommend a suitable person, to the Board to fill The Profesorship for Ancient Languages.
On motion - Resolved - That Prof. Simmons be requested to withdraw his resignation, and continue in the discharge of his duties.
Adjd. to Thursday morning 8 o'Clock. [a.m. scratched out]
The Board met on Thursday morning at 8 o'Clock
Prayer by Bro. Geo. W. Purefoy.
On Motion - Prof. Walters was allowed $75 for Services as Bursar for the next year.
On Motion - Brethren Jordan, Wait, James, Skinner & Satchwell, were appointed to attend the Examination of the Students, in June 1859.
On Motion - The Secretary is instructed to procure a Copy of the Charter of the College & transcribe them on these Minutes.
The Committee on the Agency, reported, that in their opinion, a General Agent should not be appointed, before the meeting of the Convention in Raleigh, and
until then, the Treasurer of the Board and the President of the College, are requested to Attend the Associations and make Collections -
On Motion, The Report was adopted.
The Committee on Marks of Distinction reported, That the 3rd Distinction range from 80 to 89 in-clusive - the 2d. Distinction, from 90 to 94 inclusive - And the 1st Distinction from 95 to 100 inclusive - And Any Student who gets below 50, is turned back.
On motion - The Report was adopted.
On motion, The Faculty were directed to report at each Commencement The Absences of each Student from prayers and recitations.
On Motion, Servants in College Are Allowed to make a Charge for blacking the Boots of Students.
On motion - the Resignation of Prof. Brooks was taken Up for Consideration, And it was accep-ted to take Effect, at the End of the next Session, and $500 are allowed him for his Services until that time.
On Motion, Brethren James and Skinner were Appointed a Committee to write a letter of thanks to Prof. Brooks for his services and long devotion to Wake Forest College.
On motion, Brethren Biddle & Jordan were Appointed to write a Similar letter to Prof. Wm. H. Owen. -
On motion Adjd. Sine die, Prayer by Bro Tobey.
Saml. Wait, Pres. Saml. S. Biddle, Sec
Raleigh, November 12th. 1858.
The members of the Board present were Rev. S Wait, President, Geo. W. Purefoy, Wm. Russell J.J. James, J.E. Skinner, Robt. N. Lawson, A.M. Lewis, C.W. Skinner, Jas. S. Purefoy, J. McDaniel, R.M. McRackan, Jno. S. Pritchard, E. Dodson, T.J. Pitchford, Wm. M. Crenshaw, C. Wooten, and A. McDowell & S.S. Biddle.
The committee appointed at the last meeting to recommend some person to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Prof. Owen, reported that they had not been able to se-cure any person.
On motion, The Treasurer of the Board was directed to invest the funds of the College in Bonds of the State or State Securities.
On motion, The Treasurer of the Board is required to give Bond of One hundred Thousand Dollars for The faithful performance of his duties.
On motion, The Treasurer is Allowed Two hundred and fifty Dollars per Annum for his Services.
On motion, Brethren, James, Dodson, T.E. Skinner Lawson, and Biddle were Appointed a Com-mittee of Finance, to audit and settle all the Accounts of the Treasurer Anually and report to the Board - A majority may Act. Bro. McDowell introduced Resolutions rela -tive to the Salaries of the Professors and the Management of the finances of the College, and they were laid on the Table until the next June Meeting.
On motion, A committee Consisting of Brethren James, Skinner, Biddle & Wingate were Appointed to secure the services of some person to fill the vacancy that will occur in the Professorship of Ancient
Languages, by the resignation of Prof. Owen, during the next Session only.
On motion, the Board Adjourned.
Prayer by Bro. McDaniel.
Saml. Wait, Pres. Saml. S. Biddle, Secy.
Wake Forest College June 7th 1859.
Board of Trustees met. Present
S. Wait, William Russell, J.J. James, Alfred Dockery, J.S. Pritchard, Calvin Graves, R.M. McRackan Jas. S. Purefoy and G.R. French.
Prayer was offered by bro J.S. Pritchard.
The Seat of Rev J.N. Jolley was declared vacant and Rev John Mitchell appointed to fill the vacancy.
Recordings of the June meeting of 1858. were read, also of the Call Meeting in Nov 1858.
An account was presented from W.G. Simmons for Apparatus and Chemicals for the department of Chemistry amounting to $36.40 Ordered to be paid by the Burser out of the deposit fund of the College.
On Motion President Wingate offered his annual report.
On Motion John Mitchell was appointed Secretary pro. tem.
On Motion, adjourned to meet at - 2 O clock P.M.
Afternoon Session.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
On Motion, the Presidents report was taken up, received as satisfactory, and ordered to be filed -
The Com- appointed to fill the vacancies occasioned by the resignation of Profs Owen and Brooks reported that they had secured the services of brethren Smith and Marsh as a temporary supply, but had not been able to make any arrangement
to supply these vacancies permanently.
On Motion, report Sessions Com - discharged, and the contract made with brethren Smith and Marsh confirmed.
(for contract see Pres. report) -
On Motion, a com. of five was appointed to prepare to the Board, the names of suitable persons to fill the vacant professorships, and to recommend a Suitable line of policy to be pursued. Appointed brethren James, Dockery, Purefoy, Graves, and Prichard.
On motion, adjourned to meet again to morrow morning at 9 o clock A.M.
Prayer by bro. Skinner.
Wednesday Morning 9 o.clock. Board Meeting
Prayer by bro. James.
Present J.S. Pritchard, R.M. McRackan T.J. Pitchford, Jas. S. Purefoy, Calvin Jones, A. Dockery, R.N. Lawson T.E. Skinner, G.W. Thompson of Wake, G.W. Thompson of Milton, G.R. French Saml. Wait, J.J. James, Will Russell W.W. Vafs, G.W. Purify and Council Wooton.
On Motion, agreed to change the scale of Distinction marks. to the following.
From 94 to 100 inclusive. 1st Distinction, ' 88 " 93 " 2nd " ' 80 " 87 " 3 "
On Motion, agreed to strike out the scale requiring the President of the College to read not at each commencement. the absences of each Student from -
prayers and recitations.
The committee appointed in relation to vacancies in the Faculty, reported that they deemed it expedient to elect at this Session a Prof. and Tutor in the department of Ancient languages. For Prof. they recommend James. H. Forte of Taylorsville. For Tutor . Robert H. Marsh -
On Motion James H. Forte was was unanimously elected Prof. of Ancient Languages in W.F. College, Salary $1.000 -
On Motion R.H. Marsh was unanimously elected Tutor for Ancient Languages in W.F.C. Salary $600 -
The resignation of bro Hayes Lennon, tendered to the Board, was read, not accepted. The Sec. was reported to inform bro Lennon that the Board desired a continuation of his services as Trustee, and therefore had declined accepting his resignation.
On Motion, agreed to adjourn to meet at 2 oclock. P.M.
Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. -
On Motion, the Treasurer's report was called for and read.
On Motion, the Sec pro. tem. was instructed to audit the Treasurer's report and report to morrow.
On Motion the Secretary was instructed to open a correspondence with M.N.H. Smith Esq. of Murfreesboro, relative to the Blount Estate.
The Burser's report was called for and read. Report received and ordered to be filed, and the Burser
instructed to pay the balance due Officers out of the first money available.
On Motion, Ordered that the Sec, be required to have 300 copies of the Annual report, of the finances of the College printed, to the first of June of each and every year, to be laid before the June meeting of the Board.
On Motion, agreed to appoint an Agent to collect the funds due the College.
On Motion, adjourned to meet at - 8 o clock to morrow morning.
Pray by G.N. Purefoy.
Thursday Morning June 9th. - met pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by Elder John Mitchell.
On Motion the degree of A.B. was confered upon the present graduating class. consisting of Messrs - T.D. Boone, W.G. Graves, Geo A. Greeves J.C.H. Jones, W. Casey Parker, Peter P. Parker, N.V.P. Powell, A.P. Rhodes, J.M. Taylor, & James M. White -
On Motion the degree of A.M. in class, was confered upon Rev. L.H. Shuck Of Madisen, and J.C. Pitchford Esq of Mefs.
On Motion, Samuel P. Smith was unanimously elected Tutor of Ancient Languages in Wake Forest College. Salary $600 - per Annum -
On Motion, the President of the College was requested to inform brethren Forte, Marsh, and Smith of the appointments tendered them in this College and request their acceptance.
The Sec. pro. tem. appointed to Audit the Treasurer's account and report; submitted, that he had attended to that duty. and found the accounts correct - and recommended that Col. Biddle. (the Sec) be requested to look over this report at his leisure and make the necessary entries in the College books - Agreed to.
On Motion.
Brethren Purefoy and Graves were appointed a Special Com - to wait upon Tutors Smith and Marsh immediately, and inform them of their appointment by the Board, and request their acceptance.
On Motion, Agreed to appoint Elder John Mitchell general collecting Agent, services to com - mence next January -
On Motion, the thanks of the Board are tendered to James S Purefoy for his services rendered as Agent, and he was requested to confirm his former career -
Adjourned to meet at 3 Oclock P.M.
Afternoon Session.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
On Motion.
Agreed to allow G. Marsh $50 extra for services rendered the past session. Making his salary equal to that of Dr Smith.
Bro. Purefoy reported that brethren Smith and Marsh had accepted the appointment of Tutor in Ancient Languages, tendered them, in this College. Report accepted, and Com. discharged.
On Motion.
