The Board met June 8th 1852
Present President Wait Dr W. M Crenshaw J S
Wheeler D S Williams Wm Jones S J Biddle Jr
J Palmer J J James Jas S Purify & D S Bro
Williams. Bro Purify Resigned as Secretary
On Motion a committee was raised on the Agency to
report during this meeting the rest appointed as the ,comt,
J.J. James J.S. Purify S.J. Wheeler N.J. Palmer
S J Biddle & Prof J.B. White
On Motion the degree of Batchelor of Arts was con,
ferd on the graduating Class to wit
Resolved that we appoint a committee of three to report
on the Presidency The Committee consisting of Wm
Jones S Williams M Crenshaw & D.S. Williams
After Noon Session
President Wait in the chair Present D.S. Williams
J J Jones S J Wheeler R N Herndon James
N. Patterson. Dr W M Crenshaw N.J. Palmer
Wm. Jones S. J Biddle M P Biddle S
[illegible] Bro Biddle. N J Palmer was appointed, Sec,
Pro Tem.
On Motion President White was Elected truste also
A.G. Jones P.A. Dunn W.W. Vafs G.G. Reed
Dr S.S. Satchal A M Louis was Elected member
of the Board also in place of George W Jones S. Leigh
On Motion the directing of president of the R & G R
Road are requested to build a reception at this place
and that the Secretary of this meeting bring this
matter to their notice -
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