Resolved. that the farmer be authorised to hire three black boys the Insuing Year to follow the plough.
Resolved that Bro. Wait be Imployd. as profesor for the Institute the next Year at a Salary of $1000. one thousand dollars and that a house be found him and his family clear of Rent.
Resolved. that Brethren Outlaw Crenshaw and Roles be a executive Committee for the Wake Forest Institute.
Resolved that the Facculty be Authorised Should it be necessary. to procure the Services of an English Teacher to devote a part of his time as a Teacher. and a part of his time to be Instructed by the profesors of the facculty as may be a greed on.
The committee appointed to wait on Bro Graves reported. that he accepted the Sum proposed as a Satisfactory Compensation for his Services the next Year, as Tutor.
Resolved that a Committee Consisting of Brethren Skinner Outlaw & Thompson be appointed to co. opperate with a Committee appointed by the Convention on the Expedency of procuring a profesorship at the Wake Forest Institute.
Resolved that Bro. Skinner be appointed to Consult with Mrs Blunt of Edenton. widow of the late John Blunt and his executors. on the Expedency of disposing of the property left to the Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute and the Investing the funds.
Resolved that a Committee Consisting of Brethren Armstrong & Crenshaw be appointed to consult with Captain Berry relative to the Cullors{?] necessary for the finishing the Collage building.
Resolved that the Students in future be required to pay $50. the first day Feby. and $50. the first day of July in each and every Year.
Resolved that the resolution requiring the Payment of $50. the first of Feby and first of July in every Year be published in the biblical recorder be the first day Feby 1837.
Resolved that the law providing five dollars a Year for Students pocket money be repealed.
Resolved that here after each Student recieve the amount of thier labour at the end of each month for pocket money.
Resolved that the law prohibiting Students from Purchasing any article from Stores without Consent of the Faculty be repealed.
Resolved that any of our Brethren be priviledged to contract for the building of a profesors house not to exceed $2500 nor the Improvement of the premises exceed $3000- the means for which to be furnished by any Bro. or friend who can wait for the Same at lawfull Interest. bill payment can be made by the proceeds of the Institute.
Resolved that the executive Committee be authorised to Contract with some person to cut ditches in the low grounds of the lands at the Institute.
Resolved that an order Issue for the payment of the Saleries of our profesors Stewart L Farmer -
On motion Resolved that we adjourn till the 3rd day of July next - prayer by Bro. Wait.
William Roles Secretary
Meeting of the trusted at Wake Forest Institute The 3rd day of July 1837.
Present John Purify. William Crenshaw. Thomas Crocker & David S. Williams. William F. Jordan. Amos J. Battle. Alfred Dockery. John Armstrong. T Sanders. Allen S. Wynn. Joseph B. Outlaw & William Roles
Prayer by Bro. Purify On motion resolved that the Committee appointed at the last meeting of Trustees to Audit the acts at the Institute read the report.
The Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Trustees to Wait on Bro. Wilcox to know if he accepts the offer made him by the Trustees as tutor at the Institute the next year. Reported. Report received & Committed discharge.
Resolved that brethren Jordan. Battle. Williams & Purifoy be a Committee to investigate the accounts of the Treasure and report during the present meeting that Battle be Chairman of Said Committee.
Resolved Brethren Battle Dockery & Armstrong be a Committee to investigate the accounts of the Steward & report during the present meeting.
Resolved that a committee of three be appointed consisting of Dockery. Jordan and Williams that Dockery be chairman of the Committee to inquire the cause or causes of the depreciation of the students from the Institute and report during the present meeting.
37 The Committee to investigate the Stewards account reported ordered that the report by all the table and the Committee be discharged.
The resignation of Aaron G Spivey one of the Trustees for the Wake Forest Institute was offered to this board and received.
Resolved that the collectors charge interest on all accounts now due the Institute from students.
Resolved that the President officially borrow one thousand dollars if neccessary to pay to our present Treasurer.
Resolved that Professor John Armstrong be permitted by this board to take a passage to England on his own expenses for the purpose of improving himself and that he has leave to remain two years except his services should be sooner required.
Resolved that Battle, Sanders, Armstrong, Dockery and Williams be a committee on the preparatory departments.
On Motion Resolved that all titles be dispensed of by this board in recording their resolutions & otherwise.
The Committee on the preparatory department reported report received and Committee discharged.
Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorised to employ a teacher as an assistant to take charge of the younger students of the school.
Where as Bro. John L Prichard now a student of the Wake Forest Institute being desirous of continuing as such, and not having the funds.
Resolved that he be permitted to continue though he may not pay the necessary amount for admission on his entrance. The Treasure taking his note for the amount.
Whereas the expences of the beneficeries of the convention, in consequence of no funds being in the education department of said convention, wherefore resolved that they be allowed to continue as students in this Institute.
Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorised to consider the expedency of purchasing six cows for the benefit of the Institutue and report to the next meeting of this board.
Resolved that Bro. Battle & Bro Jordan be authorised to prepair some writing in favour of the Conventional Institute and Baptist denomination and present to Bro. Merideth for publication.
Resolved that a priveledge be given the Rail Road Managers to run through the land of the Institute and also for a depot to be under the control of the Trustees of the Institutue.
Resolved that Bro. Wilcox be approved librarian for the library at the Institute in room of Bro. John Armstrong resigned.
That each member of the facility be required to enforce mildly but firmly all the laws of the Institute.