Bro Purefoy was authorized to collect subscriptions to aid in liquidating the old debt. whenever and wherever in his judgement, it might be practicable to do so.
On Motion, Rev. Purefoy was instructed to open a correspondence with bro. Williams (D.S.) and to propose to him, to give up his bond for Scholarship provided he (Williams) would pay his other bond given to the College.
On Motion, agreed to adjourn to meet again on Tuesday of Commencement week of June next.
Prayer by Elder Jas. S. Purefoy.
Saml. Wait - Pres.
John Mitchell. Sec pro. tem.
Charlotte N.C.
The Board of Trustees met in Charlotte on Thursday evening 3rd. Nov. 1859. Dr. Wait in the Chair.
Prayers by Elder Geo Purefoy.
Elder T.E. Skinner was requested to act as Secretary.
On Motion, Brethren Pritchard Lawson and Lennon were appointed a committee to recommend a suitable Agt. to collect subscriptions to endowment of, W. F. College.
On Motion, Brethren N.U. Faulkner (Cunmingham's Store, Person County N.C.) was appointed collecting Agt. of the subscrip tions of endowment, W. F. College at the rate of $80 per month, he paying all expenses.
On Motion, Agreed that bro John H. Lacy be released from the interest on his bonds to Wake Forest College, the principle being paid.
On Motion, Agreed that brethren Wait, Wingate and J.S. Purefoy, be appointed a committee to correspond with bro. Faulker, on the subject of the Agency; and also to correspond with and appoint other Agent or Agents in the event that bro. Faulkner does not accept.
On Motion, Agreed that bro. R.N. Lawson be allowed to send four students at the same time on his scholarship, as long as it exists; provided, that he does not - receive any thing from the students rent as interest.
On Motion, Agreed that all licensed or ordained Ministers of any Denomination
be allowed tuition, free of charge, at Wake Forest College, after the present session.
On Motion, Agreed that this Board offer Ref Royall $1.000 Salary, as Prof of Languages and also pay him $200 for expenses in moving, and that after one year he is to have a salary of $1200.
On Motion, Agreed that the Faculty be be requested to appoint a Tutor at a Salary of $700.
On Motion Board adjourned - Saml. Wait Pres. Thomas E. Skinner Sec pro. tem.
Raleigh N.C. Nov 22nd. 1859
The Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College met at the call of the President.
Dr Wait in the Chair.
Prayer by elder T.E. Skinner
President - Samuel Wait, W.W. Vafs, J.J. James Geo. W. Purefoy, A.M. Louis, Jas. S. Purefoy Geo W. Thompson of Wake, D.A. Justice Thomas E. Skinner and John Mitchell
On Motion, Agreed that the Treasurer be instructed to have the Charter, and also the amended Charter of Wake Forest College copies for the use of this Board, and pay for the same out of the Treasury.
Letters were read from Jas. J. Waff Esq.
N.A. Moore Esq. of Edenton, and Rev. Geo Bradford relative to the death of Rebecca Blount of Edenton, and the estate of John Blount, deceased, left to Wake Forest College.
On Motion, the following resolution was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, that Jas. S. Purefoy, the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College, be directed, and that he is hereby authorized and empowered, as the Agent of this Board, to go down to Edenton and take such steps as he may deem proper, to secure the property of John Blount into possession; and, thereafter, have the same sold at speed, ie Auction or otherwise, on a audit of six months, with interest from date, the - purchaser giving bond with approved security - Also the Negroes purchased by Rev Geo Bradford of said estate, are to be attended to by him, and that he report to this Board as soon as practicable.
Dr. Wait was also requested to - attend the sale of said property, and the wish expressed by the Board that great kindness should be shown the servants in arranging for their future homes.
On Motion, Agreed to adjourn - Prayer by Elder James S. Purify.
Saml. Wait Pres. John Mitchell Sec. pro.tem.
Raleigh Feb. 20th. 1860.
The Board met. pursuant to a call by the President, at the home [?] of Elder T.E. Skinner.
Present, Samuel Wait, J.J. James, William Russell, C.W. Skinner, Thomas E. Skinner, A.M. Lewis, G.W. Thompson James S. Purefoy, and John Mitchell.
Prayer by Elder J.S. Purefoy.
An obligation Bond, to the state of North Carolina, for $20.000. to carry out the provisions of the will of John Blount, deceased, of Edenton N.C; prepared by Atty W.A. Moore of Edenton, was read before the Board; and on Motion, the President of the Board of Trustees was authorized and instructed to sign the Bond, and have the seal of the College put upon it.
On Motion, J.S. Purefoy, Trustee for the estate of John Blount, deceased, was instructed to settle with Rev. Geo. Bradford on equitable terms, at his discretion, for the Negroes purchased by him of the Blount estate.
On Motion, The Trustee was authorized and instructed to institute a suit [?] if necessary, for the recovery of a Negro man named David sold from the estate of John Blount, deceased, under execution
On Motion Rev. J.S. Purefoy, was authorized to compromise, at his discretion, with brethren Moore and Croom of New Hanover for their subscription for Scholarships in W. F. College.
On Motion, Agreed to adjourn to Meet On Tuesday before the second Thursday in June next, at Wake Forest College at 10 o clock A.M.
Prayer by Edler John Mitchell
Saml. Wait Pres. John Mitchell Sec. pro. tem.
Wake Forest College. June 12th. 1860.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present at the opening session - Will Russell, R.M. McRackan, J.J. James, Q.H. Trotman, C.W. Skinner, A.M. Lewis, Jas. S. Purefoy, G.R. French, Thomas E. Skinner, Samuel Wait and John Mitchell.
Dr. Wait in the Chair.
Prayer by bro. Q.H. Trotman.
The Sec. being absent, On Motion Elder John Mitchell was requested to act as Secretary pro. tem.
On Motion, Agreed to proceed to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees.
On Motion a committee of three, consisting of brethren J.J. James, T.E. Skinner, and A.M. Lewis, was appointed to examine the list of the Board of Trustees, and ascertain the number of vacancies in the Board, and
report to this Board; - and also to recommend suitable persons to fill such vacancies.
The committee above named, reported the following brethren, as having forfeited their seats, from non attendance, viz. Dr G.C. Mane, Elder Q.H. Trotman, Rhodes Herndon Esq, G.W. Jones Esq, Elder G.W. Johnson, Dr. S.J. Wheeler, and Allen C. Perry Esq, Thompson, their seats now declared vacant.
The Committee also recommended to fill vacancies in the Board.
Rev Q.H. Trotman Richard Felton Esq. Job. Canon " J.H. Mills " H.C. Ellis " Rev. W.J. Brooks - " S.G. Mason " Thomas N. Owen " J. B. Solomon
The recommendation of the committee was concurred in, and the brethren above named declared to be unanimously elected Trustees of Wake Forest College.
The Report of the President of the College was called for and read.
On Motion the report was recd, and a committee of five appointed to take into consideration the subject matter embraced in said report, and report to this Board as early as practicable, Appointed on said Com. Brethren A.M. Lewis J.S. Purefoy, G.R. French, Tho. E. Skinner and J.J. James.
Report of Treasure was called for and read.
On Motion the report was received and Elder John Mitchell appointed to audit it.
On Motion, Elder J.J. James, was appointed to audit the Bursar's report.
An account in favor of J.M. Jones of Edenton, against the estate of Rebecca Blount, deceased, and also a letter from Mr Jones, was read before the Board, and ordered to be laid upon the table, to be called up this afternoon.
Adjourned to meet at 2½ O clock P.M.
Afternoon Session, 2½ P.M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
On Motion.
Agreed that the offer made at a previous meeting of this Board, to All licensed or ordained Ministers of any denomination to receive tuition gratuitiously at this College, be so few attend, as to restrict the offer, to Ministers of our own denomination.
On Motion J.S. Purefoy was instructed to purchase suitable grave stones, and place, or have placed at the graves of Sister Rebecca Blount, deceased, and her sister Martha Bateman, and have them suitably inscribed to the memories.
Resolved. That the Treasurer be instructed to pay the state debt out of such funds, in his funds, as may be lawfully used for that purpose, and that he be authorized to borrow from the
Trustees, out of the Endowment, a sum sufficient to liquidate the State debt.
That whereas, an account of J.M. Jones against the estate of Rebecca Blount has been presented to this Board; and whereas, the Board is informed that other accounts of a similar nature exist.
Therefore resolved, That it is the opinion of the Board, that they have the right under the will of the late John Blount to authorize the payment of said debts.
On Motion, the above resolution was adopted unanimously -
A letter, was read, from Prof. J.H. Forte, notifying the Board, that the Chair in the Department of Ancient Languages, which he had the honor now to fill, would be vacant from, and after the 14th inst, Whereupon it was,
Resolved, That Prof J.H. Forte, be reelected to a professorship in the Department of Ancient Languages in this college, and that a com. consisting of brethren Skinner James and Pritchard be requested to communicate the same to him, and urge his acceptance.
Resolution above, unanimously adopted.
On Motion, Agreed to adjourn to meet to morrow morning at 9 o clock.
Prayer by Rev. J. S. Prichard.
Wednesday Morning Jun 13.
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Dr. Wait in the Chair.
Prayer by Elder T.E. Skinner.
The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved.
The committee appointed to wait on Prof - J.H. Forte reported.
That they had informed Prof Forte of his unanimous reelection to a professorship of Languages, and that he had accepted the same. T.E. Skinner. Ch.
On Motion, the report was read and the committee discharged.
