Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871

Meeting minutes of the Wake Forest College Board of Trustees, 1834-1871


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1 On motion Resolved that the terms for bed board tuition washing and fire wood. be $100. per. year with the usual deduction for the manual labour. and that these Terms commence the first of July next.

2 Resolved that the building committee be authorised to erect immediately a Carpenters' and Joiners' shop. to be built by the Students.

3 Resolved that the building committee be authorised to erect a house for a profesor. and that the same built by the Students of wood. with such other help as the building committee deem necessary.

4 Resolved that a committee of three consisting of Skinner Sanders and Dockery. be appointed to Settle with Bro. Jordan former Agent.

5 Resolved that a sufficient number of double moss mattresses with the necessary furniture be furnished for the Institute and that they be procured as soon as possible.

6 Resolved that Brother Amos J. Battle be appointed to procure the mattresses mentioned in the above resolution.

7 Resolved that the expediency of a uniform for the Students be refered to a committee. consisting of Hooper. Skinner. & Jordan.

8 Resolved that a Semstress be employed whoes duty it shall be to attend to the washing mending and distributing the Student Clothes

9 Resolved that Bro. Joseph B Outlaw be appointed to procure a Seemstress to attend to the washing mending and distributing the Students Clothes.

10 Resolved that the Steward of this Institute be authorised here after to charge all visitors except ministers of the Gospel. & that he be regulated by the following prices. man & horse per day $1.50. Horse the night 50 cents Horse feed 25 cents. Horse per day 75 cents. man dinner 50 cents. man. Breakfast 37 1/2 cents. man Supper 37 1/2 cents. man lodgeing 25 cents & per day $[page torn]

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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11. Resolved that the resolution authoriseing the Steward to charge visitors to the Institute. be published in the Bibical recorder and one of the Raleigh papers.

12. Resolved that the Steward be authorised to purchase a Regester. In which the visitors to the Institute shall be charged with thier respective amounts when paid annexed.

13. Resolved that the Secretary give notice in the Bibical recorder. that the Wake Forest Institute is now full of Students and therefore can take no more at present.

14 Resolved that a committee consisting of Dockery Battle and Armstrong be appointed to reinvestigate the accounts of the the Steward and funds of the Institute. & Report to morrow

15 Resolved that the Salary of the Steward be raised fifty dollars makeing it two hundred & fifty dollars Instead of two hundred dolls pr annum

16 Resolved that here after the Steward & Treasure be required to make Semi-annual returs of there Respective accounts to this body.

17 Resolved that all parrents and guardeans be resquested to furnish the Students with clothing at home as near as possible for the Year. and that this Resolution be published in the Bibical Recorder

18 A petetion presented by the Studants for the formation of a volenteer company. which was rejected by the board and that Bro. Hooper write them a note Stateing the objection & Inconsistancy

19 Resolved that the committee appointed for the reinvestigation of the accounts of the Steward and funds of the Institute have further time to report and that the same be refered to the examination of Amos J Battle the Present Agent. And that he reports to meeting of the Trustees.

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20. The committee appointed to settle the accounts with the Rev. William H Jordan former Agent Reported & Report Recd. See letter A.

21. Resolved that the Books and papers in possesion of Bro. Jordan former Agent be transfered to Bro. Amos J Battle present Agent

22. Resolved that the Books and papers in possesion of Bro. John Armstrong former Agent be transfered to Bro Amos P Battle present Agent

23. Resolved that the location of the professors building be left to the discretion of the building committee.

24 Resolved that each Student belonging to the Institute in future keep thier own accounts.

25 Resolved that three hours a day shall be the regular period of daily labour through out the week. except Saturdays. but that when the Faculty shall deem it expedient the term of two hours shall be sufficient. Resolved further that when the exegencies of the farm shall require it. the Students may be continued at labour so long as the Faculty shall think necessary.

26. Resolved that a committee of three persons be appointed whoes object it shall be to a [illegible] the best means for raising the Sum $16666.67 for the purpose of endowing a professorship in the Wake Forest Institute. which professorship shall be subsequently Fild. as shall be deemed best for the interest of the Institute.

27. Resolved that a committee of three be appointed consisting of Skinner Dockery and Hooper for the purpose of prepairing subscriptions to raise the $16666.67 mentioned in the above Resolution.

28 Resolved that the committee appointed on uniform have leave to Report at the next meeting of Trustees.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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Meeting of the Trustees at the Wake Forest. Institute on the twenty forth day of Nov. 1836 (being Thursday) present. Joseph B Outlaw. presedent. William Crenshaw Amoss P. Battle. John Culpepper Sr. David Thompson Charles W. Skinner. Reuben T. Sanders. John Armstrong. & William Roles Secretary. Prayer by Bro. Amoss J Battle.

On Motion Resolved that the proceeding of the last meeting of Trustees be Read.

Resolved that Brethren A. J. Battle & D Thompson be a Committee To Investigate the accounts of the Treasurer & Report during the present Meeting.

Resolved that a committee consisting of Thompson Battle & Roles be appointed to Investigate the accounts of the Steward and the Institute and report during the Present Meeting.

Resolved that a committee cosisting of Brethren. Sanders Culpepper & Skinner be appointed to Investigate the accounts of the farmer and farm and report during the present meeting.

Resolved that the Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute give William Crenshaw there Treasurer a Pledge for $2010.55 the ballance due hence to present date.

The Committee to Investigate the account of the Treasure. reported & Report recieved & Committee discharged.

ordered that the Steward of this Institute be Instructed to purchase 15000 pounds of pork for the benefit of the Institute the next Year.

Resolved that George Ryan the Steward for the next Year be allowed to bring with him 2 negroe woman for the use of the Institute and his own wife—

Adjourn till tomorrow 9 o clock A. M. prayer by Bro. Culpepper—

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Fryday Nov. 25 1836 The meeting opend at 9 o clock prayer by Bro. Meredeth.

Resolved that the Rev. John Armstrong be aded to the Committee to Investigate the accounts of the Steward and Institute.

Resolved that the Committee on the farm be allowed further time to report.

Resolved that A. J. Battle & David Thompson be a Committee to Audite the accounts of the Institute.

Resolved that A. J. Battle & C. W. Skinner be a Committee to wait on Bro. Graves to assertain wheather he will accept of Saluary of Six hundred dollars for his Services the next Year as a Tutor, and a house to be found him at $100. Rent.

Resolved that a Committee consisting of A. J. Battle & David Thompson be appointed to offer a Salary of four hundred dollars to procure the Services of Bro. Wilcox as Tutor the next Year for the Wake Forest Institute. and also offer Board for Bro Wilcox & family. together with $100. to move them from thier resedence at the north.

Resolved that $300 be appendd. to the report of the Committee on the farm for the expence of three work horses the past Year. and also $300. as an expence for the labouring hours the past Year.

Resolved that they Hay made on the farm at the Institute be Estimated at $20. and that the same be altered to the amount on the report of the Committee on the farm. Also that the Cotton made on the farm be Estimated at 3000 Pounds

The Committee on the farm reported & Report recieved and Committee discharged. See A.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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