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Wake Forest Institute Nov 29th. 1838

The meeting was called to order by appointing
bro' S. Wait Pres. pro tem and A. J. Battle Sec' pro tem.

Prayer by Wm H. Jordan.

Members present S. Wait, Wm Crenshaw, W. H. Jordan,
F. Fort, D. Justice, W. M. Crenshaw, G. W. Thompson, A. J.
Battle, R. B. Sanders.

On motion resolved that the collegiate and academical
years commence on the first Monday in August
and close on the third Thursday in June
and that the 3d Thursday of June be the day on
which the annual commencement shall be held.

On motion resolved that the first session begin the first
Monday in August and end the third Thursday
in December.

On motion resolved that the second session begin
on the second Monday in January following
the close of the first session and end the third Thursday
of June in each year.

The committee to receive proposals for stewardship
report, that bro. G. Ryan was the only one who had
applied. His terms were to board students, finding
washing, bedding and fire wood for the Institute from its
lands at $8 per month and that he have at reasonable
valuation the furniture be of the Institute.

On motion resolved that Bre'n Fort, Thompson & Crenshaw
be a committee to appraise the Institute
property that Bro' Ryan may and require of him a bond
of three thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his

On motion resolved that bro Wait be allowed the use of the
[illegible] bag[?] in his agency.

On motion appointed Wm Crenshaw, Foster Fort, David Justice,
George W. Thompson and Wm M. Crenshaw an executive
committee to transact the business of the board in its absence.

Notes and Questions

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Line 15 - '3d' - not sure how to superscript the d


Minutes a little faded in places


I've inserted a mark-up tag that I think will support superscript in Line 15 but will monitor how it appears when published. Thanks!