Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871

Meeting minutes of the Wake Forest College Board of Trustees, 1834-1871


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees for Wake Forest Institute Convened at the Institute on the 26 day Nov. 1835.

On motion Resolved that a Committee of Three be appointed on the Report of the farmer consisting of Sanders. Spivey & Purify

Resolved that a committee be appointed on the report of principal consisting of Battle. Dockery and Thompson

Resolved that a committee be appointed on the report of the Steward consisting of Roles. Crenshaw and Purify.

On motion Resolved that the building Committee be called on for a Report.

on motion Resolved that a committee be appointed to report on the Treasure consisting of Battle. Roles and Dockery.

Committee on Farmer Reported Report Received See letter A.

The Resignation of Charles McAlister as Trustee was Received and accepted.

On motion Resolved. that for the Insueing Year the farming Interest of the Institute be submitted to the professors to be conducted according to thier best Judgements.

on motion Resolved, that a committee of three be appointed. consisting of Armstrong. Crenshaw & Outlaw. to lay before Some distinguished lawyer the different Conveyances of the lands of Wake Forest Institute and also the practicability of confering the title of the Same to the Baptist denomination, and report at the next meeting of board of Trustees —

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On motion Resolved that the building committee be authorised to borrow the sum necessary to make out the first payment due Capt Berry by the 1st. Jany next.

Resolved that there shall be nothing purchased for any Studant of the Wake Forest Institute unless an order be recieved from the parent or Guardian to the principal or some other member of the Faculty definetly limiting the amount to be paid out and also defining the articles for which it is to be laid out.

Resolved that in the opinion of the Board the principal should use great caution in permitting Students to leave the Institute.

Resolved that the Secretary be Instructed to draw off three coppies of all the resolutions in relation to the Goverment of the Institute and that one be given the principal & two others be set up at some promenent place in the Institute

Resolved that the Secretary have the above resolution to gather with the law relating to Students not being permitted to purchase articles, without the presence of some member of the Faculty published in the Recorder.

Resolved that A. P. Spirey, R. T. Sanders, Calvin Graves, William P Bond Samuel P. Wheeler, and David S Williams. be appointed an examining Committee to attend the next public Examination of the Students of Wake Forest Institute the Ensuing year.

Resolved that Bro. A. J. Battle be appointed agent for the Board of Trustees the Ensuing Year.

Resolved that Armstrong. Spivy. and Sanders. be a committee to wait on Bro. Battle on the subject of his appointment as agent.

Resolved that 4 Acres of land South of the main building be laid off for the erection of a house of Entertainment.

Resolved that a committee of three composed of Dockery, Bowden and Sanders be appointed to devise and recommend Some feaseble plan for the erection of a house of Entertainment & report the Same.

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Resolved that Bro. Armstrong be authorised to purchase Books for the benifit of Students at Wake Forest Institute not to exceed Raleigh prices.

The committee to recommend a place to erect a Tavern Reported and report recieved See letter B.

Resolved that a committee Consisting of Roles, Armstrong & Crenshaw be appointed to contract with some individual in legal form to erect a Hotel & occupy the same at the Institute

Resolved that the proprietor of the Hotel be permitted to Board his children at home & send them to the Institute.

Committee on the Treasure reported and Report recieved See letter C.

On motion Resolved that a sufficient Sum be appropriated to pay the different officers of the Institute. Professors, Farmer, Steward and Tutors. by the proper authorities

Report on the funds of the Institute See letter E.

Resolved that no Student be permitted to re Enter the Institute without paying all arranges.

Resolved that all Students shall pay for Board Tuition washing and bed. & Shall pay the begining of the month they enter the Institute-

Resolved that the report on the funds of the Institute be Substituted in the place of the report of the committee on the principal

Resolved that we accept the proposition of the convention to nominate Trustees to be elected by the acting Trustees. the Convention nominating [page torn]oice the number to be elected.

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Resolved that the resignation of Bro. George Thompson as Trustee of Wake Forest Institute be recieved and that the thanks of the board be returned to Bro. Thompson for his past Services as Secretary—

Resolved that William Roles be appointed Secretary in place of Bro. George Thompson resigned.

Building Committee reported & report recieved See letter G.

Committee on Foster Forts extra charge of $20.00 reported & Report Recd.

Resolved that $20.00 be appropriated to pay off Forts extra charge

Resolved that the employment of a Suitable number of Servants both black and white be submitted to the discretion of the principal

Resolved that the Faculty be authorised to employ Bro. Graves as Tutor of the Institute or Source other suitable person at a Salary discretionary with themselves—

Committee on Steward Reported & Report Recieved See letter. K.

Where as one of the most important valuable distinguishing & indispensable feature in the charactor of the Wake Forest Institute is its manual labour department. therefore Resolved that the Students in future be unconditionally required to labor three hours each day unless prevented by indisposition or inclement weather—

Resolved that in the event Bro. Battle does not accept the appointment of Agent. that the building Committee with the Faculty be authorised to imploy one at a Salary of $500.00

Resolved that the Trustees of the Institute hold there next [page torn] at the examination of the Students—

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Resolved that the Secretary have published in the bibical recorder Such proceedings of this meeting as may be thought necessary

Resolved that this body return there thanks to the great head of the church for his Smiles on this Institute and pray a Continuance of the Same —

on motion that this board adjourn till the next examination of the Students at the Wake Forest Institute prayer by Bro Purifoy

Proceedings of the Trustees of Wake Forest Institute convened the 10 day March 1836. Joseph B Outlaw presedent. Rev. William Hooper. Rev. William H. Jordan. Rev. John Armstrong Rev. Amos J Battle Alfred Dockery Charles Skinner T. Sanders. William Crenshaw. and William Roles Secretary.

Joseph B Outlaw presedent took the Chair & prayer by the Rev. William Hooper.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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