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Wake Forest College June 7. 1870

Board of Trustees met. Members present - Brooks
Carroll, Mills, Foote, Pritchard, Vann, Walters, Pure-
foy, John Mitchell, Jordan.

On motion Eld. J. Mitchell was appointed
Chairman pro. tem. Prayer by Dr. Pritchard.

The committee on the right of Maj. Vass to
a seat in the Board reported, [ ? ] on motion
the action of the Board vacating his seat
was rescinded and his name ordered
to be enrolled again on the list of

On motion Dr Pritchard was
appointed to inform Maj. Vass of this

The Committee to write articles
in the Recorder in regard to the College
reported nothing due, and were on
motion discharged.

On motion brethren Purefoy, Walters and
Mills were appointed a Committee on the

Dr W. Royall having tendered his
resignation as a member of the Faculty a
committee consisting of J.L. Carroll, J.H.
Foote and W.T. Brooks were appointed
to confer with him in regard to the same.

The Treasurer offered his report which was
on motion approved.

On motion the [Treas.? ], was instructed to return
to [J.H. Candler ?] his note given for the endow-
ment of the College.

On motion agreed to return to F.M. Jordan
his old note made to the endowment of
the College.

The President of the College having read his annual
report as much of it as related to the improvement

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Quite a lot of illegible text here (to me :) )