The committee on the President, report submitted the following.
That they have had the subject matters under consideration, and respectfully request
1. That they are of opinion that it is best to foster, and encourage a system of preparatory schools in different parts of the state, those already in operation, as as well as those which may be established
2. That they recommend such labor, as is necessary for the grounds, thereby to open a plain, but tasty and useful plan and that the matter be left with the Faculty to be carried out in detail.
3. That a Com. of three be appointed to draw up and circulate our address to the friends of education, setting fourth the peculiar claims of this College, its advan tages in[?] and enjoy a liberal patronage.
On Motion, the above report was unanimously adopted.
Appointed to prepare the address recommended, brethren W.T. Brooks, James S. Purefoy and Job Cann.
The committee to audit the Bursar's report, reported, that he had carefully examined said report and found it correct. J.J. James. com.
On Motion, the report was received and the committee discharged.
On Motion, agreed to call off until 2½ O.Clock this afternoon.
Present at this meeting
Dr. Wait, Q.H. Trotman Job Cann, A.M. Lewis Richard Felton, J.S. Prichard, C.W. Skinner, G.W. Purefoy, W.W. Vafs, R.M. M.Rackan, W.T. Brooks, Jas. S. Purefoy G.R. French, Tho. E. Skinner, J.J. James, William Russell, John Mitchell, J.H. Mills.
Afternoon 2½ O.Clock
Board in Session.
On Motion, resolved that the income and increase of the Blound fund be applied as by the will dictates [?]
The Com. to audit the Treasurer's report, reported the duly assigned had been discharged and the report found to be correct. Report read and com. discharged.
The report of the Collecting Agent was read before the Board and on Motion, received, and bro. N.N. Faulkner was requested to continue as Agent, as formerly.
A letter was read from C.H. Snead of Marion Ala. soliciting a history of Wake Forest College, for publication in his professors week, whereupon, it was moved and carried that Prof. N.J. Brooks be requested to prepare on a history of said college for the abovenamed professor.
On Motion, a committee of five was appointed to take into consideration the subject of the Salaries of Officers, and report to the Board. Appointed, brethren J.S. Purify G.N. Purify, J.J. James and T.E. Skinner.
On Motion adjourned to meet to morrow morning at 8 o clock.
Thursday morning June 14th.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by Elder J.J. James.
On Motion, the Sec. pro. tem. was requested to write to J.M. Jones Esq of Edenton relative to the account presented by him to the Board of trustees, against the state of Rebecca Blount, deceased, informing him that the Board has given a bond of $20.000 to the state to carry out faithfully the provisions of the will of John Blount, deceased, and that if it shall appear under competent legal advice that they have the right to pay his account they will pay it, but if they cannot, without a forfeit of their Bond Trust, then, they cannot pay it.
A proposition was made by bro. Joseph Thompson through bro. R.M. McRachan, proposing to give to the Board
$200 in lieu of his Scholarship whereupon it was agreed that if bro. Joseph Thompson will give $250. & half the Amount of his Scholarship, the Board will release him.
Upon application from Brethren G.W. Purefoy and G.R. French, it was agreed that they also be permitted to exchange their Scholarship for a donation of $250 each, to the endowment fund of the College.
The Committee on Salaries of Officers recommended that the Salary of the President be raised to $1400. and that of each of the Professors to £1200 - provided that nothing herein, be so construed, as to establish the precedent of equal salaries among the Faculty of this Institutution.
- Recommendation adopted unanimously.
On Motion the Literary degree of A.B. was conferred upon the graduating class of 1860, viz. Messrs. Fitz Henry Ivey, Griffen S. Jones, John R. Riley, Will. R. Larkins A.M. Poindexter, R.R. Savage.
On Motion, the degree of A.M. was conferred upon Rev. B.F. Marable, and Rev. A.C. Hufham.
On Motion, Resolved that a com. be appointed to have the College Building and the Literary Societies insured, and that they be instructed to present the bill of expenses to the Treasurer for payment.
Com. T.E. Skinner, J.J. James & A.M. Lewis
On Motion, agreed to have the will of John Blount, deceased, copied in this book.
On Motion, agreed to adjourn to meet at this place on Tuesday of commencement week, in June next, at 10 Oclock A M.
Prayer by Elder N.T. Brooks. Saml. Wait Pres.
John Mitchell Sec. pro. tem.
Monday Morning May 27th 1861
The Board met and was called to order by Dr Wait. Prayers by Elder W.T. Brooks. Trustees present Elders J.J. James, T.E. Skinner, Jas. S. Purefoy and brethren G.M Thompson, C. Wooten R.M McRachan & C.W. Skinner.
On motion W.T. Brooks was appointed Secretary and Auditor of the Board. The committee appointed to attend to the insurance of the College Building & Literary Societies reported that they had not discharged that duty, & thought it inexpedient to secure a policy under existing circumstances.
Pres. Wingate presented his annual Report which exhibited a very healthy state of things in the Institution. On motion the Report was recd. and Pres. Wingate was requested, as [illegible] of the Faculty, to give a more detailed Report in reference to the condition of the College & the expediency, of continuing
its operations in view of the civil war which is now raging in our country. After a long discussion upon several Resolutions which were presented the following Resolutions were offered;
1. Resolved, That we will continue the exercises of the College, unless the number of Students in the estimation of the Faculty, be too Small.
2. Resolved, That we will give the Faculty all the income from the tuition of paying Students and all the income arising from the Endowment fund actually collected during the current year, except three per cent of the amount which shall be used for the improvement of the College Building and the Campus. Adjourned to 8 O'Clock to-morrow morning.
Prayer by Prof. Wingate.
Tuesday Morning, May 28th - Board met pursuant to adjournment. Dr Wait in the Chair. Prayer by Elder A. McDowell.
The Resolutions which were offered by Elder Purefoy on yesterday were called up and after an animated discussion were passed unanimously. Agreed to call off to 3 O'Clock.
After noon 3 O'Clock.
Board met. The Bursars Report was presented by the Auditor and on motion wad adopted -
The Treasurer presented his Report and the Auditor was instructed to audit it.
On motion adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Prayer by Elder T.E. Skinner.
N.T. Brooks, Sec.
W.F. College Friday Oct 31st 1862
The Board met & was called to order by Elder J. McDaniel. Members present Elders J. McDaniel, James, J.S. Purefoy, A.B. Jones, J. Mitchell, S Mason, Dodson and brethren S.S. Biddle & Job Cann.
Prayer by Elder Dodson.
B.F. Walters made a report of the amount collected for the sale of [ ? ] On motion the report was received & the money ordered to be paid over to the Treasurer.
Moved, that the Treasurer be ordered to pay to the Beulah Association fifty dollars - the fee of a Lawyer for his services in securing the bequest made to the College by Bro. Marion -
On motion brethren Purefoy, Biddle & Walters were appoin ted a Committee to attend to the repairing the College Building.
On motion, the Treas uror was instructed to pay the Faculty the balance due for their services & that the Trustees approve what he has already paid over. Moved - that a Com. be appointed on the state of the College. James, Biddle & Dodson composed The Committee. Adjourned.
Nov. 1st 1862 -
The Board met at 7 o'clock P.M.
Prayer by Elder Mason.
The report of the committee on the state of the College was called for & read by bro. Biddle.
On motion the Report was received & read as follows:-
Your committee recommend the following viz: 1. That a primary school be opened the first of January next -
2. With regard to the relation subsisting between the Faculty of Wake Forest and the Board of Trustees, your Committee are of the opinion that the connection is dissolved for the time being, and that it would be improper and inexpedient to pay any salary at this time.
3. We recommend that one or two Agents be employed immediately to collect funds due the College.
4. We recommend that our funds be invested in Confederate Bonds at 8 per cent and that we procure these as soon as possible.
5. The Treasurer's Report -
On motion the first article was taken up & discussed & on motion was laid on the table.
On motion the second Article or item was called up and it was agreed to change the word dissolved to suspended. On motion the second Article was passed -
Blount estate
On motion Elder William Royall was appointed collecting Agent for the college with a salary of $100 per month, and any necessary traveling expenses. On motion a committee, consisting of Jas. S. Purefoy and N.T. Brooks, was appointed to confer with the Board of the Convention in regard to the propriety of the Collecting Agent representing the objects of the Board in connection with his agency for the College.
On motion the second item in the Report was taken up & adopted, and the Treasurer was authorized to invest our funds in Confederate Bonds at 8 per cent if they can be procured.
On motion a committee, consisting of S.S. Biddle, Purefoy and Skinner, was raised to enquire into the expediency of changing twenty thousand dollars of our funds from State Bonds to Confederate Bonds.
Moved, that any funds coming in hand from the Blount estate be invested in Confederate or other Bonds -
Treasure reported, and on motion the Report received
Adjourned. Prayer by bro. James.
N.T. Brooks, Sec.
Sabbath Night Nov - 2 - 1862 -
The Board held a meeting in the College Chapel. Present. McDaniel Wait, Purefoy, Mason, Mitchell, Dodson, Canner, Skinner, Jones & Brooks.
On motion of Elder Skinner the 3rd Article, in the Report of the committee on the state of the College in relation to the connection subsisting between the Faculty & Trustees of the College - was reconsidered & rescinded.
