Wake Forest College Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1871

Meeting minutes of the Wake Forest College Board of Trustees, 1834-1871


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President J.H.Mills D. Mr , D,D. B Mr. Skinner G. Mr Thompson (Marke) R.Mr Farmer

J. Mr Daniel

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Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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A record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees. May 3d. 1834.

The Board of Trustees convened at the Institute. The members present were, John Armstrong, John Culpeper Sen'r, Charles W. Skinner, Aaron Q. Spivy, W. Crenshaw W. Roles, John Purify, Tho. Crocker, Allen Bowden, Jas. B. Outlaw, Turner Carter, Daniel Boon, David Thomson, D. S. Williams Alfred Dockery. & A J Battle

The meeting was organized by calling D. Thomson to the Chair and appointing Geo. W. Thompson Secretary.

The first business which came before the meeting was the consideration of the Charter, which, after much deliberation, was accepted.

The meeting then proceeded to the election of Officers, which results as follows:— Wm. Hooper, President: Geo. N. Thompson, Secretary; Wm. Crenshaw, Treasurer.

Resolved that Wm. Crenshaw, Geo. W. Thompson, John Purify, Foster Fort, David Justice, and Wm. Roles be appointed an Executive Committee, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum.

A committee was creased consisting of Messrs. Carter, Dockery, Outlaw, Skinner, and Spivy, whose duty it was to present a plan of the buildings necessary for the successful prosecution of the objects of the Institute, and to report on monday next.

Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered to Gen. Alfred Dockery for his donation of a set of Blacksmith tools.

Resolved that the thanks of the Board be tendered to Charles W. Skinner for his donation of a bell.

Received by the hands of A. J. Spivy $103- from different [gap] of Bertie; also by the hands of David Thomson $1[gap] J Sec. Haywood. Adjourned untill Monday morning [gap] May 5th. The Board convened according[gap] appointment.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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2 The committee on buildings reports, and the Board passed the following resolutions, viz:

Resolved, That soon as the state of the funds will justify it, a house be constructed three stories high containing not less than ten rooms on a floor.

Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed to have prepared a draft of the Building, and to estimate the probable cost of constructing it, if brick and also if stone, and report at the next meeting of the Board.

Resolved, That the Executive Committee be instructed to adopt measures for the immediate erection of the following x buildings, viz: one two-storey house 50 feet by 30.— Also eight houses, 26 by 12, having stack chimneys with ten feet sheds.

Resolved, that there shall be an agent appointed, whose duty it shall be, to present to the people of the State, the objects of the Board, and to solicit aid for the erection of the above named buildings.

A committee consisting of Messrs Armstrong, Roles and Meredith, was appointed, whose duty it was made to arrange the Literary departments of the Institute.

A committee consisting of Messrs, Dockery, Outlaw and Williams, was appointed, whose duty it was to select an agent.

The committee on the Literary departments reported - upon which it was - Resolved

That the interest of the Institute require three seperate and distinct departments: Viz — 1st. of moral Philosophy and General Literature. 2d. Of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. 3d Of the Ancient Languages.

The following appointments were made: Rev. Samuel [illegible] A. M. Professor of Moral Philosophy and General [illegible]. Rev. Thomas Meredith, A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philisophy. Rev. John Armstrong [illegible] Professor of Ancient Languages. — Charles R. Meriam, [illegible]

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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Resolved that the resignation of Tho. Meredith Professor of Mathematicks & Natural Philosophy in the Institute be accepted.

X Resolved that a Com. of two, Profs. Armstrong & Wait be requested to report on the subject of Tutors. Reported by resolution. (J. E.)

Resolved that the Faculty be authorized ^to procure^ two Tutors & that the amount of remuneration be submitted to their discretion.

On motion resolved that a ^com.^ three, M C Allister Tho. Crocker & D. Williams wait on Capt. Berry to know the difference in laying the colledge Walls with brick & stone. Reported & report refered to Building Committee.

On motion Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Faculty to furnish all students who may honourably leave the Institute, with testimonials of their attainments & moral character.

On motion resolved that the former resolution treating the Col. building in front of the present mansion be rescinded.

On motion resolved that the Col. Buildings be located in the place of the present Mansion.

Resolved that J. B. Outlaw, W Crenshaw & G. W. Thompson be a committee to consider the extra charge made out by F. Fort for the building he erected, & report at next november meeting. see letter N.

Resolved that the report of the committee on the house built by Isham Young & the resolution growing out therefrom be rescinded.

Resolved that a committee consisting of I. B. Oulton Geo. W. Thompson & W. Crenshaw be appointed to whose discretion the whole matter with regard to the disputed buildings be submitted.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Jannyp
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