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of the grounds was opened to a Committee
consisting of J.S. Purefoy, J.L. Carroll and
F.M. Jordan.

The part relating to the Commercial department
was refered to a Committee consisting of W.T.
Walters, T.H. Pritchard and A.R. Vann.

On the part relating to [ Calendar ? ] - W.T. Brooks
Mills and Foote.

Upon the recommendation of the Faculty the de-
gree of A.B. was confered upon W. Bland of
New Hanover, S.W. Brewer of College Hill,
M.L. Fowler, Wake, G.W. Green of
Coldwell, R.E. Royall of College Hill,
and C.M. Seawell of Moore.

The degree of A.M. was confered in course
upon Rev. Wm Brunt of Fayetteville, and
causa honoris upon Mr. Julian Henry Piers
of Murfreesboro.

The degree of [ D.M. ? ] was conferred
upon Rev. W.T. Brooks of Wake Forest and
Prof. C.H. Loy of the Theol. Sem. of Greenville
S. Carolina.

On motion Hon. John Kerr was elected
a member of the Board.

A Com. consisting of Brooks, Carroll
and Jordan was appointed to nominate
suitable persons to fill vacancies in the

Adjourned to 3 P.M.

Afternoon Session.

Met according to adjournment.

Prof. Walters was called to the chair and
J.L. Carroll appointed Sec. pro. tem.

The report of the Bursar was read, and
J.M. Jordan was appointed to audit said

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