It was moved and carried that the Trustees pay the Faculty one third of their salary beginning from June - provided they the Faculty, hold themselves at the call of the Trustees whenever they - The Trustees deem it expedient to resume the exercises of the College -
On motion the salary of Prof. Royall was changed from $100 to $75 -
On motion S.S. Biddle and Jas. S. Purefoy were appointed a Committee to confer with Elder Royall in regard to his appointment as Collecting Agent for the College -
N.T. Brooks was requested to inform the Faculty relative to the action of the Trustees in regard to their salaries - Adjourned -
N.T. Brooks. Sec -
Raleigh Oct. 30th. 1863.
The Board of Trustees held a meeting in the Basement of the Baptist Church. Members present J.S. Purefoy, G.W. Purefoy, W.W. Vafs, J. Mitchell A. McDowell, C.W. Skinner, T.J. Knapp, S.S. Biddle, J McDaniel, & N.T. Brooks -
Elder James McDaniel was called to the Chair - Prayer by Elder A McDowell.
A letter was received from J.H. Mills of Oxford proposing to rent the College Building for the purpose of establishing a female school.
On motion J.S. Purefoy, S.S. Biddle, N.T. Brooks & N.T. Walters were appointed a committee to confer with Mr Mills in regard to his proposition, and that said committee take the oversight of the Campus. The Treasurer offered his report, and on motion it was received.
On motion the Treasurer was instructed to pay the interest from the Blount Estate to the liquidation of the debt incurred for Ministerial Education.
Moved that the Deep River, & Cape Fear Bonds be exchanged for State Bonds of the new issue -
Adjourned. Benediction by Elder McDaniel
N.T. Brooks, Sec
Forestville Nov - 4th 1865
The Board of Trustees met. On motion brother Job Carver was requested to act as Chairman. Prayer was offered by Elder J Mitchell. Members present Jas McDaniel, A McDowell John Mitchell, T.E. Skinner, C.W. Skinner J.S. Purefoy, S. Wait, J Carver & N.T. Brooks. The Treasurer's report was called for and read.
On motion the report was adopted, and the Secretary requested to record the amount of Bonds and money lost, and also the amount of funds now in the hands of the Treasurer -
The statement made by the Treasurer is as follows;
Endowment Fund $ 42.606 - 00 Blount Estate " 8.710. 13 - Mirns Fund " 500. 00 Merril " " 2.600 00 Interest on Education Fund - 364 50 Interest on General Endowment 1386 91
$56,167. 54
Of the above about $7000. was premium on the sale of old State Bonds sold by order of the Trustees, and exchanged for Confederate Bonds -
Amount now on hand -
Cape Fear & Deep River Bonds $28.000. Craven County Bonds 500 - Individual Bonds supposed to be 25.000
Moved and carried that the thanks of the Board are due the Treasurer for the faithful manner in which he has preserved the funds of the College during the war -
On motion the following brethren were elected members of the Board, N.J. Palmer, J.M. Heck, P.A. Dunn, R.G. Lewis, B.W. Justice. Resolved, That the exercises of Wake Forest College be resumed, and that a preparatory department be established therewith - and that the exercises of the Institution be resumed at the usual time in January.
Resolved, That we rescind the resolution formerly passed authorizing the Treasurer to pay the Faculty one third of their salaries during the suspension, and that we give them all the annual interest, accruing on invested endowment funds, and all the income from tuition to be divided pro rata according to their former salaries.
The College enclosure, on motion, was referred to the Committee on the Campus - On motion J.S. Purefoy J. Carver & N.T. Brooks were appointed a committee to confer with the Faculty in regard to board & tuition.
Moved, that the repairs on the College Building be referred to the Committee on the Campus -
Elders A. McDowell & John Mitchell were appointed to communicate to the Faculty the proceedings of the Trustees in reference to the College.
Rev S. Wait tendered his resignation as President of the Board which was received & the following resolution unanimously passed - Resolved, that the thanks of the Board of Trustees be tendered to Rev S. Wait for the kind & faithful manner in which he has presided over this Board for a number of years -
To the Trustees of W. F. College ;- Dear Brethren, I hereby resign my place as President of this Board. My growing infirmities leave no room to doubt, touching the necessity of this step. My seat as a member of the Bd. I still retain. The most tender emotions are awakened in my bosom, on separating myself from your body. May the richest of Heav's blessings descend evermore upon this Institution! W. F. College Sept. 25. 1865. S. Wait
Raleigh May 24th 1866.
The Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College met. Members present J.H. Mills, John Mitchell, G.R. French, J.G. Williams, T.E. Skinner, C.W. Skinner, R.B. Jones, Jas. S. Purefoy G.W. Purefoy, J.J. James, W.T. Brooks - N.J. Palmer & James McDaniel.
On motion Bro. J.H. Mills was requested to act as Chairman.
Prayer was offered by Elder R.B. Jones.
Dr Wait having resigned as President of of The Board of Trustees, Elders Wingate Walters, Royall were appointed a committee to nominate some one to fill that office. The committee proposed the name of Bro. J.H. Mills, who was unanimously elected President of The Board.
A communication was received from The Faculty of W.F. College relative to the condition & prospects of the College.
On motion The report recd - & adopted.
The following resolution was offered by Elder T.E. Skinner.
Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to sell the Bonds of the State of N.C. now in his hands & invest the same in stocks on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, provided it can be done dollar for dollar or nearly so -
After a long discussion the resolution was posponed until tomorrow & a committee, consisting of brethren J.J. James J.G. Williams & G.R. French, was appointed to confer together relative to the propriety of selling & investing said Bonds.
W.T. Brooks, J. Mitchell & J.S. Purefoy appointed a committee to revise the list of the members of Board Trustees.
Adjourned to meet at 5 O'Clock tomorrow P.M. Prayer by Elder J. McDaniel -
Friday evening May 25 -
Board met according to adjournment. President Mills in the Chair - Members present - Mitchell - French, Purefoy, G.W. Purfoy, McDaniel, James, Jones A. Dockery, T.E. Skinner, C.W. Skinner J.G. Williams & N.T. Brooks -
The committee appointed to consult in regard to the sale of the state Bonds reported that from all the information they could gather there was but little probability that the state would repudiate.
The resolution on the sale of the state Bonds, was called up & after some discussion was unanimously passed & the Treasurer was instructed to make sale of the said Bonds, at his earliest convenience, & to invest in some according to the above named resolution -
On motion Elders John Mitchell, J.S. Purefoy & T.E. Skinner were appointed a committee on The state of The College.
On motion adjourned to meet to morrow at 11. O'clock A.M.
Saturday May 26.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Bro. Mills in The Chair. Additional members present R.G. Lewis, G.W. Thompson,
The report of the committee on Wake Forest College was called for & read.
Your committe would recommend The following - 1. That The changes made
in the course of instruction given at the College meets the entire approbation of the Board.
2. That the Board pass a vote of thanks to Professors Royall & Simmons & Tutor W.B. Royall for their active & efficient service in behalf of the College.
3. That the President Dr Wingate be requesting to resume active operations at the College in connection with Professors Royall & Simmons & Tutor W.B. Royall at the commencement of the next Session or at the earliest practicable period thereafter, & that in case the number of students should require additional instructors they be authorized to call to their assistance such help as may be needed -
4. That the entire income from tuition, & endowment be given to the Faculty as a compensation for their services, save 2½ percent be reserved for repairs & other incidentals, to be divided pro-rata among them they having first agreed upon the relative salary of the Tutor, & provided further that in case the number of students should require the employment of additional instructors, that they be also paid out of the income of the College, receiving each a proportion as may be agreed upon between the Faculty & such Instructors -
On motion the above report was adopted.
On motion the rates of Tuition were referred to the Faculty -
On motion a committee consisting of J.G. Williams, R.G. Lewis, G.W. Thompson & the Treasurer, was appointed to whom was referred a change of investment of endowment funds with discretionary powers.
On motion agreed to adjourn to meet at the call of the President -
Prayer by Rev. S.G. Mason N.T. Brooks Sec
Wake Forest College Oct 11th. 1866 -
The Board of Trustees met. Members present - J.H. Mills, T.E. Skinner, S. Wait, J.S. Purefoy, J.G. Williams N.J. Palmer, P.A. Dunn, R.B. Jones & N.T. Brooks - Prayer by bro. Skinner -
On motion the committee to revise the list of the Trustees reported, & the following brethren, on motion were elected Trustees of the College - J.D, Hufham, A.J. Emerson, James Poleat - & T.B. Kingsbury.
On motion the seat of Rev. W.H. Jordan was declared vacant.
Prof. J.H. Foote tendered his resignation as Professor in Wake Forest College - & on motion it was accepted & the following resolution adopted. Resolved, that in accepting the resignation of Prof. Foote the Secretary be requested to express to him our appreciation of his valuable & devoted service.
Pres. Wingate offered his resignation.
The following resolution was unanimously adopted - Resolved, that the President, W.M. Wingate, be requested to withdraw his resignation & to resume his duties in the College at the commencement of next Session & that his Salary be $15.00.
On motion the degree of A.M. was conferred on the following graduates of the College - F.H. Ivey - R.R. Savage, W.B. Royall -
Resolved, that Prof Royall be requested to withdraw his resignation & to continue his services in the College during the next year at a Salary of $12.00 -
Moved, that the Salary of ProfSimmons be $12.00 - & that he teach Mathematics & Nat. Science during the next year.
Moved, that the Salary of Prof - Walters be $1200, & that he be requested to act as Agent for the College -
Moved, that the Faculty be authorized, at their discretion, to employ the services of one Tutor at a Salary of $750. or if they employ two, at a Salary of $600. each -
On motion, N.J. Palmer, T.E. Skinner & J.G. Williams were appointed a committee to confer with Prof. Walters relative to the agency for the College & if he declines to accept the appointment, that they be authorized to secure the services of a competent Agent as soon as practicable.
