Wake Forest College June 12 1850
The Trustees Mett according to adjournment.
Present. S Wait President. J S Purify Secretary. G.W. Purify
G W Thompson Dr Will Crenshaw, Dr. S.J. Wheeler Wm Jones
D Justice N.J. Palmer G.W. Jones, H. Hester A. Dockery,
Rhodes N. Herndon also appeared accepted the appointment of a trustee
and took his seat. Prays by Rev S.W. Purify
On Motion
Resolved that A Committee of Five be appointed to report on
the expediency of raising funds to establish a profesorship and if thought
advisable a plan to carry it into effect. Committee G.W. Thompson
N.J. Palmer W.M. Crenshaw D. Justice J.S. Purify.
The Committee reported in favour of the project and submits
the following as the Plan. 1 - That a good & suitable
agent be employed at a salary not to exceed Eight Hundred
Dollars to get subscriptions for said object. 2. that any
person contributing Ten Thousand Dollars for the endow-
ment of a professorship shal have the liberty of giving
the professorship his or her own [ Name? ] or any other [the donor?]
may think proper.
On Motion
Brethren Thompson, Palmer & Dockery were
appointed a committee to secure the services of an agent and
report tomorrow morning 8 o'clock
Rev J. Merian reports on his agency as follows
Received on W.H. Jordans subscription book | 2020.00 |
" " J.J. James " book | 1540.00 | |
" " T. Crocker " " | 72.61 | 2246.61 |
Paid on the Bond held by John Berry | 2242.00 [underlined] | |
[no text] | 461 | |
" " in cash new subscription | 1500 [underlined] | |
" balance cash Collected & Recd | 19.61 |
Notes and Questions
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A couple of words I am not able to read / transcribe. Errors left as per script. Also I cannot underline the figures as per original transcript. Is there a way to underline in this programme ?

Yes! That formatting is difficult. I may return to review. For now we will use these conventions for underlines:
"If a word is underlined, type the word followed by [underlined]. For a series of underlined words, write [underlined] after each. For a sentence, type the sentence followed by [sentence underlined]."