1835 Members present of the Board of Trustees at our July Meeting hereafter dated were Charles Mc.Allister, John Armstrong, Allen Bowden, A. J. Battle, Wm. Hooper, Alfred Dockery, Tho. Crocker, Wm. Crenshaw, J. B. Outlaw, J. Purify, David Thompson, G. W. Thompson, A. L. Wynne, D. S. Williams, James Watkins & William Roles, Visiting Brethren, J. Dennis, Q. A. Pouney, J. Spurgen J. Powell, W. M. Crenshaw & Samuel Wait.
Proceedings of the Board of Trustees for the W. F. Institute convened at the Institute on the 1st, 2, 3, & 4 days July 1835. Prayer by Rev. Tho. Crocker.
A letter was received from Bro. Biddle tendering his resignation as a Trustee, which resignation was secured,
Resolved that the Secretary be instructed to reply to Bro. Biddle's letter, informing him, that the Postscript of his letter will be duly attended too.—
The following committees were appointed. Wm. Roles, David Thompson & A. Bowden a Committee on the farm. Reported & report received see letter P.
David Thompson, D. S. William, & Charles Mc.Allister a committee on steward. Reported & received. See letter O.
J. Armstrong, A. Bowden & A. Dickery a committee on farmer. Reported & received see letter B.
Wm. Hooper, J. Armstrong, & I. A. Pouncey a committee on Philosophical Apparatus. No report.
A. I. Battle, Charles Mc.Allister & Wm. Crenshaw a committee on the wooden Building erected by Isham Young reported & received see letter C.
Resolved that the Cashier be authorized to offer the sum of $528.75 and the sum of $749. to Isham Young as full pay for the two houses he built for the Trustees of the Ins, & and take in receipt accordingly.
Samuel Wait, Geo W Thompson & W. M. Crenshaw a committee on laws. Reported & received see letter M.
A. I. Battle I. Purify & James Dennis a com. on duties of Farmer & Steward, reported & received see letter A.
D. S. Williams, Charles McAllister & A. S. Wynne a committee on obtaining a deed for the land of the Institute. Reported & received. see letter E.
Resolved that the same committee consisting of D. S. Williams, C. McAllister & A. S. Wynne be continued to procure a deed for the land of the Institute.
A. Bowden, Tho. Crocker & J. Spurgen a committee on Pledges & on examining the accounts submitted to them by J. Battle, reported & received see letter. D.
David Thompson, John Armstrong & A. Dockery, a committee on ceremonies in laying the corner stone of the colledge Building, reported & report received. see letter F.
Geo. W. Thompson, Wm. Crenshaw & James Watkins a committee on Publick House reported & received see letter G.
David Thompson, A. J. Battle & A Dockery be a committee to prepare a reply to an article in the recorder signed a Trustee, reported & received see letter J.—
Resolved that a committee be appointed to procure a philosophical & Chemical apparatus for the Institute
David Thompson, Wm Roles & J. B. Outlaw be appointed a committee to reconsider the subject of a publick House.
Resolved that Dr. J. B. Outlaw M. D. be appointed to the chair of Anatomy & Physiology.
Resolved that David Williams, G. W. Thompson & Wm. Roles be appointed a committee to wait on Dr. Outlaw & know of him, whether he accepts the appointment. reported see letter H. —
The committee on the Agency reported, that they had selected Rev. John Armstrong as Agent to collect funds in order to meet the present demands of the Institute, upon which Mr. Armstrong was unanimously chosen as Agent of the Board of Trustees.
A committee was appointed consisting of T. Meredith, J. C. Stevenson and William Sanders, whose duty it was made to draft Rules for the regulation of the Institute, and report at the next meeting of the Board.
Resolved, That there shall be an examination^ing^ Committee consisting of ten, three of whom shall be a quorum, whose duty it shall be to examine the Students in their various studies, and report to the Board. The committee consists of Messrs. A. Spirey, S. S. Biddle, D. Williams, W. H. Jordan, A. Dockery, D. Thompson, S. Graham, and A. J. Battle. Jos. B. Outlaw & Wm Hooper.