On motion, an Executive Committee, consisting of P.A. Dunn, B.W. Justice, T.B. Kingsbury & J.D. Hufham was appointed to transact any necessary or urgent business between the meetings of the Board of Trustees.
Adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Prayer by Rev. T.B. Kingsbury.
N.T. Brooks. Sec -
Wilmington N.C. May 23th. 67
The Trustees met. Present brethren Brooks, James, McDaniel, Kingsbury, Solomon, Mason, Purefy Poteat and Hufham. Bro. McDaniel called to preside. Prayer by Elder Kingsbury - Proceedings of the last meeting read - On motion Elder F.W. - Jordan was elected Trustee in place of R.N. Lawson; R.R. Overy in place of Dr. T.J. Pitchford; W.T. Walters in place of T.R. Owen; J.H. Foote in place of S.H. Cannady; N.W. Wilson in place of C.D. Ellis.
Ordered, that the Treasurer of this Board proceed to collect as much of the money due the College by bond as may be necessary to meet the current expenses in payment of the Salaries of the Faculty.
Moved & carried, that Prof. W.G. Simmons be appointed Bursar of the College -
Wilmington Saturday Night May 24th - 67
The Trustees held a meeting in the City Hall. Members present - Jas. McDaniel N.W. Wilson, R.R. Overly, T.B. Kingsbury John Mitchell, J.D. Hufham, J.S. Purefoy J.B. Solomon, S.G. Mason, J.J. James G.R. French & Jas. Poleat.
Elder McDaniel in the Chair. Elder J.D. Hufham appointed Sec. pro. tem -
Elder J.S. Purefoy stated that there are about fifty dollars due on salary of Faculty in consequence of the depreciation of Coupons held for payment of fair salaries.
On motion it ewas agreed that this amount be provided for in the Same way with other deficits.
The Committee were instructed to employ a man to keep the Campus.
The Same committee were instructed to superintend the repairs of the interior of the College Building as rapidly as possible.
Elders R.B. Jones & W.M. Wingate were requested to act as agents to raise funds for meeting the expense of Said repairs. In case brother Jones should be unable to serve the executive committee were authorized to employ another Agent -
On motion the Faculty were authorized to consider themselves engaged in their present positions till otherwise ordered - Adjourned - J.D. Hufham Sec, pro tem
Jas McDaniel President -
Monday Morning May 26th. 1867 - at Sea on board the Steamer Alan - Oldham The Trustees of W.F. College held a meeting at the request of the Secretary - Members present -
James McDaniel, J.J. James, Jas - S. Purefoy. F.M. Jordon. John Mitchell, James Poleat, J.D. Hufham, J.B. Solomon T.B. Kingsbury, N.W. Wilson & W.T. Brooks -
Elder McDaniel called to the Chair.
On motion the honorary degree of A.M. was conferred upon Elders J.B. Solomon & T.B. Kingsbury, of Warrenton N.C -
W.T. Brooks, Sec.
Goldsboro. Oct -11th 1867
Board met. Present Jas. McDaniel T.E. Skinner, C.W. Skinner, F.M. Jordan Jas. Poteat, W.T. Walters, Jno. Mitchell, R.R. Overly, E. Dodson, T.B. Kingsbury, J.D. Hufham, C. Wooten & W.T. Brooks.
Elder Jas. McDaniel called to the Chair. Prayer by Elder T.E. Skinner.
The proceedings of the last meeting were read. The President of the Board, bro, J.H. Mills, tendered his resignation which was accepted. Elders T.E. Skinner, W.T. Brooks & E. Dodson were appointed to nominate a successor. After a brief consultation the Committee reported the name of B.W. Justice. On motion the report was accepted.
Pres. W.M. Wingate presented his report on Wake Forest College.
The report received & the following resolutions passed. Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of W.F. College do heartily approve The Changes made by the Faculty of the Institution in the scheme of Studies; and also those contemplated in the annual report of the Faculty to this meeting of the Board.
Resolved that such of the officers of the Faculty, as are ministering be requested to conduct religious services in the College Chapel, or such other places as they may select, at the stated reason for such services.
On motion called off to meet at 7 O'Clock to night -
Night Session
The Trustees met. Members present - C.W. Skinner, E. Dodson, F.M. Jordan, Jas. Poteat, Jno. Mitchell, R.R. Overly, G.R. French, T.B. Kingsbury, Jas. McDaniel W.T. Walters, J.D. Hufham, T.E. Skinner, G.R. French & W.T. Brooks.
Elder McDaniel in the chair. Prayer by Elder J Mitchell -
Moved, That the case of the College Buildings be committed to the Faculty.
Moved, That the rates of tuition be $35, in the Collegiate $30, in the Prep. Department.
On motion, Room rent was raised to $3.00 each, where two room together & where one rooms alone $5.00
On motion Servant's hire was put at $3.00 - where two room together, if one student rooms alone $6.00
Moved & carried, That each student be held responsible for damages done in his own room.
Moved, that the system of demerit marks, adopted by the Faculty be continued.
On motion the subject of the Agency of W.F. College was taken up.
On motion Elder R.R. Overly was selected to complete the endowment of W.F. College.
Moved, That the Treasurer of the Board be requested to have tomb stones erected over the graves of bro, & Sister Blount. Adjd. to meet at 11½ O clock to-morrow -
Friday Morning Oct. 18. 1867.
Board met in the C.H. Members present, Jas McDaniel, J.R. French, J.D. Hufham, W.T. Walters, W.T. Brooks, Jno. Mitchell, C.W. Skinner, T.E. Skinner, T.B. Kingsbury, F.M. Jordan, E. Dodson, Jas. Poteat & R.R. Overly.
Elder McDaniel presiding. Bursars Report came up, & on motion brethren Jno Mitchell & Jas, Poteat appointed to audit the same.
Degrees -
On motion the degree of A.M, was conferred upon the following persons - Dr. W.E. Poole, T.D. Boone, G.W. Sanderlin, J.K. Howell, T-JHorner, J.T. Deans, & J.F.B. Mays.
The Committee to audit the Bursar's account reported, that they had examined the same & found it correct - The report was concurred.
On motion, a resolution, passed several years ago relative to conferring the title of D.D. was reconsidered.
Resolved, That all application for the degree of D.D. be made throthe Faculty of W.F. College.
On motion, The degree of L.L.D. was conferred upon Dr. J.A. Broadus of Greenville S.C -
On motion called off to 7 O'Clock to-night.
Night Session -
Board met. Trustees present R.R. Overly, J.S. Purefoy, T.E. Skinner J. Poteat, E. Dodson, F.M. Jordan, C W. Skinner Snr., T.B. Kingsbury, G.R. French Jas. McDaniel, W.T. Walters & W.T. Brookes.
On motion the degree of D.D. was conferred upon Elder A. McDowell, of Murfreesboro. N.C.
Moved & carried that the times of beginning & closing the Sessions & the vacations proposed by the Faculty be approved.
Elders W.M. Wingate, W.T. Walters Jas. S. Purefoy & W.T. Brooks, were appointed a committee to confer with the Philomathesean Society relative to the damages done to their Society Hall.
On motion the Education Board was requested to pay the room rent of Beneficiaries.
Moved & carried that no tuition be charged Robert [Bitham ? ]
Scholarships. Moved, That the Trustees approve the action of the Faculty in declaring to receive the interest on Scholarships in payment of tuition owing to the heavy losses of endowment.
Resolved, That the prepayment of tuition be left to the discretion of the Faculty.
Moved & carried, that the Tutors' Salaries be raised to $750 -
Elders W.T. Brooks, J.S. Purefoy, & W.T. Walters were appointed a committee on the agency of W.F. College.
Adjourned. Prayer by Elder E. Dodsons.
Jas. McDaniel Pres - W.T. Brooks Sec -
W.F. College June 9th 1868 -
Trustees of Wake Forest College met in the Lecture room. Members present. J.H. Mills, Jas. Poteat, B.W. Justice, R.R. Overly, J.G. Williams, J.M. Heck, N.J. Palmer, F.M. Jordan Jas. S. Purefoy, P.A. Dunn, G.W. Purefoy & W.T. Brooks.
Board called to order by the Pres. B.W. Justice - Prayer offered by Elder R.R. Overly - Proceedings of the last meeting were read - The Pres. of the Board, B.W. Justice then offered his resignation which, on motion, was received - On motion J.H. Mills, N.J. Palmer & R.R. Overly were appointed a committee to nominate a suitable person for Pres. of Board -
Attention was then called to the vacancies in Board of Trustees - occasioned by death & removal from the State - The seats of the following Trustees were declared vacated - T.E. Skinner, C.W. Skinner Snr, R.B. Jones, S. Wait, N.W. Wilson & T.B. Kingsbury - On motion W.T. Brooks, J.M. Heck & J.S. Purefoy appointed a committee to fill vacancies -
Committee to nominate a Pres. of Board of Trustees reported the name of Elder J.S. Purefoy - on motion the report was recommitted -
Report of Pres. Wingate called for and read - On motion the Report was referred to the following committees - On the main body of the Report, W.T. Brooks, W.T. Walters & N.J. Palmer. On that part recommending a Commercial Department J.H. Mills J.M. Heck & J.S. Purefoy - On motion of J.H. Mills the following committee, N.J. Palmer, J.G. Williams & G.W. Purefoy, was appointed to consider the propriety of establishing a Department of Music in W.F. College.
