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Where as Bro. John L Prichard now a student of the Wake
Forest Institute being desirous of continuing as such,
and not having the funds.

Resolved that he be permitted to continue though he may
not pay the necessary amount for admission on
his entrance. The Treasure taking his note for the amount.

Whereas the expences of the beneficeries of the
convention, in consequence of no funds being in
the education department of said convention,
wherefore resolved that they be allowed to continue
as students in this Institute.

Resolved that the Executive Committee be authorised to
consider the expedency of purchasing six cows for the
benefit of the Institutue and report to the next meeting
of this board.

Resolved that Bro. Battle & Bro Jordan be authorised to prepair
some writing in favour of the Conventional Institute and
Baptist denomination and present to Bro. Merideth
for publication.

Resolved that a priveledge be given the Rail Road
Managers to run through the land of the Institute
and also for a depot to be under the control of
the Trustees of the Institutue.

Resolved that Bro. Wilcox be approved librarian for
the library at the Institute in room of Bro. John
Armstrong resigned.

That each member of the facility be required to enforce
mildly but firmly all the laws of the Institute.

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