Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871

Meeting minutes of the Wake Forest College Board of Trustees, 1834-1871


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39 That each member of the faculty be required to have a room in the college building and regularly visit the rooms of the students.

That one or more of the faculty be required to preside over the students at their meals.

The duties of the steward shall embrace the following matters viz. to visit all unoccupied students rooms and out Houses and shall keep them locked & preserve the key.

He shall pay all neccessary attention to the students but shall in no case allow food to be carried into the college building except to a sick student. nor to leave before one of the Faculty shall have visited him.

He shall keep an account against each & and every student in which he shall be charged with all the injury he may do to the property of the Trustees and when the individual who does the injury shall be unknown the steward shall have a general account in which all such injuries shall be estimated and an average charge made upon all the students.

adjourned till the next meeting in course prayer by M. D. [Freeman?]

William Roles [Secr?]

Last edit 11 months ago by Emily@WFU
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Meeting of the Executive Committee at the Wake Forest Institute Nov. 27. 1837

Resolved that John B. White A.M. be & he is here by appointed to the Professorship of Mathematics & Natural Philosophy in the Institute at a salary of seven hundred dollars and his board per annum and furthermore Resolved that Daniel F Richardson A.M. be and he is hereby appointed to the Professorship of Ancient Languages in this Institution at a salary of seven hundred dollars and his board per annum.

Jos. B. Outlaw Chairman

Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Wake Forest Institute, held at the Institute June 28 1838. present. A. Dockery, W. Roles, W. Crenshaw, A. S. Wynn, D. S. Williams, D. Thompson, R. J. Saunders, D. Justice making eight.

Prayer by bro' Thompson.

On motion, resolved that bro's Wait, Justice & Meredith be appointed a committee to enquire into the expediency of laying off a [ Town ? ] at the Institute.

On motion, resolved that bro' Roles examine the steward's accounts and report at the next meeting.

On motion, resolved that bro's Wait & Roles be a committee to prepare letters and address the agents employed by the convention on the propriety of making public collections from those churches and congregations as are not in the habit of sending delegates to the convention. and on other matters relating to the welfare of the convention.

On motion resolved that the next meeting be held at Brown's M. House Sampson County during the convention.

Prayer by bro Wait.

William Roles Secretary

Last edit 11 months ago by Emily@WFU
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Amend Charter 41 Brown's meeting house Sampson's Co. Nov 6th 1838

At a called meeting of the board of trustees of the Wake Forest institute, Alfred Dockery was chosen President Pro. Tem of A. J. Battle Dec Sec' pro Tem.

Prayer by David Justice.

Members present, R.J. Landers, David Justice, Wm H. Jordan Chas W. Skinner, John Foushee David J Williams, John Purify, Leo Hufham, David Thompson and John Culpeper [Son's ?].

On motion resolved [underlined] that we legalise the proceeding of this board at their meeting June 28th last.

Report, [underlined] Bro Wait reported for the commitee appointed to enquire into the expediency of selling town lots at the Institute and recommended the sale of lots.

On motion resolved [underlined] that a portion of the land at the Wake Forest Institute be sold in suitable lots for family residences and other necessary purposes on condition that no gambling house, that no house or shop where spirit shall be kept for sale or that no other nuisance shall be put on them, and that a good Building be erected thereon and inhabited in the course of two years from the date of sale.

On motion resolved [underlined] that a committee of three be appointed and authorized to obtain the services of a surveyor and to have laid off the lots as above directed and report a flat of the [illegible] to the next meeting of the Board T. Meredith, R.T. Sanders and Wm Crenshaw were appointed that committee.

On motion resolved [underlined] that a committee of the two be appointed to examine the accounts of the Building committee and report to next meeting. and that A. Dockery and T. Meredith be that committee

On motion appointed [underlined] A. Dockery, G. Meredith and W. H. Jordan, a committee to recommend such ammendments to the charter of the Institute as they deem proper and to report on Monday

On motion resolved [underlined] that the law restricting reception [illegible] at the Institute to the age of twelve years be repealed.

Last edit 8 months ago by Emily@WFU
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+ Students not required to labor on farm

On Motion resolved that the law requiring the students to perform manual labor on the farm be suspended after this session.

On motion resolved that the President of this Board be authorised to give the bond of this Board to Charles W. Skinner and Amos J. Battle for the amount of money they may have to pay to Capt. John Berry for erecting the two Professor's houses, which bonds are to be made payable in five years from the date with interest on them annually.

Adjourned to Monday afternoon prayer by bro. Hufham

Not pursuant to Adjournment prayer by bro. T. Meredith

On motion, appointed a committee of three to select ten out of the nominations of the convention to be elected to fill vancancies in this Board. C. W. Skinner W. H. Jordan and A. J. Battle be that committee.

On motion appointed D. Thompson, C. W. Skinner and J. [ Evaston ? ] a committee to consult with a committee of the convention on the propriety of jointly meeting in the appointment of an agent to serve both bodies the ensuing year.

The Committee on nomination reported and the following persons were elected members of this board to wit. Thomas Meredith of Raleigh James McDaniel of Fayetteville James C. Stevenson of Newbern Thomas B. Barnett of Granville Godwin C. Moore of Hertford Samuel S. Wheeler of Murfreesboro' George W. Thompson of Wake Forest Foster Fort " " Samuel Wait " " Wm M. Crenshaw " "

Last edit 11 months ago by Emily@WFU
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+ new Charter 43

On motion a committee was appointed to report on the expediency of separating the stewards department from the literary. The committee reported in favor of separation, report received, and

On motion resolved that the Stewards department be separated as soon as circumstances shall justify.

On motion resolved that a committee of three be appointed to advertise and receive proposals in order to secure a suitable person to take charge of the Boarding house at the Wake Forest Institute. D. Justice G. W. Thompson and Wm Crenshaw be that committee

Adjourned till seven o'clock at night.

Prayer bro Purify.

Met pursuant to adjournment

Prayer by [crossed out]

The committee on the charter report that the following amendments be asked of the Legislature, namely, an extension of the time and capital, the power to confer degrees a change of name to Wake Forest College, and also that such restrictions be imposed as to prevent all kinds of nuisances on the premises - which report was received and A. Dochery, J. Meredith and A. J. Battle be a committee to secure the above object.

On motion resolved that the Secretary inform the newly elected Trustees of their appointment and to enquire if they will accept or not, and to request their attendence at the next meeting of the board.

Adjourned to meet at the Institute Nov 29. 1838

Prayer by bro. Wait A. J. Battle Sec. pro tem [illegible]

Last edit 10 months ago by Emily@WFU
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