Report of the Agent of the College called for & read - Adopted.
On motion F.M. Jordan, Jas. Poteat & P.A. Dunn were appointed a committee on the Agency.
Report of the Bursar was referred to the following committee P.A. Dunn, J.G. Williams & G.W. Purefoy.
On motion called off to 3 O'Clock. Prayer by Elder G.W. Purefoy.
Evening Session 3, O'Clock - Board met - & called to order.
Committee to nominate persons to fill vacancies in The Board of Trustees recommended the following names - T.H. Pritchard J.L. Carroll, James A. Graham, P. Dean, S.O. Tatum, Dr. A.R. Vann - On motion the report was adopted & the above named brethren declared duly elected Trustees of W.F. College.
The committee on the main body of the President's report submitted the following
1st That the degrees & honorary titles therein recommended be confirmed. - On motion - The degree of A.B. was conferred on the following gentlemen -
J.B. Barber of Wake Forest H.M. Cates " Orange H.A. Foote " Warren - Rev. W.R. Gwaltney " Hillsboro, F.P. Hobgood " Granville S.E. Overly " Camden
On motion the Honorary degree of Dr. in Divinity was conferred on the Rev. Jas. H. Cuthbert of Augusta Ga, & Rev. Jas. McDaniel Fayetteville N.C.
2nd We sincerely believe that in the present condition of the College two classes of teachers are indispensable - viz. Professors & Tutors, and hence cannot concur in the titles proposed with an increase of salary - On this part of the report quite a long discussion arose -
Finally the report was amended by the adoption of the following resolution -
Resolved, that we concur in the recommendation of Pres. Wingate in regard to confirming the title of Assistant Professors on W.B. Royall & L.R. Mills, but do not feel able to increase their salaries at present -
Adjourned. Benediction by Pres. Wingate.
Night Session
A motion to appoint a committee to negotiate a sale of lots to L.R. Mills was taken up and after remarks by brethren Brooks, Heck Overly & Walters, the motion was passed - Com - J.S. Purefoy, W.T. Walters & P.A. Dunn -
Report of the committee on the establishment of a Commercial Department in connection with the College was read by J.H. Mills & on motion of Prof. W.T. Walters was considered at length & referred to a committee consisting of J.M. Heck, J.S. Purefoy & N.J. Palmer - who are required to report on the subject at the next meeting of the Board.
Rules of Order - On motion of J.S. Purefoy the Rules of order of the Baptist State Convention were adopted as the rules of decorum of this Board.
Elders McDowell and Carroll were appointed additional members of the Com - on the propriety of the establishment of a Musical Department in connection with the College -
At the recommendation of the Faculty & by motion of J.H. Mills, seconded by J.B. Solomon, the honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on Elder T.B. Kingsbury- On motion adjourned - Benediction by Rev. J.B. Solomon -
Wednesday Morning June 10th
Board met - Prayer by Elder F.M. Jordan. Financials of the College were then taken up. Moved that the Treasurer of the College be empowered to sell the 13 accrued shares of the R & G RR stock after the dividends have been declared and collected which
( Note at top of page - 'Resolution to collect & pay debt' )
and now due.
Moved and carried that a committee of two in connection with the Treasurer be appointed who shall be empowered to manage the invested funds of the College as in their judgement they may deem expedient. Committee consisting of J.S. Purify, J.M. Heck, and J.G. Williams.
(note at top of page indicated to be added here)
1 Resolved, That the Pres' of the Board be and is empowered to transfer any bonds owned by the Board.
2 Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Board be and is empowered to collect any bonds held by the Board, and appropiate these to the payment of any of the debts of the College, by and with the consent of the obligor on the bonds
3 Mooved, That the Pres' and agent of the College, use their best endeavors to get all of the outstanding scholarships donated back to the College.
4 Treasurers Report was read and approved,
5 Moved, that the action of the Treasurer in relation to the compromise of L.R. Gwaltney was approved.
6 Ordered that the Treasurer of this Board be and is hereby empowered to execute to the legal - representative of R B Jones, deceased - on bonds for the payment of the claim held against the Board by the said R B Jones.
Moved, that the land between the College and Railroad, be committed to the Campus Committee to be improved as they may deem expedient.
Moved that it is the [ ? ] of this Board, that the Faculty should advertise the operations of the College more extensively than they have here to fore done. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 8 o'clock, Prayer by Elder R.R. Overly.
Thursday Morning.
Board met, called to order, Prayer by Elder T.H. Pritchard. Committee on Bursar's report submitted the following, to wit. that they have examined the same and find it correct. P.A. Dunn J.G. Williams ) Comm -
The Agent reported as follows,
Amount received in notes $6515. Amount in pledges $ 135.00 " " " Cash 69.00 Amount collected on notes 332.00
On motion the report was adopted, and a committee appointed, who reported as follows, That we are gratified at the success of the agent as reported, and that the agent be continued, with instructions that bonds in future be taken as heretofore, except in such cases as the donor may prefer to give bond with interest accruing on the annual payments as they become due; and in such case be so empowered to take bonds in such form.
And further that he be authorised to collect whatever of funds may be due, on old bonds or otherwise, and look after the general interests of the endowment funds heretofore subscribed, and communicate all interesting matter to the committee heretofore appointed.
On general finances: and that hereafter the agent be accepted to take bonds as in his discretion, shall be most profitable to the Board. On motion Dr McDowell was requested to make a short address to the audience - today in regard to the condition and prospects of the College.
Prof. Walters offered his resignation as Prof. of Mathematics in Wake Forest College which was read by Rev T.H. Pritchard. On motion, his resignation was received, and Elders T.H. Pritchard and A McDowell were appointed a committee to address a letter to Prof Walters expressive of our high appreciation of his efficient and faithful services as Prof, and that a copy of the letter be placed on our records.
The committee on the department of Music, reported as follows:
We respectfully suggest, that a committee of three be appointed with discretionary power to employ, if practicable, a competent teacher of Vocal and instrumental Music.
That if such teachers shall be employed the Faculty be instructed to appropriate a sufficient number of rooms not otherwise occupied, to the use of the Music department.
A. McDowell, Chairman
On motion the report was adopted, and J.H. Mills, N.J. Palmer, J.G. Williams were appointed a committee to carry out the suggestions made by the committee on Music.
Offered by J.S. Purefoy
1st Resolved that money is indispensable to the [future ? ] of the College.
2nd That donations by will are a easier way to
maintain and build up the Institution.
3rd That each Trustee be requested without delay to make a donation by will to the College.
4th That the Secretary and Treasurer be requested to prepare a circular letter calling the attention of the Pastors, Churches, Brethren and friends of the College to this subject, and distribute them by mail or otherwise, to our friends over the State and that the necessary expenses thereof be paid out of the funds of the College.
5th That a suitable notice be kept in the Biblical Recorder with a form of bequest as follows: I give and bequeath to the Trustees of Wake Forest College 18 __ for the use and benefit of said College, and that we endeavor to get the names inserted in the catalogue of the College, the minutes of the Convention and minutes of our Associations in the State.
On motion , adjourned, prayers by B.W. Justice, Pres. W.T. Brooks, Sec -
P.S. Resolved - that a committee of three be appointed to enquire into the propriety of establishing an Agricultural Department, in the Wake Forest College, to report at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. Committee consists of J.M. Heck, W.T. Walters J.S. Purefoy.
Wake Forest College
Tuesday June 8th 1869.
Trustees met in the lecture room. Members present Brethren J. S. Carroll, F. M. Jordan, J. G. William, T. H. Pritchard, R. R. Overby, W. T. Walters, W. J. Palmer, P. A. Dunn, J. N. Mills, J. S. Purefoy, J. D. Hufham, A. R. Vann, B. W. Justice, and W. T. Brooks. President B. W. Justice in the chair; Prayer by Dr. Pritchard; proceedings of the last meeting read and approved. Brother C. W. Skinner of Nashville, Tenn., was invited to assist in the deliberations of the board.
Elders Waltey, Jordan, and bro. J. H. Mill were appointed to nominate suitable persons to be elected trustees.
Elder Hufham and Purefoy reported the following,
Order of Business
1st Reports of the Faculty 2nd Appointment of Committees 3rd Unfinished Business 4th New Business 5th Reports of Committees 6th Miscellaneous Business
On motion the report was adopted.
The treasurer read his report, showing receipts, and disbursements, accounting to three thousand nine hundred and seventy two (doll.) and nineteen cents ($3972.19).
On motion the same was adopted.
President Wingate read his report, showing that the prospects of the College are much more hopeful than at any period since the war.
That part of the report relating to the Agency was refered to a Committee consisting of brethen T. H. Pritchard, W. T. Waltey and J. G. Williams.
That part relating to the Commercial School was refered to the Committee on that subject.
On motion of Prof. Walters the Secretary was instructed to furnish the Faculty so much of the proceedings of the Board as relates to their duties as officers of the Institution.
On motion the Committee on the Campus was discharged with thanks for past services.
On motion the buildings and grounds were put in charge of the Faculty.
The Bursar's report was read, and Messrs. P.A. Dunn, and J.G. Williams were requested to audit the same.
On motion the recommendations of the Bursar, and the resolutions of the Societies were refered to Bro. Pritchard and Vann.
The Bursar's report mentioned,
Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.924.90 Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.863.69 $61.21 Deficit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61.21.
