Mr. Scarboro having declined to act as Tutor
upon a salary of $500, the Executive Committee
at a succeeding meeting offered him $600, which
he accepted.
Carroll - Sec.
The Executive Committee met August 12th 1870
and elected Charles E. Taylor of Wa, Assistant Prof.
of Languages; it being left to his option to
[enter? ], upon his duties at the beginning
of the 1st or the 2nd term of the session.
On motion Dr. Pritchard was appointed
to write to Prof. Taylor and inform him
of this proceeding.
On motion it was ordered that the
expenses, of the President be paid when
travelling in the interest of the College.
Raleigh, N.C. Dec. 11. 1870.
The Board met in basement of Baptist Church at 7 O'clock P.M.
President, Dr. Brooks in the Chair.
Members present - W.T. Brooks, W.T. Walters, J.H. Mills
S.S. Biddle, F.M. Jordan, Haynes Lennon, R.R. Overly,
W.R. Gaultney, James Poteat, R.H. Marsh, J.D. Huf-
ham, J.C. Hiden, W.H. Avera, J.S. Purefoy,
W.H. Mitchell, B.G. Covington, J.M. Heck,
T.H. Pritchard, G.W. Sanderlin and J.L. Carroll,
Pending a motion to appoint Rev. A.M.
Poindexter of Wa. Agent of the College, the
Board was lead in prayer by Rev. John
Mitchell. After remarks by brethren, Pritchard
Wingate, James, Mills, Walters, Overly, Purefoy,
Jordan and Avera the motion was
adopted. On motion the Ex. Committee
were authorized to correspond with Dr.
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