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On motion R.H. Marsh and B.G. Covington were
elected to fill the places of A. Dockery and
J.J. James.


Thursday Morning June 9.

Members present - Mills, J. Mitchell, W.H. Mitchell, Vann
Walters, Overly, Marsh, Covington, Pritchard, Avera,
Purefoy, Brooks, Jordan, Blount and Carroll.

The Sec, having read a communication from Dr.
Royall insisting on his resignation, it was on
motion accepted.

On motion W.T. Brooks, W.T.
Walters, T.H. [ ? ] and J.L. Carroll were
appointed on the Executive Committee.

On motion the Committee on Agency was dis-

The following resolutions were adopted -
Resolved, that the appointment of an
Agent is important.
Resolved, that the Ex. Com. be instructed
to secure the services of some suitable
man as Agent at as early a day as

The Committee on Com. Dep. recom-
mended that the Burser be instructed to
devote a sum of money not exceeding $100.
to its better mangement.

The recommendation was adopted.

On motion the Com. to audit the Bursar's
report was discharged and the report referred
to the Auditor.

On motion Prof. W.B. Royall was
requested to fill his Father's place in the Faculty
till further arrangements can be made.

On motion, the matter of supplying any
additional instruction that may be necess-
ary was left to the Ex. Com. in con-

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