Afternoon Session 3 P.M.
The committee on a Musical department reported that the establishment of such a department is desirable, and that a suitable man can be secured, but our present finances do not justify such an enlargement of our operations. J.H. Mills & J.G. Williams ) Com.
On motion the report was adopted.
Elder Overly's resignation was refered to the Committee on the Agency.
The resignation of Prof. Simmons as Professor of Natural Science was not accepted.
The Board declined to pay Mr. Henry Bond's bill for brick.
The claims of Mr. Roberts for fencing Blount lot were refered to the Treasurer with discretionary powers.
The Treasurer was instructed to receive sixty five dolls. ($65.) as full payment of a note on George and Francis Reany.
On motion the Board adjourned till 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Prayer by Elder. Hufham.
Wednesday June 9th. 9 o'clock A.M.
The President called the Board to order; Prayer by Elder Walters; Secretary read the proceedings of Tuesday.
By recommendation of the Faculty the following Degrees were confered.
Doctor in Divinity Rev. Matthew Tyson Yates, Shanghai China
Master in Arts - Capt T.D. Boone, Murfreesboro' N.C.
Bachelor in Arts, Alfred H. Hicks - Nashville Tenn. William H. Pace - Wake Co. N.C. Robert S. Prichard - Wilmington " John. C. Scarboro' - Wake Co. " Roscius P. Thomas - Hertford " "
The Committee on the Agency reported a recommendation that Elder Overly act as Agent in the East, and Dr. Wingate in the West as his health and duties may allow.
The report was withdrawn by consent.
The Committee on Vacancies reported, that the seats of Elder E. Dodson, and brethren W.W. Vafs and R.G. Lewis were declared vacant, and Elders G.W. Sanderlin, W.R. Gaultney, J.C. Hiden, and brother W.H. Mitchell were elected trustees.
Elder R.R. Overly, former Agent, read the following Report. "I have taken notes amounting to sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty five dolls. . . . . $16,625 Cash Collections (Expenses $91.50 being deducted) 2.506.24 Paid to Treasurer . . . . . 365.53 " " per Dr. Wingate . . . . . . 355.00 Salary . . . . . . 1785.71 ($2506.24
The report was received, and the thanks of the Board were returned for the very efficient service rendered.
The Committee to audit the Bursar's report of the following; Your Committee appointed to audit the Buarsar's report, have examined the same and found it correct. P.A. Dunn ) Com J.G. Williams )
On motion Drs. McDowell and Pritchard and Elders Emerson and Hufham were requested to discuss through the public press Education in connection with Wake Forest College.
B.W. Justice A.M. was reelected President of the Board
On motion the Board adjourned with benediction to meet at 2 o'clock P.M.
Wednesday, June 9th 2 o'clock P.M.
President Justice called the Board to order. On motion the Salaries of the Adjunct Professors were raised to one thousand dolls. ($1000). per
A motion to appropriate $3000 to the improvement of the premises was lost.
Rev. W.T. Brooks offered through Prof. W.T. Walters, his resignation as Secretary. The same was not accepted
The Agency Committee recommended the appointment of Elder R.R. Overly as Agent at a Salary of fifteen hundred dolls. ($1500) per annum. The recommendation was adopted.
Elder Pritchard, Walters, Purefoy and Brooks were appointed with the President of the Board, as an Executive Commitee
Adjourned with Prayer, Elder Sanderlin leading, to 8 A.M. on Thursday.
Thursday June 10th 8 A.M.
President Justice called the Board to order; Prayer by Elder Hiden, Elder Hufham, Acting Secretary, read the proceedings of Wednesday.
The Establishment of the Commercial department was refered to the Executive Committee with Authority to cooperate with the Faculty and to act as their judgement may dictate.
Moved that the Board does not approve the attendance of students on political meetings of any kind - Motion prevailed.
Adjourned with prayer. Dr Pritchard leading.
W.T. Brooks. Sec.
Wake Forest College July 31st, 1869
The Executive Committee met at the College Hotel - Members present - brethren T.H. Pritchard, W.T. Walters, Jas. S. Purefoy, & W.T. Brooks. Dr Wingate & Prof Simmons were also present & were invited to seats with us. Dr. Pritchard was called to preside.
Elder R.R. Overly having declined the agency of the College tendered him at our meeting in June the appointment of an Agent first claimed the attention of the Committee.
The following resolution was offered - Resolved that, Dr. W.M. Wingate be authorized & requested to act as Agent for the College during the remainder of the year, that he retain his present salary, that he shall have his travelling expenses reimbursed, including wear & tear of outfit, or any other necessary sacrifices pertaining to travelling - and that the Executive Committee will employ such assistance in teaching as may be found necessary.
Called off to meet at 3. P.M.
Afternoon Session - Committee met at Dr. Wingate's. The resolution presented at the meeting in the forenoon was called up & after remarks by the members of the Committee & also by Drs. Wingate & Royall & Prof. Simmons, the above resolution was unanimously passed - Dr. Wingate being present agreed to act as Agent, according to the resolution -
On motion, it was ordered that the Bursar collect all college dues strictly in advance.
On motion the Chairman of the Committee, T.H. Pritchard, was requested to prepare a suitable notice of the proceedings of the Committee for the Bib. Recorder.
Adjourned - N.T. Brooks, Sec -
Aug 3 - Executive met. Dr. Pritchard in the chair - Members present, W.T. Walters, Jas. S. Purefoy, T.H. Pritchard & N.T. Brooks -
On motion, it was resolved that Mr. J.C. Scarboro. be appointed Tutor, for the present Session, at the rates of five hundred dollars ($500) per annum. Professors W. Royall & W.B. Royall paying half the amount at their own request.
Adjourned - W.T. Brooks, Sec -
W.F. College August 28th, 1869
The Executive Committee met. Members present, B.W. Justice, Jas. S. Purefoy, W.T. Brooks, and W.T. Walters. On motion B.W. Justice acted as Chairman.
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted -
1. Resolved, that Rev. T.B. Justice be and is hereby appointed Agent for Wake Forest College to canvass the Western part of the state in behalf of the interests of the College.
2. Resolved, that his salary shall be fixed at one thousand dollars ($1000) to be paid out of his collections made upon his field of labor.
3. Resolved, that Prof. W.T. Walters be requested to communicate the above resolutions.
Adjourned - W.T. Brooks, Sec,
Newbern N.C. Nov 11th 1869
The Trustees met, President B.W. Justice in the chair. Prayer by Elder W.R. Gaultney.
Trustees present, brethren, Brooks, Biddle, Carroll, Gaultney, Hiden, Hufham, Jordan, Justice, Mills, Overly, Purefoy, Pritchard, Sanderlin, Walters.
Elder Pritchard having stated that Bro Vass whose seat was declared vacant at the last session of the Board, felt himself still entitled to his seat. Brethren Pritchard and Mills were appointed to investigate the matter, and report at the next session of the Board. The Treasurer of the Board reported that he had compromised a claim of this College against brother William Duskins dec'd, accepting one hundred dollars ($100, and giving up the notes, against brother Duskins. On motion, the actions of the Treasurer was satisfied. On motion the Treasurer was authorized to arrange all similar cases according to his own judgment.
On motion brother Overly was authorized to arrange the claim of the College against - [ Baffkin ? ] of Pasquotank County.
On motion the Treasurer was instructed to open correspondence with all parties whose notes have become due who cannot be visited by the Agent and collect if possible, such notes.
On motion the Secretary was instructed to notify newly elected members of their election,
President Wingate made a statement of the College and his labors as Agent. He had visited the Beulah, Cedar Creek, Central, Cape Fear, Flat River, Green River, Salem, Transylvania, and United Baptist Associations, and the Western Convention; - that he had collected on bonds formerly given nearly seven hundred dollars ($700) for endowment and forty dollars ($40) for the improvement of the College grounds, and that he had also taken new bonds and pledges to the amount of six hundred dollars ($600).
On motion, the report of President Wingate was adopted, and he was instructed to continue his agency till the opening of the next session and then resume his duties as President of the College.
Moved and carried that the Faculty be instructed to so change the vacations of the College as to have but one vacation during the year, and that this vacation [ ? ] the latter part of Summer and the first part of Autumn.
On motion brethrens Purefoy, Brooks, and Overly were appointed a committee to consider the propriety of appointing an Agent.
Adjourned to 8¼ P.M. to-morrow. Benediction by Elder R.R. Overly.
New Bern N.C. Nov 12th 1869.
Met pursuant to adjournment. The Board called to order. brethren present, Biddle, Brooks, Carroll, Emerson, Gaultney, Hufham, Jordan, Justice, Mills, Overly, Pritchard, Purefoy, Sanderlin, and Walters. Prayer by Elder Emerson.
On motion the President, B.W. Justice was added to the committee, appointed in June - consisting of Drs Pritchard and McDowell, and Elders Emerson and Hufham, to present the claims of the College through the news papers; and that this committee be requested to perform that duty at as early a date as practicable.
Adjourned. Prayer by Elder Wingate.
Raleigh Jan 18th 1870
The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College met in Raleigh.
Members present - B.W. Justice, T.H. Pritchard, W.T. Walters and J.S. Purefoy.
The object of this meeting was to consider the propriety of appointing an Agent for the College, at once.
On motion of W.T. Walters, W.H. [ ? ] was appointed agent with a salary of $1200, provided he could give his whole time to the work; otherwise a less salary as should be agreed upon between brother J.S. Purefoy and himself.
