On motion resolved that Stephen Morse Esqr be appointed
adjunct Professor of Languages and Principal
of the Preparatory department of the Wake Forest
Institute at a salary of $800. per year.
On motion resolved that the appointment of Professors
White and Richardson by the executive committee
in Nov 27. 1837 be confirmed and that they be
continued at a salary of $800. each a year.
On motion adjourned to Tuesday the 18th December 1838.
Meetings of the Trustees Wake Forest Institute Dec 18th 1838
Prayer bro Jordan
Present. J.B. Outlaw, T. Meredith, W. H. Jordan, W. Crenshaw,
A.I. Wynn, F. Barnett, W.M. Crenshaw, F. Fort, G.W. Thompson,
S. Wait, A.J. Battle. Appointed J.B. White sec. pro. tem.
On motion resolved that bro Wait have the black [illegible] at
The committee to take G. Ryan's bond and report that he
has not given bond, and that he gives up his contract.
On motion resolved that bre'n Barnett, Thompson and Meredith
be a committee to examine the steward's account and report.
Adjourned to ten oclock tomorrow. Prayer
Met pursuant to adjournment Dec 19. 1838
Prayer by bro Wait.
The committee on the Treasury reported report received
and com. discharged.
On motion resolved that the committee on the steward's
account be instructed to enquire what
property belonging to the Institute the steward
has disposed of, and that they direct the steward to charge
Marcus Ryan for board of himself & family $12 per month
children and servents half price and ,50 cts per day for horses
On motion resolved that when we adjourn we do so to
meet on Tuesday after the first Monday of Feb.
On motion resolved that br'n Wait and Battle a com. to settle with the [illegible]
of the building committee. The com. reported, and was accepted.
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