Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871

Meeting minutes of the Wake Forest College Board of Trustees, 1834-1871


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The committee on scholarships reported the report received & adopted. see letter C.

Resolved that the order relative to the colledge buildings at the last meeting at Cashie be rescinded.

Resolved that the plan of the colledge buildings presented by Mr. Ligon be adopted. - see plan & specifications.

Resolved that Mr. Skinner be appointed to purchase the plan as presented by Mr. Ligon.

The committee on the report of the Treasurer reported the report received & adopted. see letter D. —

Resolved that in as much as our Secretary declines compensation for his services, that we tender him our sincere thanks for the same.

On motion resolved that a committee be appointed consisting of Roles, Wynne & Bowden to enquire into the expediency of digging out a cellar under the large wooden building for a dining room & to raise the building for that purpose to a proper height and to enquire into the probable expense thereof & that the second story be divided into lodging rooms.

The committee to adopt measures to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees reported & report received & adopted see letter. E. —

The Committee to locate the colledge Building reported and report received & adopted. see letter F.

The Committee on the expediency of constructing a dining room under the large wooden building reported the report received & committee discharged. see letter G.

On motion the above report was refered to the discretion of a committee consisting of three & that committee be Crenshaw, Wait, & Thompson.

The committee on the Agency reported and report and report received. See letter. H.

On motion Resolved that if Bro. Jordan declines the appointment of agent, that the same Committee be authorized to procure an agent who will act.

On motion resolved that the resignation of John Purify as one of the Executive Committee be accepted.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jannyp
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On motion resolved that the following articles be appended to the bye laws of the Institute.

No student shall purchase from any shop or store any article whatever. All necessary articles shall be procured by an order from the Principal or some one of the Faculty. All money brought by the Student shall be handed over to the Principal & no student shall be allowed more than $5 during the year for pocket money.

Resolved that no Student be allowed to keep any dirk sword-cain fire arms or any other weapons of defence

On motion resolved that the Committee on the agency be instructed to examine the Accounts & books of the present agent and make a settle ment with him for his services.

On motion resolved that Armstrong, Battle & Outlaw be a committee to draft a course of studies to be pursued at the Institute.

The committee on the case of John Prichard reported the report received & committee discharged. see letter J.

Resolved that each Student according to age, shall receive hourly wages the ensuing year, as the present.

On motion Bro. Wait was instructed to proceed in keeping his accounts of the labour of the Students according to the manner of the present year.

On motion resolved that $6 per. month be the price of bed & board for the ensuring year. that is $5.50 for board & 50 cents for bed per. month.

On motion resolved that the price of washing for the ensuing year, be $1 per. month.

The committee to examine the large wooden building to recommend the necessary alterations reported & report received. see letter J.

On motion resolved that the scholastic year be equally divided into ^two sessions^ 5 Months each commencing Feb. 1st. 1835.

On motion resolved that each Student shall pay $30. in a advance at the commencement of each session.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jannyp
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The Committee on the Agency reported, report received & adopted. See letter. J.

Resolved that every student who may be expelled or who shall withdraw himself from the Institute without the consent of the Faculty shall forfeit his advance payment.

Committee on the Farmer reported. see Principals report. Letter M

The committee on the Principal reported. see Principals report. Letter M.

Committee on the Steward reported. see Principal's report— Committee on terms of admission reported. through resolutions.

X On motion resolved that the labour of black men be at no time employed in the cultivation of the farm.—

Resolved that William Ursery & John Prichard be received & permitted to labour as Michanecks at the rate of 25 cents for every three hours, under the direction of the Faculty, & to pay the expence of board tuition &c. as other students.

On motion resolved that 4 labouring Students be admitted into the Institute also a fifth one if deemed expedient by the Faculty.

The committee on additional instructors reported & report received. See letter K—

Resolved that the Faculty be instructed to procure one or two Tutors when circumstances shall require & justify it, & that they be authorized to give the sum of $200.

On motion resolved that the 10th day of Feb, be the period within which any applicant may claim his seat.

Resolved that the Board order an appropriation to pay the Sallaries of the Principal & Farmer.

On motion resolved that the Rev. Samuel Wait. A. M. be allowed the sum of $1000 togeather with the board of his family & house — rent, as a sallary at W. F. I.

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Resolved that a sallary of $800. be allowed the Rev. John Armstrong. A. M. for his services at the Institute.

Resolved that Charles. R. Miriam be appointed as steward at the Institute for the ensuing year.

Resolved that a committee of three consisting of Roles. Battle & Culpeper be appointed to wait on Bro. Miriam & ascertain whether he will accept the appointment of steward at a sallary of $200, & report fourthwith.

On Motion resolved that Profs. Wait be instructed to have the necessary repairs done to the school room immediately.

On motion resolved that Profs. Wait in conjunction with the executive Committee be authorized to procure a farmer at a sallary not exceeding $200—

On motion resolved that the Rev. Thomas Meredith. A. M. whenever circumstances will justify him to locate at the Institute be allowed the Sallary of $800.—

The Committee appointed to wait on Mr. Miriam reported that he had accepted the appointment at a sallary of $200.

The Committee to arrange the course of studies in the Institute reported, report received & adopted. see letter. L.—

On Motion resolved that the Committee to arrange the course of studey be continued, with instructions to report on the same subject at the next meeting of the Board.

In as much as Sister Wait has with unremitted pursevearance afforded such valuable services in the management of the stewardship the past year. Therefore resolved that we tender to her our grateful acknowledgements.

In as much as we deem it highly important that we have a journal of our Proceedings. Therefore resolved that a committee be appointed to purchase such a book to be called the journal of [page torn]

The Institute to arrange the order & select the proper items of our past proceedings from the commencement of the Institution to record in this journal & that Armstrong Crenshaw & Thompson be that committee.

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Resolved that every person who may subscribe the sum of $25 or upwards for the erection of the building shall be considered a patron of the Institute.

Resolved that Profs. Wait be appointed to prepare an Epitome of the Institution with all the important transactions of the Board of Trustees & transmit the same to Bro. Meredith for publication. One thousand coppies to be printed & sent to the Faculty of the Institute, & that the names of each student togeather with the Board of Trustees and all its Officers be included therein.

Resolved that the property of constructing such partitions in the dining room requested to procure 4 lodging rooms be submitted to the discretion of the Faculty & Executive Committee and all such necessary arrangements.

Resolved that Crenshaw, Wait & Thompson be appointed a committee to adjust the accounts of the Treasurer & Principal for insertion in the minutes.

Resolved that the board highly estimate the services of the Principal of the Institute & that they now tender him their thanks for the faithful & successful discharge of his arduous duties.

Resolved that the Board duly appreciate the services of Bro. Miriam as tutor of husbandry & tender him our sincere thanks.

Resolved that the ^this^ Board unite in giving thanks to the Great Head of the Church for the [un???] that has pervaded this body & for the manly effort that has characterized its movements during the present session

On motion that this board adjourn to July 1st. 1835. to meet at the Institute.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Jannyp
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 234 in total