W.F. College Jan - 30th 1870 -
The Executive Committee held a meeting - On motion Elder Jas. S. Purefoy was requested to correspond with Elder John Mitchell in reference to the agency for the College - No further business claims attention. Adjourned.
W.F. College Feb-11. 1870 -
The Ex. Committee met - On motion Elder Elias Dodson was appointed Collecting Agent for the College and Elder Jas. S. Purefoy requested to notify him of his appointment -
Executive Committee.
Raleigh N.C. November 2nd 1870
Committee met at 8 o'clock P.M. Elder J.S. Purefoy stated he had received a letter from Elder John Mitchell, declining to accept the agency. On motion Elder R.R. Overly was appointed agent with a salary of fifteen thousand dollars ($1500) per annum, and brother Purefoy requested to inform him of his appointment.
Adjourned, Benediction by Elder Walters. W.T. Brooks Sec'.
Wake Forest College June 7. 1870
Board of Trustees met. Members present - Brooks Carroll, Mills, Foote, Pritchard, Vann, Walters, Purefoy, John Mitchell, Jordan.
On motion Eld. J. Mitchell was appointed Chairman pro. tem. Prayer by Dr. Pritchard.
The committee on the right of Maj. Vass to a seat in the Board reported, [ ? ] on motion the action of the Board vacating his seat was rescinded and his name ordered to be enrolled again on the list of Trustees.
On motion Dr Pritchard was appointed to inform Maj. Vass of this action.
The Committee to write articles in the Recorder in regard to the College reported nothing due, and were on motion discharged.
On motion brethren Purefoy, Walters and Mills were appointed a Committee on the Agency.
Dr W. Royall having tendered his resignation as a member of the Faculty a committee consisting of J.L. Carroll, J.H. Foote and W.T. Brooks were appointed to confer with him in regard to the same.
The Treasurer offered his report which was on motion approved.
On motion the [Treas.? ], was instructed to return to [J.H. Candler ?] his note given for the endowment of the College.
On motion agreed to return to F.M. Jordan his old note made to the endowment of the College.
The President of the College having read his annual report as much of it as related to the improvement
of the grounds was opened to a Committee consisting of J.S. Purefoy, J.L. Carroll and F.M. Jordan.
The part relating to the Commercial department was refered to a Committee consisting of W.T. Walters, T.H. Pritchard and A.R. Vann.
On the part relating to [ Calendar ? ] - W.T. Brooks Mills and Foote.
Upon the recommendation of the Faculty the degree of A.B. was confered upon W. Bland of New Hanover, S.W. Brewer of College Hill, M.L. Fowler, Wake, G.W. Green of Coldwell, R.E. Royall of College Hill, and C.M. Seawell of Moore.
The degree of A.M. was confered in course upon Rev. Wm Brunt of Fayetteville, and causa honoris upon Mr. Julian Henry Piers of Murfreesboro.
The degree of [ D.M. ? ] was conferred upon Rev. W.T. Brooks of Wake Forest and Prof. C.H. Loy of the Theol. Sem. of Greenville S. Carolina.
On motion Hon. John Kerr was elected a member of the Board.
A Com. consisting of Brooks, Carroll and Jordan was appointed to nominate suitable persons to fill vacancies in the Board.
Adjourned to 3 P.M.
Afternoon Session.
Met according to adjournment.
Prof. Walters was called to the chair and J.L. Carroll appointed Sec. pro. tem.
The report of the Bursar was read, and J.M. Jordan was appointed to audit said report.
On motion the supplement to the Bursars report was referred to the Committee on Agency.
On motion W.H. Avera and G.W. Blount were elected to fill vacancies in the Board.
On motion adjourned.
Wednesday Morning June 8.
On the meeting of the Board Dr. Brooks was called to the chair pro. tem.
Prayer by Eld. Jordan.
Dr. Bower's havin resigned the position of Sec. to the Board. J.L. Carroll was elected in his stead.
On motion of Dr. Pritchard the [ ? }. as departments was requested to submit to the Board a specific report on the campus improvements.
Members present this morning - Mills, Vann, Walters, Carroll, Purefoy, Avera, Heck, Jordan, Brooks, J. Mitchell, W.H. Mitchell, G.W. Thompson Overly and Pritchard.
Afternoon Session.
On motion of J.H. Mills the Faculty was authorized to employ a tutor.
On motion the [ ? ] was authorized to compromise a note against R.D. Walters deceased for $5000.
The Com. on Dr. Royall's resignation having reported, on motion the Dr. was unanimously requested to withdraw it.
On motion bro. J. Mitchell was put on the Auditing Com. in place of bro. Foote absent.
The report of the Com. on [Calendar ? ] was on motion laid on the table.
On motion R.H. Marsh and B.G. Covington were elected to fill the places of A. Dockery and J.J. James.
Thursday Morning June 9.
Members present - Mills, J. Mitchell, W.H. Mitchell, Vann Walters, Overly, Marsh, Covington, Pritchard, Avera, Purefoy, Brooks, Jordan, Blount and Carroll.
The Sec, having read a communication from Dr. Royall insisting on his resignation, it was on motion accepted.
On motion W.T. Brooks, W.T. Walters, T.H. [ ? ] and J.L. Carroll were appointed on the Executive Committee.
On motion the Committee on Agency was discharged.
The following resolutions were adopted - Resolved, that the appointment of an Agent is important. Resolved, that the Ex. Com. be instructed to secure the services of some suitable man as Agent at as early a day as possible.
The Committee on Com. Dep. recommended that the Burser be instructed to devote a sum of money not exceeding $100. to its better mangement.
The recommendation was adopted.
On motion the Com. to audit the Bursar's report was discharged and the report referred to the Auditor.
On motion Prof. W.B. Royall was requested to fill his Father's place in the Faculty till further arrangements can be made.
On motion, the matter of supplying any additional instruction that may be necessary was left to the Ex. Com. in con
nection with the Faculty.
On motion of Dr. Pritchard the Ex. Com. in connection with the Faculty are authorized to appoint an additional Prof. of Languages, if in their judgement the interest of the College demands it.
On motion a Com. was appointed to confer with Dr. Wingate and Prof. W.B. in regard to any announcement necessary to be made before the audience in regard to supplying Dr. Royall's place in the Faculty Committee - Pritchard, Blount & Walters.
On motion Rev. W.T. Brooks [ ? ] was elected permanent President of the Board.
On motion W.H. Avera was elected Auditor.
On motion all unfinished business was committed to the Executive Committee.
J.L. Carroll Sec.
The Executive Committee met on Wednesday the 22nd of June.
Present Dr. Brooks, Pres, Walters, Purefoy Pritchard and Carroll. Dr. Wingate and Prof. W.B. Royall of the Faculty in attendance.
On motion of C. Scarboro and C.M. [illegible] was appointed Tutor for this ensuing term, the former at a salary of $500, and the latter at $400.
On motion Prof. Jas. A. [illegible] of Murfreesboro appointed Agent at a salary of $1200 and [illegible] expenses.
Adjourned - [illegible]
Mr. Scarboro having declined to act as Tutor upon a salary of $500, the Executive Committee at a succeeding meeting offered him $600, which he accepted.
Carroll - Sec.
The Executive Committee met August 12th 1870 and elected Charles E. Taylor of Wa, Assistant Prof. of Languages; it being left to his option to [enter? ], upon his duties at the beginning of the 1st or the 2nd term of the session.
On motion Dr. Pritchard was appointed to write to Prof. Taylor and inform him of this proceeding.
On motion it was ordered that the expenses, of the President be paid when travelling in the interest of the College.
Adjourned. Carroll-Sec.
Raleigh, N.C. Dec. 11. 1870.
The Board met in basement of Baptist Church at 7 O'clock P.M. President, Dr. Brooks in the Chair.
Members present - W.T. Brooks, W.T. Walters, J.H. Mills S.S. Biddle, F.M. Jordan, Haynes Lennon, R.R. Overly, W.R. Gaultney, James Poteat, R.H. Marsh, J.D. Hufham, J.C. Hiden, W.H. Avera, J.S. Purefoy, W.H. Mitchell, B.G. Covington, J.M. Heck, T.H. Pritchard, G.W. Sanderlin and J.L. Carroll,
Pending a motion to appoint Rev. A.M. Poindexter of Wa. Agent of the College, the Board was lead in prayer by Rev. John Mitchell. After remarks by brethren, Pritchard Wingate, James, Mills, Walters, Overly, Purefoy, Jordan and Avera the motion was adopted. On motion the Ex. Committee were authorized to correspond with Dr.
Poindexter. Fix the amount of Salary [&c. ? ]
On motion it was agreed to ask an audience of the Convention tomorrow in order to lay before that body the condition of the College.
On motion a Committee was appointed to consider the propriety of establishing a Law Department at the College; and also, of investing a portion of the endowment in Real Estate.
Committee - Brethren Heck, Mills & Avera. On motion adjourned. Prayer by Elder W.R. Gaultney.
J.L. Carroll Secretary
Frequent Meetings were held from time to time by the Ex. Com. in regard to the Agency, but no suitable man being found nothing was done in that direction.
April 1st, 1871. J.L. Carroll.
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The rent of bro Skinner's house for 3 years $742.50
Note to Inst Feb 6. 1839 - - - 580.00 Tax - - - 15.00 Tuition [ ? ] 55.00 Mrs Creecy bill 99.19
Balance Due from Bro Skinner 7.69
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1874 [ plus illegible / faint script & figures ]
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