Night Session -
Board met. Trustees present
R.R. Overly, J.S. Purefoy, T.E. Skinner
J. Poteat, E. Dodson, F.M. Jordan, C W.
Skinner Snr., T.B. Kingsbury, G.R. French
Jas. McDaniel, W.T. Walters & W.T. Brookes.
On motion the degree of D.D. was
conferred upon Elder A. McDowell, of
Murfreesboro. N.C.
Moved & carried that the times of beginning
& closing the Sessions & the vacations propo-
sed by the Faculty be approved.
Elders W.M. Wingate, W.T. Walters
Jas. S. Purefoy & W.T. Brooks, were ap-
pointed a committee to confer with
the Philomathesean Society relative to
the damages done to their Society Hall.
On motion the Education
Board was requested to pay the
room rent of Beneficiaries.
Moved & carried that no
tuition be charged Robert [Bitham ? ]
Scholarships. Moved, That the Trustees
approve the action of the Faculty in decla-
ring to receive the interest on Scholarships
in payment of tuition owing to the
heavy losses of endowment.
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