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Three hundred Dollors per anum the Resignation
of President White as Treasurer was read and
John M. Brewer was appointed in his place
By the recommendation of the Faculty the degree of
A.M. was Conferd on D S Richerdson of Franklin
Co. Also on T.W. Bey of Raleigh NC

On Motion of S.S. Biddle N.J. Palmer &
Dr Wm M Crenshaw was appointed a Committee to
have the College building Insured to the Amt of
ten thousand Dollars in two differant companies
and that the treasurer pay the amt of insurances

On Motion the Revt Jas. S. Purify Wm Jones Wm
M Crenshaw & S.S. Biddle be appointed a Comt
on the Presidency and if President whether dose
Resign he be also aded to the Committee to recom
mend a suitable succesor [?] and report to a meeting of
the Board to be holden in Smithfield Johnston
Co. NC. the Board Adjourned to meet at the Call
of the President of the Board M R [?] J.J. James

P A Dunn Sec

Smithfield Johnston Co. NC Oct 16th 1852

The Board Met Present D.S. Williams H. Hester
Elias Dodson J.B. White S S Biddle A.J. Palmer
J. Patterson P.A. Dunn President of the Board
being absent Revt D.S. Williams whos Call to Chair
D. P. B Dodson The proceeding of last meeting
was read The Committee to have the College Insured
was Continued. The committee In house was refered
The subject of the Presidency made their report and
the same was Recd. The Committee appointed to visit
Normal & Davidson Colleges to Carry out a resolution
[illegible] at our last meeting made a report and and
after som remarks the Committee was Continued

Notes and Questions

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Lots to review on this one - it is quite difficult to read in places


This one was very tricky, but I think you got most of it. I made minor edits and maintained some illegible notations. Thank you!