[pencil note: Land transfer] A committee consisting of D. Thomson, D. Boon and R. Sanders, was appointed to superintend the transfer of the land belonging to the Institute to the Board of Trustees, and report at the next meeting.
Resolved, That a request be made, thro' the Interpreter to all the friends of the Institute for such books as they may be willing to spare, in order to form a Library at the Institute.
Resolved that the following for the present, be the terms of instruction. For board, per month $5 10 Month $50 For tuition Latin, Greek &c. per Do. 2 " " 20 For English in all its branches per Do. 1 . 50 15 For washing per month . 75 7 . 50 Room & fire wood Gratis. $92 . 50
Resolved that each student over 16 years of age be allowed for his la[page torn] 3 cents per hour; and each over 12 be allowed 2 cents per hour.
Resolved, That no student shall be admitted in the Institute, who will not board at the Institute. Resolved, That the Executive Committee in connection with the Principal be authorized to procure a comp[page torn] Tutor when they shall deem it necessary
Resolved, that the next meeting of the Board be [page torn] Cashie Meeting House, in Bertec County, on friday before the 1st, [page torn] in November next. Adjourned —.
Minutes of the Board of Trustees for Wake Forest Institute at its meeting at Cashie Bertie County. Nov. 3 & 5. 1834.
David Thompson was called to the chair Pro. Tem. Members present, John Armstrong, Joseph B. Outlaw, Allen Bowden, Alfred Dockery, Turner Carter, William P. Biddle George Hufham, John Culpeper, Charles. W. Skinner, Aaron J. Spivey, George M. Thompson & Amos. J. Battle.
On motion John Armstrong was requested to report his success in his agency to take subscriptions to build the houses necessary for the reception of Students & the Faculty at the Institute.
Reported that he had $13,500 subscribed to be paid in five annual installments.
Resolved that John Armstrong continue to take subscriptions in the same way untill the 1st February 1835.
A Letter from the Rev. Samuel Wait Principal at the Institute was rcd in reference to the affairs of the Institute & laid on the Table.
A letter from Capt. Berry was read proposing to build the Houses at the Institute and was laid on the Table.
Resolved that the draft for the Buildings as presented by Capt. Berry be adopted as to the General outlines.
Resolved that the walls of the house be 42 inches thick at the base & 14 inches on the last Story & that the form of the roof be attend from a hiped to a Gable end. On motion —
Resolved that a committee of five be appointed to contract for & superintend the building of said houses. William Crenshaw Senr. Charles W. Skinner, ^Amos J Battey^ A J Spivy & Joseph B. Outlaw were appointed the above committee. On motion the committee appointed last Meeting to obtain a transfer of the title from the Committee who [page torn]urchased the farm at the Institute to the President of the Trustees [page torn] his successors, was continued and requested to obtain the transfer [page torn] as soon as possible.
On motion appointed A I Spivy & Joseph. B Outlaw a committee to [page torn] from the Rev. William Hooper whether he accepts the appointment [page torn] of the Board of Trustees.
Resolved that the President of Trustees unite with the Presidents of the Philomathisean & [Eugelian??] Societies, in requesting Mr. Dockery to furnish a coppy of the oration delivered by him on the 4th of Ins. & for publication.
Nine vacancies having occured in the board of Trustees for W. F. I. by Death, resignation & removal, (J. E.) 2 died Stephen Graham & Turner Carter, 6 resigned W. P. Biddle James King, Tho. Boyd, Tho. Stradby, Alfred Bunt, Daniel Boon, removed 1. Hugh Quin: which vacancies were filled up by the election of 7 others (J E)
Peter P. Laurence Archibald H. Davis David Justin John Forsher William Jordan Thomas Graves Ruben T. Landers leaving one vacancy not filled up.
Resolved that the next Meeting of the Board be at the Institute commencing on Monday 23d. November next. Prayer by Elder John Purify—
Members present at the meeting of the Board of Trustees
John Armstrong, William Crenshaw, George W. Thompson, John Purify, Alfred Dockery, Joseph B Outlaw, A. J. Spivey, R. L. Sanders, Thomas Crocker, Allen Bowden, A. J. Battle, William Roles