

Status: Page Status Transcribed


Resolved, that the resolution of a former
meeting requiring the purchasers of lots to
improve them in two years be reconsidered
and also resolved that the same be

Adjourned till 6 1/2 in the evening.


Met pursuant to adjournment.


Moved that the Petition from the students
be refered to the Faculty.

Moved that the former motion be reconsidered.

Moved that the servant be required to sweep
the College passages every other day during
the year - during cold weather the servant
shall cut & carry the students wood, and
also carry water - during warm weather
shall sweep the rooms and make beds.

Moved that bro' Wynn shall have $5. per
month for boarding clothing and for
paying the taxes of the servant. Mr Wynn
agrees to this.

Moved that Dr Crenshaw procure
a College servant.

Moved that the woods adjoining Mr [ Gavin ? ]
Holden shall not be entered for wood the
ensuing year.

Moved that the purchase of lots have a credit
of one year from the first of January last
with interest from the day of purchase.

Moved that bre'n Wynn and White be a committee
to sell lots during the absence of the Board.

Moved that a committee be appointed to report
on a plan for establishing a Theological department
in the college & that bre'n Crocker, Richardson & White
be appointed.

The committee for appraising the Lots reported

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