Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871

Meeting minutes of the Wake Forest College Board of Trustees, 1834-1871


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On motion resolved that J. Armstrong, Wm. Roles, & David Thompson be appointed a com. to procure a farmer for the ensuing [acid??] report next meeting.

Resolved that the Faculty be instructed to have a lot or small field sowed in clover seed, for experiment.

Resolved that Mr. Watthall be received into the Institute as a mechanic at the rate of 25 cents for three hours.

Resolved that Brethren Wait, Armstrong, Crenshaw & Outlaw be a com. to designate a plan for a grave yard on the premises.

Resolved that Profs. Wait & Armstrong prepare an address to the Baptist of N. C. setting fourth our success and to urge them to [illegible] of sentiment, to which address shall be appended the laws of the Institute list of names of ^the^ Professors, Students, Trustees, terms of admission, Laws & finally the report of the Examining Committee.

Resolved that so much of the report of the Com. on laws, as respects publishing the the laws of the Institute and appending thereunto the names of the students be rescinded.

Resolved that 2000 coppies of the address to be written by the Profs. be printed, & to them, shall be submitted the mode of distributing the same.

Resolved that the Steward be required to furnish the students with wood & that the students pay for the same according to the Stewards report.

Resolved that Daniel Boon's resignation by the hands of David Thompson be accepted.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jannyp
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On motion Resolved that the Building Committee be authorized a soon as the state of the funds will justify it, to proceed to have erected two houses 34 feet long & 32 feet wide two storey high for the Professors to occupy. On motion the committee appointed last Meeting to prepare bye Laws for the Government of the Institute reported and report adopted See letter. A.

On motion appointed Alfred Dockery, Charles. W. Skinner & Allen Bowden a committee on the farm.

Monday night. The committee on the farm reported and report adopted see letter. B. On motion appointed W. P. Biddle, Allen Bowden, Aaron J. Spivey & John Purify ^& A J Battle^ a committee to examine the fencing on the farm at the Institute and recommend any alteration they may deem expedient. On motion appointed Alfred Dockery, W. Crenshaw & George Hufham to obtain a Tutor of Husbandry for the Institute.

The following letter was received and read. To the President and members of the Boards of Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute

Gentlemen. Owing to the knowledge that my appointment to fill the chair of Languages does not meet with the approbation of all the Trustees, I now tender my resignation as Professor of Languages at the W. F. Institute

Windsor November 4th 1834. John Armstrong

On motion. Resolved that the Rev. John Armstrong be reappointed as Professor of Languages in the W. F. Institute which appointment was accepted.

On motion Resolved that John Culpeper & A. Dockery be appointed a committee to write to the Post Master General to obtain the appointment of a post Office at the Wake Forest Institute.

Recd. the following contributions to the Institute which was put into the hands of A J Battle to give to William Crenshaw Sec. Treasurer From Shilow Church by John Pritchard — $ 5 . [page torn] From Joseph Halsey by John Blount 20 . 0[page torn] " several Individuals by the same 3 . 0 [page torn] " George Fennel by George Hapham 20.[page torn]

Last edit 12 months ago by Emily@WFU
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" Edward Birch by James Thomas $ 1 . 00
" James Siruh " Do Do 1 . 00
" John Woods " Do Do 15 . 00
" Joseph Halsey Do Do 5 . 00
" Joseph Pinder " Do " Delaware Bill 3 . 00
" James Balden " Do . Do 2 . 00
" C. Bryan " Do . . 25
" Mrs Ethridge " Do 1 . 00
" Sawyers Creek Church " Do. 1 . 00
" Mark Britton " Do. 1 . 00
" Several Persons names forgot " Do 5 . 00
$ 83 . 50
Resolved that the Board meet again at the Institute on 22d Decr. next. On motion adjourn to the time and place above named.

A. J Battle Rec. Sec. Pro. Tem. — David Thompson Pres. Pro. Tem.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jannyp
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A. Rules for the government of Wake Forest Institute.

Art. 1st. The government of the Institute, subject to the following Laws, shall be rested exclusively in the Faculty.

2nd. The rewards to be confered, shall be such marks of distinction as the good behaviour, the diligence, or the attainments of the Students shall be believed to merit. —

3d. The penalties to be inflicted shall be private admonition, publick admonition, suspension & expulsion according according to the nature of the affront offence.

4th. Each Student on entering the Institute shall be not less than 12 years of age, and should bring with him in behalf of his moral character such Testimonials as the Faculty shall require and approve.

5th No one shall be admitted as a student who shall not reside at the Institute, and conform to all the requirements of the manual Labour department.

6th. No Student shall be allowed to leave the premises on any occasion or for any purpose without permission from the Principal.

7th. The deportment of the Students will be expected and required to be on all occasions strictly such as becomes Gentlemen, and any department ^departure^ from this Standard shall be subject to such penalty as the Principal or Faculty may consider appropriate.

8th. The Students shall be required to rise in the morning & return to their rooms at night, at such hours as the Faculty from time to time may designate.

9th. The Students shall also attend prayers at such time in the morning and also in the evening as shall by the Faculty be deemed expedient.

10th. There shall be four classes in the Institute which shall recite each day - sunday excepted at such hours as may be found convenient.

11th. Three hours each day Sundays excepted shall be [page torn] to manual labour on the part of the students, subject to the discretion [page torn] Faculty.

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12th. On the Lords day religious worship shall be held twice at the Institute, in the morning, and in the afternoon on which occasions all the students, unless excused by the Principal shall be required to attend.

All which is respectfully submitted.

T. Meredith Chair

The following articles were by the unanimous vote of the Trustees recommended to be appended to the laws of the Institute.

1st. No student shall purchase from any shop or store any articles whatever. All necessary articles shall be purchased by the Principal or some one of the faculty.

2nd. All money brought by the students shall be handed over to the Principal & no student shall be allowed more than $5 during the year for pocket money. —

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jannyp
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