On motion the supplement to the Bursars report
was referred to the Committee on Agency.
On motion W.H. Avera and G.W. Blount
were elected to fill vacancies in the Board.
On motion adjourned.
Wednesday Morning June 8.
On the meeting of the Board Dr. Brooks was
called to the chair pro. tem.
Prayer by Eld. Jordan.
Dr. Bower's havin resigned the position of
Sec. to the Board. J.L. Carroll was elected
in his stead.
On motion of Dr. Pritchard the [ ? }. as depart-
ments was requested to submit to the Board
a specific report on the campus improvements.
Members present this morning - Mills, Vann,
Walters, Carroll, Purefoy, Avera, Heck, Jordan,
Brooks, J. Mitchell, W.H. Mitchell, G.W. Thompson
Overly and Pritchard.
Afternoon Session.
On motion of J.H. Mills the Faculty
was authorized to employ a tutor.
On motion the [ ? ] was authorized to
compromise a note against R.D. Walters
deceased for $5000.
The Com. on Dr. Royall's
resignation having reported, on motion
the Dr. was unanimously requested to with-
draw it.
On motion bro. J. Mitchell was put
on the Auditing Com. in place of bro.
Foote absent.
The report of the Com. on [Calendar ? ] was
on motion laid on the table.
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